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Sub Theme-Traditional Knowledge systems and intangible Heritage

Paper Title-
Traditional knowledge associated with Timber Construction,
its intricacy and efficiency;
22nd -23rd May, 2020 'Padmanabhapuram Palace' Tamil Nadu
IIT-Madras, Chenai

Structural & Material
Analysis in Built
Paper presenter- Dr. Vishakha Kawathekar, Keyur L. Shah
Paper Code- TKSIH-10

National Centre for Safety of Heritage Structures

Sub Theme- Traditional Knowledge systems and intangible Heritage
Here, in this study approach is to understand ancient texts, documenting
Association of T.K.S. to Padmanabhapuram palace construction and joinery details for one of such important palatial building ‘Thai
Kottaram, Padmanabhapuram Palace, Thuckalay, Tamil Nadu, Linkages to
Texts, and T.K.S., and as the findings proposals to various analysis, BIM models,
In present day how these T.K.S. / Timber construction which may need to be studied further. It may help to sustain Traditional
/ Intricacy & efficiency should be looked upon. knowledge of Timber construction, its good practices, and to preserve
authenticity, the integrity of the place.

How to understand association of T.K.S.

Establishing linkages between T.K.S. &

on site practices.
Traditional Knowledge system in Built Heritage portrayed either as tangible or
intangible; it is quested all time by human interests as a subject of finding, and at
present in its purest way directs to look postindustrial activities more sensibly.
These Knowledge which testified by nature over centuries can profound with
scientific reasoning, testing, and pieces of evidence. One such aspect leading to
the spread of Vernacular Timber construction and later Traditional Timber
construction, prevalent to Travancore in the realm of Venad kingdom gave birth
to a guild which believed to be followed the oral way to communicate their
expertise and experiences. Their Timber construction for religious and palatial
structures based on ‘Taccusastra’; the science behind Carpentry.

In the present day, due to changes in socio-economic conditions many

associations of these guilds are dissociating to their practices, migrating other
cities, or even countries like Gulf and living behind their Traditional skills. As a
result Timber buildings are under serious threat; especially when it comes to
their repairs and maintenance. Series of later interventions and current
malpractice raising questions against the authenticity of the structure. Under
such circumstances, it is very important to document the building ranging from
its spatial planning to construction techniques, materials to joineries. It is also Mantrashala, Pumukham, Padmanabhapuram Palace
important to use the latest technology which may help to bridge a gap between source for Images-Shah.K.L,
existed and lost knowledge. Site Visit, March, 2018

PAPER TITLE- Traditional knowledge associated with Timber Construction, its intricacy and
efficiency; 'Padmanabhapuram Palace' Tamil Nadu
AT ICOMOS INDIA Scientific Symposium, 2020 Held at IIT-Madras
Sub Theme- Traditional Knowledge systems and intangible Heritage


120 MM Dia.Thoon
250 MM x 140 MM
x 100 MM Capital
Cross Joist 300 160 MM x 120 MM
Mm x 80 MM Uttaram

600 MM Ishitika Bhiti

Koti Kazhukkol 120
Muri Thalam Padukam 120 MM
MM x 250 MM
Uttaram 180 MM x x 80 MM
150 MM Azhi 60 MM x 60
Straight Joist 120 MM X 530 MM
MM x 100 MM Bracket 450 MM x
100 MM x 1190
Nerkana Kazhukkol Valla-Bracket 150
540 80 MM x 250 MM MM x 135 MM
540 Kottu Band Vala 60 Valla Bandh -
MM x 60 MM Bracket 40 MM x
60 MM
Vamada 80 MM x 80 Nerkana Kazhukkol

MM 350 MM x 80 MM
Veranda Muri Nadumuttam Veranda Veranda
Vamada 120 MM
x 100 MM
Joist -Veranda
100 MM x 120 MM
Secondary Joist 80 Primary Joist 100
Thalam MM x 150 MM MM x 120 MM
Primary Joist 120 MM Secondary Joist
x 150 MM 80 MM x 100 MM
Ceiling Panel 440 Kottu Band vala
MM x 440 MM 60 MM x 60 MM
Ekantha Mandapam Uttaram 540 MM x
Muri 320 MM
Thoon 420 MM x 420
Cross Joist 120 MM x
140 MM
Cross Joist 120 MM Secondary Joist 100
x 150 MM MM x 120 MM
Koti Kazhukkol 150 Koti Kazhukkol 150
Veranda MM x 350 MM MM x 350 MM
Kazhukkol 300 MM x
Kazhukkol 80 MM
100 MM
x 300 MM

Thai Kottaram, Ground Floor plan at 580 MM Thai Kottaram, Reflected Ceiling Plan at 580 MM
Scale-1:50 Scale-1:50

PAPER TITLE- Traditional knowledge associated with Timber Construction, its intricacy and
efficiency; 'Padmanabhapuram Palace' Tamil Nadu
AT ICOMOS INDIA Scientific Symposium, 2020 Held at IIT-Madras
Sub Theme- Traditional Knowledge systems and intangible Heritage


Ground Floor
Kidapu Muri Kidapu Muri Room


Granite pillar, Inner courtyard

Room Kidapu

Koti Kazhukkol
Uttaram resting on wooden

Thala Room


First Flooor Corridor

Plan @ 6500MM Scal 1-50

source for Images-Shah.K.L,
Ceiling, First floor Site Visit, March, 2018
Wooden Pillar supporting
uttaram, Arukudam Joint

PAPER TITLE- Traditional knowledge associated with Timber Construction, its intricacy and
efficiency; 'Padmanabhapuram Palace' Tamil Nadu
AT ICOMOS INDIA Scientific Symposium, 2020 Held at IIT-Madras
Sub Theme- Traditional Knowledge systems and intangible Heritage

Koti Kazhukkol
150 MM x 350
Kazhukkol 200 MM
Kazhukkol 300
MM x 100 MM MM x 100 MM
Truss 200 MM x Nerkana
100 MM Kazhukkol 300 MM
Koti Kazhukkol 160
x 100 MM
MM x 350 MM
Kottu Band Valla Koti Kazhukkol 150
100 MM x 100 MM MM x 350 MM
Mondhayam 180 x Kazhukkol 200
300 MM MM x 100 MM
Nerkana Kazhukkol
200 MM x 100 MM Frame 200 MM x
Valla 100 MM
Bandhan 60
MM Thick
Uttaram 280 MM Hip 180 MM x
x 180 MM 300 MM
Column Capital Mondhayam 180
160 MM x 280 MM MM x 300 MM
x 120 MM
Column 150 MM
Dia. Nerkana Kazhukkol
Bracket 450 MM x 200 MM x 100 MM
100 MM x 1190 MM
Kottu Bandh Valla
Uttaram 280 MM x 100 MM x 100 MM
180 MM
Valla Bandhan 60
Valla Bandhan MM Thick
80 MM Thick
Kottu Bandha Valla
100 MM x 100 MM

Frame 200 MMx

100 MM
Kazhukkol 200
MM x 100 MM

Reflected Roof Plan Scale 1:50 Roof Top View Scale 1:50

PAPER TITLE- Traditional knowledge associated with Timber Construction, its intricacy and
efficiency; 'Padmanabhapuram Palace' Tamil Nadu
AT ICOMOS INDIA Scientific Symposium, 2020 Held at IIT-Madras
Sub Theme- Traditional Knowledge systems and intangible Heritage

Thoon 150 MM Dia Koti Kazhukkol

Capital 160 MM x 180 MM x 300 MM
260 MM x 120 MM Mondhayam
Uttaram 160 MM
x 120 MM 180MM x 300 MM
Padukam 120 Valla Bandhan
MM x 80 MM
Azhi 60 MM x 60 Nerkana Kazhukkol
MM x 530 MM 200 MM x 100 MM
Bracket 450 MM Kottu Bandh Valla
x 100 MM x 1190 40 MM x 40 MM
MM Uttaram 280
Valla- Bracket MM x 180 MM
150MM x 135 MM Kazzukol 350
MM x 80 MM
Valla Bandh -
Bracket 40 MM x
60 MM Uttaram 160
MM x 110 MM
Nerkana Kazhukkol
80 MM x 220 MM Vamada 120 MM x
100 MM
Mondhayam 180 Bracket 450mm x
MM x 300 MM 100MM x 1190 mm
Koti Valla Bandhan 40
Kazhukkol MM x 60 MM
Nerkanna Railing 110
Kazhukkol MM x 115 MM
Azhi 60 MM x 60
600 MM Ishitika MM x 530 MM
Bhiti Padukam 120
MM 80 MM
Uttaram Plinth 560 MM
Kottu Banda Valla

Primary Joist

Secondary Joist

Scale -1:50

Refelected Ceiling Plan at 4360 MM Sectional Perspective View

Scale -1:50

PAPER TITLE- Traditional knowledge associated with Timber Construction, its intricacy and
efficiency; 'Padmanabhapuram Palace' Tamil Nadu
AT ICOMOS INDIA Scientific Symposium, 2020 Held at IIT-Madras
Sub Theme- Traditional Knowledge systems and intangible Heritage
Ridge Level Ridge Level
9703 9703

Roof Base Roof Base

7223 7223

First Floor First Floor

4343 4343

Plinth Level Plinth Level

540 540
Ground Level Ground Level
East Elevation Scale -1:50
NorthElevation Scale -1:50
Ridge Level Ridge Level
9703 9703

Roof Base Roof Base

7223 7223

First Floor First Floor

4343 4343

Plinth Level Plinth Level

540 540
Ground Level Ground Level
0 0

West Elevation Scale -1:50 South Elevation Scale -1:50

South-East Elevation West Elevation, North Elevation North Elevation South-West Elevation North-West Corner North-West Corner South-West Corner
Balcony Source of Photographs- Shah.K.L. Feb,2018

PAPER TITLE- Traditional knowledge associated with Timber Construction, its intricacy and
efficiency; 'Padmanabhapuram Palace' Tamil Nadu
AT ICOMOS INDIA Scientific Symposium, 2020 Held at IIT-Madras
Sub Theme- Traditional Knowledge systems and intangible Heritage
Primary Joist
Secondary Joist
(Forming Sheelanti
(Thatuthulaam) Granite Stone Pillar

Kottu Bandh Valla

Nerkana Kazhukkol
Kottu bandha valla
Koti Kazhukkol


Kottu Band Valla

Ner Kanna Kazhukkol
Kottu Band Valla



Axonometric View till First Floor Scale 1 : 50

Axonometric View Scale 1 : 50

PAPER TITLE- Traditional knowledge associated with Timber Construction, its intricacy and
efficiency; 'Padmanabhapuram Palace' Tamil Nadu
AT ICOMOS INDIA Scientific Symposium, 2020 Held at IIT-Madras
Sub Theme- Traditional Knowledge systems and intangible Heritage

Load Transfer
Ridge Level

Roof Level

First Floor

Plinth Level

Ground Level

Transverse Section at C-C1 Scale 1 :25

Key Plan (1:500)

PAPER TITLE- Traditional knowledge associated with Timber Construction, its intricacy and
efficiency; 'Padmanabhapuram Palace' Tamil Nadu
AT ICOMOS INDIA Scientific Symposium, 2020 Held at IIT-Madras
Sub Theme- Traditional Knowledge systems and intangible Heritage
Jackwood pillar shaft
Granite Stone Pillar Base Narkanna Kazhukkol (480 MM x 340 MM)
(420 MM x 420 MM)
(560 MM x 560 MM) Thoon (120 MM Dia) 350 MM x 80 MM) Uttaram
Horizontal Reaper (480 MM x 340 MM)
Thoon (120 MM Dia.)
(40MM x 60 MM) Koti Bandh Valla
Azhi (80 MM x 80 MM)
(60 MM x 60 MM x 530 MM) Arapady Uttaram
(120 x 100 MM) 150 MM x 110MM)
(120MM x 80 Nadumpady
MM) (135 MM x
Laterite Stone 150 MM)
Plinth Vamada
(560 MM Thick) (120 MM x
100 MM)

EkanthaMandapam till Column Base


EkanthaMandapam till Center part of Column EkanthaMandapam till Center Uttaram

Scale-1:25 Scale-1:25

(100 MM x 120 MM) Entry to Ekantha Mandapam, Uttaram and Chittuttaram, Ceiling , Ekantha Madapam
(Source-Shah.K.L, Feb-2018) Ekantha Mandapam (Source-Shah.K.L, Feb-2018)
Joist (Source-Shah.K.L, Feb-2018)
(150 MM x 120 MM)

Uttaram Uttaram
(480 MM x
340 Mm) Ishitika Bhiti
(600 MM Thk)

EkanthaMandapam till Structural Floor Scale-1:25 Thoon and Uttaram, Uttaram, Joist and carved Panel Thoon, Uttaram and Kazhukkol
(Source-Shah.K.L, Feb-2018) (Source- Shah.K.L. Feb-2018) (Source- Shah.K.L. Feb-2018)

PAPER TITLE- Traditional knowledge associated with Timber Construction, its intricacy and
efficiency; 'Padmanabhapuram Palace' Tamil Nadu
AT ICOMOS INDIA Scientific Symposium, 2020 Held at IIT-Madras
Sub Theme- Traditional Knowledge systems and intangible Heritage
Horizontal Reaper

Mukhapam Hip
Intricately Carved
Panel below Mondhayam

Valla Bandham

Kottu Band Valla


Kottu bandh Valla



Thoon Capital

Ekantha Mandapam till

center part of first floor
column Scale 1:25

Ekantha Mandapam till Ekantha Mandapam till

uttaram first floor Mondhayam
Scale 1:25
Scale 1:25

PAPER TITLE- Traditional knowledge associated with Timber Construction, its intricacy and
efficiency; 'Padmanabhapuram Palace' Tamil Nadu
AT ICOMOS INDIA Scientific Symposium, 2020 Held at IIT-Madras
Sub Theme- Traditional Knowledge systems and intangible Heritage

Kottu Bandh Valla
Mondhayam Ner Kanna Kazhukkol
Kottu Bandh Valla


Kottu Bandh Valla


Ekantha Mandapam, Mukhapa Ekantha Mandapam, South-East Junction

Scale 1:25 Scale 1:25

PAPER TITLE- Traditional knowledge associated with Timber Construction, its intricacy and
efficiency; 'Padmanabhapuram Palace' Tamil Nadu
AT ICOMOS INDIA Scientific Symposium, 2020 Held at IIT-Madras
Sub Theme- Traditional Knowledge systems and intangible Heritage
Capital Uttaram
Koti Bandh Valla Azhi

Valla bhandam Nadumpady

Nerkanna Kazhukkol
Mukhapa Bracket
Mondhayam Horizontal Reaper
Viskambha Azhi

Kottu Bandh Valla

Kotu Mattuppav Uttaram
Bandha Vamada


Kottu Bandh Valla



Detail at Corner
Junction Scale 1:25

Detail at Balcony
Projection Scale 1:25

Mukhapa, West Facade Thoon and Capital Thoon, Capital and Uttaram
Source-Shah.K.L, Feb, 2018 Source-Shah.K.L, Feb, 2018 Source-Shah.K.L, Feb, 2018

PAPER TITLE- Traditional knowledge associated with Timber Construction, its intricacy and
efficiency; 'Padmanabhapuram Palace' Tamil Nadu
AT ICOMOS INDIA Scientific Symposium, 2020 Held at IIT-Madras
Sub Theme- Traditional Knowledge systems and intangible Heritage

Joint Between Hip Rafter
prefered one piece .
Joint Between Mondhayam
. Joint between pillar and floor

Joint Between Mondhayam

Joint Between Uttaram,
Minor Uttaram and

Sandhikaran for Arapady .

Sandhikaran for Uttaram . Joint Between
Mukhapa and
Joint Between Viskambha
two directional

Joint at Corner junction
. between Uttaram
(Sarvathabhadhra Joint)

Joint beteen Arapady
and Bracket .

Joint Between Joists Joint Between Column Base, Corner Joint between Arapady Joint between
Shaft and Capital (Sarvathabhadhra Joint) Kizhpady and Azhi

PAPER TITLE- Traditional knowledge associated with Timber Construction, its intricacy and
efficiency; 'Padmanabhapuram Palace' Tamil Nadu
AT ICOMOS INDIA Scientific Symposium, 2020 Held at IIT-Madras
Sub Theme- Traditional Knowledge systems and intangible Heritage

Level of Information
Academic scholars / field Academic scholars / field
Sr.No. Texts Primary Survey Sr.No. Texts Primary Survey
Expert research scholars Expert research scholars

1. The collection of wood be carried out at Trees which are suitable for Not followed 7. The bottom of a piece of wood should be towards the
Not followed, as Practically not Possible Not followed.
an auspicious conjunction during the the purpose should be south when it is placed from south to north.
on site.
southern and northern ayana, solstice, or consider prior to seasoning. Source-Mansara, The science of Architecture,
(After conversation with Site Supervisor,
during the four months beginning with Chapter 17, Sloka 37
Contractor Rajan, Thuckalay, Kerala)
Magha(January-February), during the
waning phase of the moon. 8. The bottom should be towards the west when the Not followed, as Practically not Possible Not followed.
wood is placed from east to west. on site.
2. The lower part (i.e. trunk) of a tree is At the junctions, joints On site, carpenters were Source-Mansara, The science of Architecture, (After conversation with Site Supervisor,
strong and the upper part weak; the wise more bearing is required. not aware about it. Chapter 17, Sloka 38 Contractor Rajan, Thuckalay, Kerala)
(architect) should, therefore, select (lit, (After conversation with
joint) all timbers from the lower part. T.S.Balagopal) 9. The bottom joint should be towards the south-west Not followed, as Practically not Possible Not followed.
Source-Mansara, The science of when the wood is placed from west to south. on site.
Architecture, Chapter 17, Sloka 3-4 Source-Mansara, The science of Architecture, (After conversation with Site Supervisor,
Chapter 17, Sloka 39 Contractor Rajan, Thuckalay, Kerala)
3. The wood should be selected in such way Bent or Broken plank may lead to On site, wood directly arises
that it should never be bent, broken, or uneven load bearing from warehouses, some time
pointed. (After conversation with they found such defects but
Source-Mansara, The science of T.S.Balagopal) they try to eliminate such
Architecture, Chapter 17, Sloka 5-6 portion. Relationship between material; raw material, process, product
The wise (architect) should examine all the Not followed, as Practically not wood gender not taken into
4. four sides of the wood on its outside by Possible on site. consideration.
turning it again and again from left to right, (After conversation with Site Sr.No. Raw Material. Process Product
and ascertain (its gender) ; the internal Supervisor, Contractor Rajan,
four sides should be also examined by Thuckalay, Kerala) 1. Wood, Heart Wood repeatedly seasoned by immersing into different type of Padukam,
looking at its face from the outside; the wood, oil constituting eight ingredients. Timber gets stronger every Adippadi,
best architect should accurately ascertain time as it absorb oil. Nadumpady,
its right and left sides. Melppady,
Source-Mansara, The science of Bio-preservative using Nine Ingredients Kizhpady,
Architecture, Chapter 17, Sloka 27-30 Sheelanthi,
Bio preservative prepared based on the traditional Knowledge was
5. In case of joining three pieces of wood (the Not followed, as Practically not Not taken into consideration. proved to be efficient against wood borers and termites. The method
rule) should be that the middling piece Possible on site. of preparation-
should be on the right, the long piece of (After conversation with Site Sesame Oil (18.5L) boiled and 250 gm of bees added till wax melts
wood should be in the middle, and the Supervisor, Contractor Rajan, completely and mixes with oil. To this 250 gm of each of following
Ner Kanna
short one on the left. Thuckalay, Kerala) added Kadukka (Terminalia chebula), vayambu (Acoras calamus),
Source-Mansara, The science of Manjal (Curcuma longa), Kunthirukkam (Canarium strictum),
Koti Kazhukkol,
Architecture, Chapter 17, Sloka 34-35 Kolarakku (Laccifer lacca) and kungilyam (Boswellia serrate). The
Valla Bhandham,
mixture need to boiled well, then 250 gm of dried
Kotu Bandh Valla,
kotuveli( Plumbago indica) herbs added, till the oil begins to froth.
6. The wood should be joined always at the Not followed, as Practically not It is followed to best
top and bottom (i.e. at either end) Possible on site. possible way.
Source-Mansara, The science of (After conversation with Site
Architecture, Chapter 17, Sloka 36 Supervisor, Contractor Rajan,
Thuckalay, Kerala)

PAPER TITLE- Traditional knowledge associated with Timber Construction, its intricacy and
efficiency; 'Padmanabhapuram Palace' Tamil Nadu
AT ICOMOS INDIA Scientific Symposium, 2020 Held at IIT-Madras
Sub Theme- Traditional Knowledge systems and intangible Heritage
Typology of Joineries
Where Ability to
Where Ability to Sr.No. Joinery. Intricacy
Sr.No. Joinery Range Drawings Intricacy Range Drawings dismantle
(Architectural dismantle (Architectural (Yes/No)
(Yes/No) (Yes/No)
Component) (Yes/No) Component)
1. Arukudam Joint Mondhayam, Bending, Yes Yes 9 Lap Joint
. Joist, Shear forces Yes Yes
(a) Uttaram Hogging & Bracket
shear forces

2. Arukudam Joint Mondhayam, Bending, Yes Yes

(b) Uttaram Hogging &
shear forces

3. Eruthala Joint Melppady, Bending, Yes Yes

Kizhpady Hogging &
shear forces 10. Nandhyavartha Uttaram Bending and Yes Yes
4. Bird's Mouth Uttaram, Bending Yes Yes Joint Hogging
Joint Minor
5. Lap Joint Thatuthulaam Shear and Yes Yes
, Sheelanthi Bending
forces 11. sarvathabhadhra
Joint Uttaram Bending and Yes Yes
6. Arukudam Uttaram Bending, Yes Yes
with Six Hogging &
Grooves for shear forces

7. Vertical joints Thoon, Point Load Yes

Base-Thoon Yes
Azhi Conclusions
The aspects of Authenticity and Integrity concerning to materials, traditions, techniques are not fully
fulfilled. Within the Cultural spread of timber construction about the region many changes are
observed; these are ranging from obtaining wood to its preparation, preservation, craftsmanship, and
Construction. Guild associated with Traditional Timber Construction follows the oral way of passing
8. Vertical joints Thoon, Point Load Yes their knowledge and expertise, under modernization, many of them are no longer in their original
Base-Thoon Yes professions. The new generation involved in timber construction mainly are migrants and lack behind
Azhi, in required skills and calculations. Traditional knowledge in Padmanabhapuram requires further
research; every minute quotes, details, and construction techniques shall be compared with
contemporary to validate its effectiveness more scientific way. Many parts of the ancient texts and
their derivative remain unresolved, which may be overlooked with the use of modern tools and
techniques. This validation may help to build a unique standard protocol which may be used further
for heritage like Padmanabhapuram, where entire knowledge is based on the ancient inscription.

PAPER TITLE- Traditional knowledge associated with Timber Construction, its intricacy and
efficiency; 'Padmanabhapuram Palace' Tamil Nadu
AT ICOMOS INDIA Scientific Symposium, 2020 Held at IIT-Madras

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