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Numbers Important Formulae: 1) Geometric Progression: x x x°, x, — are said to be in geometric progression. Here, a is frst term and ris common rato, a) nto = x01) py Sumotnterms= 20°) eres ct an psumotarems= 209 perer4 2) Arithmetic Progression: x x+y, x + 2y,x + 2y are sac fo ba in Pare xs fst frm ang common eilference sy a)nlform=x + (0- fy by Suma terns axe tM nine ty gyieaeae— ao nen49) ays 2?4 s+ 0) anne nen 6 ane 7? ores z Points to Remember: Difference between Arithmetic Progression and Geometric Progression’ {Arithmetic Progression: iis the sequence of numbers in which each term after est is ootied by adding a constant 10 sreceding tom The constant erm 's called as the common ference (Geometric Progression: I's 2 sequence of non-zero numbers. The rate of any erm and is preceding term always constant fvpes or wumbers [betaen Bano Pointe remember ‘Natural Numbers | Mure uses ioreaming and ocerng| 12.8.6 5,— nara \wnote Numbers [Alccumang nurbers ang wih 290 frmasetoT woe rune (0.1.28, wow nurbes | Any naual number iba who} wurEer neers [couring mabe negaive counting urbe + Zo, aarewteges —|-2,1,0,7,2,—iegers | Poste tages: —— Neganve negers1, 2-3-4, leven Numbers | urbe dinate by 2 scatedas even nurber (02.46,8, — evenrumbers Ccoanumbers | uroernot vile by2 5 cae 5 euen rune! 13,8 7.8, cos names ‘rime Numbers [Anumber hag orciy to ada 1 an oa caleg a pane nara 2 367. H,— pam composite Naural nares wih ae a ime umes ave clea ae congoate [4 6,8, 8,18, —conposte Numbers rambers os ‘co Pres any wo natural name x anay ave coe ie HOF 1 (4:8), (7,9) —Copeere Divisbity of Numbers 41)Number divisible by 2 Units digt-0, 2. 4,6,8 Ex: 42, 66,98, 1128 2)Number divisible by 3 ‘Sum of ints disible by 3 Ex: 267--(2+6+1)= 15, 15's dvisibleby 3 '3)Number divisible by 4 "Number formed bythe lst two digits i divisible by 4 x: 832 ‘The last two digts i dvsible by 4, hence 632s dsible by + 4) Number divisible by 6 Units digt is ether zero or five Ex: $0, 20,55, 65, ete 5) Number divisible by 6 ‘The number is divisible by both 2 and 3 x: 168 Last digit = 8 — (6 divisible by 2) ‘sum tigts Hence. 168 divisible bv 6 16) Number civisible by 11 the dforence betwoen the sums ofthe digits at even places and the sum of digs at odd places is either O or dvisible by 11 Ex: 4527039 Digits on even places. 4+2+0+9=15 Digs on odd places 9 + 7+ 3= 19, Difference between odd and even = 0 “Thotefore, numbers divsibio by 11 7) Number eivisible by 12 “The number is cvisible by both 4 and 3 x: 1992 Lest no dios divisible by 4 ‘Sum of digits = (1+ 9 +3 +2 (Dwvisibleby 3) Hance, the number 1992 is divisible by 12, Basic Formulae: (Must Remember) 1) (a -b)? = (2 + b?- 2ab) 2)(a+ bP = (a? + b? + 2ab) 3) (a+b) (a—b)=(a2—b2) 4) (a3 +b) = (a+b) (a? - ab +b?) 8) (a -b9) = (a-b) (a? — ab + b2) 6)(atb+c@=e2+ b+? +2 (ad + bc + ca) 7) (a? +b) + c3—3abe) = (a+b +c) (a? +b? +c? ab—be-ac) (Quick Tips and Treks: 4) IH.C.Fof two numbers 1, thon the numbers are said to be co-pime. Totind 2 numbar say bis divisible by a find two numbers m and 9, such that m’a =a, where m and n ae co‘prme numbars and ibs dive by both m fang then t's avisbie by 2) Sum ofthe first ode numbers =n? 3) Sum of fist even numbers = n(n + 1) 4) Even numbers dvb by 2 can be expressed as 2, nis an integer other than 2210. {) Odd numbars which are not divsble by 2 can be exprossad as 2(n +1), nis an integer 6) Dividend = (OWsor « Quotient] + Remainder THIF Dividend = a? +b" or abr a)it nis even: a 07 is csbie ny (a+ b) Dy If miscodd:a + Bi is dvs by (ab) 8". Bis aivays divisible by (ab) 7) IF Dvidend = a + Bh ora =P a) Ira is even a ie visible by (a +) b)Ifnisodd. a + bis dvisibe by (a+b) ) a? DMs abvaysdiviiblo by (2b) 8) To find the unit digit of number which is in the form a® (Ex: 7108, 9125) 4) Ib ie not alvieibe by & ‘Step 1: Dnida bby 4 its not vibe thon fnd the romainder of b wna divided by 4 ‘Step 2: Units aight = af is ne remainder 2) fb Is multiple of & Units agit ie 6: Wnen even numbers 2, 4 6,8 ae aise to mulpa or Unite digit ie 1: When odd numbers 3,7 and 9 are rised to multiple of 4

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