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One of the functions of statistics is presentation of facts in definite form. Statistics helps in
presenting the complex facts in definite form to the users.
Statistics makes use of various analysis techniques to present the collected data in the useful
and definite form.
EXAMPLE: Suppose the statement is ‘Population of India is increasing day by day’, this
statement is not statistics and does not convey any definite meaning. However with the
help of the statistics collected we can say that ‘Population of India has increased from
102 crore in 2001 to 121 crore in 2011’. This statement is conveying the definite
meaning about the rise of population.


Statistics is also associated with the organisation and classification of the data. This is
done to remove all the inconsistencies, irregularities out of the data and to give a clear
view of the whole data. “The purpose of statistical methods is to simplify great bodies of
numerical data.”

The presentation of the data in the forms of graphs, charts, tables, diagrams, pie charts
and bar graphs etc. make the data available in easy and understandable form.

EXAMPLE: It is impossible to present data about the income of every person of India
but with the help of Statistics, incomes of all persons can be presented as ‘PER CAPITA

One of the functions of statistics is presentation f facts in definite form making the
comparisons. The simplified data is compared with another set of data to give
meaningful results.

“The object of statistics is to enable comparison to be made between past and present
results with a view to ascertaining the reasons for changes which have been taken
place and the effect of such changes in the future.”

Statistics facilitates inter-temporal, international comparisons as well as many other 

EXAMPLE: The growth and progress rate of Indian Economy from the date of
independence to present times is an example of Inter-temporal comparison.


Statistics is helpful in the analysis of numerical data. The data collected is analysed with
the use of techniques like

 Measure Of Central Tendency

 Measures Of Dispersion
 Kurtosis
 Interpolation And Extrapolation
 Probability Theory


Statistics is highly useful in the formulation and testing of the hypothesis. A researcher
may formulate the hypothesis on the basis of the observation. The hypothesis is tested
with the help of statistics and if the hypothesis is selected, a new theory comes into the

EXAMPLE: The application of the Law of Demand may be verified with the help of the


All the policies to be made or modified require some kind of data which is collected with
the help of statistics. So, statistics helps in policy formulation. Statistics made available
all the data which is required to study the intensity of the issue and policy can be
formulated after taking into consideration all the relevant facts.

EXAMPLE: To frame the Poverty Alleviation policy, the statistics make the data
available about the number of persons that live below poverty line, the amount of
income earned by the residents, etc.


Forecasting and Prediction is an important part of Statistics. All statistical techniques

are helpful in prediction of future trends. The data collected helps in predicting about the
behavior of the variables in the future.
EXAMPLE: The sale of the product can be predicted or forecasted on the basis of the
statistical data collected on the market demand of the product.

The statistical techniques like Time Series Analysis, Extrapolation and Regression
Analysis provide a scientific base for making predictions.


Statistics helps in increasing the knowledge and experience of the human. The uses of
the statistical techniques helps in gaining the knowledge about the new concepts and
improve the power of reasoning in human beings.

“The proper function of statistics, indeed, is to enlarge individual experience.”


Statistics are also helpful in measuring the after effects of the policies implemented. The
policies can be reframed after considering the effects by analyzing and studying the
previous subjects.


Statistics is helpful in realizing the intensity or magnitude of the problem. It tells about
the degree or severeness of the issue.

EXAMPLE: ‘Population has increased in India’ does not tell about the magnitude of the
problem of population explosion. But the fact that population has increased to 121 crore
truly conveys the intensity of the issue of population increase.
Research can be defined as the systematic investigation of a subject in order
to establish certain facts or reach a conclusion. In most cases, researchers
collect and analyze data to find meaningful patterns, relationships, and or the
effect of a specific intervention. The use of statistics has become essential in
research since it is the best way to analyze this collected data. Statistics refers
to the study of methods for collecting, summarizing, analyzing, and drawing
conclusions from data.

Statistics is a fundamental tool for researchers; it enables them to make sense

of their data and make statistical inferences that can be applied to larger
populations. Through systematic collection, description, analysis, and
interpretation of data, researchers can draw meaningful and useful
conclusions that can help solve real-world problems. Statistics is especially
useful in research since it systematically accounts for variability and
uncertainty to make valid inferences.

In the field of research, data comes from various sources, including surveys,
experiments, observational studies, and many others. Data collection can be
done via different methods, including face-to-face interviews, phone
interviews, online surveys, observations, and more. However, regardless of the
method used, a consistent approach to data collection and analysis is
necessary to ensure results are accurate and reliable. This is where statistics
comes in.

The Use of Statistics in Research

Statistics is a valuable tool in research, it offers researchers the ability to take

complex data sets, break them down and draw critical and meaningful
conclusions. In this section, we will explore the use of statistics in specific areas
of research.

1. Descriptive Statistics

One of the essential uses of statistics in research is descriptive statistics.

Descriptive statistics uses data to describe the characteristics of a sample or
population. It includes measures of central tendency, such as the mean and
the median, and measures of variability that include the standard deviation
and variance. Descriptive statistics is used to obtain a summary of data quickly,
enabling researchers to understand the characteristics of data that will be used
in their research.

2. Inferential Statistics

Another crucial use of statistics in research is the application of inferential

statistics. Inferential statistics is used not to describe a specific data set but to
make inferences and predictions about a larger population. This is done by
drawing samples from the population and making inferences about the
population based on the characteristics observed in the samples. Inferential
statistics help researchers establish the degree of confidence they can have in
the results they observe from their sample data.

3. Regression Analysis

Regression analysis is another application of statistics in research. Regression

analysis is used to establish a relationship between two or more variables;
independent and dependent variables. Regression analysis helps determine
how the independent variables impact the dependent variable.

4. Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis testing is a fundamental concept in research. It is used to

determine whether the observed results can be considered statistically
significant. Hypothesis testing is used to determine whether there is a
difference between two groups or if a particular intervention had a notable
effect. The goal of hypothesis testing is to find statistical evidence that
supports (or not) the hypothesis formulated by the researcher.
The Importance of Statistics in Research

Statistics is a valuable tool for researchers to enable them to make sense of

their data; it allows them to analyze and interpret large data sets accurately.
Statistics is crucial since it plays a vital role in research, here are some of the
reasons why:

1. Validity of Research

In research, accuracy of results is significant, and statistics help with this. By

using statistical methods to analyze data, researchers can avoid any possible
biases that could lead to misinterpretation of data. Through the use of
statistics, researchers can be more confident that their results are valid, reliable
and that they can have confidence in the application of such results.

2. Generalizability

Research seeks to understand and solve real-world problems. Therefore, the

results obtained from research should be generalizable from the sample to the
entire population being studied. Statistics makes this possible by enabling
researchers to calculate the probability of random errors occurring in the
observed results of the study. By understanding this, researchers can
confidently generalize the results of their research.

3. Predictions

Research is utilized to make predictions, and statistical analysis plays a critical

role in making accurate predictions. A well-executed research study that
utilizes statistical tools can provide reliable and valid predictions. This is
important, as predictions are used to make decisions in fields such as public
policy and strategic planning.

4. Significance

Statistics helps determine the significance of a particular study. Statistical

significance in research is used to establish the level of confidence one has in
the results. Determining the significance of a particular study can be the
difference between acting on the research's findings or ignoring it altogether.
5. Visualization of Results

Statistics can create a visual representation of data, making it easier for

researchers to interpret the results of the study. Data visualization techniques
such as graphs and charts can provide a quick and efficient way to interpret
data, which can lead to better decision making.


In conclusion, the use of statistics in research is essential as it enables

researchers to make sense of their data, make informed and valid claims, and
generally support scientific inquiry. The role of statistics in research cannot be
overstated as it has become increasingly crucial in today's data-driven world.
Researchers can now use advanced statistical methods to model a broad
range of phenomena, analyze data sets of various sizes and complexity, and
draw reliable conclusions. Statistics continues to play a critical role in research,
helping scientists make sense of large, complex data sets, enabling them to
make predictions and allowing them to draw valid and reliable conclusions.

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