Essay Test 1 Series Sep 2023

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Mock Test Series Batch-4

Special CSS-23/CSS-24 (September 2023)

English Essay Test-1
Test 1

Q.1. Identify types of essays for ALL the following topics; also explain why you think it
is so. (10 marks)
(Marks will be given for answering both parts of the question.)

i. Attack on ideology as a potent tool of hybrid warfare.

ii. Wrong is wrong even when everyone is doing it; right is right even when
no one is doing it.
iii. Biases may change, but prejudices are permanent.
iv. Youth bulge in Pakistan: an asset or a liability?
v. Who has benefited more from globalization: developed or developing
vi. Choose your enemies carefully as you would end up being like them.
vii. Influence of brand consciousness on consumerism.
viii. Dynastic rule and democracy challenge each other.
ix. Nuclear risk anywhere is a challenge to peace everywhere.
x. Success or popularity: what drives youth?
Q. 2. Write academic paragraphs on any TWO of the following topics. (10x2 = 20 marks)
(Comprehensive and research-based knowledge will be checked. Credit will be given for
articulation, expression, and coherence.)
a) Lack of health awareness in our society
b) Media shapes the popular opinion
c) Arms race fuels capitalist machinery
d) Religious extremism as a political tool
e) Education without practical knowledge is a futile exercise


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