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       What do you think of this match

I. Choose the right answer of the following questions! C.      How do you feel about the election
D.      How about watching movie
1.     Ani : Don’t you think those cookies are nice? E.       Don’t you think I look good
Ida : Yes, but ….. 9.  Adi     : What your opinion on capital punishment is?
A.       I am sorry to hear that Nadia: …. I oppose it, for any reasons
B.       What a surprise! A.       I hope
C.      How awful it is B.       Would you mind it
D.      Don’t you think they are too sweet? C.      Let me just say that
E.       You have my agreement D.      I think it’s well grounded
2.      Ani  : ……….. E.       What have you done
Ida  : I think it’s great 10. Journalist : “We heard that you and your husband be
A.       Have you read this book? divorced soon. Have you got any comments on the
B.       What do you think of this book? issue?”
C.      What is it?
Marsyanda : “______. We’re OK. Please, I need to go.”
D.      Do you know this?
E.       How do you do? A. I really like you
3.    Ani  : …… B. I personally consider that
Ida  : I love it C. That’s wonderful
A.       How do you like this place? D. That’s not true
B.       What does it mean? E. That’s true
C.      Do you want to join us?
D.      Isn’t the idea worse than before? II. Answer the following questions correctly!
E.       I love you
4.    Mita   : What do you think about the fairy? Social media has become an essential part of our
Bayu : I think she deserves to return to heaven daily lives, and it has both positive and negative effects. On
We can conclude that Mita is … the positive side, social media allows us to stay connected
A.       Asking for information from Bayu with our friends and family, no matter where they are in
B.       Asking Bayu’s opinion the world. We can share our thoughts, photos, and videos
C.      Giving her opinion to Bayu with them instantly.
D.      Agreeing with Bayu’s opinion Additionally, social media is a great tool for
E.       Disagreeing with Bayu’s opinion businesses and entrepreneurs to advertise their products
5.   A : Why don’t you write about the matter? and services. Social media platforms such as Facebook and
B :To be honest. I don’t think they will read my letter. Instagram allow them to reach a vast audience in an
The underlined words express… affordable and efficient way.
A.       Opinion On the negative side, social media can be addictive
B.       Uncertainty and harmful. It can cause people to spend too much time
C.      Agreement on their devices, resulting in decreased productivity and
D.      Pride social isolation. Social media can also lead to cyberbullying
E.       Apology and privacy violations, which can have severe
6.    Leo : What do you think of this T-shirt? consequences.
Mac : I think it’s great! In conclusion, social media has both positive and
From the dialogue we know that Leo is … negative effects. It is up to us as individuals to use it
A.       Expressing opinion responsibly and in moderation.
B.       Agreeing to Mac’s opinion
C.      Asking for opinion 1. What is the topic about?
D.      Asking the price 2. What are the benefits and weakness of social
E.       Giving opinion media?
7.    Gina : What’s your opinion about the novel? 3. Do you think that social medial is useful or not?
Mila  : I like it. It is fascinating Give your opinion!
From the dialogue we conclude that … 4. A ; nowadays, there’s still bullying acts at school.
A.       Gina is giving her opinion What do you think about it?
B.       Mila doesn’t like the novel B : ……………………………………………………………..
C.      Gina is asking Mila’s opinion 5. Find the synonym of the following word you can
D.      They don’t read the novel find from the text above!
E.       Mila disagrees with Gina’s opinion A. Important
8.    Rocco : ……..? B. Feelings
Rizza  : I think it is a big and attractive match. C. Cheap
A.       What about the food D. destructive

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