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Question 1. Lan slept very yesterday because her new bed was really comfortable.
A. intensely B. heavily C. soundly D. actually
Question 2. Numerous solutions have been proposed to the problem of university graduates
being unemployed.
A. pose B. admit C. address D. create
Question 3. This is just a temporary to stop the problem from getting worse.
A. aim B. measure C. development D. opportunity
Question 4. John tried hard to his father's approval for studying abroad because he’s the only
child of his family.
A. win B. defeat C. succeed D. beat
Question 5. You should seek advice from your brother because he knows a lot about the of
running a hotel business.
A. structures B. mechanics C. incentives D. constituents
Question 6. John found the temptation to miss the class too hard to , so he decided to play
A. resist B. deny C. refuse D. disapprove
Question 7. My uncle decided to hand in his resignation because he realized he didn’t have
of promotion.
A. visions B. posts C. scenarios D. prospects
Question 8. The convention is an opportunity to your business knowledge and polish your
networking skills.
A. deduct B. enhance C. assure D. access
Question 9. My vegetarian diet seems to be because I’ve lost five pounds since I started this
A. operating B. working C. performing D. driving
Question 10. The judge has decided to his decision until a later date because there wasn’t
enough evidence.
A. preserve B. reserve C. maintain D. conserve
Question 11. There has been a(n) of interest in dating apps in many parts of the world in the
last 4 years.
A. outbreak B. breakthrough C. explosion D. advent
Question 12. Governments have already made significant steps to minerals and natural
resources for our next generations.
A. handle B. remain C. husband D. shoulder
Question 13. My wife her career to have children, despite the fact that she would have loved
to continue working.
A. devoted B. repealed C. abolished D. sacrificed
Question 14. Government inspectors will the progress of the scheme so that it can be done
A. make B. track C. put D. hold
Question 15. I hope you would spend less time playing video games and more time doing something
A. welcome B. enviable C. feasible D. worthwhile
Question 16. Tabloid magazines still exist for the reason that most people enjoy gossips about
celebrities’ private lives.
A. juicy B. meaty C. fruity D. fleshy
Question 17. We really appreciate your to our administration and your help when needed.
A. completion B. addition C. dedication D. rejection
Question 18. Don't wait for Adam to buy you a drink - he's too .
A. tight-fisted B. highly-strung C. pig-headed D. easy-going
Question 19. A fashionista herself, Katherine is about her clothes, especially when she goes to
important events with other celebrities.
A. receptive B. creditable C. particular D. feasible
Question 20. When I had such difficulties, my uncle was and assured me that no matter what I
did, he would support me.
A. busy B. supportive C. dull D. excited
Question 21. I am to come to the interview on Tuesday morning, please apologize for my
A. capable B. excused C. unable D. disliked
Question 22. Eventually, her paid off and she won a contract with a major recording
A. perseverance B. success C. respect D. generosity
Question 23. My application was not accepted; more than 3.400 people applied, but only 30 were
chosen. Apprenticeships were extremely _ , I realized.
A. overloaded B. crowding C. competitive D. difficult
Question 24. The atmosphere of the funeral was very . Everybody looked very serious.
A. solemn B. difficult C. delightful D. entertaining
Question 25. As a teacher, I am always eager to find innovative ways to a love of learning in
my students.
A. institute B. inscribe C. instill D. inspect
Question 26. A new TV show has sparked by showing the positive side of dropping out of college.
A. controversy B. argument C. contention D. debate
Question 27. Information is gathered into a profile and analytical software conclusions about the
customer’s likely interests.
A. draws B. falls C. commits D. compromises
Question 28. Tommy made a clean of it and admitted that he had taken the money.
A. head B. tongue C. breast D. heart
Question 29. It’s believed that the volcano is , but the seismologists suspect it might erupt one day.
A. extinguished B. extinct C. exhausted D. expelled
Question 30. The majority of the political prisoners were right after the collapse of the repressive
A. removed B. dispatched C. evicted D. released
Question 31. I need Tom to water these plants – the soil is as dry as a .
A. bat B. tomb C. bone D. post
Question 32. Jennifer is going for a walk in the park. Do you want her to you company?
A. keep B. follow C. ward D. stay
Question 33. Jimmy seemed to be in a rush, so he only wished his friend many happy _ of his
A. days B. returns C. moments D. regards
Question 34. In the near-term future, we a range of natural extensions of this technology to
encompass more human functional abilities.
A. envision B. expose C. display D. appear
Question 35. Responding to the recent of _ nCoV, Vietnam is giving high priority to the
prevention and combat of this epidemic.
A. outburst B. outbreak C. outcome D. outset
Question 36. James doesn’t see her grandchildren very often so she a real fuss of them when she
A. makes B. takes C. gets D. does
Question 37. You should watch the way Bob handles seeds or berries and you know he’s got a green
A. finger B. neck C. head D. thumb
Question 38. The new law provides a(n) for that company to invest in recycling equipment.
A. resolution B. incentive C. point D. target
Question 39. He was in with his last company, which had terminated his contract.
A. disorder B. dispute C. pollution D. junk
Question 40. Most parents are worried when they discover their children have been playing from
A. truant B. runaway C. absent D. joyride
Question 41. Is it right to say all the crimes she committed were simply the result of her ?
A. upbringing B. upstanding C. upkeep D. uphold
Question 42. Before filling in the questionnaire, you may take your .
A. minute B. time C. thinking D. while
Question 43. From that point on, he apparently developed a bad drinking and struggled with various
health problems.
A. guilt B. character C. disposition D. habit
Question 44. Jimmy her compliments on her handling of a very difficult situation.
A. paid B. gave C. made D. said
Question 45. Tom’s total for other people’s feelings really can’t be ignored any longer.
A. unfamiliarity B. carelessness C. disregard D. inattention
Question 46. Hannah likes to take things when she’s on holiday.
A. easy B. loose C. nice D. fine
Question 47. Many young people try to master the new technology to improve the life of these
A. expectation B. unexpectedly C. expectancy D. expectant
Question 48. Charles seems to an enormous amount of satisfaction from restoring old houses.
A. derive B. possess C. seize D. reach
Question 49. If the new law had been on by the Parliament, there would have been a great
dissatisfaction in the lower social groups.
A. accepted B. admitted C. adopted D. agreed
Question 50. People under eighteen aren’t _ for membership in this association.
A. viable B. eligible C. permissible D. legal
Question 51. You should never lose your _ with the students – It’ll only make things worse.
A. attitude B. mind C. temper D. personality
Question 52. I think he took at my lack of enthusiasm for the work, which accounted for the fact
that he decided to replace me with the new employee.
A. hatred B. nerve C. offence D. anger
Question 53. Under a new law, universities must smoke-free policies on their campuses.
A. enact B. deliver C. perform D. hold
Question 54. I just can’t understand what him to do something so drastic.
A. sent B. prompted C. arose D. resulted
Question 55. The defendant guilty to the charge of manslaughter of two people, which
occurred in Turmoil city last night.
A. admitted B. stated C. pleaded D. confirmed
Question 56. I asked her if she’d returned home, and she told me to _ my own business.
A. care B. mind C. watch D. attend
Question 57. Janet called her new boyfriend by her previous boyfriend’s name – It was just a of
the tongue.
A. error B. mistake C. fault D. slip
Question 58. Chris must get to the of that matter if he wants to be successful in the long run.
A. ground B. basis C. threshold D. bottom
Question 59. Can you be responsible for these notices everywhere around town, please?
A. dispersing B. distracting C. disturbing D. disrupting
Question 60. Luka said it was disgraceful that Mike had turned his _ on one of her oldest and closest
A. fist B. neck C. head D. back
Question 61. Ancelotti did his reputation on the success of the project.
A. stake B. dare C. expose D. venture
Question 62. The company had to make to those who suffered ill health as a result of chemical
A. compensation B. reward C. penalty D. reparation
Question 63. We need to make the transition towards an energy economy which is not on fossil
A. determined B. reliant C. dependable D. exposed
Question 64. Nature is always with the inland man, supporting him and saving him from enemies.
A. operated B. allied C. accompanied D. contacted
Question 65. The fines are large enough to be an effective against speeding and running a
red light.
A. deterrent B. impairment C. inhibition D. adversity
Question 66. This region of unusual geological features is home to a number of endangered ,
including ocelot and jaguar.
A. kinds B. species C. races D. breeds
Question 67. Because of the war, the refugees were allowed to _ in the UK.
A. remain B. divide C. occupy D. reform
Question 68. To the best of my , she only met Tim once when we were on summer vacation to
Phu Quoc island last year.
A. thinking B. recollection C. kind D. remembrance
Question 69. Overseas payments could keep the country in the for the next decade.
A. red B. black C. grey D. blue
Question 70. The bread is still just edible after 24 hours, but it will have gone after seven days.
A. rusty B. mouldy C. spoiled D. sour
Question 71. You just need to get some sleep, and then you’ll be right as again.
A. log B. rain C. wave D. thunder
Question 72. Clearly, many corporations today require loyalty and support from their employees.
A. unmoving B. unbending C. unfailing D. unfeeling
Question 73. When I was a little boy, I was convinced there was a monster which was in my closet.
A. launching B. lurching C. luring D. lurking
Question 74. He’s very about the basement – everything is always perfectly clean and in its
A. particular B. receptive C. creditable D. feasible
Question 75. Jordes should a good example to his little brother by helping his mother with the
A. raise B. hold C. set D. make
Question 76. Despite our best efforts, we have not been able to enough money to renovate the
school buildings.
A. raise B. compose C. rear D. score
Question 77. I went to see Lady Gaga in concert last night - she really brought down the . It was a
thrilling experience.
A. house B. rain C. roof D. kennel
Question 78. When Andrew noticed his car had been scratched after letting his friend borrow it, he was
with anger.
A. stored B. fixed C. loaded D. filled
Question 79. The trading company that he set up a year ago has recently gone to the due to the
huge financial losses it has made.
A. lamb B. wall C. rule D. home
Question 80. With a view to discussing my work in English, I hired an instructor to assist me to
improve my language skills.
A. expressively B. articulately C. ambiguously D. understandably
Question 81. You should avoid betting on Maximum. In my opinion, the horse doesn’t a chance
of winning the race.
A. win B. rise C. stand D. play
Question 82. I wouldn’t have realized the possible risk of setting the factory on fire if James hadn’t
my attention to it.
A. sought B. drawn C. showed D. caught
Question 83. She has lived in Hai Phong for over 20 years so she knows the city like the back of her
A. head B. leg C. face D. hand
Question 84. It was time we went home after spending the entire morning in the neighbor's yard.
A. only B. just C. about D. near
10. As a young actress, she the temptation to move to Hollywood.
A. defied B. refused C. resisted D. opposed
Question 85. Why don’t we call it a ? It’s got too dark to go on repairing the bridge.
A. frame B. way C. matter D. day
Question 86. Don’t forget to thank aunt Betty warmly. She’s really gone to great to buy that
dictionary for you.
A. pains B. point C. motion D. air
Question 87. The smile on the woman's face let us realize that our visit to their home was
A. artificial B. fictional C. stimulating D. forged
Question 88. Paul’s been in Christina’s bad ever since he embarrassed her at the birthday party.
A. eyes B. books C. likes D. treats
Question 89. I don’t really like Katherine, she seems to take too much in criticizing everyone,
especially her friends.
A. joy B. fascination C. pleasure D. entertainment
Question 90. It’s a chance of a lifetime for me to see Jungkook, so I’ll try to the most of it.
A. catch B. do C. fulfill D. make
Question 91. If you your trust in me, everything will work out all right.
A. place B. forward C. allow D. reject
Question 92. They are still suffering from nervous tension after their escape last night. Their car
stopped right at the river bank.
A. narrow B. fine C. near D. slight
Question 93. I hope you won’t take if I say that your work needs more improvement to be
A. hatred B. nerve C. offense D. anger
Question 94. Jackson will never let you down, he’s a man of his and he won’t break his promise.
A. order B. word C. sentence D. breath
Question 95. They said I’d be on for the first two or three weeks because they want to find out
more about my skills.
A. testing B. examination C. inspection D. probation
Question 96. Of course, we don’t need this dictionary at the moment, but in the long it may prove
extremely useful.
A. run B. time C. future D. perspective
Question 97. She may still have a few fans in the world, but she is definitely past her .
A. fame B. abilities C. prime D. fortune
Question 98. It without saying that Mr. Green deserves the prize for his imposing achievements in
the field of archaeology.
A. comes B. means C. is D. goes
Question 99. You may think I am an old man, but I can assure you I am still strong.
A. doing B. running C. making D. going
Question 100. She her mother. She has got blue eyes and blond hair.
A. takes after B. takes in C. takes up D. takes on
Question 101. noodles are a precooked and usually dried block invented by Japanese.
A. Instantaneous B. Instance C. Instant D. Instantly
Question 102. I wish you would the TV and go outside and get some exercise.
A. call off B. give off C. put off D. turn off
Question 103. Make sure you your assignment before you go to bed.
A. have B. do C. take D. make
Question 104. Despite the development of e-books and online reading materials, printed books are still
regarded as a wonderful of entertainment.
A. resource B. place C. source D. replacement
Question 105. The of the soil reduced the productivity of the farm
A. fertility B. hardship C. inadequacy D. poverty
Question 106. William was as a cucumber when the harsh punishment was meted out to him by
the judge.
A. cool B. cold C. placid D. impassive
Question 107. William an excuse to the teacher about why he was late, but she didn’t believe
A. makes B. have C. does D. takes
Question 108. Having finished the vocational course, he received a .
A. diploma B. certificate C. degree D. qualification
Question 109. Everybody stays at home with a to avoiding coming down with Covid 19
A. purpose B. reason C. view D. cause
Question 110. Ever since his promotion, he’s become too big for his .
A. boots B. dresses C. jacket D. socks
Question 111. You will have to your holiday if you are too ill to travel.
A. call off B. cut down C. back out D. put aside
Question 112. In spite of their disabilities, the children at Spring School manage to an active
social life.
A. save B. lead C. gather D. take
Question 113. People usually look through travel to decide on their holiday destinations.
A. catalogues B. brochures C. handbooks D. lists
Question 114. The Browns have confirmed their strong to charity actions by donating a big sum
of money again.
A. compliance B. reliance C. commitment D. assignment
Question 115. I don't know what to say to break the with someone I've just met at the party.
A. air B. ice C. leg D. rule
Question 116. Boys often enjoy doing things in a way.
A. create B. creative C. creativity D. creatively
Question 117. My grandfather has a bad lung cancer and his doctor has advised him to smoking.
A. give away B. give up C. take up D. take off
Question 118. They have a lot of extensive research into renewable energy sources.
A. done B. carried C. solved D. made
Question 119. From my room on the sixth floor of the hotel, there’s a good of the mountains.
A. scene B. view C. sight D. look
Question 120. Each form of mass media has had an important on society.
A. affection B. pressure C. impact D. role
Question 121. Their accounts were completely phony. They had been cooking the for years.
A. books B. spinner C. trade D. killing
Question 122. If you don't have anything _ to say, it's better to say nothing.
A. construct B. construction C. constructive D. constructively
Question 123. My sister in-law is beloved by all my relatives for she can all right after
getting married.
A. get on well with B. get up C. get over D. get out of
Question 124. Carelessness and impatience many traffic accidents.
A. cause B. result C. occur D. happen
Question 125. Sometimes in a bad situation, there may still be some good things. Try not to “throw out
the with the bathwater”.
A. fish B. duck C. baby D. child
Question 126. A new TV show has sparked by showing the positive side of dropping out of
A. controversy B. argument C. contention D. debate
Question 127. The film was so intriguing that the audience were all to the screen until the
A. stuck B. hooked C. glued D. attached
Question 128. A new policy with regard to our country’s development has been adopted.
A. industrialize B. industrially C. industry D. industrial
Question 129. Children may be punished for not their toys after playing.
A. giving away B. putting away C. putting off D. giving off
Question 130. You'd better a commitment to being a volunteer on a regular basis.
A. promise B. do C. make D. pull
Question 131. Since he started his own business he has been making money hand over _.
A. fist B. heel C. head D. palm
Question 132. The for this position starts at thirty thousand euros per year.
A. wage B. pension C. salary D. income
Question 133. If you too much on study, you will get tired and stressed.
A. concentrate B. develop C. organize D. complain
Question 134. The players’ protests no difference to the referee’s decision at all.
A. did B. made C. caused D. created
Question 135. Some people are concerned with physical when choosing a wife or husband.
A. attract B. attractiveness C. attractive D. attractively
Question 136. I finally the cold that I had had all week.
A. get over B. pass out C. pull through D. come down
Question 137. Sue would suffer obesity if she couldn’t control her overeating.
A. compulsive B. disastrous C. exhaustive D. unbearable
Question 138. We were really impressed by the of the synchronized swimmers. They were
dancing very attractively.
A. enjoyment B. entertainment C. performance D. breathing
Question 139. Toxic chemicals from factories are one of the serious factors that leads wildlife to the
of extinction.
A. wall B. fence C. verge D. bridge
Question 140. The residents are fighting tooth and to stop the new development.
A. nail B. hair C. mouth D. tongue
Question 141. The aim of ASEAN is to promote closer economic .
A. delegation B. integration C. reputation D. migration
Question 142. There is still widespread against older people in the job market.
A. discriminate B. discriminatory C. discrimination D. discriminating
Question 143. We expected her at nine but she finally at midnight.
A. turned up B. came off C. came to D. turned out
Question 144. It is likely that artificial intelligence might decide to an end to humanity
simply because it surpasses human intelligence.
A. come B. make C. put D. take
Question 145. Parents are by law to send their children to school.
A. obliged B. confided C. demanded D. conducted
Question 146. The Australian education system has established a curriculum so all
scholars will be given the same quality of education.
A. famous B. qualified C. good D. standard
Question 147. Janet has to travel a lot in her new job. She is on the all the time.
A. field B. mood C. way D. go
Question 148. Winning the first prize in the National Math Competition was the highest he
got when he was at school.
A. failure B. achievement C. comprehension D. completion
Question 149. If you want to join this club, you must this application form.
A. make up B. write down C. do up D. fill in
Question 150. If you don’t stop smoking, you this risk of developing chronic bronchitis.
A. bear B. suffer C. make D. run
Question 151. Many species of plants and animals are in of extinction.
A. dangerous B. endangered C. danger D. dangerously
Question 152. When I was reading a book in my room last night, I heard the sound of glass.
A. breaking B. slipping C. dropping D. bursting
Question 153. I always get in stomach before sitting an exam.
A. worms B. butterflies C. crabs D. birds
Question 154. She has a lot of progress in Maths this term. Her teacher’s very pleased.
A. brought B. done C. made D. caused
Question 155. That photo is nice but very small. Can you it for me?
A. increased B. enlarged C. extended D. expanded
Question 156. He literally was at death’s _ when a kidney became available for transplant.
A. verge B. edge C. border D. door
Question 157. Although they were not rich, they their three children well.
A. brought up B. tried out C. grown up D. put up
Question 158. He a very positive contribution to the success of the project.
A. did B. took C. made D. gave
Question 159. His annual income was estimated at $ 100 million at the peak of his .
A. job B. profession C. work D. career
Question 160. I do not use those things any more. You can them away.
A. fall B. make C. throw D. get
Question 161. Local authorities should find ways to limit the use of private cars and encourage city
to use public transport.
A. planners B. people C. dwellers D. commuters
Question 162. The COVID19 is the most widely spread____________that has ever happened so far.
A. damage B. tsunami C. epidemic D. treatment
Question 163. My college graduation was a real day for my whole life.
A. red ink B. red letter C. red brick D. red tape
Question 164. The boy waved his hands to his mother, who was standing at the school gate, to
her attention.
A. follow B. tempt C. pull D. attract
Question 165. In the modern world, women's roles have been changing.
A. natured B. naturally C. nature D. natural
Question 166. Many parents tend to make their children study hard in the belief that good education
will enable them to in the future.
A. get on B. turn up C. turn away D. get out.
Question 167. Which shirt do you want? ~ I am not sure I can a choice. I like all of them.
A. do B. make C. get D. take
Question 168. He wants to serve as a waiter in this restaurant which is a part-time for him to
cover his student life.
A. work B. job C. occupation D. profession
Question 169. My brother left his job last week because he did not have any to travel.
A. position B. chance C. ability D. location
Question 170. He does not____________his fellow workers and there are often disagreements between
A. get on with B. put up with C. go on with D. take to
Question 171. When he was younger, he a fortune selling clothes.
A. made B. did C. built D. came
Question 172. His was destroyed when he was caught stealing some money
A. determination B. figure C. respect D. reputation
Question 173. He claimed from military service as he was a foreign national
A. demobilization B. exemption C. liability D. exception
Question 174. We’re free most of the weekend, but we’ve got a few bits and to do on
Sunday morning.
A. things B. stuff C. pieces D. ends
Question 175. Many parents tend to make their children study hard in the belief that good education
will enable them to________in the future.
A. get on B. turn up C. turn away D. get out
Question 176. You must not any step in the process; otherwise, you would not be able
to cook the dish properly.
A. leave B. quit C. skip D. hide
Question 177. The government should take___________to reduce the current high unemployment rate.
A. steps B. measures C. changes D. solutions
Question 178. During the Medieval period, people were made public______of being witches.
A. complaint B. criminal C. trouble D. accusation
Question 179. That's exactly what I mean, Tom. You've .
A. put your foot in it B. put two and two together
C. killed two birds with one stone D. hit the nail on the head
Question 180. Please help me with this math problem. I can’t the answer.
A. end up B. face up to C. come up with D. run into
Question 181. If we lose the case, we may be _ for the costs of the whole trial.
A. compatible B. liable C. available D. accessible
Question 182. The committee is of well-known mountaineers.
A. contained B. comprised C. included D. consisted
Question 183. We were all in of the fact that the new manager was our old friend Duncan.
A. surprise B. shock C. awe D. amazement
Question 184. Could you keep a(n) on my bag when I’m out?
A. ear B. eye C. nose D. hand
Question 185. Peter has strange hobbies like collecting bottle caps and inventing secret codes.
A. gone on B. taken up C. gone with D. taken off
Question 186. The players’ protests_______ no difference to the referee’s decision at all.
A. did B. made C. caused D. created
Question 187. The more progressive way would be to continue discussions with a to finding a
A. view B. vision C. sight D. look
Question 188. Education has been developed in with modern industry and the mass media.
A. computer B. parallel C. definition D. combination
Question 189. Natasha is head and above the other dancers in her age group.
A. shoulders B. fingers C. arms D. chins
Question 190. The govern should prohibit factories from discharging chemical into the
A. pollutants B. pollute C. polluted D. pollution
Question 191. From that point onwards his work was dedicated research into childhood
A. in B. to C. about D. with
Question 192. If my grandfather doesn't receive a satisfactory compensation for his losses, He's going to
legal advice from his attorney.
A. search B. look C. enquire D. seek
Question 193. Why go abroad if you have your whole family and a good job here? It simply doesn't
make any to me.
A. point B. sense C. logic D. reason
Question 194. Finally, it's time to put my up. I'm not going to do anything during the weekend.
A. arms B. feet C. legs D. body
Question 195. Many fruits contain flavonoids called anthocyanlns that can fight bacteria, viruses and
stimulate the _ system. They help you avoid illness and recover faster when you get sick.
А. nervous B. immune C. cardiovascular D. endocrine
Question 196. Mary a story about catching an enormous butterfly, and almost everyone
believed her.
A. came out with B. came up to C. came up with D. came to
Question 197. My mum was absolutely overjoyed to finally be her promotion.
A. taken B. given C. made D. caused
Question 198. The bank will insist you produce a driving or passport as a form of ID.
A. certificate B. degree C. licence D. diploma
Question 199. I've never enjoyed going to the ballet or the opera; they're not really my .
A. piece of cake B. piece of biscuit C. a glass of milk D. cup of tea offer
Question 200. The jobs give you lots of chances to travel abroad; it's certainly a very _ offer.
A. attraction B. attracted C. attractive D. attractively
Question 201. They were all surprised her amazing performance yesterday.
A. from B. in C. on D. at
Question 202. The party has started for 20 minutes, but very few people .
A. went over B. turned up C. came after D. saw through
Question 203. He put on a large hat and glasses as a disguise and hoped no one would him.
A. recognize B. see C. realize D. watch
Question 204. Destruction of natural habitats accounts for the reason why many species are in
of extinction.
A. risk B. threat C. danger D. harm
Question 205: Legal problems have been the construction of a new bridge across the Pi River
A. holding up B. giving away C. stopping over D. breaking down

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