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JURNAL SCIENTIA, Volume 12 No 03, 2023 ISSN 2302-0059


Ardiawan1, Tedy Agung Cahyadi2, Rika Ernawati3
Master of Mining Engineering, Faculty of Mineral Technology, "Veteran" National Development
University Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2Department of Mining Engineering, Faculty of Mineral
Technology, "Veteran" National Development University Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Article Info Mining activities have the potential to damage the environment, one of the
negative impacts of mining activities is the contamination of acid mine water in the
Received: 12/05/2023 Sengklami River. The purpose of this study was to analyze the content of acid
Revised: 30/06/2023 mine drainage in the Sengklami River on geochemical parameters based on values,
namely pH, Fe, Mn, TSS , BOD, COD, DO, and Sulfides so that they are identified
Accepted: 05/07/2023
in the Sengklami River. The method used is fuzzy logic modeling of min-max
values with primary data so that it can be processed in the form of input data which
becomes a fuzzification of the range variable (rule base) which produces a fuzzy
inference system and then defuzzifies the fuzzy output data which produces the
AAT index value so that the value can be determined. classification of
environmental pollution conditions consisting of 3 (three) categories namely mild,
moderate and severe. From the test results of 8 parameters pH, Fe, Mn, TSS, BOD,
COD, DO and Sulfide, the downstream data for 2020 showed a heavy
classification with an AAT index of 0.10, while upstream in 2020 there was also a
heavy classification with an AAT index of 0.90. The fuzzy logic model for
downstream data for 2022 has a heavy classification with an acid mine water index
of 0.03 while upstream in 2022 there is also a heavy classification with an acid
mine water index of 0.97. Based on data taken in 2020 and 2022, it can be
concluded that the characteristics of pollution are in the upstream and downstream
of the river, this condition causes clouding by looking at the acid mine drainage
index with a heavy classification.
Keywords: Fuzzy Logic, Acid Mine Drainage, AAT Index, Classification, Pollution

1. Introduction
Mining activities have the potential to damage the environment, because of their nature that
changes the landscape and cultivates non-renewable natural resources. One of the negative impacts of
mining activities is the pollution of acid mine water in the Sengklami River, which can reduce
environmental quality, especially if it has entered the surface water system, underground water to
pollution in the river in the study area. Dissolution of heavy metals due to acid mine water (AAT) can
increase heavy metal levels in the water system if acid mine water has appeared in a mining activity,
efforts to manage and overcome acid mine water besides being difficult also require very large
costs.Therefore, this study was conducted to analyze and model fuzzy logic in acid mine water using
geochemical parameters, namely pH, Fe, Mn, TSS, BOD, COD, DO in the Sengklami River
Production Operation Permit of PT Tubindo Site Silva Rahayu, North Kalimantan province. Fuzzy
logic allows the incorporation of qualitative information, for example obtained through field
observations, which can be explained through natural language (Zadeh, 1973).
Efforts in fuzzy logic modeling to obtain acid mine water index values so that the potential
impacts of environmental pollution can be classified as mild, moderate and severe. this research also
refers toGovernment Regulation No. 22 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Environmental
Protection and Management. This process will ecologically have an adverse impact on the
environmental balance, so wise steps are neededin handling it so that the risk of environmental
damage can be minimized (Skousen, 1998) by considering several physical and chemical indicators.
A database that describes wastewater that has the potential for high acidity and soluble metal
concentrations, if acid mine water flows into aquatic ecosystems it can be a pollutant that poisons fish

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JURNAL SCIENTIA, Volume 12 No 03, 2023 ISSN 2302-0059

and other aquatic organisms. Water polluted by AAT can also cause damage/corrosion of civil
buildings andirrigation water pipes or drinking water and water becomes unfit for
consumption(Munawar, 2017).
Previous studies related to the research studied include Valente and Gomes, 2008. "Fuzzy
Modeling of Acid Mine Drainage Environments Using Geochemical, Ecological and Mineralogical
Indicators"by analyzing surface water and analyzing chemically, identifying and sampling algae and
shells to analyze mineralogical samples so that the method carried out is in the form of fuzzy
classification model analysis to characterize water, algae and mineralogy samples.The use of Fuzzy
Logic has been quite widely used, among others in his research (Arifin et al., 2015),

2. Method
The data analysis carried out was by using data from settlement ponds 02 and 05, the quality of
the Sengklami River from 2020 and 2022 obtained data as many as 8 parameters. The classification of
determining the status of river water quality uses the AAT index in the form of values in determining
classifications, light, medium and heavy which can be in accordance with the Decree of the Minister
of Environment No. 115 concerning Guidelines for Determining Water Quality Status and the latest
PP 22 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of PPLH. Data analysis aims to classify river water
quality criteria using fuzzy models. The steps taken are: 1). Identify river water quality data, 2).
Determine input-output, 3). Define universal sets on input and output variables, 4). Define fuzzy sets
on inputs and outputs, 5). Form fuzzy rules based on data value compatibility, 6). Perform fuzzy
inference, 7). Perform defuzzification, 8). Conduct acid mine water index determination testing and
9). Conclusion.

Figure 1.Research Flow Chart

3. Result And Discussion

This study conducted a model on geochemical parameters through a fuzzy logic approach to
determine the classification of river water quality formed in the Sengkalami River. PT Tubindo site

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JURNAL SCIENTIA, Volume 12 No 03, 2023 ISSN 2302-0059

Silva Rahayu has 2 (two) wastewater disposal permits (WWTP), namely settling pond number 2 and
settling pond number 5 which are active status, there are indications of acid mine water pollution in
both settling ponds that are discharged into public waters, there is also no handling of settlement pond
management which is adequate in accordance with laws and regulations. Therefore, acid mine water
management measures must also be carried out specifically.
This fuzzy logic model of acid mine water was carried out to determine the classification of
acid mine water pollution (AAT), in this study using Matlab R2019a software with the mamdani
method, namely max-min. To obtain the output, 4 stages are required: (1) Formation of fuzzy sets; (2)
Application of implication functions (rules); (3) The composition of the rules; (4) Affirmation
(deffuzy). The purpose of a program to obtain a classification of acid mine water pollution that occurs
in the Sengkalami River that can be identified and effective prevention, waste handling and
monitoring efforts can be chosen, as an effort to minimize the impact or risk posed by mining
operations in the stockpile such as acid mine water (AAT). Water is one of the reactants in the process
of forming AAT and also as a medium that "washes" or dissolves oxidation results. Water sources can
be rainwater runoff or groundwater(Gautama, 2014).
Water sampling in the Sengkaalami River at the Silva Rahayu Site location research is needed
as actual data and correlated with previous historical data conducted using MATLAB R2019a
software, wastewater samples come from 2 points of settling pond and Sengkalami River both
upstream and downstream which are right in the port / jetty area of PT. Tubindo as (Figure 2).


Figure 2. Situation Photos Settlingpond 02 and 05

Water samples obtained from settlingpond 02 and 05 or settlingpond as well as water samples
from the Sengklami River as a general medium were then tested at the PT Sucofindo Indonesia
Laboratory domiciled in Tarakan City. The test was carried out based on the reference of PP 22 of
2020 concerning the Implementation of PPLH and was also carried out at an accredited environmental
laboratory, namely PT Global Environment Laboratory with KAN LP-1181-IDN. As shown below.
The results of wastewater quality testing in WWTP and Sengkaalami River can be seen in Table 1 and
Table 2. The calculation steps using the Fuzzy Mamdani method are as follows:

Table 1. Results of Physical and Chemical Properties of Rivers in 2020

Test Parameters Units Quality Standards Output Variables method
SP 02

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JURNAL SCIENTIA, Volume 12 No 03, 2023 ISSN 2302-0059

Ph mg/L 4,20 6-14 sour SNI 06-6989.11-2004

Iron (Fe) mg/L 7,37 7 keep APHA 3500-Fe B
Manganese (Mn) mg/L 5,29 4 Low APHA 3500-Fe B
TSS mg/L 58.00 100 keep SNI 06-6989.3-2004
SP 05
Ph mg/L 5.50 6-14 sour SNI 06-6989.11-2004
Iron (Fe) mg/L 7,40 7 keep APHA 3500-Fe B
Manganese (Mn) mg/L 6,87 4 Heavy APHA 3500-Fe B
TSS mg/L 65.00 100 keep SNI 06-6989.3-2004
Lower River
pH mg/L 5.54 6-9 sour SNI 06-6989.11-2004
BE mg/L 5.80 3 Heavy SNI 6989.72:2009
COD mg/L 36,64 25 Heavy SNI 6989.73:2009
OF mg/L 3,62 4 keep SNI 06-6989.14-2004
Sulfides mg/L 5.55 0.002 Heavy SNI 06-6989.70:2009
Upper River
pH mg/L 5,28 6-9 sour SNI 06-6989.11-2004
BE mg/L 15,40 3 Heavy SNI 6989.72:2009
OF mg/L 3.84 4 keep SNI 6989.73:2009
COD mg/L 33,64 25 keep SNI 06-6989.14-2004
Sulfides mg/L 5.80 0.002 Heavy SNI 06-6989.70:2009

Table 2. Results of the Physical and Chemical Properties Test of the River in 2022
Test Parameters units Quality Standards Output Variables method
SP 02
Ph mg/L 3.08 6-14 sour SNI 06-6989.11-2004
Iron (Fe) mg/L 8.01 7 keep APHA 3500-Fe B
Manganese (Mn) mg/L 8.00 4 tall APHA 3500-Fe B
TSS mg/L 56.00 100 keep SNI 06-6989.3-2004
SP 05
pH mg/L 3.01 6-14 sour SNI 06-6989.11-2004
Iron (Fe) mg/L 8.00 7 keep APHA 3500-Fe B
Manganese (Mn) mg/L 7.90 4 Heavy APHA 3500-Fe B
TSS mg/L 55.00 100 Low SNI 06-6989.3-2004
Lower River
pH mg/L 3.08 6-9 sour SNI 06-6989.11-2004
BE mg/L 5.00 3 Heavy SNI 6989.72:2009
COD mg/L 43.70 25 Heavy SNI 6989.73:2009
OF mg/L 3,32 4 Low SNI 06-6989.14-2004
Sulfides mg/L 5.98 0.002 Heavy SNI 06-6989.70:2009
Upper River
pH mg/L 2.90 6-9 sour SNI 06-6989.11-2004
BE mg/L 4.90 3 Heavy SNI 6989.72:2009
OF mg/L 0.29 4 Low SNI 6989.73:2009
COD mg/L 43.80 25 Heavy SNI 06-6989.14-2004
Sulfides mg/L 5.90 0.002 Heavy SNI 06-6989.70:2009

Fuzzification process; The first stage of the Mamdani Fuzzy Method procedure is the formation
of fuzzy sets or also known as fuzzification. Fuzzification is a process carried out by transforming the
input of a firm set (crisp) into a fuzzy set (Ross, 2010). This is done because the input used initially is
in the real number of a firm set (crisp). This fuzzy set is based on its linguistic level grouped in a
fuzzy variable. As a result of the data, the fuzzy pollution variables have the following fuzzy sets:
light, medium, and heavy. Each fuzzy set is determined domain and the next membership function is
used to determine the membership value of each fuzzy set based on its input variable which is a real
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JURNAL SCIENTIA, Volume 12 No 03, 2023 ISSN 2302-0059

number, where the membership value lies in the interval [0,1]. In the results of this study,

Table 3. Fuzzy Variable Determination

Function VariableName Range Domains (Units)
Inputs pH [1 – 14] Light, Medium and Heavy
Fe [0 – 10] Light, Medium and Heavy
MN [0 – 10] Light, Medium and Heavy
TSS [0 – 100] Light, Medium and Heavy
BE [0 – 6] Light, Medium and Heavy
COD [1 – 50] Light, Medium and Heavy
DO [0 – 10] Light, Medium and Heavy
Sulfides [0 – 7] Light, Medium and Heavy
Output AAT Index [0, 1] Light, Medium and Heavy

A curve that shows the mapping of data input points into membership values (often also called
membership degrees) which has an interval between 0 to 1 (Kusumadewi and Purnomo, 2010). The
step is to create a membership function for each variable pH, Mn, Fe, TSS, BOD, COD, DO and
Sulfide. One way that can be used to obtain membership values is through a function approach with
membership degrees. In this study, the function used is a triangular curve which is basically a
combination of 2 lines (linear) with a membership function. The data for 2020 and 2022 below is a
water sampling with calculations determining the membership function: pH has 3 fuzzy sets,
namely acidic, normal and alkaline, the fuzzy set for the pH parameter (U1 = [1 14] is as follows :

Figure 3. pH Variable Membership Function

pH parameters
- Lowest data so far (Acid) = 3.0
- Highest data so far (Base) = 7.8
Data in fields = 4.20
Acid(x) = (1)∫ { }
Base(x) = (2)∫ { }
It is known that the current data = 4.20
Then the membership value is
pH(4.20) =
pH(4.20) =

Fe (Iron) This parameter has 3 fuzzy sets namely low, medium, and high. The fuzzy set for the
parameter Fe (U2 = [0 10] is as follows

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JURNAL SCIENTIA, Volume 12 No 03, 2023 ISSN 2302-0059

Figure 4.Fe Variable Membership Function

Parameters of Iron (Fe)
- The lowest data so far (Fe) = 1.14
- The highest data so far (Fe) = 8.56
Data in the field = 7.37
Iron (x) = (3)∫ { }
Iron (x) = (4)∫ { }
It is known that the current data = 7.37
Then the membership value is
Min - Iron (7.37) =
Max - Iron(7.37) =

Mn (Manganese) This parameter has 3 fuzzy sets namely low, medium, and high. The fuzzy set for
the parameter Mn (U2 = [0 10] is as follows

Figure 5.Mn Variable Membership Function

Parameters Manganese (Mn)
- The lowest data so far (Mn) = 120
- The highest data so far (Mn) = 680
Data in the field = 529
Mn(x) = (5)∫ { }
Mn(x) = (6)∫ { }
It is known that the current data = 529
Then the membership value is
Min - Mn (5.29) =
Max - Mn (5.29) =

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JURNAL SCIENTIA, Volume 12 No 03, 2023 ISSN 2302-0059

TSS This parameter has 3 fuzzy sets namely low, medium, and high. The fuzzy set for the
parameter Mn (U2 = [0 100] is as follows

Figure 6.TSS Variable Membership Function

TSS Parameters
- The lowest data so far (TSS) = 2800
- The highest data so far (TSS) = 10000
Data in the field = 5800
TSS (x) = (7)∫ { }
TSS (x) = (8)∫ { }
Note that the current data = 5800
Then the membership value is
Min-TSS (5.54) =
Max-TSS (5.54) =

BOD ; This parameter has 3 fuzzy sets namely low, medium, and high. The fuzzy set for the
parameter Mn (U2 = [0 6] is as follows:

Figure 7.BOD Membership Function

Downstream BOD Parameters

- The lowest data so far (BOD) = 2.20
- The highest data so far (BOD) = 7.32
Data in the field = 5.29
BOD(x) = (9)∫ { }
BOD(x) = (10)∫ { }
It is known that the current data = 529
Then the membership value is
Min-BOD (4.90) =

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JURNAL SCIENTIA, Volume 12 No 03, 2023 ISSN 2302-0059

Max-BOD (4.90) =

COD ; This parameter has 3 fuzzy sets namely low, medium, and high. The fuzzy set for the
parameter Mn (U2 = [1 50] is as follows:

Figure 8.COD Membership Function

Downstream COD Parameters
- The lowest data so far (COD) = 980
- The highest data so far (COD) = 5000
Data in the field = 3664
COD(x) = (11)∫ { }
COD(x) = (12)∫ { }
Note that the current data = 3664
Then the membership value is
Min-COD (36.64) =
Max-COD (36.64) =

DO; This parameter has 3 fuzzy sets namely low, medium, and high. The fuzzy set for the parameter
Mn (U2 = [0 10] is as follows:

Figure 9.DO Membership Function

Downstream DO Parameters
- The lowest data so far (DO) = 133
- The highest data so far (DO) = 733
Data in the field = 3.62
DO(x) = (13)∫ { }
DO(x) = (14)∫ { }
It is known that the current data = 3.62
Then the membership value is
Min-DO (3.62) =

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JURNAL SCIENTIA, Volume 12 No 03, 2023 ISSN 2302-0059

Max-DO (3.62) =

Sulfide; This parameter has 3 fuzzy sets namely low, medium, and high. The fuzzy set for the
parameter Mn (U2 = [0 7] is as follows:

Figure 10.DO Membership Function

Downstream Sulfide (H2S) Parameters

- The lowest data so far (Sulfides) = 0002
- The highest data so far (Sulfide) = 620
Data in the field = 5.55
Sulfide (x) = (15)∫ { }
Sulfides (x) = (16)∫ { }
It is known that the current data = 5.55
Then the membership value is
Min-Sulfide (5.55) =
Max-Sulfide (5.55) =

Table 4.Determine Membership Function (membership function)

µDownstream µUpstream µDownstream µUpstream
Parameter Results Results
2020 2020 2022 2022
0.751 0.970 0.853
pH 4.20 0.5280.471 3.08
0.246 0.029 0.146
0.160 0.101 0.186 0.199
Fe (mg/L) 7.37 8.01
0839 0.899 0814 0.801
0.269 0.252 0.200
Mn (mg/L) 5.29 0.1400.859 8.00
0.730 0.747 0.800
0.583 0.684 0.996 0.440
TSS (mg/L) 58.00 56.00
0.416 0.315 0.003 0.560
0.381 0.959 0.183
BOD (mg/L) 5.29 0.2200.779 5.00
0.618 0.040 0.816
0.332 0.324 0.073 0.124
COD (mg/L) 36.64 43.70
0.667 0.675 0.926 0.846
0.618 0.293 0.265 0.841
DO (mg/L) 3.62 0.32
0.381 0.706 0.734 0.029
0.293 0.164 0.157
Sulfide (mg/L) 5.55 0.2920.707 5.98
0.706 0.835 0.842

Process Implications; The fuzzification results are then used for fuzzy reasoning using the

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JURNAL SCIENTIA, Volume 12 No 03, 2023 ISSN 2302-0059

Mamdani method using the Min implication function. Inferences for this study were obtained from the
set and correlation between rules. Max's method will be used to perform fuzzy system inference. The
second stage of the Fuzzy Mamdani Method procedure is the application of the implication function.
The implication function is a logical structure consisting of a collection of premises and one
conclusion. The implication function is useful for knowing the relationship between the premises and
the conclusion. The form of this implication function is the statement IF is THEN is, with and are
scalars, and A and B are fuzzy sets (Lahsasna, A., 2010). In terms of fuzzy logic, propositions that
follow IF are called antisendents. while the proposition that follows THEN is called consequential.
This proposition or fuzzy rule can be expanded by using a fuzzy AND (intersection) link.According to
(Chen and Pham, 2001), membership value as a result of operation of two or more sets on the
implication function Min is defined as following:

Figure 11.Rules of Functional Implications

[R1] If (PH is Acid) and (Fe is High) and (Mangan_(Mn) is High) and (BOD is Low) and (TSS
is High) and (COD is High) and (DO is High) and ( Sulfide is High) then (quality is Light) [R2] If
(PH is Acid) and (Fe is High) and (Mangan_(Mn) is High) and (BOD is Low) and (TSS is Low) and
(COD is Low) and (DO is High) and ( Sulfide is High) then (quality is Light) [R11] If (PH is Acidic)
and (Fe is Low) and (Mangan_(Mn) is Low) and (BOD is Medium) and (TSS is High) and (COD is
High) and (DO is Medium) and ( Sulfide is Low) then (quality is Medium) [R12] If (PH is Acid) and
(Fe is Low) and (Mangan_(Mn) is Low) and (BOD is Moderate) and (TSS is Medium) and (COD is
High) and (DO is Moderate) and ( Sulfide is Low) then (quality is Medium) [R20] If (PH is Acid) and
(Fe is High) and (Mangan_(Mn) is High) and (BOD is High) and (TSS is High) and (COD is High)
and (DO is High) and ( Sulfide is High) then (quality is Heavy) [R21] If (PH is Acid) and (Fe is
Medium) and (Mangan_(Mn) is High) and (BOD is Low) and (TSS is High) and (COD is Medium)
and (DO is High) and ( Sulfide is High) then (quality is Heavy)
Defuzzification; The final stage of the Fuzzy Mamdani Method procedure is the defuzzification
process. The defuzzification process is used to interpret fuzzy membership values into certain
decisions or real numbers (Bova, 2010). This means returning the fuzzy magnitude value to a crisp
value (real number), and converting the fuzzy output to a crisp value based on the membership
function that has been determined. This defuzzification process needs to be done, because the fuzzy
decision or output is still a linguistic variable and this linguistic variable needs to be converted into a
crisp variable.
The input of the defuzzification step is the fuzzy set obtained from the composition of the fuzzy
rules, while the output is a number in the domain of the fuzzy set. Therefore, if a fuzzy set is known in
a certain range, it must be able to obtain a certain crisp value (real number) as the output or decision

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JURNAL SCIENTIA, Volume 12 No 03, 2023 ISSN 2302-0059


Figure 12.Application Function Implication

The method used in this defuzzification process is defuzzification with the Centroid Method
(central point). This method pays attention to the conditions of each fuzzy area, resulting in more
accurate results (Salman, 2010). The centroid method is a method in which all the fuzzy regions from
the results of the composition of the rules are combined with the aim of forming optimal results and
taking the center point of the fuzzy areas. The defuzzification procedure uses the Centroid Method,
namely determining the moment (integral of each membership function of the rule composition),
determining the area, and determining the center point.

Table 5.Fuzzy Inference

Hasil Uji AirSystem Results
dan Program for2019
MATLAB 2020 and 2022
Sample Tahun 2020 AAT - Lingkungan Sample Tahun 2022 AAT - Lingkungan

Indikator Raw Data Nilai Fuzzy µHilir µHulu Raw Data Nilai Fuzzy µHilir µHulu
0.751 0.528 0.970 0.853
pH 4.20 0.000 3.08 0.000
0.246 0.471 0.029 0.146
0.160 0.101 0.186 0.199
Fe (mg/L) 7.37 0.909 8.01 0.753
0.839 0.899 0.814 0.801
0.269 0.140 0.252 0.200
Mn (mg/L) 5.29 0.411 8.00 0.638
0.730 0.859 0.747 0.800
0.583 0.684 0.996 0.440
TSS (mg/L) 58.00 0.000 56.00 0.713
0.416 0.315 0.003 0.560
0.381 0.220 0.959 0.183
BOD (mg/L) 5.29 0.322 5.00 0.228
0.618 0.779 0.040 0.816
0.332 0.324 0.073 0.124
COD (mg/L) 36.64 0.605 43.70 0.287
0.667 0.675 0.926 0.846
0.618 0.293 0.265 0.841
DO (mg/L) 3.62 1.000 0.32 1.000
0.381 0.706 0.734 0.029
0.293 0.292 0.164 0.157
Sulfida (mg/L) 5.55 0.989 5.98 0.716
0.706 0.707 0.835 0.842
Minimum 0.000 0.246 0.101 0.029 0.029
Maximum 0.84 0.90 0.97 0.85
Klasifikasi Berat Berat Berat Berat
Indeks AAT 0.84 0.90 0.97 0.85

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JURNAL SCIENTIA, Volume 12 No 03, 2023 ISSN 2302-0059

Figure 13.Acid Mine Water Output Variable

4. Conclusion
Based on the model, analysis and test results of the classification in determining the quality of
river water using the Mamdani method, it can be concluded that the application of determining the
quality of river water using the Fuzzy Mamdani method can be used to determine the classification of
river water quality whether it meets quality standards, is lightly polluted, moderately polluted, or
heavily polluted, and based on the test results that from the 57 tested data an acid mine drainage
(AAT) index was obtained in 2020 downstream with a value of 0.84 with a heavily polluted
classification and for upstream with a value of 0.90 with a classification of rivers also heavily
polluted, while for data in 2022 for downstream 0.97 with a heavily polluted classification, for
downstream rivers with an AAT index value of 0.85 with results also heavily polluted so that
according to the results of classification calculations determining river water quality using a fuzzy
model based on geochemical parameters with the Fuzzy Mamdani method it is concluded that the
results of river water quality are declared heavily polluted upstream and downstream.


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