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Use This DSA-251 Roadmap On Laptop For Much Better User Experience

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Don't Miss This Video. One Time EffortTo
This Roadmap
you start
Well :
this roadmap)

Total Questions
Must Read This Before Following This Roadmap!
Questions Done

Basic DSA
Arrays 5 0/5
String 5 0/5
Most common questions asked by
2d Arrays 5 0/5
every company (product based or
service based) or any startup. Maps/Sets 5 0/5
These are the basic things which Two Pointers 4 0/4
every programmer should know. Basic Algorithms 6 0/6
For every role in tech including
software development, backend Mixed Questions - 1 20 0/20
development, front-end
development, full stack web
development, data scientists etc.,
these questions can be asked. Overall Basic DSA Progress 50 0/50

Revision/Break Days

Intermediate DSA
Binary Search 5 0/5
Recursion Basics 5 0/5
Asked by most of the product Linked List 10 0/10
based companies or even small/big
Stacks & Queues 10 0/10
product based startups. Roles
include software development, Binary Trees & BST 15 0/15
backend development, full stack
web development, data scientists. Mixed Questions - 2 30 0/30
Some big product companies like
Amazon, Google, Microsoft can ask
Overall Intermediate DSA
these for front-end development 75 0/75
role as well.

Revision/Break Days

Advanced DSA
Greedy Techniques 5 0/5
Tries 5 0/5
Silding Window & Dequeue 7 0/7
Mostly asked by Amazon, Priority Queues & Heaps 7 0/7
Microsoft, Google, Uber or other big
product based companies. Some
big startups like Zomato, Ola can
also ask these questions. Roles
include backend development,
Mostly asked by Amazon,
Microsoft, Google, Uber or other big
Advanced Recursion & Backtracking 8 0/8
product based companies. Some
big startups like Zomato, Ola can Dynamic Programming 15 0/15
also ask these questions. Roles
Graphs 13 0/13
include backend development,
software development, full stack
web development. Not much asked Mixed Questions - 3 40 0/40
for front-end developer or data
scientist roles. Overall Advanced DSA
100 0/100

Revision/Break Days

DSA Project

This is a great DSA project as it

includes solving the problem with
the use of various data structures
like trees, heaps, arrays etc. Also
Huffman Coding Zakey 1 0/1
concepts of bits are used. This
really gives us great feeling of
applying data structures and

Miscelleanous DSA

Asked by companies like Bit Manipulation 7 0/7

Codenation, DirectI, and sometimes String Algorithms 5 0/5
Google which do very hard Segment Tree 6 0/6
interviews related to DSA. Not Number Theory 5 0/5
asked in interviews of majorly other DP With Trees 2 0/2
companies. 25 0/25


Important :
If you have not created a copy, you will not be able to
make changes in the sheet. Make your own copy by
choosing 'Make Copy' option from 'File' Menu.

Email Id

Status Number of days (Set According To
Start Date)

Not Started 2 5/1/2023 0:00:00

Not Started 2 5/3/2023 0:00:00
Not Started 2 5/5/2023 0:00:00
Not Started 2 5/7/2023 0:00:00
Not Started 2 5/9/2023 0:00:00
Not Started 3 5/12/2023 0:00:00

Not Started 8 5/20/2023 0:00:00

Not Started

Days 3

Not Started 2 5/25/2023 0:00:00

Not Started 2 5/27/2023 0:00:00
Not Started 4 5/31/2023 0:00:00
Not Started 4 6/4/2023 0:00:00
Not Started 7 6/11/2023 0:00:00

Not Started 15 6/26/2023 0:00:00

Not Started

Days 6

Not Started 3 7/5/2023 0:00:00

Not Started 3 7/8/2023 0:00:00
Not Started 4 7/12/2023 0:00:00
Not Started 4 7/16/2023 0:00:00
Not Started 4 7/20/2023 0:00:00
Not Started 8 7/28/2023 0:00:00
Not Started 7 8/4/2023 0:00:00

Not Started 20 8/24/2023 0:00:00

Not Started

Days 10

Not Started 3
Not Started 3
Not Started 3
Not Started 3
Not Started 2
Not Started
Mark For
Topic Problem Name With Link Done


Second Largest Element 0 0

Rotate An Array By K 0 0

Non Decreasing Array 0 0

Equilibrium Index 0 0

First Missing Positive 0 0


Reverse String Word Wise 0 0

String encoding 0 0

Minimum Paranthesis 0 0

Beautiful Strings 0 0

Next smallest palindrome 0 0

Multi-Dimensional arrays

Sum of zeroes 0 0

Matrix Symmetric 0 0

Inplace rotate matrix 90 degree 0 0

Set Matrix Zeroes 0 0

Spiral Order 0 0


Make Unique Array 0 0

First Non Repeating Character in String 0 0

Longest Subarray Zero Sum 0 0

Count all sub-arrays having sum divisible by k 0 0

Group Anagrams 0 0

Two Pointers

Pair Sum 0 0

Move Negative Number To Start 0 0

Container With Most Water 0 0

Check subsequence 0 0

Basic Algorithms

Insertion Sort 0 0

Selection Sort 0 0

Bubble Sort 0 0

Kadane’s Algoritm 0 0

Dutch National Flag Algorithm 0 0

Moore’s Voting Algorithm 0 0

Mixed Questions-1
(Concepts learned in topics above will be used in below questions.
This is critical to become great in DSA.)

Check permutation 0 0

Intersection Of Two Arrays 0 0

N/3 repeated number in array 0 0

Counting Sort 0 0
Rotate Matrix To Right 0 0

FInd Kth Character of Decrypted String 0 0

Move Zeroes To End 0 0

Sum of Two Elements Equals Third 0 0

Minimum Operations to Make String Equal 0 0

Maximum Sum Circular Array 0 0

Longest Consecutive Sequence 0 0

Maximum Subarray Sum After K Concat 0 0

Maximum Product Count 0 0

Multiply Strings 0 0

Find All Subsquares of size K 0 0

Repeat And Missing Number Array 0 0

4 Sum Problem 0 0

Count All Subarrays With Given Sum 0 0

Maximum Sum Rectangle 0 0

Nth element of spiral matrix 0 0

Notes Codes
Mark For
Topic Problem Name With Link Done

Binary Search

Square Root 0 0
Search in Rotated Sorted Array 0 0
FInd element that appears twice 0 0
Matrix Median 0 0
Aggressive Cows 0 0

Recursion Basics

Merge Sort 0 0
Quick Sort 0 0
Find Kth Element 0 0
Family Structure 0 0
Binary String With no consecutive 1s 0 0

Linked List

Reverse A Linked List 0 0

Mid Point In Linked List 0 0
Merge Sort 0 0
Add Two Linked Lists 0 0
Insertion Sort on Linked List 0 0
Delete Kth node from End 0 0
Detect And Remove Cycle 0 0
Swap Nodes In Pairs 0 0
Append Nodes 0 0
Segregate Odd even 0 0

Stacks & Queues

Implement Stack Using Array 0 0

Implement Stack Using Linked List 0 0
Implement Queue Using Array/LinkedList 0 0
Implement Queue Using 2 Stacks 0 0
Implement Stack Using 2 Queues 0 0
Min Stack 0 0
Next Greater Element 0 0
Stock Span Problem 0 0
Reverse Queue 0 0
Valid Parantheses 0 0

Binary Trees & BST

Diameter Of Binary Tree 0 0

LCA Of Binary Tree 0 0
Level Order Traversal Binary Tree 0 0
ZigZar Order Traversal Binary Tree 0 0
Left View Of Binary Tree 0 0
Top View Of Binary Tree 0 0
Construct Binary Tree From Inorder And
0 0
Vertical Order Traversal Of Binary Tree 0 0
Inorder Traversal Binary Tree Using Stacks 0 0
LCA of two nodes in BST 0 0
BST Delete 0 0
Check if binary tree is BST? 0 0
Kth smallest element in BST 0 0
Predecessor And Successor In BST 0 0
Pair sum in BST 0 0

Mixed Questions - 2
(Concept learned in BASIC DSA and topics above will be used here.
This is critical to become great in DSA.)

Find whether array is subset of another array 0 0

Median of 2 Sorted Arrays 0 0
LCA of 3 nodes 0 0
Remove Keys Outside Given Range 0 0
Seach in a row wise and column wise sorted
0 0
Check Linked List is Palindrome? 0 0
K Reverse Linked List 0 0
Tower Of Hanoi 0 0
BST Iterator 0 0
Flatten Binary Tree To Linked List 0 0
Rearrange Linked List 0 0
Largest Rectangle In Histogram 0 0
Quick Sort On Linked List 0 0
Sorted Linked List To Balanced BSTs 0 0
Binary Tree to Doubly Linked List 0 0
Bottom Right View Of Binary Tree 0 0
Merge Two BSTS 0 0
Merge Two Binary Trees 0 0
Sort A Stack 0 0
Boundary Traversal of Binary Tree 0 0
Longest Substring with K Distinct Characters 0 0
HashMap Implementation 0 0
Closest Distance Pair 0 0
Time to burn tree 0 0
Allocate Books 0 0
Clone A LinkedList With Random And next
0 0
Fix BST 0 0
Nth root of Integer 0 0
Size of the largest BST 0 0
LRU Cache 0 0
Notes Codes
Mark For
Topic Problem Name With Link Done

Greedy Techniques

Fractional Knapsack 0 0
Gas Tank 0 0
Job Sequencing 0 0
Next Greater Number 0 0
Minimum Cash Flow 0 0


Implement A Trie(Insert,Search) 0 0
Trie (Delete) 0 0
Count distinct substrings 0 0
Spell Checker 0 0
Maximum XOR 0 0

Sliding Window & Deque

Smallest Subarray With K Distinct Elements 0 0

Count Distinct Element in Every K Size
0 0
Longest Substring Without Repeating
0 0
Anagram Substring Search 0 0
Implement Dequeue 0 0
Sliding Maximum 0 0
Maximum in Subarrays of length K 0 0

Priority Queues & Heaps

Implement Priority Queue 0 0

Convert Min Heap To Max heap 0 0
Kth Smalles & Largest Element 0 0
Kth Largest Sum Subarray 0 0
Merge K Sorted Arrays 0 0
Running Median 0 0
Connect n ropes with minimum cost 0 0

Advanced Recursion & Backtracking

N Queen Problem 0 0

Sudoku Solver 0 0

Rat in a Maze 0 0
Letter Combinations Of Phone Number 0 0

Subsequences of String 0 0

Combination Sum 0 0

Print Permutations 0 0

Restore IP Addresses

Dynamic Programming

Count way to reach nth stair 0 0

House Robber 0 0
Ways to make coin change 0 0
Rod Cutting Problem 0 0
Minimum Jumps To Reach End 0 0
Minimum steps to reach target by Knight 0 0
Longest Increasing Subsequence 0 0
Longest Common Subsequence 0 0
Edit Distance 0 0
Interleaving 2 strings 0 0
Minimum Deletions 0 0
0-1 Knapsack 0 0
Best Time to buy and sell stock 0 0
Matrix Chain Multiplication 0 0
Partition Equal Subset Sum 0 0


Largest Island 0 0
Is Graph A Tree? 0 0
Snake & Ladder Problem 0 0
Shortest path in Binary Matrix 0 0
Djikstra’s Algorithm 0 0
MST Using Prim’s Algorithm (With Priority
0 0
MST Using Kruskal's Algorithm (With Disjoint
0 0
Set Union)
Topological Sort 0 0
M Coloring Problem 0 0
Detect Cycle In Directed Graph 0 0
Bipartite Check 0 0
Bellman Ford Algorithm 0 0
Floyd Warshall Algorithm 0 0
Mixed Questions - 3
(Concept learned in Basic DSA , Intermediate DSA and topics above
will be used here. This is critical to become great in DSA.)

Minimum Fountains 0 0

Minimum Coins 0 0

Implement Atoi Function 0 0

Generate Paranthesis 0 0

Minimum insertions to make string palindrome 0 0

Convert BST to Min Heap 0 0

Fruit And Baskets 0 0

Subset Sum 0 0

Path With Good Nodes 0 0

Longest Path In Directed Graph 0 0

Minimum Window Subsequence 0 0

Longest Bitonic Subsequence 0 0

Longest Palindromic Substring 0 0

Number of balanced binary trees 0 0

Merge intervals 0 0

Merge K Sorted Linked List 0 0

LCS of 3 strings 0 0

Clone Graph 0 0

Minimum K product 0 0

Longest Increasing Path in 2d matrix 0 0

City With Smallest Number of Neighbours 0 0

Non Overlapping Intervals 0 0

K most frequent elements 0 0

Maximum Equal Stack Sum 0 0

Minimum subset sum difference 0 0

Word Break Problem 0 0

Find all occurrences of multiple patterns 0 0

Unbounded Knapsack 0 0

Fact Digit Sum 0 0

Palindrome Partitioning 0 0

Sorted Matrix 0 0

Alien Dictionary 0 0

Word Ladder 0 0

Scramble String 0 0

Painter's Partition 0 0

Longest Chunked Palindrome Decomposition 0 0

Most Stones Removed 0 0

Buy And Sell Stock Advanced 0 0

Maximum Size Rectangle Sub-matrix With All

0 0

Path With Minimum Effort 0 0

Notes Codes
Mark For
Topic Problem Name With Link Done

Bit Manipulation
Find a value whose XOR with a given value is
maximum. 0 0
Set K Bits 0 0
X or Y 0 0
Count Bitwise OR of all subarrays 0 0
Power of 2 0 0
Flip Given Bits 0 0
Braille's Dilemma 0 0

String Algorithms

Boyer Moore Algorithm 0 0

Z Algorithm 0 0
KMP Algorithm 0 0
Rabin Karp Algorithm 0 0
Manacher's Algorithm 0 0

Segment Tree

Range Minimum Query 0 0

Fastest Horse 0 0
Maximum Subarray Sum Queries 0 0
Ninja and Meteorites 0 0
Squares Sum 0 0
AP Queries 0 0

Number Theory

Sieve of Eratosthenes 0 0
Sum Of Factors 0 0
Extended Euclid Algorithm 0 0
Modulo Calculation 0 0
Modular Exponentiation 0 0

DP with Trees

Maximum Height Tree 0 0

Ninja and Numbers 0 0
Notes Codes
Revision Problems

Problem Name Problem Link

Status (Not Done Yet, Need To Revise
Again, Done And Dusted)
Most Important Things While Following This Roadmap :
Don't Miss this video :It's a one time effort, but that will give you lot of clarity behind this
roadmap. That will really motivate you to follow this roadmap and make you best in DSA.

Important :
If you have not created a copy, you will not be able to make changes in the sheet.
Make your own copy by choosing 'Make Copy' option from 'File' Menu.

Deadlines are set according to the start date from the top. If you are starting today, you can
change the start date and deadlines will be set accordingly.

Also, for each topic deadline is assigned according to the number of days. I have set
according to my own experience. But you can increase or decrease it, and deadlines will be
changed accordingly.
Whichever problem, you will mark for revision, will start getting updated in the revision
problem section, which you can navigate from the bottom.

You can sync your calendar with the topic deadlines by changing your email id and clicking sync google ca

Last Request, this has been made with a lot of efforts and experience of learning and
teaching DSA. But there can be lot of suggestions/feedback from your side which you want
to improve.

Also, it would be a great motivation for me if you will share it on social media
platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram etc. that you have started following this DSA-251
It will be great to know that people are actually doing it.

Other Important Videos Helpful For You

How to Make Notes in DSA?
How How Not To Learn DSA? Most Common Mistakes.
How To Learn To Code in 2023 From Scratch?
How To Manage DSA, Development, College or Office Together?
g This Roadmap :

Video link :

Make your own copy by choosing 'Make Copy'

option from 'File' Menu.

Change Start Date From Here

Change Deadlines According To Days Here

Check Revision Problems Here

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Suggestion Form Link :

ul For You

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