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Conference Paper · June 2017


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2 authors:

Umit Dogan Ustun Neslişah Aktaş Üstün

Mustafa Kemal University Mustafa Kemal University


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Conference of the International Journal of Arts & Sciences,
CD-ROM. ISSN: 1943-6114 :: 10(02):339–344 (2017)



Umit Dogan Ustun

Dumlupinar University, Turkey

Neslisah Aktas

Gazi University, Turkey

The Turkish version of Participation Motivation Questionnaire (PMQ) is widely used to explain
motives for sports participation. This paper reports a confirmatory analysis of Turkish version of PMQ
to recreation activities. Data analysis consists a replication of the factors of the original research using
confirmatory factor analyses. The findings revealed good fit indicates. As a result, this paper showed
that Turkish version of PMQ can be used for explaining motives to take part in recreation activities for
university students.

Keywords: Recreation, Participation motivation questionnaire, University students.


Although free time has a universal definition it is typically defined as ‘‘the time period in which activities
that are done for gaining pleasure with free will are fulfilled’’ (Kõndal, Shores & Stephanie, 2010), and
according to several scientists, free time is defined as ‘‘a time period in which we fulfil activities, both the
ones we wish or suggested ones, with our own wish and without any physical earning’’ (Sõndõk, Puljic,
2010). So, it can be said that free time is a time period in which person escapes from all difficulties and
connections both for him/herself and other people and s/he will get busy with an activity that s/he will
select willingly (Güngörmüú, Yetim & Çalõk, 2006).
There are several factors that influence the participation of people to free time activities (Demir,
Demir, 2006). Among these factors, ‘‘free time motivation’’ has been one of the principal matters of
investigations that are conducted about free time (Manfredo, Driver, 1996).
In literature, several investigations are conducted in order to determine the factors that motivate
individuals to participate in free time activities. While Manfredo and Driver (1996) investigate the free
time motivation of individuals, Alexandris and Carrol (1997) investigate the relationship of sports
activities with motivation and being unmotivated. And, Baldwin and Caldwell (2003) investigated the
free time motivation of young people. In their research which they conducted on sports men who play in
regional ping pong league, Sindik and Puljic (2010) investigated the way of these players to utilize free
time and the reasons that motivate them for this.

340 Application of Participation Motivation Questionnaire to Recreation

And when we look at the research conducted in Turkey, it can be seen that studies in this area are
relatively based on free time activity participation reasons and choices. In the Turkish literature although
there are several data gathering tools about free time motivation (eg. Mutlu et al, 2011; Ustun 2016) they
are based on “Self Determination Theory” and evaluate free time motivation such as “instrinsic, extrinsic,
and amotivation”. But with this adaptation study, it is aimed to redound a new measurement tool which
evaluates free time motivation such as “friend, enjoyment etc.).


The sampling group of the study consists of 450 university students who volunteered for the study.
Participants were chosen to the study in a random way. To collect data Turkish version of Participation
Motivation Questionnaire (PMQ) was used. The original PMQ is a metric device to explain participation
motives designed by Gill et al (1983) and adapted into Turkish by Oyar et al (2001). The Turkish version
of the scale consists 30 items and 8 factors, but because of the 30th item doesn’t belong to any factor, in
this study data analysis conducted with 29 items. The data analyze consists a replication of the factors of
the original research using confirmatory factor analyses.


Table 1. Descriptive Statistics for Item Selection

Scale Corrected Item- Cronbach’s

Scale Mean if
Variance if Total Alpha if Item
Item Deleted
Item Deleted Correlation Deleted

i1 70.56 75.41 .294 .883

i2 70.68 74.35 .328 .883
i3 70.60 72.79 .494 .880
i4 71.10 72.97 .378 .882
i5 70.70 73.72 .354 .883
i6 70.72 73.09 .412 .881
i7 70.70 72.70 .480 .880
i8 71.00 72.17 .418 .881
i9 71.13 72.47 .388 .882
i10 70.66 73.18 .443 .881
i11 70.89 72.31 .457 .880
i12 70.49 75.08 .364 .882
i13 70.61 74.14 .375 .882
i14 70.74 71.90 .514 .879
i15 70.94 70.94 .576 .877
i16 70.65 73.22 .468 .880
i17 70.72 71.93 .553 .878
i18 70.96 72.00 .443 .881
i19 70.81 72.02 .485 .880
i20 70.86 72.16 .445 .881
i21 70.62 73.45 .445 .881
i22 71.05 71.27 .500 .879
Umit Dogan Ustun and Neslisah Aktas 341

i23 70.68 73.67 .397 .882

i24 70.52 74.43 .384 .882
i25 71.28 72.40 .354 .884
i26 70.96 72.71 .391 .882
i27 71.04 71.79 .480 .880
i28 70.59 72.95 .501 .880
i29 70.50 74.30 .435 .881
Mean 73.31
Variance 77.93
Std. Deviation 8.82
Cronbach’ s Alpha .885
N of items 29

Table 2. Confirmatory Factor Analyse Results

Fit Indicates Perfect fit Acceptable fit Result
X2/df ”3 4-5 2.58 Perfect Fit
RMSEA ” .05 .05-.10 0.059** Acceptable Fit
CFI • .95 • .90 0.95 Perfect Fit
NNFI • .95 • .90 0.94 Acceptable Fit
NFI • .95 • .90 0.91 Acceptable Fit
IFI • .95 • .90 0.95 Perfect Fit
RFI • .95 • .90 0.90 Acceptable Fit
GFI • .90 • .85 0.88 Acceptable Fit
AGFI • .90 • .85 0.85 Acceptable Fit
Source: (Seçer, 2015, p. 122; Meydan & ùeúen, 2011, p.37; **
MacCallum et al., 1996, cited in:
Hooper et al, 2008, p. 54).


The confirmatory factor analyses revealed that Turkish version of PMQ can be used to identify
motivational factors to participate in recreation activities.


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342 Application of Participation Motivation Questionnaire to Recreation

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