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Programme: PhD Computer science and Engineering

Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Unit I:

Data Representation and Engineering Features: Getting Started with Python: Key concepts;
Introduction to Machine Learning: History and Evolution – Artificial Intelligence Evolution – Different
Forms – Machine Learning Categories – Frameworks for building ML system; Machine Learning
Python Packages; Fundamentals of Machine Learning: ML perspective of Data – Scales of
Measurement – Feature Engineering – Exploratory Data Analysis

Unit II

Supervised Learning: Regression – Correlation and causation – Fitting a slope – Polynomial

Regression – Multivariate Regression – Multicollinearity and variation inflation factor (VIF) –
Interpreting the OLS Regression – Regression diagnosis – Regularization – nonlinear Regression

Supervised Learning: Classification – Logistic Regression – Stochastic Gradient descent –

Regularization – Multiclass Regression – Generalized Linear Models – Decision Trees – Support vector
Machine (SVM) – K Nearest Neighbors (kNN) – Time series forecasting – Evaluating a classification
model performance – RoC Curve

Unit III:

Unsupervised Learning process: Types of Unsupervised Learning – Challenges in Unsupervised

learning – Preprocessing and scaling – finding value of K - Dimensionality Reduction, Feature
Extraction Clustering – K-means clustering – agglomerative clustering – DBSCAN – comparing and
Evaluating clustering Algorithm –– Hierarchical Clustering

Unit IV:

Deep and Reinforcement Learning: Artificial Neural Network – Perceptron – Multilayer Perceptrons
o Restricted Boltzman Machine (RBM) – MLP using Keras – Autoencoders – Convolution Neural
Network (CNN) – Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) – Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) – Transfer
Learning – Reinforcement Learning

Unit V

Model Diagnosis and Tuning: Optimal Probability cutoff point – Imbalanced Dataset – Bias and
Variance – K-Fold Cross-validation – Stratified K-fold cross-validation – Ensemble Methods – Bagging
– Boosting – Ensemble Voting – Hyperparameter tuning.

Text Books:

1. Mastering Machine Learning with Python in Six Steps Manohar, Swamynathan, 2017, Apress
Media. DOI 10.1007/978-1-4842-2866-1,
2. Introduction to Machine Learning with Python, Andreas C. Müller and Sarah Guido, 2016,
First Edition, O’Reilly Media, Inc.

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