Deep Water Textual

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Deep Water Understanding the Text

Question 1

How does Douglas make clear to the reader the sense of panic that gripped him as he almost
drowned? Describe the details that have made the description vivid.


When Douglas was ung into the pool by a bruiser, he almost drowned. He was terri ed but did
not lose hope. While going down the water, he planned to save himself. He decided that when his
feet hit the bottom, he would make a big jump and come to the surface and then lie down and
paddle to the edge of the pool. But this plan didn’t work for him. As a result, he went down again.
This time also Douglas tried, but in vain. Now panic seized him. He realised that he was going to
drown. His limbs were paralysed, his lungs lled with water and ached. The mass of yellow water
lled him with stark terror and he started fainting.

Question 2.

How did Douglas overcome his fear of water?


Douglas was haunted by the fear of water for many years. In order to overcome his fear, he
decided to hire an instructor and started practising swimming regularly. The instructor very
innovatively devised a method to teach him swimming. Douglas used to wear a belt around his
waist and a rope was attached to it which went through a pulley that ran on an overhead cable.
So it pulled him out whenever he felt panicky while swimming. After three months of rigorous
practice, he started to feel relaxed.

Douglas also paddled his legs in water by the side of the pool. Initially, Douglas felt paralysed and
his legs didn’t move but gradually he overcame his nervousness. The instructor told him that his
job was done and Douglas had become a complete swimmer. But in order to be con dent
Douglas swam in di erent lakes. Finally, when he swam in Warm Lake, he realised that he had
overcome his fear of water.

Question 3.

Why does Douglas, as an adult, recount a childhood experience of terror and his conquering of it?
What larger meaning does he draw from this experience?


Douglas, as an adult, recounts his childhood experience of terror. It was like an encounter with
death for him. He could feel the terror that he was going through when he was about to drown in
the pool. This fear haunted him for years and nally his zest for overcoming this fear strengthened
him. Rigorous practice, courage, willpower and determination conquered the inherent fear of his
heart and he gained con dence. Through this experience, Douglas was able to understand the
fact that clinging to the past fears only spoils our present. In life, fear is the greatest enemy of
man, which holds him back from taking initiatives. Douglas understood that in spite of the fact
that in life, situations are risky, at times, one must have courage to face them boldly.

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