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GenZ is a generation born in the digital age, where they have

easy to use the internet through technology devices. This makes

them different from previous generations, especially their
grandparents’s generation. Thus, this essay will discuss more
about the difference between GenZ and their grandparents.

First of all, GenZ can use popular social network platforms

such as Facebook or TikTok. It enables them to connect with
others and express themselves freely. In contrast, their
grandparents have limited exposure to technology and typically
communicate through mail or face-to-face interactions.

Secondly, GenZ has a different view about education. They view

studying as a continuous process and they can learn in a
variety of ways such as from online video, self-study, or can
study in centers. On the other hand, their grandparents often
learn in the traditional way, through teachers and textbooks,
and they consider earning a living more important than

Moreover, GenZ is also known for intelligence and dynamism.

They like to work in teams and use technology to be productive.
However, their grandparents tend to focus on individual work
and rely on conventional methods like in-person meetings or
mail correspondence.

Lastly, when it comes to marriage, GenZ tends to gets married

late and prioritize their careers before starting a family.
They also have a more open-minded perspective on marriage,
including accepting same-sex unions. In contrast, their
grandparents often married at a younger age and considered
starting a family as a significant life goal.

In conclusion, the differences between GenZ and their

grandparents are inevitable. Instead of comparing or judging,
it is important to respect the unique characteristics of each
generation. By doing so, we can foster a harmonious society
that values both tradition and progress.

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