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1000 GOLDEN MCQS OF ENERAL SCIENCE ~ FOR ALL EXAMS COMPILED BY: MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI CBA-. JEST. AM a Pee i Vf sesh an TURES You((iy) CHAN ARNING FOR LEARNERS” ol PAGE “MM “MOTIVATIONALSPEAKERWRITER” ‘OR PDF & 03002556660, 03062794501 fri 1000 GOLDEN MCQS OF GENERAL SCIENCE FOR ALL EXAMS AIIMCQS 610 Blass Which of the folowing methods will be used to separate chalk powder from water: TT Evaporation 2 Fiteation 4X Decanation ‘Sedimentation 2 Which senses of our body are closely related?” 1 touchand smell 2 smell and taste 3 nt and hearing 4. Which sense organ also functions as a sense organ X ino rtrmyort senate yc ean a ed 2 ee oe snap ded ai en PREPARED BY: MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST & US E-TEACHER ALUMNI CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660,00306-2798501 1000 GOLDEN MCQS OF GENERAL SCIENCE FOR ALL EXAMS 2, 4sdays 3. dmonths 4 rage 481 Exhale alee ae which we 1. eatin 2 breath out 3. aspen boy 4, tweunderwater 482 Divison af windpipe dane in two 1. bronchioles 2 aheal 4 bronchi 49.Blood collects oxygen frm inhaled ai and ives ‘carbon donde fa the 1 hangs 2 liver 3 Kidneys 4 heat 404 Respiration which takes place i abwence of oxygen call Tr cellar espaion 3. nerebic respirator behing 485. Thereshigher concentration of oxygen in 1. inhaled ie 2 exhaled ir 3. ould sie 4. deoxygenated sit 446Distance whichis travelled by an average re ‘od ell sequal 1. 1s00km 2 200k 3 ook 4 Stock 487 Heart ie made of specialized ‘heard muscer 3 both aan b 488.Tuman beings ive specialized structure to carry fut exchange of gases called 1. respiraiery system 2 digo stem 4 Crvultry sytem «90:nio which i exygenate in tangs is carvied to earthy ‘pulmonary veins 3 some on Ekecrcty meer records amount of 1. wed power 2. wed electricity 3. ed esance 4 units $P1Lang sightedess sa refractive eror tha is comedy Tr The eyeballs shone tan normal 2, Thelens is thinner han normal 3 any of them ‘4 The come sess curved than norma “ouPar of ee that isa mesenger of electro ‘emia signals fom eye to bral T. Blond vessel 2 optic nerve 3 in {2 Region of retina where no age 5 Yeged and it ‘antans mo rods come 6 Known a8 choroid 2 blind spot 44. Somme 4P4:Thing that shuts tomadcallyto protect eyes enon at Tr eyelash 2 evel 3 ine some 495-Abit of éomblnation of dual vison of eyes is Tlie vision A. bimocular vison 4. igh vision 496.Wires that are used in supplying lctrial energy {e-consumers are made af Tr copper 2. siver 3. chromium 4 sluniiam 497 Flecrie motor changes electrical energy into 1. pote enersy 2 thermal energy 3 heatesersy 4 Kinetic energy 9% Many machines we ws, are powered by 2. sound energy A. dletrie motors 4 Gynamos 99-Kltes and fishing rods should wot be used near 1 howses 2 power ines 3. pans & parke ‘S00.Geod electrical conductors shew down moventent oe 1 eects 3 neutrons 4 photons 01.Anything that sows down flow of eetrcty in ‘dec sown a coment, 2 offensive power 4 high voliage ‘502:To make work easy, scents and eectrelans 1 cheat lagrams PREPARED BY: MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST & US E-TEACHER ALUMND CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660,00306-2794501 Page 22 1000 GOLDEN MCQS OF GENERAL SCIENCE FOR ALL EXAMS 2 leit raies 3 Gretta 4 cit are ‘Le wie wire which as |X. ae caren bt high voltage {has tigh caren 20 wage _504Materia that allo detrons too through them is known 2 conc celts he 88. hows mor brig because a seo 90 ‘ath para and 1 proviso of mae vlage 2 ph of more current with igh nergy & peso ane ties 4 own es estan ‘Ss Magoctc compe van invented daring Ha ‘yas in China fo 1 aan 2 tose 3 enc 4 enc Sor Lager ures the 1. greater the ow fects 2 Keer fw of ectoms 3. peter te ow of rs 4, serie tw of pte 08S deal ral we Loewe 2 trowies 4 aries £09, Waer broken down into hydrogen and oxygen by process | decomposition 2 eeperen 3 tli 4 fain ‘s10Never sa appliance with 2A hae ies Sear sere icles in cure when comes cn bl aller pang trough shane Tr ore ery 2 ew energy & sep _S12.When pun f belli pred lecte ‘urea pases trait he 1 capacter 2 lectromaget 4 fe 13a cll battery canbe measured by comecting Te elmer 3. ilometer 4 paenomete S14A anit of det eld 2 jaulestour 3. Mowat hour soem 18 Foo lectron in aie known 9 1 dec ca 2 mage cure 4 fone cent ‘inet gan in al sgt 2 arn sco ran ‘S17. Magnet vhih sed in dati motors is i bgein se smal ia sae Gini Sissi dreits have ae pape 2 dub pn pag 3 ple ia 4. mse pn log 19. creat is pase through sodium cherie ‘alton, ni onde spt 2 pesong Bie ‘onTo and fr movenent of col ats cone tin 2 tick 1 Mbeate ‘2. Cel bess woe, 1. constantly 2 enly ome ‘22m sere, Fone bul eso, hers Wi 1 ayon 2 le tm oft 28Protns have pte chase 2 ech 1 ble chare ‘04Anatlog ammeter has 1 Dg 2 New 5 Roman sume 4 Andes ‘25 Measure of energy provided by cl shown ‘alae \ PREPARED BY: MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST & US E-TEACHER ALUMNI CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660,0306-2794501 1000 GOLDEN MCQS OF GENERAL SCIENCE FOR ALL EXAMS ‘thon are charged partes. They are formed ‘when a to 1a lectons 2. foe eletone | is roses eros ‘Sar eee 527. wal through gules large ale wire crces 1. Vatage 2 magnet S2KAn example of we of etic s 1 heating 2 hig 4 pang framing 529 Salt isbroken apart into smaller parties und aie Mle hem ‘0.Bamples falas iad 1 aes toni 2. ‘eum dre 4. aterthem ‘S01Salte nt dsalved when is added £82 Salton which scommnly wed fr cong, raking washing, thing and ening 2 vem 3 ayy 4 ‘S04Acd whlch wed to make xy inks 1 cis cd Cae 06a els presenta 1 yogurt 2 lemon 3 ane 4. gua 536? Ages nls ‘a ets ‘ile them Spann ey i sie is £m rd i= i= = sin Epica sam is im saint ta in eNom sa i= sai eg ee te MS is ix st eg si er, eo ise sn ei cto es iz. sash ee bite ike slows — es i=. saint don Poe isece iz reheat ee ct Somes Toes inks es PREPARED BY: MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST & US E-TEACHER ALUMND, CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660,0306-2794501 1000 GOLDEN MCQS OF GENERAL SCIENCE FOR ALL EXAMS 1 cxey 2 power ante ‘SW An nsrumest ht gives an accurate measurement of deterrent ving in eal Sena 3. baremeer 44 ammeter S50. magne may tract or repel by 1. anther magnet, 22 deal cumen 4 dynamo .$81.Compare tong thik wire cope, shart bat (ick wre would ave 1. oes 2 Keresty 3 quest ‘4 miy ave moo ese essiity 82 Current can oly Now i there sed eat 1 open rea 2 lod eet 4 pratt $59 samcone carrying» if o gum pases through detector, Halters ate canes, 2 vohage ‘4 magnet ld $84. Fetromagnet consists uo wire with 1. sel mpi 2 ronmaget init 5 el magnet aoe 4. two magn Bow 55. parle currents ‘pal 2 equal 3 oe power 4. lspowetl ‘86m conductors, detions an Mow base thet 2 pons |X. detone af fe 4 tet ons aie 51 Porcandactoro elec e Teaser mater Sapper {SSKEarth wire iccomeced othe 1 ground 2 spline 3. poner bse ‘4 tmfomer £89.nuther example etromagne in ais 2 pasenger tin age rain 4 expo rain Ss Turaag asic alo pt bulb of thiss ecnae cat 1 cre we 2 eat complte 3. joa 4 tnhaten ‘561Rarpone are 1 ene 2 sal loudspeakers 3. softspeaken 4 get speakers 562.1 mint, IAW ect fre wes ch emery a 1 TWLED ight 2. IOWLEDIgh 3100 bu 4 o1wRccu 5, Betron eles energy in rm mesos N ‘504 Fees work oly 1 indole 2 twee 3 ame iano ‘561s baer tracted by estroge, bal “ts S09 ive wre oes cotct ith etal eso, ‘aces current will move to 1. pomerhowe 2 ing 3 dynamo & uformer 570g igh current fe in alow cree pliner) 1. ae 2 dangers 3 seomary 4 complexed PREPARED BY: MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST & US E-TEACHER ALUMNI CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660,0306-2794501 Page 25 1000 GOLDEN MCQS OF GENERAL SCIENCE FOR ALL EXAMS STLA sheet of pure copper is sed as 1. cathode 2 ode post rode 1 teparee $72¥or carret to flow, ici should be 3 complete how 573 Tring of arith ao pt bulb this i because rei | Tr creed down 2 noteomplete 3 joined 4 Ubeoken '574.Carrent conducting path through wires, bulb sd battery known a 1. exactor 2 dre 3, lett! flow 4 coneceal ow S7S.Elctrons move from postive one terinl 2 negative to pive terminal 574.4 thin wirein bull made up af tungsten s known 1. cable 2. tein 3. tungsten wie ‘&tament| S77Way fight always in 1. bend path 2 straight ine 2 Sanvergea path 4 verge pak '7%Speed of igh ina vacuum 1 se0on0o00es 2 oon 3 eaxomtants '78.Diamond is aan any 2. tranocent 4. sem absent ‘504 Materia bil allow some ight to pass through {hem ae called 1. transparent 2 aunlcen 3 ojagte 4. em arbor S81 Materials which alow al ight to passthrough ‘em are called 1. tramparent 3. opaane '82.Kind of shadow depends on ize and poston of 2 tig source both and 3 Light carot reach beh bend 5. exile 4 allo them '84Darker region in shadow with well defined ‘tine called 1 unben 2 pemunbea ‘585 Shadows are formed de to way dig mich always earl ia| 1. straight ine 2 veren tine 3 cometgent line cscs RGA region of dark Which i frmed when path ‘light is booked ato 1. shadow 2 epee 4 inet 587.Refleton obtained fom a smooth surface called 1. Fejular reflection 2 imegular election 3) tathaand “4 none ‘SLAngle between incident ay and normal ray called angle of| 1 efecton 2 refit 44 incident 599A srament which enables ws tse things ‘which are to smal fo be seen wih naked eyes called an jet because {clercope Iaetenope eicope S90-angeo incidence isequal tang of 1. reflection 2 tefation 44 incident 9L.Ln swimming pol they pear shallower than they are uta ease of 1 ection 2 relecion 3 taba» 592.yan, yellow and magenta are 1. primary clos 3 secondary colors PREPARED BY: MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST & US E-TEACHER ALUMNI CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660,00306-2794501 1000 GOLDEN MCQS OF GENERAL SCIENCE FOR ALL EXAMS ‘53Papers which absorb certain colored lights and Irani oers are called 1 colored fiers 2 Goer borers 4. artes 54,4 red fer wil abso colors and only transit 1 hie ek 2 edlght 3 primary ght & polit 595 Fu which reflects al colors of white ght 1 waer > milk 3. erage juice 4 vinegar 96 Part of human eye which sete to re oe ‘and green ight 1 retina 2 ene 3. comma 4 islon _597:The control room of human body: Brin 2 Somach 3 Heat © Liver _58%n which part of er cochlea preset? 1. Midi a 2 Earn 3. Owerear & mer ear 599.The nner pat of ear. ‘othe bean through audiory nerve 1. Stieup 3. Ear drum © Conkle end inal 00:Te ltctry mer inks 1 ejeand tai 22 nose and al 3 carant bain 4 tone ai ain (01-Thereles hoe la the mide of iss known as TE Cores 2 Papi SopicNene Haman ea cont of 1 tworpan 2 three parts 3 fourpans 4. fvepare (43. 1s the ata hearing organ. 1 Coches 2 Sip Chronicle 4 fee 604. component of plant cel hat absent in ‘ninal celeb ea Stoplasm Catone 60S:The most sense part of our eye st 2 commen 3. pup 4 leo {66 Piece om microscope tha focse light x specimens known as 1. condense es 3 Suge 4 daphne ‘607-Tsses present in brain an spina cord are Known Sema ie nerve tasve 4 pidenal (8 Scat shows hind snd numberof email curedteeteas 2 plates coon 3. ite blood cll 4. al hem {09 ice of microscope tha gathers and focses ght ‘on specimen being ewes Known sx Tr Objective ns 3X Condenser lens & Come feu 610Te proces by which plans make their fod is Pane calle: Teapirtion Photosynthesis \ Trmlocation 1. None of hse 611 Food is necessary for efor the following 1. ltelpsin gow and development, 2 Mprovides ners 3. lps epat bly ike aig of a prepares our ty wg agai prunes (612. Water ian important need fr our body ecm: 1. tly ayia digested fod incur oy. 2.” chops Mashing ot waste rom ou tay. 3 helps regulate temperature of ur toy. te comtiates 70% (23) af or body S. protects and mkstrzs ou jot ad {613.ll was covered by 1. Lecnweahock 2 Robert Hooke 4. Roker Brown PREPARED BY: MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST & US E-TEACHER ALUMND, CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660,0306-2794501 1000 GOLDEN MCQS OF GENERAL SCIENCE FOR ALL EXAMS (6 1.Pratetve ier that overs dermis iknow at 1. epidermis 2 ihe 3. uncle {615.An example o organ inhuman beings s 1. heat 2 ngs 3 stomach 4 allot them ‘616Systen af out boy that provides us with base framework structure, protection and movements oon at 1. skeletal system, 2 espn system 3. tervou pie 4 dgosive tem (617-Puat el in which ehorplst isnt present are teorase Tred ocd 2 pa 1X toot hale tie ‘6188 Plectron microscope, ight source replaced by aheam of very fat moving 1. cketron 2 eeuton praca {nDNA ica sbstance that make p folate of 1 muctns 2 ellmentrne 3 secu 44 ocondia (621.4 blood et that tle an shape a Moc ‘lls isknows 1. Blod smear 2 ond cnet 4 tesng (622 An uae of organs plants i ain e 1. eoplsm 2. alo 3 ehlroplst acne ‘Breathing a proces that vefrs to nhallg ad ‘exhaling of Les 2 ie 3 acecle pen ‘28 Proceso burning under presence of oxygen is Known ae 1 combustion 2 reaction 4 proton 626 atk of carbon dioxide and giving out of nygen ony procs: named 1 photoyutess 2 respon 3 ring (28 Rant actly 1 kono 2 hyo aus 3 strands 1 ea them ‘2o.Mtegtercan vein ‘Mag tings 2 ox ving ings 3. bath and 3 stad tas ‘304 food is to abe for a ong ne bacteria wi 1 emiply 2 agi fod 3 hatha | beepers ‘ouParasites are i) 3. beneficial notice 632 Micoargani can be foend 1 inwater 3. allaround us (683 Type of bacteria whieh can prepare its own fod from sunlight is ald 1. cyanobacteria 3. staphylococcus Ecol ‘4.Prtctive layer that avers ders known as 1 piers 2 epi 3. mmc Tidal ses 2 tml tise epidermal (26.Tie repent fer covering of lateral orga tnd external ues ikon at PREPARED BY: MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST & US E-TEACHER ALUMNI CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660,00306-2794501 Page 28 1000 GOLDEN MCQS OF GENERAL SCIENCE FOR ALL EXAMS 1. edema sues 2 tcl ie 3. pil se ‘7 Tsues that provide movement of bay are nora ae Tr eve ise 2 piel sues 3, mse tee 44 ciel se (68 Patiade calle are made wp of iene cele 2 mcs 3 neve 44 Glory (9.Wind poate Bowers hangs 1. pmanis 22 domimards 3 len ig (When ove st maces of pile ran are Jain together we say that ous 1. patie 2. pode 4 eres infect (641. st species plants stored i 1 rae 2 plane 3 ison 4. aya (62 gg ncarpeliskaown as ig 2 syle 3, ony 4 orale {60a thse plants nd ania il remain on ccththat 1. ow 2 a 3 repodoce ‘54 Matte pts conte oc a wo se ese ale 1 rade 2 plume 3 fotledon 4 gue (AS Part oa ower that poets oer nbd frm, 1 sep 2 pet 3 carpe (46 ertation oars 1. ale palin 2 before paiaaton 3. wih paination ‘4 int polinaton (67. Moty ea of eal 1 yellow 2 green 3 tge 4 md (6m rao oid pina fwers 1. sik thee feathers 2% ang withthe fates 3. peste inthe eters 4. Siekiothe sin ‘60.Fuoer plated by mam fase have 1. ig ealred petals and traci seat 2 lll pals an atacive soon 4. eight cold pets an all 4, dalled pels an dsl ‘atrantr of ple ean fram abe tt ‘same over, ora signa ef anther oer on same plants known oe \ 1. slept 2 tos egtciog 3 sai polation 4 tos poliion (1a reprdative part ofa Nowe contains wo round shape ractar a hi ip. Tw strates treknown Manion, 2 mens 1 capa 2.As embryo grows, oul turns into a 1 te 2 wer A sed (60 Ther are two ype offers ina plan namely 1. ical nd seal Power 2 neal nd sexta ers 4 eral and sexl ers 4, sien and oneal lowers part whic comes ou a ee is 1 ride 2 plume takes p ater 2 kes pane 4. arta 4. split two pars ‘ects olnated Homers face 1. opranis 2 doa 3 et 4 itt (674 part plan that keeps om groving oer si maing other small plants with penetrating retin ‘olla roving of hots toward ight is known a Ther 2 hed 3 rumer (8Stigna of wind polnated owes ely 2 feathery pin PREPARED BY: MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST & US E-TEACHER ALUMND CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660,0306-2794501 1000 GOLDEN MCQS OF GENERAL SCIENCE FOR ALL EXAMS 4 ay 69.4 parf plant whichis found both in vestable fd frit snow at ‘aber ad ‘all (604 Bal formed na plant is known a 1 aygoe 2 embryo 3 endosperm 4 sed (61,Ps of bird polnated overs have 1 es acta bt lage amount of set 2 lrg anounof ctr and sent 3. lesenectar and sent 44 large amount of nectar bat te cent (62-Atr landing on sia, pollen grains 1. burs sed form tube 2. sip and all 3. bran spread more sal pollens 4 spitand srt (63.Birds poate Movers have 1. tbe shaped ower 2. bowl stoped ower 3 tbsp fw 4 plate shaped omer (ot Seme plants have sets with honk 1 plone 2 Keaton 3 dispersion 4 replaction (4s Surface of stigmas olen 1 hy dy (66.1 pants and animals donot pedo, they wou 1 sick 2 been 3 change extinct (667-Atr rot hs grown downwards sal shot ‘rows pyar foward ight This shoots known as ese 2 pluule 4 atledon ‘etPoten ras of bed painted Aowers are Tr ghweigt nd sihy Aghwee ppey Inge ana tik ageand loyery sti endian are right for growth embryo (70 or sets ask frit i 1. Asp them fe 2 prowcttem 3. pers hem only 4. tl of polen grains (672Bal is surrounded by a spec sswe kag as 1 aygae 2 emyo 3. endosperm is (7sAseal reproduction ao aon \ instal edn 2 sean erotctn 3 seete erection 4, ma ethgredaioe ‘74Coret order a parts Neer in egal {ermatin ote oer Ts sp mee, pel ad capt 2 nt ea an pls 3. Sgn vmens pos ud al 44 Sp etal samen a arp Gsiageare more chan riot plant iw plton nes pce 2 rom polination ke place 3. inven pees ie poe 4, can precio le (trae of pe rato ster on tg otters towers in ferent plants known Ir sl eprton 2 Gem ooton 5 Si pasion 4 ot potato (7 Foe ri nd ole owes are Stk and weg 1 igh wegh and na age quay 2 fp wap ante 3. sey and ge (78 Proce of grovth ote in plant known at 1 palination 2 fepodcion 3 fermion 4 Eitaton (9 Round structs of ip of male repredcve parts fower contain Tera 2 patna are more ike thir parents in 1. set poinaton 2 crs peice 3. vere olson 44 eral epecoction ‘stalk on which round shaped structures hang is Known as i aters 2 laments 3 samees & capes PREPARED BY: MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST & US E-TEACHER ALUMNI CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660,0306-2794501 1000 GOLDEN MCQS OF GENERAL SCIENCE FOR ALL EXAMS (Final destination of ptlen abe 2 ovale 3 pln gan 1 Power oto (94Most feds ca stay dormant a sal for 1 sOmonts 2 Days 3 year 4. soaecades (4 Seeds digestive pte of annals are 1 absobe arg itn 2 gested tern small intestine 2 pared eat throegh amas 4. Sedia ecm (9S Saat soa In a lata plant known rable 2 plume 4 ype (6440s develops ino rarity 2 Howse 3 sed 4. ew ovary (7 rats tat are cten by aims, are re an dey 2. ley and bight colored 5 jy bt dll colored 4 tls and lok 1. sf eprodoction 3 selfplation 44 ros polation (99 Flo of ects ar way fom thee pF pats ‘skaown a 1 sperson 2 palliation 4, production ‘Ain sed makes fond et fed by two leaves known a afte 2 plume 1, wate, pi and temperature Zope ar 3 ran temperate 1. mat and presse (2 bean of plant that gros and bends downward t sal wih rowing of sal rons over ‘surface of si which peetrates no. This Kind of ‘sexual reproductions knw ting branch 4 faba coms (@APaten gran insets olin Mowers are SRE ety 4 tetoce ttn 1 eye cctons oe pot ith Someta rien os tle a hl asin ay ne yatta & lms pe 2 sims \ 1 oc yuerp chiar yaa _ eat on ah 1. sigma 2 sake 68a n petals proces iret sete tel sell 3 fgrance ‘4. attractive scents (99.1 of carpets known a5 1. stigma 1 aye 2 embryo 701 Outer slo embry i known at 1. cote 3 tee 5 imegument 72. tae formed by olen rains rom tga to ovaries i alled 2 allen abe 3. le amet tie generate whe 708-Tomake sed lowe hee must be 1. proton 2 patna 4 Feition Toc Terpertoe ih, i, wae, ell and eae eal parts ofthe enviroment 1 Bite 2 Abiotic PREPARED BY: MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST & US E-TEACHER ALUMND CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660,0306-2794501 1000 GOLDEN MCQS OF GENERAL SCIENCE FOR ALL EXAMS 3. Boel 4. Living ‘05 Choose the phrase that correc Hashes his sateen: "A species" Tr Aspe prt ofthe abate envionment 2. Avy of dscebing al he iving prs fa ‘coon ‘8A group of organisms that cam succesfully Ima with ach other and repreduce 4 Patol the aural docmponing materials in sil Toa Keoogy the sty of he: 1. Able art ofthe event, sich as ‘inate, nde Bt part fhe enn, sich anima and plans Ineactos between organs Interactions betwen organisa wll a the Interactions between organisms and thelr ‘rvireoment ‘WIyWnal san oye’? the interacting organisms that vein an ‘avirooment andthe bite parts othe ‘avreomen tht affect the ergata ‘Xperson who observes ad sts the intact between he ti nd pas 3. Thevelsomip tang he bit parts of he 4. Thetelship betwen all he abi clemens ofa pond ‘.henpopation sare tee cvironment sd Interact wih popalatons of ther species, ealled a 4 Biome Evo province Community Speomt Eon “ost space wera organi es ad be role ‘orga plas within es ecorpte terre to 1. Sampling 3. Papuan Niche 5. Blase ‘10.An organs at retest own ood scaled ‘A prodocer Reeteneet ‘AUesomposer Aeamivore ‘11 comumer ‘An rpms tht proces its own food ‘An pais hat des ot need fo seve ‘Anat ergans ‘An organi tat cant prodace ls own food ‘TRF the foning two organisms are producers? 1 Plants nd phytoplankton 2 Planta consumer 3. Consumes and paytapanion 4 Phytptnon and eoeophy 5. Phytopanion anderson “7184 fond web is more realtone for sowing the feeding rationships in eesstems beams Tr Roomparesthe mane of consumes othe amber of microorganisms na ye Fond cain ne ol smal aging of 3. Alood web epias why her are ma Ppoicer tan comune. 44 Producers re usual eaten by macy ferent consumers and most contmers are, fatenby more than one predate ‘i largest percentage of sol every that penetrates the atmosphere of he Earth wed 1. Heat the atmosphereaad the Earths sure. % Cryo ss TSAMede a icsare ofthe percentage of that Away an bet. “Tresnited dhgh tbe amospere CComered into spa by photons ate by am object ‘Sh ante to plans. 46 pels of plan ana that facing Inuinnt extinction or extirpation ado be Extinct, H 4 Endangered i Treat 5. speci concen “17am tio hae fae > mimo = 3 sr Th ndnare bs tafond hae “Topcanivre Tenia carves Senay atone Primary earns ‘t8ttrtrophs obtain ener frm ll a the flowing excep: tethers Solar raion Oserheetes PREPARED BY: MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST & US E-TEACHER ALUMNI CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660,00306-2794501 1000 GOLDEN MCQS OF GENERAL SCIENCE FOR ALL EXAMS kt ¥¥20 ~ Was 19For the aad web blow what doe the prying ‘mantis represent? ‘Rpvimary consumes 2 Aeon) commer terry consumer i Apacer 5. A decompose ‘10 orthe following foe chained 3 sparrow 3 ‘eds how many kljoue Is passed on to the owl? ‘None 1, too ror ‘721M of he folowing fs NOT an bite factor? Decompse 1. Light intensity 3 Hamiy Temperate ‘PWhat do the arrows represent? 1 Water evaporating 2 Powsyubens 2 Berg ting transferred 4 ofsping ‘TaN hen we we some Bicterla Inthe process {ermeaaton to make fret types of fod, ike ‘soghert, chee, rea vinegar oF wine 1 is bencll for wx 2 sham forts 3. Bath fsnem are possible inthis case | Yas tod to beside a iin tig ike OG palo penn, to pow wn rope ‘724 inte came by vires ual speed easly froma person to soter, Chichenper, messes and {aflaenra tre cased by srses 1. Beneficial 2 Marta 3. Bathof them are possi this eae ‘25Seme bacteria reproduce ise oar body and ‘se inet, Hartera can cause sre throats ‘ene ea infections and even ait oa tet. 2 Marfa A. Bath thm are posse ia this ae ‘724Sme funy are used Lo make medicines called rai. 1, enfcia 2 Mart 3. Bothofthem are possible inthis case TNs are posse inthis case teria’ iss fan of Tr Bevel irl 3B of them ae posible his ase a9 tities 1 hentia 2 Marmf Toa ce isn dncsecatoed by baclerias i. Beneficial 2 Harmful 5 Beale ie posite nth ease, TaLBactran 2 etn ath of them are pose in this case 7sBNaccine 1. Benfica 3. Bah of hem ae posible this ese. 734Diarhoen cased bya virus hat. They are caused by Te Some ngs 2. Some smocbae ‘TaAEar Infections ar caused by 1 Abacteria 3. Some fone 73S.Athi' foo cased by 2 Fangs 3. Vine 734Naasen is cased by A. Amocbee Tar Dental Cais ae caused by 1 Fong 3. acera aw Stamach Ache cased by 1 Fang 2 acters A. Amocbae 392 Chickenpox is cause by 1 Fang 2 Atmoctue View Ta Mould cased by 2 Fone! 3 Vics 741Sore Throats are caused by PREPARED BY: MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST & US E-TEACHER ALUMNI CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660,00306-2794501 Page 33 1000 GOLDEN MCQS OF GENERAL SCIENCE FOR ALL EXAMS 1 Amwobe 2 Racer 742.Agets in nfctions dean responsible are called 1 germs 2 gale bacteria 744Plant of tobacco attacked by virus 1 tala is 2 tabmcco male virus 5 totmcco mone 4 osc vin ‘Bacteria which present in raw or undercooked meat, eas ea fod and unpasteurized ak 1 eat 2 salmoneta 3. stantylococeus 43. Gro hacera ‘usAierobescan ven 1. ving tgs 2 onsving things bedhead dade 744k an eure et over can be turned into sour spied at 1. Bigh tempera 2. very low temperate room temperature 4 conan empertre Tar Parts of the Eye {Aqueous Humor: The sqacos burs tele ater Mi rate siete ee that provides the Se sth aon “ZCoene: The cornea the cle, don hap ae tharcoers the fot ofthe ee ‘Mri Ther ithe colored par the ee cons ‘he amount of ight that an eter nose xe does thisby changing the pup ie {Papi The opis openingin he eto te is ‘hat appean te Hack changes nie he amt flight changes Instr words the more ight he ‘tale the pop let the lower height sure, te gs the pup alee. ‘ens: The nj f the eye isa crystalline soca Ince jt end the ins prpone to focus ight mothe ina ‘Retina The etna sa ihe sensitive tise that ines the Bek ofthe eye. Within the tina ae milo of| [vorseptors Known as rad ad cones. The ro and Snes comer igh ays no elect ipa hat are then arsmited the rain y the optic eve ‘Optic Nerve: The op nerve also ferred 18 the ‘tana nerve I. The nerve tana lial impulses from the tin othe rn which thon interpre what the eye secs ‘Vitreous: The viteous (also known asthe vious soo) is ashi, ansparent gid ht ils the eter ‘the oy. The bat made op of oly water anit sve the eye ts oem and shape 8.Come: Cones cells tht located in the ti. ‘They see color Humans have hee yes of cones (1) {Leones which seme long wavelength ee, ellos) 2) M cones that sense media wavelengths Ge rena) Scones th sense medium staclengie (ie, aoe ses. WuRod: Ros ar cls tht luo ou within the! rena Thy sens the degre of rightness, When you ‘ea night rina dark roo i the ras working and ‘ot the cones, The eye his fat more re tha eones LEyebrow: The eyebrow isthe pt of dese ai locate above de eye is meant to kep dtd ter foreign objets rom peting it the eye 12Eyeaah Eycases re the tiny ante edge of. the eyelids and ike he eyebrow, purposes to otc the ee fom foreign sts. Bye The eyelid the apf skin hat can cover and pret he eye fr lng pends of tine and rein lose during lec. 1MTear The tear feat ty lig. is produced ‘by gad inthe ee Phe tear is meat to clean be ee, Ap itm Sn eg abject get nt wash the force. ‘HAS canara, sound travels aster ia Tega 2.\gses acuum ‘Dtde 148 Sounds of vehicles, arerats and machines are called 1. aril sounds 2 atl sounds 3 ole noma sounds 780 Large empty room fen sounds 1 fl 2 hallow 3 icy ening ‘7S1In concert al, sft materials and carpets are sed to 1. crease sound wanes 2 bor sound waves 3. rect sound waver ‘TSE Pick af note depends upon the tension on ng 2. diameter of wind ole | tenson on drum surface 'S ameter of drum sre 753. Calbe ofastrumental note depends on the 1. depth a drum 2. stam length 5. eng wind ks ‘rads of wind oles 754.000 of ration of string makes 1. pitch of the inner, 2 ple of he mate 3. sae ofthe note 4 pitch othe scale 785Sound waves are converted by speakers PREPARED BY: MUHAMMAD OWAIS QARNI (IBA JEST & US E-TEACHER ALUMNI, CONTACT NO: 0300-2556660,0306-2794501 Page 34

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