PHM Magazine 2nd Quarter 2021 Final

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People’s Health Movement

Sri Lanka
Advisory Committee
Menu Nilukshika
Nishantha Preethiraj

Indrachapa Ruberu
Nivanka Mohotty
Minoli De Silva

Page Setting & Art Work

Minoli De Silva


Sirimal Peiris

Please note that the ownership/responsibility belongs to the respective writers

of each article.
Your ideas, comments and articles for the future editions are warmly
welcomed. Please write to us, to the following email address,
Let us win together with humanity.

PHM SL works on full voluntary basis without any office bearers and bank accounts. We have only a
Convenor namely, Ms Menu Nilukshika de Silva. (Her Email address is: &
Contact No. +94767295150). who usually calls up meetings.
Dr Vinya Ariyaratne, President of the Sarvodaya Movement provides all logistical facilities for the
Monthly Meetings, Publishing of leaflets, posters etc. and requirements for other activities. PHM – SL is
a network of 40 organizations and some keen individuals who are ready to protect the health rights of
the people of Sri Lanka. PHM SL is recognized as a member of Open Government Partnership (OGP).
Indra Cancer Trust Fund is willing to bring in a Patients’ Rights Declaration and PHM SL has had
discussions with them and hopes to move forward.

PHM SL had a couple of monthly meetings on zoom and also had physical meetings during the Covid 19
pandemic. It is notable that all our member organizations are working closely with quarantine people
and camps for quarantine people. Necessary food items and other requirements are being distributed
to these people. Sarvodaya Movement is giving a big helping hand for these activities.

Necessary health education activities also have been started. Email and Face Book messages are
disseminated. Sarvodaya Movement has launched a special community education programme as
“Suvodaya Programme”. Some of our member organizations held educational programmes with
Suvaodaya. Dr Vinya Ariyaratne and Professor Manuj Weerasinghe has held many programmes on the
TV and on zoom for the benefit of the public and they have taken all necessary measures to protect the
patients’ rights. PHM SL is trying to build up opinion leaders for controlling Covid 19.


We are continuously campaigning for health rights. Presently Hon. Minister of Water & Sanitation, Mr
Vasudeva Nanaykkara (long term active member of PHM – SL) has undertaken to hold a meeting with
Members of Parliament in order to bring in a Motion at the Sri Lanka Parliament to include Health Rights
to the Sri Lanka Constitution. At present, we are continuing with the required activities.

PHM – SL has published 03 Magazines for the year 2020. Our Members are keen in continuing this
activity in the future as well.


12 members of PHM – SL participated at the PHM Assembly in Daka. One member participated at the
IPHU Training in Nepal.

We are pleased to mention that we are happy about the progress made during the year 2020 amidst the
difficulties encountered due to the Covid 19 Pandemic.


January 2021
IP, Vaccine Imperialism Cause Death and Suffering, Delay Recovery

By Anis Chowdhury and Jomo Kwame Sundaram

Vaccine developers’ refusal to share publicly funded vaccine research findings is stalling broader,
affordable vaccinations which would more rapidly contain COVID-19 contagion. The pandemic had
infected at least 109 million people worldwide, causing over 2.4 million deaths as of mid-February.

Avoidable delays in preventive vaccination are imposing terrible burdens on the world economy and
human welfare, with economic disruption demanding more relief and recovery measures. They have
cost US$28 trillion in lost output globally, with developed countries contracting by 7% in 2020.

Avoidable vaccination delays

National capacities to cope with the pandemic have been largely determined by means and power.
Thus, access to COVID-19 tests, treatments, personal protective equipment and other pandemic
supplies has been severely lacking in most African and other poor countries.

At current vaccination rates, it would take “not one or two years, but six years” to reach 75% global
coverage, currently considered the minimum to achieve ‘herd immunity’ against COVID-19.

Patent protections, vaccine production constraints and the rich country scramble will deprive more
than 85 poor countries of public access to vaccines before 2023. As of 5 February, not a single dose
had been administered in 130 countries with 2.5 billion people.

Of the more than 131 million doses available by 8 February, the US, China, the EU and the UK had
78%, while Africa had 0.2%! Meanwhile, the African Union has only ordered less than half of what it
needs to reach herd immunity, i.e., just 670 million doses. Meanwhile, besides Brazil, other Latin
American countries only have 150 million doses for less than a quarter of their population.

Supply shortfalls
By the end of 2021, total global capacity of the 13 leading COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers would
still be well short of the needs of the world’s almost 7.7 billion people. Even if they all produce at
maximum capacity, a fifth of the world’s population would not have access until 2022.

Rich countries continue to oppose the South African-Indian proposal to temporarily suspend relevant
provisions of the 1994 World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of
Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) to effectively block rapid scaling up of generic vaccine production.

The resulting “catastrophic moral failure” is thus mainly due to vaccine suppliers’ profit
maximisation, also limiting supplies and access. Meanwhile, rich countries’ grossly excessive vaccine
purchases can vaccinate their residents several times over.

The US will soon have enough to vaccinate its population twice over, while Canada and Australia
have booked enough to protect residents several times over. Exceptionally, New Zealand – which has
also ordered several times its population’s needs – plans to freely share vaccines with its Pacific
island neighbours.

Manufactured scarcity and prices

Global needs now greatly exceed available supply. Middle-income countries have joined the
scramble, making onerous direct deals with vaccine suppliers, typically on worse terms than if they
had bargained collectively. Unsurprisingly, vaccine prices vary considerably, by more than 12-fold,
from US$6 to US$74 per dose.
As countries have not published contract details, acceding to vaccine suppliers’ terms, lack of
transparency has enabled abuses. And when forced to comply with Freedom of Information Act
requests, documents are heavily redacted before release.

Such limited transparency enables ‘vaccine imperialism’ as big power ‘vaccine nationalism’ impairs
others’ access. Thus, following its spat with AstraZeneca, the European Commission (EC) banned vaccine
exports to most countries outside the EU.

Double standards rule

In fact, cross-border enforcement of intellectual property rights (IPRs) is relatively recent. Big Pharma
successfully lobbied their governments for TRIPS inclusion in the 1994 WTO founding documents. This
greatly strengthened and extended IPRs transnationally.

Now, as these non-transparent deals are disputed, European politicians are threatening ‘patent grabs’.
EU President Charles Michel has warned of “urgent measures” demanding compulsory licensing,
provided for by the European Treaty.

This would require vaccine developers to facilitate generic production, which the developing country-
backed TRIPS temporary waiver proposal seeks for all countries. Nevertheless, the EU, other rich
countries and their allies still oppose the request to enable rapid scaling-up of affordable vaccine

Publicly financed vaccine development

To accelerate vaccine development, expenses and risks have been mainly borne by governments, rather
than by developers or private finance. The six top candidate vaccine developers have already received
over US$12 billion of public money, sometimes with little to show for it.

Of the more successful, Moderna received US$955 million for research and development plus a
premarket purchase commitment of US$1.53 billion. In Europe, Pfizer/BioNTech got €375 million from
the German government and another €100 million for debt refinancing from the European Investment

Yet, despite massive public financing, vaccine developers retain the IP monopoly right to profit. Thus, the
prospect of huge gains from 2021 vaccine sales revenue of almost US$40 billion is delaying progress
against COVID-19.

Greed kills, unless…

AstraZeneca promised Oxford University not to profit off any COVID-19 vaccines “for the duration of the
pandemic”. However, its contracts allow it to declare the pandemic over as early as mid-2021. It could
then charge higher prices for vaccines developed with public money for the university.

The AstraZeneca vaccine was ‘trialed’ on the South African population. Yet, it is paying 2.4 times more
than the EU – US$5.25 compared to US$2.16. This makes a mockery of “benefit-sharing” and priority
“post-trial access” promises. Meanwhile, turning ‘ability to pay’ on its head, Uganda is paying 20% more
than South Africa!

Having the greatest vaccine manufacturing capacity in the world by far, the Serum Institute of India has
several contracts to produce the Astra-Zeneca vaccine for different countries. In India, it will sell 90% to
the government and 10% to the private sector at a higher price.
Waiver can end pandemic
Vaccines produced generically at greater scale will be far more affordable, enabling more rapid
containment of the contagion, infections, deaths and disruptions. Until herd immunity is achieved
nationally and globally, priority in allocation should be on the basis of urgent need, rather than ability to
pay or political muscle.

The best way forward now is the TRIPS waiver proposal, still blocked by rich country governments at the
WTO. It would enable all countries to affordably make or buy ‘generic’ vaccines. This would most
effectively expedite containing the pandemic with the least loss of lives and livelihoods.
cdk ;dlaIKh iy fi!LH
cdk ;dlaIKh uÕska wdydr ksIamdokh mq¿,a lsrSfï ld¾hNd¾h Ndr.;a ksidu f,dj kkafoaiSka
fi!LH msrsfyk cd;Skaf.a j;f.d; fy<sorõùug mgka f.k ;sfí' .jhkaf.a cdk úlD;s fldg
fn%dhs,¾ l=l=<kaf.a fuka" .jhkaf.a YrSr l+vqj jvjd .ekSug .;a ;ek ksid ìys jQjdhehs iel lrk
Wu;= .j frda.h óg fyd|u ksoiqkh' tx.,ka;fha .jhkag je<÷k Wu;= .j frda.h fya;= fldgf.k
fndfyda i;a;aj f.dú fmd<j,a jid oeóug isÿjQ nj fkdryils' iajdNdj O¾uhg tfrysj ñksid úiska
lrkq ,nk fkdmk;alula f,i cdk ;dlaIKh y÷kajdosh yelsh'
we;eï md,lhka iy jHdmdrslhka fuu cdk ;dlaIKfhka ksIamdos; wdydr iïmQ¾Kfhkau wdrlaId
iys;hhs' mejiqj;a" fndfyda mdrsfNda.slhka w;aoelSfukau tjeks wdydr m%;slafIam lsrSug mgka .ekSu
cdk ;dlaIKh f.khkakdjQ iud.ïj,g uy;a ysirohla ù ;sfí' tA ksidu cdk ;dlaIKhg Ndckh jQ
wdydr b;d iqrlaIs;hs" m%pdrhla f.khdug;a tA tA rgj, foaYmd,{hkag ikaf;daiï oS cdk ;dlaIKhg
Ndckh jQ wdydr fj<|fm,g oeóug;a uy;a odhl;ajh;a jeh lsrSug;a tu iud.ï j,g isÿù ;sfí' tu
jeh jk uqo, mdrsfNda.lhdf.kau .id lEug;a tu iud.ï ie,iqï ilid ;sfí' úfYaIfhkau fujeks
wdydr wdrlaIs;hehs m%ldylsrSug tA tA rgj, wdKavqj,g n,mEï lrkq ,nkafka uyd mrsudK
cdk ;dlaIKsl iud.ïh' i;H jYfhkau fuu cdk ;dlaIkKhg Ndckh fkdfldg hehs fndfyda
úoHd{hka lreKq bosrsm;a lr;s'
cdk ;dlaIKhg Ndckh l< wdydr fj<|m,g oeóug fmr tA i|yd mrsirh ilik ,oafoa udOHhhs'
fndfyda udOH úiska fuu wdydr iïnkaOj lreKq bosrsm;a lf<a mlaImd;Sjh' úfYaIfhkau
tx.,ka;fha we;eï mqj;am;a tA iïnkaOj úfYaI fufyhqula lrkq ,eîh' fâ,sfÜ,a mqj;am; fuu
wdydr mrsfNdackh lsrSu kïnqjla f,i y÷kajkq ,eîh' fuu wdydr mrsfNdackh lrkakka ;=<ska
úfrdaohla u;=ùug fmr wjYH;u m%pdrd;aul mrsirh f.dvkxjd tu wdydr w;s m%kS; fukau
fi!LHh .eg¿ u;= fkdlrk njg u;hla mdrsfNda.Slhka ;=< we;s fldg fj<|dïlsrSug ksIamdok
iud.ï j.n,d .kakd ,oS' f,dj m%Odk fmf<a cdk ;dlaIKsl iud.ï f,dj wdydr iemhSfï
whs;sh ,nd .ekSug tluq;=jla f.dvk.df.k ;sfí' tu.ska iq¿ mrsudK ksIamdok iud.ï fj<|m,ska
msgux lsrSug fkdfhl=;a ie,iqï ls%hd;aul fjñka mj;S' tA uÕska wdydr ms<sn|j ñ, md,kh lsrSfï
n,h ;u w;g .ekSug fuu iud.ï n,dfmdfrd;a;= fjhs'
cdk ;dlaIKhg Ndckh lrkq ,nk wdydr fld;rï wdrlaIs;o@ úmdl fudkjdo@ w;=reM, fudkjdo@
hkak iïnkaOj jHjydrsl iud.ï iy tA tA rgj, wdKavq ksyËh' úoHd{dhka w;ro fï iïnkaOj
tAlu;sl ;SrKhla ke;' cdk ;dlaIKfha m%;sM, iïnkaOj fjk;a flafIa;%j,ska ,enQ w;qoelSï
fndfydah' cdkhl fjkia lsrSïj,g Ndckh lrkq ,enQ wdydr wdrlaIs;o@ keoao@ hkak flafia jQj;a
jdKsc uÜñka ksIamdokh lsrSug fmr tAjd ms<sn|j lrk ,o m¾fhaIK b;d n,dfmdfrd;a;= w,amh'
cdk ;dlaIKhg Ndckhg jQ wdydr b;d m%kS; wdydr f,i y÷kajdoSug udOH fmruqK .;anj b;d
meyeos<sh' fuu wdydr úlSKSfï fhfok fjf<ÿka ;=< Woafhda.hla we;s fldg fuu wdydr
mdrsfNda.slhka w;g m;a lsrSug úfYaI Wkkaÿjla we;s lsrSug ksIamdok iud.ï fldfhl=;a l+G Wml%u
fhdoñka isáhs'
cdk ;dlaIKhg Ndckh lrkq ,nk wdydr j,ska we;s jkakdjQ fi!LH wk;=re ms<sn| fndfyda
ck;djdoS fi!LH úh;=ka wk;=re yÕjd we;' cdk ;dlaIKhg Ndckh lrk ,o wdydr wdrlaIs;o keoao
hkak flafia fj;;a jdKsc uÜgñka ksIamdokh lsrSug fmr tAjd ms<sn| lrk ,o mrslaIK b;d w,amj
mj;sk njg jd¾;d fjhs'
m<sfndaOkdYl Ndú;d l< hq;= fidahd yd lmq mq¿ka uÕska m<sfndAOkdYl iud.ï f,dal fj<|m,g
rsx.d.ekSu uÕska mrsirhg we;sjk ydksh fkdlsjukdh' j,ame, úkdY lsrSu fya;=fjka mi
fiaoShdu;a ffcj úúO;ajh úkdY ùu;a isÿfõ' th fya;[ fldg f.k mrsir rgdj fukau cSjk
rgdjo úlD;sùu j,ld,sh fkdyelsh'

cdk ;dlaIKsl fnda. j.dfjka flá ld,Skj ,nd.; yels wêl wiajekak
f.dùkaj .%dyKhg .kq ,nk m%n,;u idOlh njg m;aj ;sfí' ,dN wfmalaIdfjka ksIamdokhg yjq,a
jk f.dùka fï i|yd W;aiql jkq we;' jir oyia .Kkl mgka mej; tk f.dùkaf.a mqreoao jQ B<. i|yd îc wdrlaId lr .ekSu fuu cdk ;dlaIKhg Ndú;d lrk ,o îc ksid wdNdjhg hkq
we;' fï ksidu f.dùka j.djg îc ,nd .ekSu i|yd nyq cd;sl iud.ï fol ;=kla w;g m;aùu

cdk ;dlaIKh ;=< mj;akd jvd;au l¨ ÿ¾odka;h kï cd; úúO;ajhg Ndú;d l< îc u.ska j¾okh
fldfrys fnda.hkays B<. îc mrïmrdj j|Ndjhg m;alsrSu i|yd wjYHh;u ;dlaIKh ie<iqï fldg
we;s njg u;= ù we;s l=l=ih' cdk ;dlaIKhg Ndckh jQ fnda.j, we;s mrd. iuÕ jk
mdrïmrsl fnda.j, fnda lsrSfï j¾Ok Yla;sh ySk lsrSug fhda.H mokula ielfik njgo woyia
bosrsm;a ú we;' fï ksid l,la .sh miq mdrmïmrsl fnda. wNdjhg hEug yelshdjla ;sfÅ' ta ksidu
j.djka i|yd îc ,nd .ekSug nyqcd;sl iud.ï u; hefmk f.dú mx;shla we;sjkq ,efÅ' tu.ska
f.dúhd;a mdrsfNda.slhd;a ;j ;j;a iqrdlEug ,la fjhs' fv,aÜ iy mhska ,Ekaä iud.u iajlSh
ksIamdokhka wdishdj, wm%sldj iy ,;ska weursldj jeks rgj,g úlsKsu u.ska wd¾:sl wdrlaIs; njg
m;alr .kakd nj Woï wkkq we;' fufia lsrSfuka f.dúhd ridhksl ixhq;sfhka hq;a úkdYldrs
l%shdj,shlg .%yKhúula ñi fjklla isÿ fkdfõ'

mrsirfõoshl= jq jkaokd isjd úiska fuu úkdYldrs l%shdpduhg uq,ajqjd hhs fpdaokd ,nd isák
fudkaiekafgda iud.u yÿkajd oS we;af;a W;a;r O%ejh úiska olaIsK O%ejh ;=< fmdfydi;a rgj,a
u.ska ÿmam;a rgj,a ;u hg;a úcs; njg m;alr.kakd kj;u l%uh f,ih' f.dúka úiska mdrïmrslj
fhdod .kakd ,o T!IO me<Eá fukau wdydr fnda. fuu ffcj iud.ï fidhdf.k m¾fhaIK i|yd
f.k f.dia iud.ï úiska uqo,g .;a ñksiqkaf.a wdOdr we;sj tys whs;sh ,ndf.k kej;;a tu me,
f.k .sh rgj,gu wmkhkh lsrSfï l+G jHdmdr mj;ajd f.k hhs' fldfydT iy ly i|yd we;s
whs;sh meyer .ekSug .;a ;ek mrdch lsrSug yels jqj;a os.ska f.k hk ;ek mrdch lsrSug
yels jqj;a os.ska f.k hk fuu fld,a,h wfydais lsrSug fmagkaÜ whs;sh ms<sn| fldkafoais
fjkia lsrSug we;s yelshdj u; r|d mj;skakla fõ'

fuu ffcj fld,a,lEu i|yd wjYH kS;suh moku f,dal fj<| uKav,h jeks ixúOdk u.ska i,id
we;' úfYaIfhkau weursld tlai;a ckmoh mdol fldg.;a nyqcd;sl iud.ïj,g tu ksoyi ,eî
we;' fï u.ska ñksiqka iQrlk w;r mrsir úkdYhlao isÿ flf¾' ckhdg wys;lr NdKav Tjqka fj;
nf,ka úl=Kkq we;' hqfrdamhg wys;lr ldisfkdafmaksla fud¾fudak j¾Okhg jk ^ms<sld
ckl& .juia fukai weursldfõ j.d lrk flfi,a f.ä úlsKSug fï u.ska iud.ï j,g yelsjkq
we;' fujeks fj<|dï u; iajlSh m%;sm;a;s ilok foaYmd,{hkao fuu úkdYldrS l%shdodufha
mx.=ldrhka fjhs' ckhdf.a fi!LHhg yd mrsirhg isÿjk úkdYhg jvd nyqcd;sl iud.ï
j,ska ,efnk fidÉpu flfrys jeä ie<ls,a,la oelaùu fuu foaYmd,kfha iajNdjhhs'
cdk ;dlaIKsl iud.ï j,g ys;j;alï olajk wdKavq w;r mj;sky s;j;alu fkdi,ld yersh
fkdyelsh' tu wdydr f;dard .ekSug mdrsfNda.s ld¾hhla fõ' lhdg we;s whs;sh fkdi,ld yrsk w;r
wm .kq ,nk wdydr wmg tfrysj n,y;aldrfhka fokq ,nkakla fjhs' tfukau tu wdydr
cdk ;dlaIKhg Ndckh jqjo@ ta i|yd Ndú;d lr we;af;a lskï øjHhlao@ hkak oek .ekSfï
whs;sho mdrsfNda.slhdf.ka meyer .kq ,eîuls' wdishdj" wm%sldj" ,;ska weursldj jeks rgj, w;s
Nhdkl mrsir úkdYhla isÿ lrñka yd tu rgj, fjfik .ïno ck;djg lsj fkdyels;rï
jHikhla isÿ lrñka ’ksoyia fj<|du~~ hk ldreKsl kdufhka fuu fld,a,lEu isÿflfrñka
mdrsirsl wr.,h Okj;a rgj, ckhdf.a .eg¿jla hkak m%;slafIam lrka fudkafikafgda iud.u
bj;a lsrSfï jevms<sfj,la bkaoshdfõ wdrïNfldg we;' ld¾hlaIu f.dú ixúOdk j, wdOdrh o
we;sj cdk ;dlaIkhg Ndckh jq lmq j.djka mq¿iaid úkdY lsrSug bkaoSh ckhd fmruqK f.k
isáhs' mrSlaIK meje;aúu ;ykï lrk f,i;a" j.d øjHhka i|yd fmagkaÜ whs;sh ,nd .ekSu
j,lajk mrsos kS;s ixfYdaOkh lrk f,ig;a fukaiekafgda iud.u ;ykulg ,lalrk f,ig;a"
b,a,ñka Woaf>daIKh lrkq ,efí' wdkaød m%dka;h ;=< lrkq ,nk jHikhka j<ld,Sug tys ck;dj
oekgu fmruqK f.k isáhs'

fudkaiekafgda jeks iud.ï lshk mrsos wdydr w¾nqoh mj;skafka M,odfõ ys.lula ksid fkdfõ' th
rg rgj, mj;sk wd¾:sl l%ufha w¾nqoh u;ska u;=j .eg¿jjla fjhs' wdydr ys.hg ms<shï jkqfha
f.dúkag wjYH Åc" hkf;%damlrK" wdrlaIs; fmdfydr j¾. ,ndoS wiajekak jeäfldg fyd|ñ,la,nd
fouqyqka Åc j, iy cdk ;dlaIKhg Ndckh lrkq ,enq íc j, fjkila ;sfí' fuu fjkiaúï
folu tlla f,i ie<lSug .kakdjq ;ek m%,dMhla fukau nyqcd;sl iud.ïj, m%pdrhla fjhs' fuu
l%u fol w;r mj;sk fjkia kï iajNdj O¾uh w;r yd úlD;s;djhka w;r mj;sk fjki fõ'
ksIamdok Yla;Ska ixj¾Okh flfrys wjidkfhaoS Okjdoh ndOlhla jk nj úisjk ishji uq,oS
ud¾laiajdoSka mejiq nj wu;l fkdl< hq;=h'
ck ;dlaIKhg Ndckh lrk ,o wdydr i|yd f.k hk jHdmdrhkg f,dj kkafoiska úfrdaO;d
t,a, fjñka mj;S' jD;a;suh ixúOdk fukau ck;d ixúOdk o fuys fmruqK f.k isáhs' fuu
cdk ;dlaIK wdydr Ndú;h ;=<ska ñksia j¾.hd ;=< úlD;suh iajdNdjhka bosrs ld,fhaoS olakg
yelsfõ hehs fndfyda úoaj;=ka oekgu;a wk;=re y.jd we;' tneúka cd; ;dlaIKfhka fyí" wdydr
Ndú;h j,ld,Su muKla fkdj" cdk ;dlaIkhg Ndú; lrkq ,efnk wdydr ksIamdokhg tfrysúuo
fi!LHfõoSkaf.a iy m%cd ixj¾Okh iïnkaOfhka ie,ls,a,la olajk ldf.a;a ld¾hhla fõ'
Joint petition Submitted By Trade Unions Against The Proposed Port City Bill and
Request Due to Publish these Statements in Your Media.
Banner Shared by PHM - Sri Lanka for the World Health Day
Statement of Solidarity with People of Palestine
People’s Health Movement (PHM);

(Issued on May 19 th , 2021)

The People’s Health Movement (PHM), a global network of grassroots health activists, civil
society organizations, and academic institutions, strongly condemns the attacks against
Palestinian people by Israeli’s occupying forces and expresses full and unequivocal solidarity
with the Palestinian people.

The recent attempts of Israeli’s occupying forces to expel Palestinian residents from the Sheikh
Jarrah neighbourhood in Jerusalem is a continuation of the ethnic cleansing frequently
committed by the Israeli occupying forces. These attempts violate the principles of
international humanitarian law contained in the Geneva Convention that prohibits eviction
and displacement of populations in occupied territories. Palestinian and international human
rights organisations have widely denounced the unwillingness of the Israeli’s occupying forces
to comply with UN guidelines and international regulatory provisions. Several human rights
organizations, including Israeli groups, have been recognizing and criticising the apartheid
nature of the Israeli’s occupying forces.

According to PHM-affiliated local health groups and activists, the attacks of the Israeli’s
occupying forces on the Gaza Strip are targeting civilians in all residential areas using the
heaviest and fiercest military machinery, including military aircrafts, artillery, and tanks. The
majority of the Palestinians affected by these strikes are unarmed civilians, especially since the
missiles directed by the warplanes target the homes of civilians in residential areas and
residential towers. On the night of May 15, two respected doctors were killed together with
their families when their homes were bombarded. We pay the highest respect to Dr. Ayman
Abu al-Ouf, the head of the internal medicine department at Shifa Hospital, and Dr. Moen al-
Aloul, who worked as a psychiatrist for the Ministry of Health before his retirement.

The escalation of violence by Israeli’s occupying forces comes when the people of Palestine are
grappling with the burden of the Covid-19 pandemic. According to the Geneva Convention,
Israeli’s occupying forces must provide healthcare, including vaccines, to Palestinians as an
occupying power. Up until May 15, nearly 62% of Israelis had received at least one shot of
Covid-19 vaccine versus only 5.3% in Palestinians. We condemn these deplorable actions (by
commission and omission) that are incontrovertibly against humanity and the Palestinian
people. We demand that the Palestinian people are given access to Covid 19 vaccines,
treatment, and health care urgently.

We demand the international community, including all UN entities, to:

 Put pressure on the Israeli occupying forces to immediately stop their attacks on
Palestinians and stop the displacement of Palestinian families from their homes and
lands and ultimately to end its occupation of Palestine..

 Act on its responsibility mandated by several international treaties to safeguard the

health rights of Palestinians and condemn the increased inequity in health that the
pandemic response of the Israeli government has caused.
 Stop accepting the flimsy excuses under the pretext of self-defense made bythe Israeli’s
occupying forces when they kill protected civilians and bomb their homes with artillery

We call upon people worldwide to put pressure on their governments to stop all forms of
support to Israeli’s occupying forces, especially arms exports.

We call on the authorities, UN and other Human Rights Bodies/Agencies, civil society
organizations, and people around the world to denounce crimes of Israeli’s occupying forces
against humanity in Palestine and support the Palestinian people’s struggle to ensure that they
can live in peace on their land, the State of Palestine, with Jerusalem as its capital.

PHM decries the severe forms of aggression and injustice unleashed by the racist regime of
Israeli occupying forces against the Palestinian people.

PHM believes that peace and justice are social determinants of health.

PHM stands in solidarity with the Palestinian people and their struggle for existence and their
land. We are one with our colleagues, health professionals, health and human rights activists
on the ground and celebrate their strength and courage.

We cherish and salute the Palestinian people’s resistance and resilience.

May this day come soon to the whole world!

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