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Name: Navidad, Regie L. Subject: BSEE110 - Quiz 1

Section: SE2AE Instructor: Ms. Roanne De Castro


Background of the Advertisement
The advertisement is for the food product specifically a soup with a brand name of papa
piccolino. It was an advertisement from the 1968 with the portly Italian chef with his
trademark mustache. He was the brand character for a new line of “Real Italian” boxed
pasta products for dishes and soups.

Stylistic Analysis of the Story

In analyzing stylistically the language of the advertisement, “Ibang iba ang papa, Iba-iba
ang Lasa!” with a brand name of papa piccolino, the analysis covers levels of language
including; phonological and graphological. In addition, the analysis of the story extends
to figures of speech utilized by the author including personification, simile and
Phonological Level
Alliteration: A stylistic device where the first consonant sound is repeated in a series of
In this advertisement, the writer mentioned many examples of alliteration e.g. Ang mami
ay mami (line 5), SOPAS… SO GOOD (line 10)
Assonance: A stylistic device where vowel sounds in adjacent syllables or words are
the same or similar to each other. The advertisement under analysis has shown many
examples of assonance as follows: Ibang iba ang papa (line 1), Iba-iba ang Lasa (line
2), Ang mami ay mami (line 5), Ang arroz caldo (line 6), ay arroz caldo (line 7),
SOPAS… SO GOOD (line 10), SO VER-R-RY GOOD (line 11).
Consonance: A stylistic device where consonant sound in neighbouring words are
similar or identical. This advertisement depicts many instances of consonance as
follows: Ibang iba ang papa (line 1), Iba-iba ang Lasa (line 2), Ang mami ay mami (line
5), SOPAS… SO GOOD (line 10).
Rhyme: A stylistic device that is based mainly on the repetition of sounds or syllables,
typically at the end of verse or line. The following two examples are taken from the
advertisement under investigation: 1.Ibang iba ang papa, Iba-iba ang Lasa (lines 1-2),
3.Ang chicken noodle ay chicken noodle (line 3-4), Ang arroz caldo ay arroz caldo (lines
6-7), Ang beef & vegetable macaroni ay beef & vegetable macaroni (lines 8-9),
SOPAS… SO GOOD, SO VER-R-RY GOOD (lines 10-11).
Graphological Level: The advertisement is full of punctuation marks in the sense that
the author employs most types of punctuation marks in the text.
Comma: It is noticed that the writer use commas in the text in order to separate short
clauses in compound sentences or complex sentences. The following are some
examples on the use of comma in the text.
(Line 10, SOPAS… SO GOOD)
Hyphen: Normally used to connect two or more closely related words into compound
term. The use of hyphen in this poem is illustrated in the examples below.
(Line 2, Iba-iba ang Lasa)
(Line 11, SO VER-R-RY GOOD)
Exclamation mark: The used of exclamation marks to express strong feeling. Here are
some of the lines with exclamation mark:
(Line 2, 2.Iba-iba ang Lasa!)
(Line 11, 11.SO VER-R-RY GOOD!)
Ellipsis: The use of ellipsis entails the omission or deletion of some items of the surface
text. The use of it in the advertisement clearly to delay the next words in the same line.
(Line 10, SOPAS… SO GOOD)
Pun: It is a word play or the use of humorous words that suggest different meaning or
applications. Here is an example of pun in this advertisement:
(Line 1-2, Ibang iba ang papa Iba-iba ang Lasa!)
Slogan: It is a distinctive cry, phrase, or motto of the advertisement. This advertisement
clearly emphasized the product through its slogan.
(Line 10-11, 10.SOPAS… SO GOOD, SO VER-R-RY GOOD!)
This stylistic analysis is implemented in order to understand and analyze theis
advertisement from papa piccolino in the 1968. The advertisement is composed of 11
lines including the heading up to the slogan at the bottom. The analysis of the poem
covers two language levels: First, phonological level, which is comprised of alliteration,
assonance, consonance and rhyme. Second,graphological level, which is characterized
by use of some punctuation marks such as comma, exclamation mark, ellipsis and
hyphen. It is also noticed the use of pun, slogan and italization of some words.

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