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IJP German-Asian Newsletter #1

May/June 2023

At the beginning two news from IJP:

New German Japanese program started: By mid-October we‘ll have the first group of
Japanese and German journalists heading out for the respective countries. We have selected
a group of five colleagues from various German media outlets and five co-fellows from Tokyo,
Nagoya and Mie region who are looking forward to deep dive into the experience of working
abroad. The number of applications from each country equaled and a strong resonance of
female journalists applying from Japan proves our stereotypes wrong.

And: Save the Date!

Berlin – Asia Programme alumni
Monday, October 16th, 6.30pm “afterwork get together” with the news fellows in Berlin.
Next to meet&mingle accompanied by refreshments we invite you to join us for an input by
the Yomiuri correspondent to Berlin.
However, the overall purpose is to reconnect after the pandemic.

And here are our updates:

I just finished teaching at a middle school yesterday. There were 10 lessons during four
months. The course is called “Media Literacy”. My students are 14-15 years old, I teach them
how to read the news, distinguish fake news, how to do interviews and ask questions. I really
enjoyed sharing my news experiences with these teenagers. 😊😊 Here is the photo of me
and my students. My share for all the IJP fellows this month
I‘ve met Toniya in Seoul. She was suggesting IJP to invite alumni of 2006 for a seminar in

I’m currently in Cairo until the End of June to cover for the Middle-East-Correspondent from
the ARD (German Public Broadcast). If any IJP-Alumni are living in Cairo, hit me up! I’m
always up for having Koshary or a Stella together.

A crime site can reveal so much - if you reconstruct it in a computer program: How this works
and how other methods of digital forensic can help to solve complex crime investigations,
that’s the subject of my true-crime book “Digitale Forensik” that I published together with
Dirk Labudde, professor for digital forensic at the University of Mittweida, in April 2022.

This is my new initiative started making video news: Explaining how El Nino – a pacific
warming of sea phenomenon – will impact Indian Monsoon and what does it mean for
Indian food security. El Nino causes drought in Australia and Indonesia and increases
chances of drought in India:

„In May, I’ve met Japanese alumni, Mikiko and Aki, of 2000 and 2001. A reunion after two
Hello everyone, my name is Tobias. I live in Berlin and was in Taiwan at the end of last year in
November and December on an IJP fellowship. Although that was kind of a long time ago
again, my head is still half in Taiwan as I'm still turning research from on the ground into texts
and articles. Most recently, an interview with MP Fan Yun (DPP) was published for the
German parliamentary newspaper "Das Parlament" (https://www.das- Currently I am working on a text
about disinformation campaigns in Taiwan and how the country deals with them. I look
forward to getting to know you all through this newsletter or social media. Let me know if
you come to Berlin! You can also reach me on Facebook
( or Instagram

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