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Ma. Abbygale B.

Exercises for lower extremities:
1. Plyometric Lunges- Start standing then take a
step forward with right foot and drop into a lunge
where left knee taps floor. Push through right
heel to explode into a jump and switch legs in
midair so you land in a lunge with left leg
forward. Use your arms for momentum. Repeat
the lunge jump on left leg. That’s 1 rep.

Exercises for core extremities:

2. Bicycle Ab Crunch- Lie flat on the floor, and
place your hands behind your head. Bring your
knees in towards your chest and lift your
shoulder blades off the ground. Straighten your
right leg out to about a 45° angle to the ground
while turning your upper body to the left,
bringing your right elbow toward your left knee.
Switch sides and do the same motion

Exercises for upper extremities:

3. Arm Raise- With a weight in each hand, stand
with feet shoulder-width apart. Slowly raise both
weights in front of you until your hands are in
line with the shoulders. Return the weight to the
start position. Now raise both weights to the
side, forming a T shape.

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