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Worksheet-1 (2022-23)



READING (10 marks)

I. Read the following passage carefully (8 marks)


New Delhi: The king is dead, but he has not left without controversy. One of Delhi zoo’s star attraction, a
14-feet king cobra, died recently leaving in its wake questions over the exact cause of its death. Although
zoo officials claim that the snake died due to old age, wildlife activists feel that if zookeepers took enough
care, the slithering beauty could have been saved. A wild life activist involved in rescue and relocation of
animals in zoo said, “it was one of the finest specimens in captivity in India. The king cobra is primarily a
cold-blooded animal; it needs to be provided proper heating arrangement during winters. The Delhi zoo has
got electric heaters for the reptile house. These dehydrate the animal, exposing it to various health hazards.”

The king cobra was reported to be from the jungles of Arunachal Pradesh but was seized from snake
charmers near Haryana and handed over to the National Zoological Park (NZP) by an NGO. The snake was
quarantined for a month, before being released into a public display enclosure. Apart from using heaters for
every animal house, the zoo had for the first time, fitted infrared lights in the reptiles’ enclosures.

What has put zoo officials in a tizzy is the fact that this is not the first time that the zoo has lost a king cobra.
“It is sheer negligence and lack of knowledge on the part of officials. The animal should have been provided
with ceramic heater rather than electric one,” said an expert.

When contacted, NZP director BS Bonal said: “These are false reports doing the rounds. The post mortem
has clearly said that it died due to pneumonia owing to old age. We had provided it with the best of facilities
and I don’t see any reason other that this for its death.”

A. Read the above passage and answer the questions that follow
1) Why according to wild life experts did the cobra die?
2) How did the cobra reach the zoo?
3) What special heating arrangements does the zoo have for heating reptiles’ enclosures?

B. Read the questions given below and write the option you consider the most appropriate in your
answer sheet:
1) The deaths of king cobra become controversial because__________.
a) The exact cause of its death was unknown
b) It was not very old
c) It was the only finest specimen in captivity
d) Zoo authorities are not providing valid reasons
2) Originally the king cobra belonged to__________.
a) An NGO
b) The jungles of Arunachal Pradesh
c) Snake charmers near Haryana
d) The Arunachal Pradesh Zoo
3) The Reptile needs proper heating arrangement during winters as____________.
a) It is cold blooded animal
b) It is a warm blooded animal
c) It is extremely sensitive
d) Its outer covering is scaled
4) The use of__________ resulted in dehydration of king cobra.
a) Electric heaters
b) Ceramic heaters
c) Infrared heaters
d) Non-electric heaters


II. Write a letter of apology to your grandfather for forgetting his birthday.

Apologize for not being able to wish him. Promise him that this would not happen again in future

III.Underline the adjective clause and circle the adverb clause

1) I wasn’t allowed to take my seat because I arrived after the concert started.

2) The tomatoes that I grew in my garden were very tasty.
3) The hostess wouldn't seat us because the restaurant was closed.
4) I remember a time before digital downloads when movies were on VHS tapes.
5) Even though I arrived very early, the store was out of bananas.
6) The guitar, which Elvis used to own, was found at a garage sale

IV. Read the given line and answer the questions.
I strongly believe that he was instrumental in motivating me to strive to become a world-class
1) Who is the ‘he’ mentioned in the above line?
2) How did ‘he’ motivate the narrator?

V. Answer the questions in 40-50 words
1) What gave strength to Milkha Singh to take up a career as an athlete?
2) What values have you learnt from the story “Wild Duck”?

VI. Answer in detail (120-160 words)

Write the gist of the lesson” The starting point”

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