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Name_________________________________________________ Form 3-____

Task 1. Listen the text and complete the sentences.

1 Ann is from___________________. She is_______________________.
2 Rosie is Ann's little _______________.
3 Bob is Ann's big ____________________.
4 Toto is a ______________________.
5 Ann's mum is a ____________________.
6 Ann's ___________________ is a reporter.

Task 2.Tell your partner what you always, usually, often, sometimes, never do on Sunday.

Task 3. Read the text and fill in Jim's timetable, as in the example.

Hello! My name is Jim. On Mondays I have piano lessons at four o'clock. On Tuesdays I go to my
reading club at half past three. On Wednesdays I have dance lessons at five o'clock. On
Thursdays I go swimming at six. On Fridays I go to karate at quarter past three. On Saturdays I
play football at quarter to eleven On Sundays I just meet my friends at quarter to two and we have
fun all day long!

Monday Piano lessons 4.00

Task 4. Read the letter. Write your answer and tell him about you, your favourite day and lessons.
Dear pen friend,
My name is Bob Robinson. I am nine years old and I am from London, England. My favourite day
is Wednesday because we have got Sport on this day. We jump and run a lot and play many
sports games like football, basketball and tennis. What day and lessons do Bye, you like?

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