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PART II Special Topics in Ethics PART Il: SPECIAL TOPICS IN ETHICS | HB introduction ‘The great philosophers realized that the fullness of ‘human existence is dependent on man's ability to live according to the principles that determine being human. ‘These philosophers also tried to show that human action and self-realization are not purely automatic or mechanical. Although not absolutely free, people do act based on choice and reflection, Al the most human actions are determined by free choices founded on thought. Thus, their ethics focused on articulating the most basic principles that realize the good— or the actions that most realize what it means to be a free being capable of thought and choice. ‘The ethical theories of particular philosophers earlior discussed are the most influential in the field of ethics and they are also the most representative of what kind of theories ‘exist. Aristotle explains how human action is oriented toward the realization of human happiness by realizing one's telos. He shows that realizing life lived toward one's flos entails habituation in human excellences so that virtue shapes Jhuman lives. St. Thomas explains that there Is an order of s00d.that frames all being, Whatever itis, it is determined by natural law and all human beings must act in a way that respects and realizes this order. Kant shows a way of realizing the good by legislating it for one's self. He shows hhow people must legislate for themselves what is good action and what is duty by using reason in determining the ought. Uniltarians show that a calculus of the greatest happiness for most people determines the ought for human beings. For any person who seriously socks to realize the good in thelr lives, itis important to have an understanding of these principles because they give a clear basis for deciding what is the most humane of just actions. This seetion explores how contemporary thinkers have responded to the complex ethical questions that face modern people. This is @ brief survey of contemporary ethical thinking about problems that are not new but have taken on 1 particular character in contemporary times. For instance, rest women have experienced some form of oppression and there may have been moves toward emancipation. However, ‘the theorizing ofthat oppression and movements toward the emancipation of women in a sustained and global manner Js only a recent phonomenon. There are many theories about why women are oppressed and how they should bbe emancipated. The theories continue to develop and it 4s important for students to know the basic issues and the ‘undational theories of feminism, ‘The same is true for ecology, medical ethics, businoss ethics, and other fields featured here. It is the aim of this section to expose the student to the main currents of the foundational theories in these fields, give them a perspective from which to reed theso realities, and have enough baste theory with which to understand on their own the evalving theories they may want to research on. |

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