Rumania Ayu Pratiwi - LK 1

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NAME: Rumania ayu p


To understand the next recipe, match the action verbs with the translation (utk
memahami resep berikut, jodohkan kata kerja perintah dengan terjemahannya)

add combine boil

brew stir pour

tambahkan didihkan tuangkan

1.add 2.boil 3.pour

campur dengan aduk gabungkan/campurkan

air panas
4.brew 5. stir 6.combine
Read the text below and answer the questions!

1. What is the text about? “The text contains how to make egg coffee”
2. What do you need to make this drink?
a. ½ cup of strongly brewed coffee
b. 1 egg yoik
c. 1 tablespoon of condensed milk
d. 1/4 teaspoon of vanilla extract
e. 1.5 teaspoons of honey
3. How many eggs do you need to make it “ 1 egg “
4. Why do you use vanilla extract? “ vanilla extract “used to neutralize the
fishy taste of eggs and add aroma and taste”
5. To make it less sweet (berkurang manisnya), what should you do? “reduce
portions of milk and honey tea”
6. If we want to make two cups of kopi telur, how much brewed coffee do you
need? “if 1 cup requires 1/2 coffee, then 2 cups require 1 full coffee”
7. When do you have to add the coffee? “after brewing sweetened condensed

Look at the following recipe and number the words in the box based on the
structures (perhatikan resep berikut dan nomorilah kata- kata yang tersedia sesuai
dengan bagiannya)

equipment of tools 4 goal/aim 1 portion 2

material or 3 Ingredients or 3 Steps or methods 5

ingredients materials
time connectives 6 verbal instruction 7
Read the following two recipes to compare carefully.
(bacalah kedua teks berikut untuk dibandingkan dengn seksama)
Complete the table below
No Component Cupcake Avocado smoothie
aim to make cupcakes
1 Goal/tujuan

soft butter,caster ripe avocado,cold

2 Materials/bahan sugar,two eggs, milk,sugar,honey,
vanilla extract,flour, sugar substitute
food coloring,colored
combine sugar, butter, Take a knife, cut the
3 Steps/langkah2 eggs, and vanilla extract avocado and remove the
in a bowl. seeds,
Slowly, add the flour Take a spoon and scoop
and stir everything the avocado meat,put the
together. avocado in the blender
Add the mixture, then then hit the blender
bake for 8-10 button and let it
minutesremove the cake, blender.add milk little by
and cool,then make the little.
filling, mix granulated After blending, garnish
sugar, butter and food and serve cold
coloringcover the
cupcakes with the icing,
lastly add the sweets on

Let’s compare those two recipes by giving a tick (√) in the right column if you
agree or disagree.
(Mari kita bandingkan 2 resep diatas dengan memberikan tanda centang di kolom
yang tepat jika kamu setuju atau tidak setuju)

No Descriptions Agree Disagree

1 The two texts tell us how to make something. √

2 Both text tell us about the procedure of making √


3 Text 1 tells us about the procedure of making a certain √

food, text 2 does not.

4 Both recipes use the same materials. x

5 We need more tools in making a cupcake than in √

making avocado smoothies.

6 Making a cupcake and avocado smoothies uses √

electrical appliances (alat listrik).

7 To make avocado smoothies needs longer time than

making cupcake.

8 Making a cupcake is more complicated than making √

avocado smoothies.

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