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The LTFRB ACQUIESCED to the jeepney drivers' demands.


He found that riders found the new licensing policy REPUGNANT


As a lawyer, he was PRUDENT in all of his dealings.


Because of the incessant tree cutting, forest covers have DWINDLED at an alarming

Her relentless badgering has placed the relationship in JEOPARDY.


His insensitive remarks has created ANIMOSITY in the workplace.


He was so BENIGN in approaching clients.


The manager gave a BOUNTIFUL gift to all of his staff.


Her CANDID attitude makes her both likable and detestable.


The teacher admonished one of his students who being HAUGHTY.


Meddle = interfere
Docile = gentle
Abjure = renounce
Brazen = shameless
Impetuous = rash
Enigma = puzzling
Contingent = conditional
Kindred = similar
Abate = decrease
Pensive = thoughtful


a. A three-act play or a novel are to be read; b. a total of two hundred pages c. of

poetry—lyric, dramatic, or narrative—is d. also required of everyone. e. NO ERROR
A - A three-act play or a novel are to be read

a. In this modern age of today, b. most people are c. too highly educated d. to believe
in superstitions. e. NO ERROR
C - too highly educated

a. If anybody objects, b. let them think of a better scheme c. rather than make fun d. of
the proposed plan. e. NO ERROR
B - let them think of a better scheme

a. Some people are b. simply too opportunities c. to take a stand d. on

controversial issues. e. NO ERROR

a. The best consultants are those who can suggest

b. or apply an array of methods aim at helping their clients

c. understand a situation, diagnose it, and

d. act accordingly under a given situation.


a. The success of a leader lays

b. not only on the leader’s ability to influence people,

c. but also in the sincerity of the purpose

d. that he desires to achieve.

a. This is just one approach b. to a selection system c. and there are many d. from
whom to choose. e.NO ERROR
D - From whom to choose.

Ever since he took over (a)/ as the chief minister of the state, (b)/ rate for
unemployment’s (c)/ has drastically increased. (d)/ No error (e)
C - has drastically increased

Although the brilliant writer, (a)/ an lying (b)/ pessimism prevails in (c)/ all her novels.
(d)/ No error (e)
B - an lying

A changed social setting (a)/ demands the schools to teach (b)/ moral and social values
(c)/ among with the academic skills. (d)/ No error(e)
D - among with the academic skills

Ashok is among the (a)/ few people in the world (b)/ which did not blindly follow (c)/ the
path of others.(d)/ No error (e)
C - the path of others

Most people like to (a)/ rest after a day's hard work (b)/ but he seemed to have (c)/ an in
exhaustive supply of energy. (d)/ No error (e)
C - an in exhaustive supply of energy.

Sugar-sweetened drinks does not (a)/ pose any particular health risk and (b)/ are
not a unique risk factor (c)/ for obesity or heart disease. (d)/ No error (e)
A - Sugar-sweetened drinks does not
Celebrating its 10 long years (a)/ in the industry, a private entertainment channel
(b)/ announce a series of (c)/ programs at a press conference. (d)/ No error (e)
C - announce a series of

The award ceremony ended (a)/ on a note of good cheer (b)/ with audiences responding
warmly (c)/ to its line up of films. (d)/ No error (e)
C - with audiences responding warmly

Coaches have the advantage of (a)/ draw on the their personal experiences (b)/ and
providing their players (c)/ with unique inputs. (d)/ No error (e)
B - draw on the their personal experiences

The finding may help doctors (a)/ to give more personalised care to patients (b)/ and to
modify the amount of powerful drugs (c)/ administered over their patients. (d)/ No error
D - administered over their patients.

The actress made a rare appearance (a)/ at the party and was (b)/ overheard talking in
(c)/ her next big project. (d)/ No error (e)
C - overheard talking in

The graceful folk dance had performed (a)/ so beautifully a dance group that nobody
(b)/ seemed to notice that (c)/ the show was two and a half hours long. (d)/ No error (e)
A - The graceful folk dance had performed

Taking care of yourself (a)/ cannot be (b)/ and should not be considered (c)/ as a selfish
thing, (d)/ No error (e)
E - No error (e)
For questions 1-5, refer to the following sentences

A. When these millennium development goals were first formulated in 1990, 53.5% of all
indian children were malnourished.
B. This would still be below the trget of reducing malnourishment to 28.6%.
C. India has been moderately successful in reducing poverty.
D. Since then, progress has been slow.
E. Today, it is estimated that malnourishment could decline to 40% by the end of 2015.
F. However, eradicating hunger along with malnourishment still remains a key
challenge, according to the millennium development goals.
C. India has been moderately successful in reducing poverty.
F. However, eradicating hunger along with malnourishment still remains a key
challenge, according to the millennium development goals.
A. When these millennium development goals were first formulated in 1990, 53.5% of
all indian children were malnourished.
D. Since then, progress has been slow.
E. Today, it is estimated that malnourishment could decline to 40% by the end of 2015.
B. This would still be below the target of reducing malnourishment to 28.6%.
For questions 6-10, refer to the following sentences

A. So while these partnerships are at times and messy controversial, on balance, they
are a force for good.
B. NGOs help companies reach and meet the needs of parts of the market that
companies do not understand such as the marginalised, where NGOs have unique
C. But before concluding that such partnership are valueless it is worth recalling the
reasons why they took off in the first place.
D. For NGOs too, partnerships with firms have their uses, with companies providing
money and ways of influencing the minds and behaviour of millions of people.
E. There are many opponents to the close ties between companies and charities
Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs).
F. NGOs are also better than companies at attracting and retaining idealistic talent, who
sometimes end up even being absorbed by the companies to administer the policies
they had advocated when they worked for NGOs.
B. NGOs help companies reach and meet the needs of parts of the market that
companies do not understand such as the marginalised, where NGOs have unique
D. For NGOs too, partnerships with firms have their uses, with companies providing
money and ways of influencing the minds and behaviour of millions of people.
F. NGOs are also better than companies at attracting and retaining idealistic talent, who
sometimes end up even being absorbed by the companies to administer the policies
they had advocated when they worked for NGOs.
E. There are many opponents to the close ties between companies and charities
Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs).
C. But before concluding that such partnership are valueless it is worth recalling the
reasons why they took off in the first place.
A. So while these partnerships are at times and messy controversial, on balance, they
are a force for good

For questions 6-10, refer to the following sentences. Sentence 1 is given.

Sentence 1: So how is global competition changing companies?

A. For example a group with a Europe-wide pay freeze may have to be flexible enough
to authorize salary increase to specialists and managers in developing countries who
are still able to jump ship for a better offer.
B. Second with emerging market well companies as established multinationals as rivals
there is no way these can be ignored.
C. First businesses are having to respond faster than before to pay changes.
D. A case in point today is Africa where rapid growth in key countries notably Nigeria
has persuaded many business people that the continent's time may finally have arrived,
sight of well-paid.
E. The expatriate foreign managers inspire these local Indian executives to ask for more
and employers have to respond.
F. So such countries where people move easily-like India are seeing executive pay
rising rapidly.


F. So such countries where people move easily-like India are seeing executive pay
rising rapidly.
C. First businesses are having to respond faster than before to pay changes.
B. Second with emerging market well companies as established multinationals as rivals
there is no way these can be ignored.
A. For example a group with a Europe-wide pay freeze may have to be flexible enough
to authorize salary increase to specialists and managers in developing countries who
are still able to jump ship for a better offer.
D. A case in point today is Africa where rapid growth in key countries notably Nigeria
has persuaded many business people that the continent's time may finally have arrived,
sight of well-paid.
E. The expatriate foreign managers inspire these local Indian executives to ask for more
and employers have to respond.

The gregariousness of people is mostly due to a fear of remaining alone. It feels
safer to be with a group, talk like a group, act like a group. The ramparts of group
solidarity give the members security.

The paragraph best supports the statement that __________.

people find safety in numbers

Sixty years ago I know everything; now I know nothing. Education is a

progressive discovery of our own ignorance.

The sentence best supports the statement that __________.

the more we learn, the more we realize that there’s more we need to know
Throughout the ages the businessman has helped build civilization's great cities,
provided people with luxuries and artists with patronage, and lift his fellow citizens to
understand the standard of living. In the last few centuries the businessman has seeded
the Industrial Revolution around the world.

The passage best supports the statement that the businessman

has contributed to the growth of civilization

The attainment of individual and organisational goals is mutually interdependent and

linked by a common denominator employee work motivation. Organizational members
are activated to satisfy their personal goals, and they contribute their efforts to the
attainment of organizational objectives as means of achieving these personal goals.

The passage best supports the statement that motivation

encourages an individual to give priority to personal goals over organizational goals.

The prevention of accidents makes it necessary not only that safety devices be used to
guard exposed machinery but also that mechanics by instructed in safety rules which
they must follow for their own protection, and that lighting in the plant be adequate.

The passage best supports the statement that industrial accidents

can be eliminated with the help of safety rules
In a modern economy, the results of long-range planning frequently depend upon the
future value of money. The ability then to predict the value of money is a key to
economic progress.

The paragraph best supports the statement that _________.

the unpredictability of money is an obstacle to a nation’s prosperity

The virtue of art does not allow the work to be interfered with or immediately ruled by
anything other than itself. It insists that it alone shall touch the work in order to bring it
into being. Art requires that nothing shall attain the work except through art itself.

This passage best supports the statement that :

art is for the sake of art alone.

No matter how strong and dedicated leaders may be, they must find root and strength
among the people. Alone, they cannot save a nation. They may guide, they may set the
tone, they may dedicate themselves and risk their lives, but ultimately national survival
lies in the people.

The paragraph best supports the statement that __________.

the people of a nation shape their own destiny with the guidance of a leader

Two person look out through the same bars; one sees mud and the other, the stars.

The sentence best supports the statement that __________.

people see things differently depending on their own perspective
A little ignorance when launching economic development projects may be a
fruitful stimulus to ingenious new approaches.

The sentence best supports the statement that __________.

ignorance sometimes gives birth to new knowledge

If legislation is to change social attitudes and values, it must come with adequate
enforcement and machinery, which should include efforts to educate people on these
laws. Otherwise, legal provision not only remain dead letters, but actually promote lack
of respect for the law.

The paragraph best supports the statement that __________.

the effectiveness of laws lies in adequate education of the people about them and their proper

Black-and-white camera film, in the old days of film photography, was very sensitive to
blue light but not to red light. Blue skies would often show very little detail, because the
film couldn’t record all that it was seeing. To compensate, photographers would put a
red filter

on the lens, darkening the sky enough that the film could record its fluffy clouds.

This paragraph best supports the statement that

red filters cut out some blue light on black and white film.
Today’s postal service is more efficient than ever. Mail that once took months to move
by horse and foot now moves around the country in days or hours by truck, train, and
plane. If your letter or package is urgent, the U.S. Postal Service offers Priority Mail and
Express Mail services. Priority Mail is guaranteed to go anywhere in the United States in
two days or less. Express Mail will get your package there overnight.

This paragraph best supports the statement that

mail service today is more effective and dependable.

Reality TV shows will have an adverse effect on traditional dramas and comedies. As
reality TV increases in popularity, network executives will begin canceling more
traditional programs and replacing them with the latest in reality TV.

This paragraph best supports the statement that

as reality TV gets more popular, more traditional television shows may be threatened.

When winding an old clock, it is important not to overwind it. Overwinding occurs when
the mainspring is almost fully wound, but the operator continues to turn the winding key.
This causes the main spring to coil too tightly, and might even break it.

This paragraph best supports the statement that

old-fashioned clocks were operated by an internal spring.

For questions 1-4, Below is a fictional table similar to something that you might
encounter in a publication from the IRS.

How much tax will you pay if you earn $28,000?


How much Social Security will you pay if you earn $75,000?

What is the highest salary you can earn and still pay no taxes?

What salary range pays 15 percent total, including tax and Social Security?
$15,000 – $20,000
According to the Men’s and Women’s Table Tennis chart, which country received the
most medals for both men and women in table tennis?

In the Men’s Table Tennis competition, which country only won a bronze medal?

Which of the following countries won one bronze medal and no other medals?

In which competition did Korea win an equal number of gold, silver, and bronze
the combined Men's and Women's competition

Out of the total number of students who opted for the given three subjects in the
year 2009, 38% were girls. How many boys opted for Mathematics in the same
Cannot be determined

Number of students who opted for the given three subjects in the year 2009 is
= 20000 + 20000 + 5000
= 45000
Number of girls = 38% of 45000
= 45000 ×( 38/100)
= 17100
Out of these, the number of boys who opted for Mathematics cannot be found.

If the total number of students in the university in the year 2007 was 455030, the
total number of students who opted for the given three subjects was
approximately what percent of the total students?

What is the ratio of the number of students who opted for English in the year 2006
and 2008 together to the number of students who opted for Hindi in the year 2005
and 2009 together?

Ratio of the number who opted for English in 2006 and 2008 to the number who
opted for Hindi in 2005 and 2009
= (25 + 30) : (5 + 20)
= 55 : 25
= 11 : 5

What is the total number of students who opted for Hindi and Mathematics in the
year 2006, 2007 and 2009 together?
The total number of students who opted for Mathematics in the year 2005 and
2008 together is approximately what percent of the total number of students who
opted for all three subjects in the same year?


In which country is the estimated income earned the highest?


What can be said about the data on the Philippine women earner vis-a-vis other
All of the above


Gigi is probably a pianist. She can really stretch her hands and fingers.
Pianists can really stretch their hands and fingers
In order to improve our admission process and get better students, we have
decided to include an interview of the applicants as a criterion.
An interview of the applicants will help draw better students.

The present administration helps poor people acquire basic necessities for living
that is why it helps squatter dwellers like Aling Rosie.
Squatter dwellers are considered poor people.

Arlene should not be part of the basketball team because she does not trust her
Team mates should have faith in each other

Subscribing to Cable T.V. is a luxury. All luxuries are needles expenditures.

Having a cellular phone is not a luxury. Dining in a Five-Star hotel is a needless
Subscribing to Cable TV is a needless expenditure.

All of my friends believe in marriage. Geraldine is a new friend. She lives with an
officemate in an apartment downtown.
Geraldine believes in marriage.
There are fewer juvenile delinquents in communities where the youth participate
actively in different socio-civic and religious clubs. Barangay X has a number of
youth clubs.
Barangay X has fewer juvenile delinquents than other barangays

If you repent, you will go to heaven. You have repented. What can be concluded?
You will go to heaven.

Liam's daughter is the cousin of Nory's daughter. Liam has no sister. How is Liam
related to Nory?
Liam is the brother-in-law of Nory.

When they heard news of the typhoon, Maya and Julian decided to change their
vacation plans. Instead of traveling to the island beach resort, they booked a
room at a fancy new spa in the mountains. Their plans were a bit more expensive,
but they'd heard wonderful things about the spa and they were relieved to find
availability on such short notice.
Maya and Julian decided to change their vacation plans because of the hurricane.







How many of the integers between 110 and 120 are prime numbers?

Which one of the following numbers is divisible by 3?

A.) 2345678 = (2+3+4+5+6+7+8) = 35 cannot be divided by 3
B.) 2876423 = ( 2+8+7+6+4+2+3) = 32 cannot be divided by 3
C.)4006020 = (4+6+2) 12 / 3 = 4 therefore 12 can be divided by
D.)9566003 = (9+5+6+6+3) = 29 cannot be divided by 3

ANSWER 4006020

5! equals *
5! = 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x1 = 120

The sum of the first four prime numbers is ( PRIME NUMBERS UNG MGA HINDI
2 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 17


The sum of all the prime numbers from 1 to 20 is

2 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 11 + 13 + 17 + 19 = 77


A city has a population of 300,000 out of which 180,000 are males. 50% of the
population is literate. If 70% of the males are literate, then the percentage of
females who are literate is

ANSWER = 20%
In an examination, 80% of the students passed in English, 85% in Mathematics
and 75% in both English and Mathematics. If 40 students failed in both the
subjects the total number of students is ______

P(passed English) + P(passed math) - P(passed both) = 85% + 80% - 75% = 90%
100 - P(passed at least one subject) = 100% - 90% = 10%

X ∗ (10/100)=40
X = 40/0.1 = 400

ANSWER = 400

12% of 5000 = ?
(12/100) x 5000 = 6000/100 = 600

ANSWER = 600

Which is not a prime number?


Find out the wrong number in a given series.

6, 13, 18, 25, 30, 37, 40
6+7 = 13
13+5 = 18
18+7 = 25
25+5 = 30
30 + 7 = 37
The sum of two numbers is 25 and their difference is 13. Find their product.

19 + 6 = 25 ; 19 -6 = 13 = 19 x 6 = 114

ANSWER = 114

1, 81, 13, 72, 25, 63, 37, ____, _____

1+12 = 13 ; 81 - 9 = 72
13 + 12 = 25 ; 72 - 9 = 63
25 + 12 = 37 ; 63 - 9 = 54
37 + 12 = 49

ANSWER = 49 ; 54

The interest earned on P15000 in 3 years at simple interest is P5400. Find the rate
of interest per annum.
P = 15000
T = 3 years
SI = 5400

SI = ( Px R x T / 100)
5400 = ( 15000 x R x 3 / 100 ) ; R = (5400 x 100 / 15000 ) ; R = 12%

ANSWER = 12%

If two coins are thrown simultaneously, find the probability of getting at at least
one head.
ANSWER = 3/4
A board 7 ft. 9 inches long is divided into 3 equal parts. What is the length of each
1 ft = 12 inches
Therefore 7 x 12 = 84 inches ; 84 +9 inches / 3 = 31 inches convert it to ft
31 / 12 = 2 ft 7 inches

ANSWER = 2 ft 7 in

The average age of 30 students is 9 years. If the age of their teacher is included, it
becomes 10 years. The age of the teacher (in years) is


The diameter of a circle is 3.5 cm. What is the circumference of the circle?
ANSWER = 11 cm
How many meters of carpet 63 cm wide will be required to cover the floor of a
room 14 m by 9 m?
14 x 9 = 126 square meter
( 126 m / 63 cm ) x 100 m = 200 meters

ANSWER = 200 m

A rectangular plot measuring 90 meters by 50 meters is to be enclosed by wire

fencing. If the poles of the fence are kept 5 meters apart, how many poles will be
90 meters + 50 meters = 140 meters
2 poles / 5 meter = x number of poles / 140 meters
X number of poles = 2 x 140 / 5 = 280 / 5 = 56



It is a mode of proposing revision of the Constitution where the Congress, by

itself, may institute such revision by a 3/4 votes of all its members?
Constitutional assembly

The President vetoed a bill which was passed by both Houses of Congress. What
can Congress do to pass the law even without the President's signature?
Override the veto through a vote of 2/3 of Congress
Which of the following statements is true.
The House of Representatives is composed of District and Party-List representatives

According to the Constitution, what percentage of the seats in the House of

Representatives should be allotted to party-list representatives?

Before a judge issues a warrant of arrest, what quantum of proof is required?

probable cause

This is a collective term for the rights of a person who is under the custody of
state forces.
Miranda Rights

Which of the following is true?*

Both A and B

It refers to the distribution of land from the landlords to the tenants to enable the
latter to alleviate their lives.
agrarian reform

It is the principle of law which states that the cabinet members are an extension
of the President's personality and their actions are regarded as if they are the
actions of the President.
alter ego doctrine

Which of the following is NOT under the Judicial Department

The following are powers of the Executive Department except
power of appropriation

The following are domains of territories, except


Which of the following is a constitutional commission?

Civil Service Commission

This refers to the share of LGUs to the tax collections of the government.
Income Revenue Allotment

To qualify as senator, a candidate must be at least how old?


Which of the following is not a Constitutional right under the current

Right to bear arms

The following are norms of conduct of public officials and employees except
decency and morality

Highly technical transactions, as a rule, are given a maximum of how many days?
20 working days
Which of the following is not true about the executive department?
A President may remove a Vice President by virtue of its power to remove.

The following are the instances when a SALN is required to be filed, except:
thirty (30) days prior to the submission of a clearance in relation to a travel abroad

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