Momentive MarketingPersona 4strategies Guide

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4 strategies to drive

marketing in 2023
Discover how to create your next game-changing
marketing program by harnessing insights
Show your impact
Agility is the name of the game for marketers Making the right decisions is another pain
today. Year-long planning cycles have given point for marketers, and one that has lasting
way to quarterly goals and monthly pipeline consequences. A product or campaign that
targets. Teams have to pivot on a dime to address doesn’t land is expensive, and can result in lost
quickly shifting market and customer trends. revenue and reputation. The failed Pepsi ad,
Gap’s logo redesign, and Tropicana’s packaging
Marketing has become a performance- disaster had a lasting impact on brand health.
based sport, where metrics are the name of

the game. From brand initiatives to demand
gen and product launches, marketing teams
are constantly asked show their impact.
of marketing leaders say they are not

confident in their decisions because they
don’t have the right or enough data1

of marketing executives say that measuring

and proving that what they do works is their
biggest concern1

Collecting data that shows what moves the needle

can be especially hard for long-term marketing
initiatives that don’t have clear metrics—like
clicks, views, or impressions—built in.

source: Momentive study on Bold Decisions;
March 2022
Leading with the data
With the emphasis on metrics, data clearly holds the Avoiding research pitfalls
key to marketing success. But most marketing data is
collected after the fact, providing a post-mortem look No one will argue that acting on data is better than
at results. blind execution. But the way you get that data can
either support agility, or slow down your progress.
Instead of banking on what’s worked in the past
or paying a premium for agency advice, the most Working with outside market research agencies can
successful marketing teams rely on insights gathered be costly and time consuming. Static reports provide a
before they launch any program. retrospective view that is may not be timely, relevant,
or applicable to your next initiative.
New solutions can deliver insights that help marketing
teams: Data relevance is a recognized problem for most
marketers, according to our recent Bold
• Understand customer behaviors and preferences Decisions study1.
• Keep a pulse on market trends and competition
• Evaluate new market opportunities

Over half of marketing leaders say

they struggle to create actionable
insights from the data they have.
Agile research & feedback
Agile market research is an organized way of gathering information that embraces change and adaptability.
Research is iterative and conducted continuously—rather than at the end of the project—and is focused on
solving business challenges in real-time and at scale.

Agile market research framework

An iteritive approach to answering business questions as they come up

• Explore: What are the needs

of the market?
• Test: Which idea does my
Test Test Test
market prefer?
• Validate: How successful will
Explore Validate Explore Validate Explore Validate my product or campaign be?
• Optimize: Which
Optimize Optimize Optimize improvements will make my
product even better?
• Track: How am I doing?


Instead of lengthy studies, agile market research Agile research is a great alternative to costly reports
allows companies to test, iterate, and launch products, and time-consuming custom research. It’s fast,
concepts, and campaigns faster and more effectively. affordable, effective, and most importantly, available
Research is conducted to inform decisions throughout and accessible for all teams and stakeholders.
the product life cycle—from product development to
marketing and promotions—without slowing down The end result? Better, more informed decisions for
the process. teams; faster growth and innovation for brands.

4 strategies to drive highly-effective marketing in 2023 4

4 strategies to drive highly-
effective marketing in 2023

Build marketing strategies on a

hyper-understanding of your
target market

Pressure test product & creative

ideas—before investing in execution

Build customer advocacy and

a beloved brand

Apply timely, accurate, and real-time

insights throughout the funnel

4 strategies to drive highly-effective marketing in 2023 5

Build marketing strategies on a
hyper-understanding of your
target market
Most marketers can define their target audience: The dynamics are nuanced and always changing—
female executives at SaaS companies, single parents, and can make or break your marketing. Collecting
Millennial homebuyers. But identifying attributes insights can help you refine your target audience
isn’t the same as really knowing how your product or to gain a deeper understanding of what drives
marketing will appeal to your target audience. preference and purchase. Insights allow you to track
market shifts and test assumptions in advance of
Do female executives want to be singled out with a going to market.
gender-specific message? Will single parents care
more about saving time or money? Are Millennial Launching your own insights program will give you
homebuyers ready to purchase furniture, or have they an up-to-the-minute perspective of what messaging,
pivoted to other priorities in lieu of rising positioning, and products will work with the exact
interest rates? people you believe are your best potential customers.
Solutions for market understanding

Usage and Attitudes

A usage and attitudes study can help you understand For example, your target audience may rate a feature
the trends that appeal to your target audience, and use ‘innovative’ but low on ‘purchase intent,’ which tells
that feedback to innovate in your product development. you that feature may be interesting, but not drive sales.
It taps into consumer personas and pinpoints which Understanding tradeoffs can ensure your go-to-market
attitudes and behaviors will drive the right outcomes. product and ad creative will ultimately resonate with
Key driver analysis uncovers the attributes that most your customer.
impact the actions you care about, and allows you to
compare how your current customers differ from a
target audience or against your category.

4 strategies to drive highly-effective marketing in 2023 7

Consumer Segmentation

Buyer preferences are always changing, and marketers Segmenting your audience allows you to tap into
have come up with a variety of tools to keep track. which segments would be most likely to purchase
Developing personas or customer profiles has become your product. It can also guide how you target your
a proven way to ensure that the programs and campaign by offering a better understanding of
products you develop will hit the mark. who is most likely to respond.

Consumer segmentation helps you gain a deep

understanding of your ideal buyer segments to
optimize your marketing strategies. Using our guided
methodology, you can create buyer profiles and use
demographic information and behavioral traits to
hone and optimize your marketing strategy.
Pressure test product & creative
ideas—before investing in execution
For most marketers, there’s rarely a shortage of ideas. product life cycle can validate what will ultimately
The challenge is weeding out the bad and surfacing perform with a given target audience. The right
the winners before you invest time and resources. Most kind of research can help you identify winners, and
marketers have experienced the pain of going with a continually refine your most promising ideas to keep
direction that doesn’t land in the market. them on track.

From a product team vetting a MVP feature set, to a Some solutions are designed for a quick gut check
brand team deciding on a new ad; decisions are often early in the product lifecycle; others provide more in
driven by internal politics or beliefs that don’t take into depth insights on a final concept later in the process.
consideration the customer’s point of view.

Marketers can now tap into research tools that let

them quickly and affordably vet and prioritize winning
concepts. Testing ideas early and throughout the
Solutions for product and creative testing

Idea Screening

Idea Screening is the fastest way to determine how It’s ideal for marketing and creative teams, where
early-stage ideas will perform with your target audience. ideas go from concept to completion on a
It allows you to validate multiple concepts early in the predetermined path. Inserting Idea Screening early
development cycle and eliminate ideas that are likely to in the concepting stage can ultimately save time on
fail. It also gives you the data to get stakeholder buy in revisions and redos later in the process, when changes
early in the process. are costly and disruptive.

With Idea Screening—you can test up to 20 stimuli And because it allows you to test multiple ideas with
(text, images or videos) in a single study and quickly get the same audience panel, it can be an affordable way to
results in a presentation-ready format; in as little as research your ideas.
an hour.

4 strategies to drive highly-effective marketing in 2023 10

A note on methodology

Concept Testing

Momentive Concept Testing supports monadic and A sequential monadic study can be faster and more cost
sequential monadic methodologies, both of which effective as it uses a single audience sample to evaluate
provide benefits depending on the goal of your study. a larger number of concepts. Each respondent will see
all of your concepts and evaluate them on the same
A monadic study can provide more in-depth feedback number of attributes. Each concept receives the same
on a smaller number of concepts. Respondents will set of follow-up questions.
evaluate a single concept and rank it on a variety of
attributes, making for a shorter study but one that can
include more detailed questions. This approach requires
a larger audience sample since you’re only showing
respondents one option.

Research Methodologies
Monadic Sequential Monadic Forced Choice

4 strategies to drive highly-effective marketing in 2023 11

Ad testing

Putting an ad in market can be an high stakes and Results are delivered in presentation-ready format,
expensive way to figure out what attracts customers. making it easy to share with stakeholders and leverage
Today you can vet ads with your target audience to get AI insights to surface trends or results you might have
a sense of the appeal and effectiveness before launch. missed. Add benchmarks to see how your ads compare
to similar ads in your industry.
Using Ad Testing, marketers can get feedback on over
15 different advertising attributes, including quality,
uniqueness, believability, appeal, purchase intent,
brand recall, and more. In as little as an hour, you’ll get
feedback from your target market segment on which
ads are the winners and why.
Build customer advocacy
and a beloved brand
More than ever before, brand reputation matters. There’s a lot you can do to build your brand
Whether your’re a B2B SaaS company, or a consumer performance, and make sure that your customer
brand, your customers are making purchase decisions voices are coming out on the side of advocacy. Today
based on your company’s choices; not just in terms of any company can monitor brand health metrics like
pricing and product, but on how your brand plays in the awareness, purchase consideration, and loyalty, and
marketplace. get insights, on demand. New solutions can help you
capture and transform customer feedback into case
From social issues to environmental considerations and studies, testimonials, reviews, and more, at scale.
employee policies; customers are watching and are
willing to speak publicly about their experiences. The
question is: how will your company and brand rate in
the market?
Solutions for brand performance

Brand Tracking

Brand trackers provide continuous, up-to-the minute Modern brand tracking solutions deliver results in
insights on how your brand is performing over time. real-time, offering an always-on trend analysis that you
It’s an essential methodology for spotting trends and can tap into whenever you need it. AI-powered insights
measuring brand health and key metrics amongst your identify meaningful trends and help you understand
target buyers. what market segments are driving change. Dashboards
allow you to quickly share results with stakeholders, and
give you control of what narrative you’d like to share.
Social Proof & Customer Advocacy

One of the most powerful tools for marketers is the It’s a revolutionary approach that speeds up the process
voices of their own customers. Backing up marketing of collecting social proof points that can be used across
claims with customer testimonials and case studies is a the buyer’s journey. From new references to polished
proven way to elevate any brand. However, identifying case studies and testimonials, marketers can quickly
customer stories, and getting them approved and generate testimonials that can be used across sales and
distributed can be fraught with obstacles. marketing initiatives.

Social proof solutions can help marketers easily

transform customer feedback into case studies,
testimonials, reviews, and more. It automates the
process of capturing hard-to-get ROI metrics and
operational results from customers to build trust with
prospective buyers.
Apply timely, accurate, and real-time
insights throughout the funnel
The channels to reach customers and prospects have Why aren’t you keeping customers? Ask them.
grown exponentially over the past decade. Customers How do you make consumers see the value of your
connect with your company in-store and at events, product? They’ll tell you. What can you do to encourage
on your website and in-product, and on review or customers to purchase higher value products? Find out
commerce sites. Feedback can be collected from with a survey.
literally anywhere.
Personalized surveys can help teams collect valuable
It’s both a gift and a curse. The many touchpoints data at all points of the customer journey. From
provide opportunities to connect and convert by understanding prospect and customer sentiment
delivering more compelling experiences. However, through win/loss analysis, to onboarding new
too often feedback isn’t collected or analyzed in a customers, or adding NPS to your engagements, data
meaningful way. that is consistently collected—and connected—can
help marketers tell the story of what’s working and what
Marketing teams are the ones pushing to connect the needs to be improved.
dots between these digital channels, understanding
the power they bring to the user experience. The most
successful teams are able to collect feedback in any way
and use it to drive strategy.

It’s more than monitoring one system or waiting for

transactional data to tell the story. Feedback can
add the “why” to data that is collected across your
organization. By pairing people’s voices and opinions
with your company’s metrics, you can add a qualitative
dimension, making your data far more meaningful.

Hubspot, Marketo, and Salesforce are just a few of the Integrations with survey data can help you better
platforms that marketers rely on for customer and understand your prospects and enrich leads. Improve
sales engagement. Combining survey data with data in lead quality by scoring and segmenting leads based on
these apps using integrations adds context, color, and survey responses, and use that segmentation to create
sentiment to the picture. more personalized campaigns.

For example, with our Salesforce integration, you can

map real-time feedback data to any object, field, or
record in Salesforce to build a 360° view of the
customer experience.
Solutions for Collecting Feedback

There are many reasons—and ways—to collect data in QR codes or SMS make it easy to collect feedback from
the moment. Whether you’re at an event or tradeshow people wherever they are and when the customer
and want to measure the impact before attendees experience is top of mind. No need to collect email
leave, or want to understand your customer’s in-store addresses; your customers or attendees can provide
experience, there are easy ways to integrate feedback feedback from their phones.
when the experience is still fresh.
Digital Experience

Collecting customer feedback on your digital properties feedback. Connecting targeted feedback with customer
is critical for marketers, especially since digital data can help you understand how customers are
disruption has created a digital-first world. Online navigating your site, engaging with your brand, or
properties are often the first touchpoint in the customer deciding to make a purchase.
journey and play an increasingly important role.

With Website Experience solutions, marketing

teams can optimize the user experience and increase
conversions with actionable, frictionless, real-time
Getting started with insights
and experience solutions
We designed this guide to help you understand the
many ways insights can be used to help power more
agile, successful marketing programs.

Our solutions offer: Ready to get started?

• AI-powered insights to eliminate manual analysis Contact our experts to see how insights
and filtering and uncover the real insights in your and feedback can supercharge your
data. AI-powered insights instantly highlight marketing strategy.
statistically significant metrics and help you see
what’s actionable in your research.

• Access to a team of expert researchers who

Learn more Contact sales
can help customize any market research solution
according to your specific needs and in line with
industry-proven methodology.

• Data quality with the Momentive integrated

panel. Get access to 175M+ people, 130+ countries,
57 languages, 50+ profiled attributes. Target your
audience by demographics that matter to you:
age, gender, job function, region, and more.

Momentive studies
Conducted from February 14–March 6, 2022. We surveyed 1,716 C-suite, Sr. Managers, and Managers working at
publicly traded B2B and B2C companies in the U.S. The sample was balanced by age, race, among other demographic
variables, according to the U.S. Census.

Conducted on January 24, 2022 among a sample of 296 business decision makers in the US. Respondents for this
survey were selected from the more than 2 million people who take surveys on our platform each day.

About Momentive
Momentive is a new type of agile experience management company that delivers intuitive, AI-powered solutions built for the
pace of modern business. We power the brave, curious, and ambitious who want to reshape their customer and employee
experiences, products, industries—and our future. We put people at the center of our technology, and we’re here to collaborate
with those who advocate for equality. Learn more at

Net Promoter, Net Promoter System, Net Promoter Score, NPS and the NPS-related emoticons are registered trademarks of Bain &
Company, Inc., Fred Reichheld and Satmetrix Systems, Inc.

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