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September 19, 2022, the glorious sun glistens and gleams in the crystal blue sky.

The sun shines

and sparkles like a freshly cut 24-carat diamond encrusted upon a regal crown. Taking advantage

of such extraordinary weather. I decided to finish my irritating homework outside. After fifteen

minutes of hard work, my homework was almost done. I put the finishing touches on my project.

When all of a sudden, dark, dreadful and dastardly cumulonimbus clouds engulfed the once

immaculate heavens. The buoyant British-Columbian biosphere transmuted into an eerie shade

of grey. Panic proliferated throughout my whole body when I realized that a thunderstorm had


“Boom!” Screeched a lethal lightning bolt as it struck my English homework.

The bolt of pure energy missed me by a mere millimetre. Three hundred million vicious

volts of electricity became embedded in my homework. To my utter disbelief, my work was

intact, and not a single scratch or scuff was found. However, upon further inspection my

homework was not the same – it was alive. It had sprung long arms and slender legs. My

homework quivered and shrieked as it tried to get up. Similar to an elderly turtle that had been

placed on its back. Eventually, it stood tall like a mighty oak tree and I saw a face so hideous that

it would remain forever etched in my memory. The blood-curdling abomination had grown one

menacing eye and was staring directly at me. The pupil was darker than the souls of malevolent

madmen who murdered millions. Moreover, the jagged teeth of this beast were not neat nor

discreet and could slice everything even concrete.

It was not homework anymore. Before I could wrap my head around the startling

situation the lethal living entity leaped towards the tool shed and pulled out a chainsaw. As the

chainsaw-wielding maniac was charging towards me, I told it to stop and I asked why it wanted

me to die.
The bamboozled brute came to a standstill and said “I don’t want to be homework. I

never chose this life, I never wanted to be associated with academia. I had dreams before I

became your English homework. I wanted to be art, I wanted to be displayed in a museum, I

wanted to be admired, but you took that away from me. Being homework is a sad life. A student

writes all over you and then you get marked by a teacher and then you get recycled. Meaningless

in its truest form!”

I was stunned by the revelations of my homework. I understood that I robbed this piece

of paper of its future. I tried to sympathize with my work. However, I explained to the saddened

soul that I had to hand it in because I did not want to receive a bad mark, but to no avail. My

homework was filled with rage and turned on the chainsaw, it started sprinting straight at me. It

was at this moment when I realized that all hope was lost. Without a moment to spare I ran to the

stairs and made a quick prayer that the beast would not find me up there. Yet to my despair he

was already there and I let out an extremely bad swear. I found myself stuck in the corner of my

sundeck. I closed my eyes and I knew it was time that this crazy coot would commit a crime. The

ear-splitting noise of the chainsaw grew louder and louder as it neared my head. The chainsaw

touched my fragile neck, it was about to make a giant peck. However, there was no sound of

blood splattering nor bones breaking, I did not feel rivers of cold blood flowing down my body.

Abruptly, there was quietude, a silence that I have never experienced. Shortly after, I heard a

deafening thud and I opened my right eye. I saw no blood because the chainsaw was in a pile of

mud. I looked up and I saw that it was raining. I examined the sundeck floor and I saw a white

puddle, the paper had dissolved in the acidic rainwater. Thus, the abomination lost grip of the

chainsaw, sending the saw on a one-storey fall. At the end of the day, what remained of my
project was a wet goop of paper. My homework was gone, it had passed away and will Rest In

Peace in its watery grave.

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