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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Region VIII (Eastern Visayas)

Baybay City Division


Baybay City, Leyte

“Broke or Made It”: The Revelation of Students From a Broken Family

A Complete Research Paper Presented to The School Research Committee

in Partial Fullfillment of The Requirements in Practical Research 1


Cantero, Jannah Riza T.

Durango, Rose Ann M.

Galario, Jemima D.

Loterte, Zyth Lawrence

Martinez, Liza Mae

Montajes, Ivy Gay

Orbillo, John Albert

Ostaco, Anthony Amar

Tabares, Joe Van D.

JUNE 2022

Monien B. Borela
Research Adviser


Title Page……………………………………………………………1

Table of Contents………………………………………………….2

Approval Sheet…………………………………………………….4



CHAPTER I: Introduction

A. Background of The Study………………………………...7-8

B. Statement of The Problem………………………………….9

C. Significance of The Study ..………………………………...9

D. Scope and Delimitation of The Study…………………….10

CHAPTER II: Review of Related Literature

A. Review of Related Literature……………………………11-15

B. Theoritical Framework……………………………………….16

C. Operational Definition of Terms…………………………….17

CHAPTER III: Methodology

A. Research Design …………………………………………….18

B. Sample ……………………………………...........................18

C. Instrument …………………………………………………….18

D. Data Collection Procedure…………………………………..19

E. Data Analysis Procedure…………………………………….19

F. Ethical Consideration…………………………………………20

CHAPTER IV: Results and Discussion………………………21-26

CHAPTER V: Conclusion and Recommendation

A. Recommendation …………………………………………….27

B. Conclusion ………………………………………………….…28



A. Letter of Permit……………………………………………..…..31

B. Consent letter……………………………………………..…….32

C. Survey Questions………………………………………..…..…33

D. Revised Interview Questions …………………………..…34-38

E. Interview Questions……………………………………...…….39

F. Thematic Analysis Data………………………………..…..40-44

G. Documentation………………………………………...………..45

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VIII (Eastern Visayas)
Baybay City Division
Baybay City, Leyte


This research entitled “Broke or Made It” The Revelation of Students

from A Broken Family. Was prepared and submitted by Cantero, Jannah Riza

T., Durango, Rose Ann M., Galario, Jemima D., Loterte, Zyth Lawrence,

Martinez, Liza Mae, Montajes, Ivy Gay, Orbillo, John Albert, Ostaco, Anthony

Amar, Tabares, Joe Van D., has been approved and recommended for

acceptance and approval as partial fulfillment of the requirements in Practical

Research 1.

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements in Practical

Research 1.

MONIEN B. BORELA _______________

Adviser/Subject Teacher Date

Proofreader _______________


This study examines how students who came from a broken family differ from

students who have a complete family with regards to their academic

performance and in correlation to their past experiences. Three research

questions were formulated to guide this study. The population of the study

consists of all senior high school students under the premises of Baybay City

Senior High School. The researchers conducted a preliminary survey to

identify possible participants for this study and there are 8 respondent that

selected through purposive sampling. The instrument used for collecting data

were preliminary survey questionnaire and interview guide questions. The

data collected was deduced by the researchers using thematic analysis.

Based on the findings of the study, it was concluded that the results of this

study can be a guide to the school administration that they should assist their

students and do something about the fractured family's connection to the

student's academic achievement. The results of this study concluded that

student's academic performance coming from a broken family was being

affected positively, neutrally, and negatively. Positive in a way that they

accepted it and rather motivates them to try harder and do better in school;

neutral, as it didn't affect them at all; and negative, as it led to distraction or

unfocused in studies and mental health problems. It was found out that

student's coming from a broken family handled their situation through putting

their faith in God, positive thinking, friends, mobile games, social media, and



First and foremost, the researcher s would like to express their heartfelt

gratitude to our Heavenly Father who guided them all throughout their

research study, and also to their parents who gave their unconditional


The researchers would also like to thank their adviser, Mrs. Judy Ann

Chan, for allowing them to conduct their research study inside the classroom.

To their research adviser, Ma’am Monien Borela, for sharing her knowledge

and for guiding the researchers in their study. And of course, to the principal

of Baybay City Senior High School (BCSHS), Sir Roger Linggatong, for

granting them the permission to conduct an interview inside the school.

To the panelist in their research proposal, for giving comments and

feedbacks that extremely help the researcher’s study to improve.

And most importantly to the researcher would like to genuinely thank

the respondents for their participation, and willingly answered all the interview

questions, giving them the data they needed for their study, hence the

completion of this study.

Chapter 1


Background of The Study

We are all members of a family, and it is our family that binds us together

in good and bad times. Family is a long-term connection in which members

share a bond. The importance of family in our daily lives cannot be

overstated. Our lives are shaped by our families. They are the ones who will

guide us towards a brighter and more promising future. Every one of us

wishes for a happy and perfect family. Every child on the earth wishes for this

type of family, but not everyone is fortunate enough to have one. Some

people belong to a broken family, and we all know how difficult it is to belong

to a broken family.

According to Writer (2020), a broken family is a family that has split or

separated due to a variety of reasons. Therefore, children are raised by single

parents, a relative, or other people who are not biologically related to their

biological parents.

A child's life is unpleasant if he or she does not feel loved and cared for.

Having a broken family may have a negative impact on a child's life, and it is

also quite difficult for them to deal with such issues. Some commit suicide

because they believe it is the only way to solve their problems; they have no

idea where they will run or who will support them in a crisis. This type of

circumstance might also have an impact on a child's academic achievement.

Previous studies state that the situation where a broken family happens

because of nullity of marriage is also increasing in the Philippines due to lack

of divorce law since other than the Vatican; the Philippines is the sole nation

where divorce is illegal. As reported by Abalos (2017), the number of divorced

or separated in the Philippines is already 28,988 Filipino men and 52,187

Filipino women in the year 1960s. And in the year 2010, it was intensely

raised with 330,253 men and 565,802 women. Factors like growing up in

urban poverty or those generally referred to as low urban living together

without marriage, religion, and ethnicity are included in the report.

Some students of Baybay City Senior High School came from a broken

families and still pursue their life as a student. More likely students that came

from a broken family encountered struggles in their studies such as coming

late in school, low grades, low self-esteem and can’t focus on class


Students whose parents are separated are more likely to leave home, not

wanting to be involved in the problem facing their parents, and deciding to live

independently (Lanazo et al., 2021). Due to their current situation, they divert

their attention to others. To forget about the difficulty of their family is facing,

they distract themselves by hanging out with friends or arguing with peers at

school. Thus, having a broken family can change a person’s mindset, life, and

insight towards the family.

Statement of The Problem

This study seeks to examine the experiences of students from broken family.

The study's goal was to find an answer to the following question:

1. How do the students feel about their situation coming from a broken


2. What are the struggles and challenges encountered by student from a

broken family?

3. How did the students cope with the struggles?

Significance of The Study

The result of this study is beneficial to the following.

To the Student. The findings of this study will assist pupils in comprehending

that having a student's academic performance can be affected by a fractured


To the Parents and Guardians. The findings of this study will assist parents

in having awareness, some understanding, thought, and knowledge that

having a fractured family has an impact on the individual, student's or their

child's academic performance.

To the Teachers and Administrator. They will become aware of the effects

of a broken family on their students' academic achievement. They can then do

something about the fractured family's connection to the student's academic


To the Community. This research will assist people in comprehending that

having a shattered family is one of society's significant issues.

To the future researcher. In the not-too-distant future, it will function as a

reference point. The outcome is as follows. Future scholars might use this

work as a template for their own research.

Scope and Delimitation

This study only focused on students who came from broken family that may

positively or negatively affect their academic performance. This was

conducted inside Baybay City Senior High School and participants are

randomly selected. In order for researchers to know that a student came from

a broken family, a preliminary survey was conducted. There were 8

participants who were interviewed in this study. Execution of data gathering

was done by sending the participants a hard copy of questionnaires to avoid

the possible spread of Covid-19.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

Related Literature

Family is the basic unit of society. The nature of the family has been altered

continuously overtime. Family is considered as the foundation of social life and

exceedingly cherished by most Filipinos. Sociologists characterize the family as

comprising two guardians in a committed relationship, living alongside their

children (Thompson, 2016).

In the wake of the 21st century, education has more than ever been the

number one agenda on the minds of both developed and developing nations.

These two nations are having different issues such as funds and access to

quality education. There are these family and cultural issues which are also

playing their subtle militating roles which have not been easy to tackle. Broken

homes, a large problem for the nation as a whole.

This research focuses on the factors that contributed to the breakdown of

homes. According to Frazer (2001), there are psychological issues at home.

Illegitimacy of children, the label of adopted child, shattered homes, divorce,

and other factors all have a role. Variance in psycho-social emotional

fortification in the family background that could be an indicator to have high or

low academic performance of the students. The family is a powerful influence

and importance on the child as a primary agent of socialization that could

enhances or hinder the academic achievement of the child depending on the

social climate in the family.

Broken families may have negative impacts on a student's academic

performance, parents play an important role in most children's academic

development. Most children who excelled lived with both parents and were well

taken care of by their parents whereas, children from broken families performed

badly. According to Johnson (2005), unmarried parents'/separated families'

children frequently fail and are at risk, take a psychological risk.

The life of a single-parent family or broken family can be so stressful for both

the parent and the child. Habits, family background, perseverance, attitudes,

interests affect academic performance in school. If adolescents from unstable

households are compared to those from stable homes, Schultz (2006) notes

that. The former have more social, academic, and emotional stability than the

latter issues. The Family Systems Theory is a theory that suggests that

individuals cannot be understood in isolation from one another, but rather as a

part of their family, and the family is an emotional unit. According to Levin

(2001), parents are likely the actor with the most un-dimensional interest in their

children's academic achievement.

Coming from a broken family may affect a student’s academic performance.

One of the most common negative effects of separations of the parents is that

academic performance can be severely disrupted. They have plenty of thoughts

in their heads, negative feelings, worries, sadness, anxiety. Teachers have

noticed that some children from divorced couples have worse academic

functioning, exhibit oppositional behavior, or show signs of worry and despair.

(Galang, 2015) teachers have noticed that some children from divorced couples

have worse academic functioning, exhibit oppositional behavior, or show signs

of worry and despair.

Based on the study of Patricia McCall, a sociology professor at North

Carolina State University, the family structure in which a person lives is perhaps

the strongest demographic indicator of suicide. Children who witness parents’

conflicts may create an idea of suicide because they think that they are the

reason of his/her parents’ conflicts.

Children from a broken home are at great risk in terms of psychological

problems. This is supported by the report of the London Institute Psychiatry

(2008) which pointed out that people from broken homes are more prone to

psychotic illnesses in which schizophrenia. This is a mental illness in which a

person becomes unable to link thoughts, emotions, and behaviors leading to

withdrawal from reality and personal relationships (Galang, 2015).

Reasons of having a broken family has a great deal of having a

disadvantage to the students. Being with a broken family is not structurally

intact, a result of divorce, separation, death of one parent and illegitimacy but

they have an equal opportunity and chance to achieve success in school

depending on how much work they will perform it. Most students felt that the

best solution for their family is separation, given the relationship difficulties

between their parents. Divorce is a deeply affecting entity which may cause a

variety of issues to them psychologically. Children from families of divorce may

develop trust issues, low self confidence, and even low self concept.

Divorce or Separation doesn’t just cause direct psychological consequences

but also effect the educational achievement, scholastic motivation and even the

cognitive development of the child Saxena, N. (2017). Some students were

concerned about their parents' relationships with new partners.

Communication between parents and children about the separation was

highly important. Most students do not believe in marriage because their

parents were separated, rather than because they were separated as a result

of a relationship breakdown or divorce. Aberrant home settings are likely to

have a negative impact on the child's school performance Frazer, W.J. (2001).

Another reason for having a broken family is due to differing beliefs, domestic

violence, stubborn grudges, disrespect, divorce, financial struggles, or illness

(Zitzman, 2019). A simple argument could lead to a fierce fight between the

couple, and here, they think of getting a divorce or just separating.

During a separation, there is much anger and aggression that is expressed

by one or both parents of that student. This is not healthy for the student to

witness for several reasons. One of the main reasons is that the child sees this

example of aggression that his or her parents are setting, and he or she begins

to react in the same manner. Anger and aggression tend to become the child’s

tools for solving his or her problems. The child becomes like the parents and

could cause harm to others because of not knowing or understanding how to

control these feelings. He or she may often violently lash out at those around

him or her that cause these feelings to occur.

A lot of students say that being a part of broken family was very difficult,

mentally and emotionally. When parents separate, the children are left with no

stability causing them to lose basic concepts of childhood and negative

perception that may carry with them throughout life. To some extent, there is

straightforward proof that marital instability causes stress, tension, and anxiety.

Obviously, lack of drive and irritation have a bad impact on a child's

development and academic achievement Levin, J. (2001).

Broken families may have a profound negative impact on student's

academic performance as parents play an important role in most children's

academic development. Regardless of their background or structure, only a few

of the children can work hard and succeed in the real-world Johnson, A. (2005).

Caldas’ study (1999) proved that family structuring is one factor that affects

the academic performance of students. According to Wood (2019), parent’s

separation has a positive effect on the students. For instance, students

eventually grow empathetic to others and understand that people are not all the

same. In education, morals and values are present as well.

Moreover, Lopez et al. (2018) stated that the problems’ response varies

with such difficulty students face. Some students struggle with their issues;

voicing and sharing thoughts with their peers is their coping way. Some are

strengthening their faith in God, accepting, and moving forward.

Revaluating oneself even if one grew up in a broken family can also

overcome through therapies that include going on from the shocking

experiences from childhood and interacting with their current family properly

(McCormack et al., 2017). Also, Tus (2020) elaborated that the school with its

teachers keep them motivated and challenge them to do their best despite of

the circumstances.

Theoretical Framework

Deci and Ryan’s Theory


Students coming from broken


Parental Involvemet Theory

Figure 1. Theoretical Framework

The study is about the student’s academic performance who came from a

broken family. According to Deci and Ryan’s Theory, self-determination theory

allow students to cope up from their situation from a broken family. Self-

determined behaviors are often achievement oriented, because they are

pursued out for the sake of enjoyment, interest, and inherent satisfaction in

the activity itself. Students that are self-motivated are more likely to succeed.

As stated by Steven Sheildon’s Parental Involvement Theory (2020), student’s

accomplishment is influenced by parental involvement because these

interactions improve students' motivation, perception of competence, and

confidence that they have control over their academic success.

Operational Definition of Terms

Family - a group of a person having one relationship

Broke or Made It – the experience of a student from a broken family

Broken Family – having an incomplete member of a family that are getting a

annulment or separation of parents.

Academic Performance – the result of the student’s performance in school

Snowball Sampling – type of sampling used in the study

Chapter 3


Research Design

The qualitative research study needs to gather information about the

problems of a student being in a broken family. This research is under a

case study type of qualitative research design that aims at all students under

Baybay City Senior High School.


The participant in this study were students who came from a broken family in

Baybay City Senior High School. In conducting this study, a purposive

sampling had been applied in the selection of participants who came from a

broken family. The researchers conducted a preliminary survey to identify

possible participants of the study. 78 survey forms were distributed to the

different students randomly. A number of 8 participants were interviewed

and reached the data saturation point. (Wa-Mbullka & Glamstone, 2016)


The preliminary survey questionnaire and interview guide questions were

validated by the teachers. The instruments that were used in this study were

from the preliminary surveys, and semi-structured survey questionnaires and

interviews with the aid of a recorder. These were used for gathering

information or data from our participants in this research. By using semi-

structured survey questionnaires and interview, the researchers were able to

come up with a conclusion based on the participant’s responses. The first

part was composed of the demographic information of every participant of

this study, namely the names, contact information, grade level, section,

strand and as well as their gender and age.

Data Collection Procedures

In conducting an interview at Baybay City Senior High School, the

permission was done, approved, and noted by the Principal and the Practical

Research Teacher. The researchers used survey guide questionnaires that

are composed of 10 questions and for the interview guide questionnaires

that are composed of 6 questions, as a tool in the conduct of the research.

The preliminary survey and interviews were done possibly in every vacant or

free period time of the participants. It was rest assured that every answer

given was confidential and remained only between the researcher and the

participants which included their identity.

Data Analysis Procedure

After the collection of the answered preliminary survey questionnaires and

interview, the researchers deduced a conclusion from the answers that are

given by the participants. According to Sarantakos (1998), the analysis of the

data allows the researcher to manipulate the information collected during the

study in order to assess and evaluate the findings and arrive at some valid,

reasonable and relevant conclusions.

Ethical Consideration

The results were kept confidential from the participant’s responses, which

were only available to the researchers to avoid conflict with the participants.

By ethical consideration, they were also given the right to withdraw when the

occasion arises. The participants were treated professionally and debriefed

about the study by the researchers.



I. Feelings of Participants Towards Their Situation on Broken


Theme: Participants felt negative emotions about their situation

Negative emotions about their situation are one of the feeling felt by the

students coming from a broken family. The following are the negative emotions

felt by the participants:

A. Lonely

“Sometimes, di man jud siya malikayan, panagsa ma feel nako kay, feel nako

ma-isolate ko sa uban, murag feel nako lonely ko, murag sad lang” (P1)

Translated, the participant said that sometimes he/she can’t avoid feeling

isolated from other people, feeling lonely, and feeling sad.

B. Depressed

“Ahh... Kanang... severe na gyud kaayo na problem ba na dili nagyud ma

kuan,anxiety ana...

Depression na depression na gyud ba” (P2)

Translated, the participant said that he/she have severe problems that are

hard to handle, like anxiety and he added that he/she was so depressed.

C. Anxiety

“Yes, naka kuan gyud ko kanang anxiety daghan gyud ko ana. Maka

triggered gyud siya” (P3)

Translated, the participant said that he/she experienced multiple times

being anxious and that their situation triggered it.

D. Insecure

“Nay usahay nga kana ganing makakita ko sa uban family nga happy-

happy sila, kami kay lay ba niya di pajud kompleto, di jud stable ba ang

relationship sa usa’g-usa” (P6)

Translated, the participant said that there are times that he/she saw other

families who are happy while their family is boring, not complete, and their

relationship with each other are not stable.

II. Struggles or Challenges Encountered by Student From A

Broken Family in Their Studies

Theme 1: Participants cannot focus in school and felt inferior

A. Unfocused

di ko ka focus sa mga pag eskwela, sa mga buhaton sa balay, niya permi

rako mag-tulala, dako kaayo syag destruction (P1)

Translated, the participant said that he/she cannot focus studying and in

the household chores and he/she was always out of mind

B. Uncertain

“Kind of...” (P3)

C. Experienced

“Oo uy,yes jud kaayo”(P5)

Translated, the participant said that he/she highly experienced destruction

and not focused on studies

D. Triggered by a family member living with

“sa balay kay puros e down pud ko so, ako sa ako kaugalingon naa juy

times nga murag ma down ko”(P7)

Translated, the participant said that he/she was feeling down when he/she

was at home

Theme 2: Participants did not have struggles in studies

A. Unaffected


B. Acceptance

“para nako wala man pud, sukad pagka bata nako kay ako rapud

gidawat, ako rapud gi sabot unsay hinungdan nganong nag buwag-

buwag mi, pero ako mga igsuon nabugoy lageh.Ako nalang puy mu

bawi sa ako mga igsuon,like di nako gusto mu dugang,gusto ko mu

tabang ba nga mabalik nako ang mga gipanghatag ni mama”(P6)

Translated, the participant said that he/she accepted the situation

he/she was in. The participant added that he/she wants to pay back

what his/her mother gave to him/her

C. Unaffected


III. Coping Strategies

Theme 1: Participants cope through their Friends

A. Friends, mobile games, hobbies

“maka cope up jud ko kay tungod sa friends, usa na jud nang friends,

mga online games, ml , mangga, mga anime, oo para ma distract niya

naa ra ngadto ako attention ba”(P1)

Translated, the participant said that he/she did cope up because of

his/her friends, mobile games. he/she added that these helps hom/her

in diverting his/her attention

B. Family, prioritizing studies

“kuan.. through studies then barkada ana... Enjoy lang makalimtan

lang ang problema sa imo pamilya”(P2)

Translated, the participant said that he/she was able to cope up

because of his/her friends and just enjoying life to forget the problem

in the family.

C. Acceptance

“kanang gi dawat ra nako unsay nahitabo,unsay naa nako karon.

Sometimes gud mag selos gud ko sa uban pamilya pero wa man lagi

koy lain mahimo, so dawaton nalang gyud. Wa man puy lain mabuhat


Translated, the participant said that he/she accepted the situation, the

participant also added that he/she feels insecure or jealous to other


Theme 2: Spiritual Invention

A. Prayers

“Through prayers, isulti ra kay God ang tanang problema, mag pray

ra gud.”

Translated, the participant said that he/she prays to God and told

God all his/her problems.

B. Positivity

“mag pray lang unya magkuan nga puhon naa pay better


Translated, the participant said that he/she prays and hopes

that better days are coming.

Chapter V


For future studies:

1. Apply mixed- method study about broken family.

2. Conduct the same study with different participants to see another


3. To conduct an unstructured interview to get richer data.

Practical Implications:

1. School should create a spiritual youth organization for elevation of


2. Strengthen counseling program in school.

3. Teachers should focus also on values development of students

4. Parents should strengthen bond and communication with their children.


Students that came from a broken family affecting their academic

performance is one of the problems they encountered in Baybay City Senior

High School. Students' academic performance was affected because of the

internal issues happening in their family which is the separation of their

parents. It has also been found that students from a broken families are being

affected positively, neutrally, and negatively. Positive in a way that they

accepted it and that it motivated them to try harder and do better in school;

neutral as it didn't affect them at all; and negative as it led to distraction or

unfocused in studies and mental health problems. However, the participants

handled their situation through putting their faith in God, positive thinking,

friends, mobile games, social media, and hobbies.


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Appendix A: Letter of permit


Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII
Division of Baybay City
Baybay City Senior High School
30 de Deciembre St. Baybay City, Leyte

Principal IV
Baybay City Senior High School
30 de Deciembre St. Baybay City, Leyte

Dear Sir:


Since the Grade 11-STEM students are currently taking research entitled
_______________________________”, we would like to ask permission from your good office to
allow the students to conduct interviews with their participants within and the school premises. This is
in partial fulfillment for the requirements for the subject “Practical Research 1”.

Rest assured that this undertaking will no way affect the school.

Thank you for your usual support and consideration!

Truly Yours,

Research Teacher/TIII

Noted: Approved by:


STEM Department head/MT II Principal IV

Appendix B: Consent Letter


Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII
Division of Baybay City
Baybay City Senior High School
30 de Deciembre St. Baybay City, Leyte

Dear Participant,

You have been selected as one of the respondents in the research study entitled “Broke or Made It”: The
Revelation of Students From A Broken Family that we are currently conducting. There are no risks involved in
participating in this study. Privacy will be ensured through confidentiality. Participation is voluntary and the
partcipant has the right to terminate to answer the interview. A summary of the results will be available to
participants upon request.

Statement of Consent

I have read the above information. I agree to participate in this study and give permission for taking picture
during the survey process.

_________________________________ __________________________
Signature of Participant Date

_________________________________ __________________________
Name and Signature of Researcher Date
_________________________________ __________________________
Name and Signature of Researcher Date
_________________________________ __________________________
Name and Signature of Researcher Date
_________________________________ __________________________
Name and Signature of Researcher Date
_________________________________ __________________________
Name and Signature of Researcher Date
_________________________________ __________________________
Name and Signature of Researcher Date
_________________________________ __________________________
Name and Signature of Researcher Date
_________________________________ __________________________
Name and Signature of Researcher Date
_________________________________ __________________________
Name and Signature of Researcher Date
_________________________________ __________________________
Name and Signature of Researcher Date

Appendix C: Survey Questionnaire

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII
Division of Baybay City
Baybay City Senior High School
30 de Deciembre St. Baybay City, Leyte

Survey Questionnaire
Name: Gender: Age:
Grade& Section: Strand:
Contact no/Email:

We are conducting a survey for our research paper. Put a (/) if your answer is
Yes or No.
Yes No
1. Are you from a broken family?
2. Broken family affects the feelings of their
3. Having a broken family affects your study?
4. Complete family makes a person complete?
5. Are living with your guardian?
6. Does having a broken family have a negative
effect on your social life?
7. Are you aware of how important family is?
8. Do your mother or father have another
9. Do you still respect your parent who made
your family broke?
10.Do you consider yourself a good daughter/

Adapted By:
Tricia Anne Retrieved from

Appendix D: Revised Interview Questions

Appendix E: Interview Questions

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII
Division of Baybay City
Baybay City Senior High School
30 de Deciembre St. Baybay City, Leyte

Interview Questions

Name: Gender: Age:

Grade& Section: Strand:
Contact no/Email:

1. How are you today?

2. Is it okay if I will ask you some questions about your experiences in your
studies and how is your life being a student?

3. Have you ever been depress or have an anxiety due to family problems?

4. Does your parents know that you have depression?

5. Does having a broken family affect your studies?

6. Do you think that taking care of household chores or siblings affect your
performance in school?

7. How would you handle your situation having a broken family?

8. How did you cope up?

9. How do you think your situation can shape up you to become a better person?

10. What lesson in life you have learned from the situation you have?

Appendix F: Thematic Analysis

Research Interview Part Data/ Response Code Category Theme

Questions Questions No.
1 ….sometimes, di man Felt lonely
jud siya malikayan,
panagsa ma feel
nako kay, feel nako
ma-isolate ko sa
uban, murag feel
nako lonely ko,
murag sad lang…
2 Ahh... Kanang... Depression
severe na gyud
kaayo na problem ba
na dili nagyud ma
kuan,anxiety ana...
Depression na Felt negative
1.How do 3.Have you Felt emotion
depression na gyud
the students ever been ba Depressed about their
feel about depressed
3 Yes, naka kuan gyud Anxiety situation
their or have an
ko kanang anxiety
situation anxiety due
daghan gyud ko ana.
coming from to family
Maka triggered gyud
a broken problems?
6 Nay usahay nga kana Felt Insecure
ganing makakita ko
sa uban family nga
happy-happy sila,
kami kay lay ba nya
di pajud kompleto, di
jud stable ba ang
relationship sa usa’g-
5 yes,naa lang sa
hilom- hilom… Life Social
Experience Problem
7 ..hmm,naka try gyud
ko ana, super
2.What are 1 di ko ka focus sa mga Destruction Unfocused
the pag eskwela, sa mga
struggles buhaton sa balay,
5.Does niya permi rako mag-
and Participants
having a tulala, dako kaayo
broken syag destruction cannot focus
family affect in school and
by students
your felt inferior
from a
studies? (theme 1)

3 Kind of.. Uncertain
5 Oo uy,yes jud Experienced
7 sa balay kay puros e Triggered by
down pud ko so, ako a family
sa ako kaugalingon member
naa juy times nga living with
murag ma down ko…
2 No.. Unaffected
6 Para nako wala man Acceptance
pud, sukad pagka
bata nako kay ako
rapud gidawat, ako
rapud gi sabot unsay Mental H
hinungdan nganong
nag buwag-buwag Participant
mi, pero ako mga did not have
igsuon nabugoy
struggle in
lageh.Ako nalang puy
mu bawi sa ako mga
igsuon,like di nako (Theme 2)
gusto mu
dugang,gusto ko mu
tabang ba nga
mabalik nako ang
mga gipanghatag ni
8 No.. Unaffected
1 para nako dili man
kay murag lahi man
oras sa eskwelahan
lahi pud ang oras sa,
specially karon like
halfday ra mabuntag,
8-12 ra man pud niya Prioritizing Educational
6.Do you sa hapon okay ra studies level
think the man pud naa pud
taking care mga tao sa balay
household 2 ..wa, I’m the only Participants
chores or child… cannot focus
siblings 3 Kind of.. Lack of time No self- in school and
affect your management discipline felt inferior
performance (Theme 1)
in school?

5 Yes jud, sa balay Pressured by

ba..oh uy labi na kay schoolwork’s Educational
karon kay kita busy Level
baya nya nag pa

STEM –STEM pa jud
7 kanang mga The family
buhatonon sa balay members
ba kaybaw nga naa gives all the
pakoy buhaton… task to the
6 …Ah wala man pud A family
kay ako man pud ang member
kinamanghuran unya work the
sila kay naa puy lain things
pamilya, unya sa mga without Participants
buhaton sa balay kay did not have
wala man pud naka- struggles in
apekto sa akoa, si studies
mama man pud (theme 2)
kanunay mulihok nya
ako kay usahay
8 Dili man sab.. Unaltered Unaffected
1 Siguro focus nalang Prioritizing Positive
ko sa pag-eskwela studies psychology
kay para dili nalang
nako siya mahuna-
hunaan ba
2 kuan.. through Family, Family
studies then barkada prioritizing Expectations
ana... Enjoy lang studies
makalimtan lang ang
problema sa imo
3 Time management, Self- care, Self-love
pag handle ug kuan time
7. How mag pabana-bana, management
3.How did would you mas unahon ang
kaugalingon kesa sa Participants
the students handle your
uban cope up
cope up situation
through their
with the having a
struggles? broken friends
family? (Theme 1)
5 ..maglipay lipay Diverting the
nalang kanang mag- attention
uban uban sa mga and/or
friends.. making the

6 Kanang gi dawat ra Acceptance
nako unsay
nahitabo,unsay naa
nako karon.
Sometimes gud mag
selos gud ko sa uban

pamilya pero wa man
lagi koy lain mahimo,
so dawaton nalang
gyud. Wa man puy
lain mabuhat pud.
7 ..maniguro lang. Optimistic
8 okay raman handle Manageable
man kaya ra man
wako kahibaw pero
kaya ra man. Wa,
wala wala
1 Maka cope up jud ko Friends,
kay tungod sa mobile
friends, usa na jud games,
nang friends, mga hobbies Positive
online games, ml ,
mangga, mga anime,
oo para ma distract Participants
niya naa ra ngadto cope
ako attention ba through their
7 group of friends Group of friends
kay dili mn ko swerte friends (Theme 1)
sa fam atleast sa
friends like murag sila Coping
na ako family gani Mechanism
8. How do mas feel nako ila love
you cope ba kesa sa ako
up? fam….
6 Through prayers, Prayers
isulti ra kay God ang
tanang problema,
mag pray ra gud.
5 ..mag pray lang unya Positivity
magkuan nga puhon Spiritual
naa pay better days Positive
ahead mawala rani Psychology
(Theme 2)
lang sa imo mga
dreams para
makapadayun lang

6 Sometimes kay mag Redirecting
open up pud ko sa attentions
mga bible study through
leaders namo ba, gi group
encourage rapud ko gatherings
nila. Nakatabang pud
ako mga friends kay
nindot baya kay
usahay kung saputon
ka sa imong pamilya,
mga friends ang
maka-divert sa imo
attention, unya kuan
rapud cellphone, mga
duwa, makalimut
rapud ko, maka enjoy

2 Mo focus rako sa Prioritizing

study,ako ihatag ako studies
tanan eskuyla sa ako Educational
mama,ako bayran
siya sa ako/sa iya
kaun studies

8 wala man,okay ra Unaltered

man ang problema,
wa may problem

Appendix G: Documentation


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