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People’s Health Movement

Sri Lanka

1st Quarter
Journal 2023
Advisory Committee
Menu Nilukshika
Nishantha Preethiraj
Somaratne Herath


Indrachapa Ruberu

Minoli De Silva

Nivnka Mohotty

K. Yogeshwari

Sirimal Peiris
Please note that the ownership/responsibility belongs to the respective authors of each
Your ideas, comments and articles for the future publications are warmly welcomed. Please
write to us, to the following email address,

Table of Contents

දුෂිත මහමග ...................................................................................................... 4

ලිංගික හැසිරීමේ පදනම .................................................................................... 6


Lunawa Environment Development Project today ..............................................11

Events DIary .........................................................................................................16

Celebrating International Women ‘Day 2023 .........................................................

Interview of Mr. Sirimal Pieris regarding Health Crisis in Sri Lanka .......................

Regional Assembly and a South Asian PHM meeting in Kathmandu ......................

oQIs; uyu. lshkafka l=ula o@ uyu. kï lka lrÉp,hls' Bg tfrysj l;d
¥IKh jkafka wehs@ kS;s fuÉpr ;sì,;a lf<d;a j,shla ke;fyd;a wdrdjq,ls' ukao
tfyu jkafka wehs@ yßu yß m%Yak" h;a" fï msßi ldgj;a “mÈß” jkafka ke;'
fuys§;a isÿjkafka Yío ¥IKh hs'
ÿï mÍlaIdj i|yd kS;shla we;" jd¾Islj
ÿï iy;slh w`:;a l< hq;= h' bka mQldY úfYaIfhka nia r:" fldkafÜk¾ wdÈfha
jkafka fmfg%da,shï oykfhka ksl=;a jk ksIamdolhka úiska iúlr tjd we;s k,djg
wmøjH lsisjla jdykhlska jd;hg tl;= wu;r k,d .Kkdjla iúlr f.k we;'
fkdjk nj hs" ta;a mdrg neiai flfkl=g fïjdhska ksl=;a jk y`v b;d by< fvisn,a
fmfkkafka ldf.a;a wdYajdoh msKsi uÜÜgul nj meyeÈ,s w;r l=vd jdyk
we;s ;rug ÿï ouñka Èj hk nia" ld¾" ;%S mdfrka bj;a lr tlu fõ.hla mj;ajd
frdao r:" wdÈhhs' ta;a fï jdyk j,ska f.k hdu msKsi ud¾. kS;s li,g oud tla
lShlg ÿï msg lsÍfï jrog ov lsf,daógrhl ÿrl § mia j;djla" yh
fld< ,efnkjd weoao@ l=vd jdykhla yd j;djla fyda Bg;a jeäfhka k,dj y`vjkq
ii|kúg nia r:hlska fldmuK ÿï msgfõ fmfka' ñka fiiq ßhÿrka mjd wkao ukao fõ'
o@ m%;sM,h kï jdhQ ¥IKh hs' óg úreoaOj lghq;= lrk fmd,sia ks,OdÍka
±lsh yels w;r Tjqkg
a uyck m%Kduh
u.S nia r:hlg ke.=kúg fldmuK Yío
ysñúh hq;= h' fï Yío ¥IKh we;s
¥IKhla isÿ fjkjd o@ jrlg u,a iskÿ
lrk ;j;a wdldrhls'
h" ;j;a jfrl wd.ñl jevigyka h"
m%isoaO .dhl .dhsldjka wkqlrKh lrñka t,a' B' ã' j¾.fha n,an iys; ,ïmq uq,sku
ljqreka fyda ilia lrk ,o leÜ máhla ;j l, t,s neiafia ld¾ r: yryd h' miqj nr
úfgl h' fï nifhka hk jeä fofkl=f.a jdyk j,;a" Bg;a miqj ;%S frdao r: iy
b,a¨ula ksid isÿjk fohla fkdfõ' fudag¾ nhsisl, j,;a fïjd iú lrkakg
nyq;rhla u.Skf
a .a wfmalaIdj jkafka mgka .kakd ,§' l=mdälu ñY% Wv`.=fjka
ksial,xlfha .uk hdu h' wm; isxÿ fyda fudkjg imsß “jevldr ßheÿrka” lsisu
nhs,d weiSu fkdfõ' ñka .uH jkafka Yío úfgl bÈßfhka tk jdykj, myiqjg
¥IKh hs' t,sh my;a lrkafka (Dip) ke;'
th ;ukag;a jdykhg;a uÈ luls' tfiau
iuyr ;%S frdao r: iy fudag¾ nhsisl,
iuyr fldkafÜk¾ r: j, msgqmig fhduq
j,ska uyd f.dryeä y`vla kef.k
lr iúl< ,dñmq we;' tajdhska .skl
s k
wdldrhg hka;%fha fjkia lï isÿ lr we;'
jegqk úg r:hg msgqmiska hdu fyda biair
túg mojkakdg udr wd;,a h' mÈl u.Skg

lsÍu wmyiq fõ' rd;%s wk;=re fndfyduhlg nÿ f.j;s' fuh jdyk ysñhkag myiqfjka
uq,a jk fya;=jls fï' wu;l jk lreKls' jdyk mojkakka lrk
jerÈ m%udKh wkka; h' úúO
;j;a iuyr u.S nia r: ^fndfyda úg
foaYmd,lhka rlskk
a g fhdod f.k we;s
fïjdg iqr;,a kï o oud we;& iy f,dß
fmd,sisfhka fldgila bj;a lr r:jdyk
r: mdf¾ hk fjila f;drka fuks’'
wxYhg fhoúh hq;= ;rug m%Yakh W.%ù
ta ;rugu mdg mdg n,an j,ska irid"
we;s fihla fmfkkakg ;sfí'
mlsia:dkfha fyda bkaÈhdfõ fuka uQK;
fjkia jk wdldrfha nyq j¾K ks¾udK o tfiau mdr mßyrKh lrkakka o wks;a
lr we;' ,dïmq .Kkdjla m;a;= lrf.k" wh .ek is;sh hq;= h' jrla tla
Wvrg § kï óÿï ,dïmq;a lSmhla oud f.k foaYmd,lfhl=g wêl fõ.fhka ßh meoùu
mdf¾ hk úg bÈßfhka tk jdyk j,g ms<sn|j ov fld<hla §ug f.dia tu
we;af;a foúhka nqÿka f.a msysg muKs' fmd,siaNghdg isÿ jQ fyhshïudrej
ñka .uH jkafka my;a reÑl;ajhhs' fñ uyckhdg u;l we;ehs is;uq' bka woyia
ish,a,g wjir ÿkafka ljq±hs fkdokakd uq;a jkafka rchg ,eìh hq;= noao;a
isÿjkafka wdf,dal ¥IKhla nj kï fkdf.jd .;a jdykhl hk wfhl= ;uka
meyeÈ,s h' kS;shg Wäka isákafkahehs is;k njhs'
fï ;;a;ajh ;sfnk;dla l,a rgg m%.;shla
uyu. § jdhq" Yío fyda wdf,dal ¥IKh
ke;' ta ksid wms kS;shg lSlre jk w;r
we;s lrk m%uqL fya;= ldrlhka lSmhla .ek
ldg fyda wjysr jk mßÈ mdr mßyrKh
by;ska wjOdkh fhduq úk' fïjd
fkdlrkafka kï by; l:d l< j¾.fha
jdyk .ukd.ukh iu.;a mdßßl fi!LHh
¥IK bj;a jkq we;'
iu.;a iDcqju noaO fõ'

uymdr jdyk i|yd muKla fkdfõ'

mÈlhka i|yd o th wjYH fõ' fuu
fomd¾Yajhu ;uka ,nd.kakd fiajhg wkqj
uyd ud¾. kv;a;=jg iDcq fyda jl% jYfhka

isßu,a mSßia

, yeisÍu iïnkaOj idlÉPd lrkúg wd¾fkda,aâ iy .ei,a hk ufkda

wmg is.auka fm%dhsâ wu;l fkdl< yels úoHd{hka , p¾hdj ú.%ylg ,lal
ufkda úoH{fhls' , p¾hdj yd ta u; lr we;af;a mßK; Ndjhg uq,a ;ekla
mek k.ska .eg¨ fndfyduhla idlÉPd oSfukah' úfYaIfhka jhi;a iu.
lsßug W;aiql jQ ufkdaúoHd{fhla f,i isÿjkq ,nk ldhsl jeãu lskï
is.auka fm%dhsâ ye`oskú
a h yelsh' is.auka wdldrhlska , p¾hdjka yd ne`oS mj;S
fm%dhsâ , wdiajdoh i;=g f.k fok o hkak ufkda úoH{hka ú.%yhg ,la
is;=ï ys isá , l%shdlrlï olajd l< ;j;a wxYhla fjhs'
ú.%yhlg ,la lrkq ,enQfjls'
ks¾kd, .%kÓ
a kaf.a n,mEu ldhsl jeãu
, yeisÍu iïnkaOj wjOdkh fhduq yd , p¾hdj w;r uq,sl in`o;djla
lrkq ,enQ ufkdaúoH{hka w;ßka fm%dhsâ olajhs' ks¾kd, .%kÒ
a ka u.ska ksl=;a
úiska , wdiajdofha iajrEmh;a lrkq ,nk fyda¾fudakj, n,meje;au
mßK;sh;a ú.%y lsÍug W;aidy ord we;' ksid , W;af;ackhla we;s ù
<ufhl= wjqreÿ folla jk;=re tu m%;spdrd;aul , p¾hdjka f.dvkef.a
wdiajdoh ,nkq ,nkafka uqLh m%uqLj nj;a" hehs ;j;a udkj úoHd{ u;hla fjhs' óg
wjqreÿ 02 iy 04 w;r;=r ld,fha oS tu u`ola iudk u;hla p¾hdfõoS
wdiajdoh .=oh wdY%s;j ,nk nj;a" wjqreÿ ufkdaúoHd{hka w;ska o bosßm;a ù we;'
04 iy 07 w;r ld,fhaoS <uhd tu ialsk¾ ta w;r uq,a;ekla .kshs'
wdiajdoh ,nkafka ;u , wjhjhka m%fndaOkhkg olajk p¾hdjka
iïnkaOj olajk ie<ls,af,ka nj;a i`oyka wdY%fhka , p¾hdjka f.dvkexfjk
lrkq ,eîh' jhi wjqreÿ 07 isg 11 njg Tyq ;¾l lrhs'
olajd .=ma; wjêh f,i i<lkq ,enQ w;r
, p¾hdj uQ,sl jk wNsfm%arKhka
wjreÿ 11 ka miqj jDO ldu wjêh f,i kï
iïnkaOj o we;eï ufkdaúoHd{fhda woyia
lrkq ,eîh' fm%dhsâ úiska ú.%yhg ,la
m%ldY lr we;' , fm%arKh j¾. fldg
lrk ,o wdldrh wkqj , l%shdj,sh
we;af;a l=i.skk
a " msmdih" nysi%djh iy
m%jdyhla f,i ukqIH cSú;fha wdrïNfha
a wh;a jkakd jq ffki¾.sl fm%arK
mgka hq. .Kkdjlg fnoS wjidkh
olajdu .uka lrkq we;' tfukau fndfyda
udkisl frda. , wjYH;djka w;r fuu fm%arKh YdÍßl jYfhka u W;amdok
mj;sk iïnkaO;dj o Tyq úiska ukd jkakla fjhs' tys tla mfilska
ú.%hlg ,la lrkq ,eîh' mqoa.,Ndjhla u;=fjk w;r j¾.hd iu.

a d jQ fmdÿ Ndjhlao fmkakï
q lrhs' úêu;a l%shdlÍ wjêh iu. o nef`oa' ,
ffki¾.sl fm%arKh u.ska we;s jkakd jQ wjhjhkaf.a j¾Okh" l%shdlß;ajh muKla
p¾hdj YdÍßl wjYH;djla iemsÍug uq,a fkdj , p¾hdj yeisrùfï nqoaêuh
jqj;a iudchSh n,mEï u.ska yev .eiaùula j¾Okh o ful,ays isÿjk nj fï wkqj
we;s lrkq ,efí' fuu yev.eiaùu fmkS hhs'
iïnkaOj lrk ,o m¾fhaIk wdY%fhka
, fm%arKh ffki¾.slj mek ke.Sfuka
fndfyda udkj úoHd{hka úiska woyia
we;s jkakd jQ pd¾hd mßK;sh iïnkaOj o
m%ldY fldg we;'
fndfyda úoHd{fhda woyia m%ldY
kj fhdjqka úhg fmr we;sjkakd fldg ;sfí' , p¾hdfõ mßK;úFï
jQ ,sxf.akaøshkaf.a jeãu 10]-20] w;r iajhx , l%shd u.ska wdrïNj
mj;sk njg woyia bosßm;a j we;' iu , l%shd yryd b;sß , l%shdj,g
úfYaIfhkau oaú;sh , mQ¾K;ajhg mßK; jk njg woyia m%ldY fldg we;'
ukqIHhd m;a jkafka;a kj
;u , bkaøshka yd l%shdldß;ajh u.ska
a h ;=<oSh' fuu ld,h ;=<oS m%ckk
m<uqj ,nk wdiajdoh iu, l%shd yryd
moaO;sfha l%shdldÍ;ajh;a , ,laIKj,
j¾Okh ù ia;%S mqreI , in`o;d olajd
oaú;sh,laIK my< ùu;a isÿfõ'
j¾Okh ùu idudkHfhka isÿjk njg
.eyekq <uqkf.a mfhdaOrhkaf.a jeãu;a ufkdaúoHd{jhka woyia m%ldY lrhs'
msßñ <uqkf
a .a jDIK fldaIj, jeãu;a
fuu mßK;ùfïoS iajhx iy iu,
ful, olakg we;' .eyeKq <uqka
p¾hdjka hïlsis iSñ; ld,hla ;=<
u,ajrùu;a msßñ <uqka ;=< Y=l% fudapkh;a
iajNdúl jqj;a ldhsl j¾Okh iy nqoaê
fuu ld,h ;=< we;s ùfuka ,
j¾Okh;a iu. b;sß , p¾hdjka olajd
m%fndaOhla yg .kS' .eyekq <uqka kj
j¾Okh úh hq;= nj Tjqkaf.a woyih'
a hg m;aùu jhi wjqreÿ kjh;a
jhig iudkj fuu , p¾hdj j¾Okh
fod<y;a wr; ld,h ;=< idudkH jYfhka
fkdjqfjd;a th ufkda iudchSh .eg¨jla fia
isÿjk w;r" msßñ <uqkf
a .a kj fhdjqk aúhg
Tjqyq ols;s' oS¾> ld,Sk iu, Ndjhg
t<öu jhi wjqreÿ fod<y;a oy;=k;a w;r
YdÍßl n,meje;au mdol jk njg o
ld,fhaoS isÿjk nj mejfia' fï wkqj
woyia bosßm;a ù ;sfí'
ne,SfïoS ia;%S , ls%hdldß;ajh
mqreI , l%shdldß;ajhg jvd u`ola fmr , p¾hdjka l%shd;aul ùfïoS tu
isÿjk nj fmfka' p¾hdjka ixialD;sh u.ska fufyhjk njg
woyia udkj úoH{hka úiska bosßm;a fldg
, l%shdldß;ajfha fuu ldhslj¾Okh
we;' ;u wdYdjka ;u is;e.s mßos bgq
fm%dhsâf.a jDOldu wjêh yd .e<fmk nj
lr .ekSug ñksid fkdfm<fnkafka fï
uekúka meyeos<s fõ' tfukau mshdfcaf.a

a ' , p¾hdjka iïnkaOj woyia oKavla f,i Ndú;d lrk hï idudchl hï
m%ldY lrk ud.%Ü óâf.a woyi jQfha mqoa.,hl= újdyhlska f;drj ,
ixialD;sh , pd¾hdj fufyhùug in`o;d meje;ajj
q fyd;a Tyqg fyda wehg
uy`.= ld¾hhla bgq lrkq ,nk njh' wksjd¾hfhka iudc o`vqjula Wreu jkq
úfYaIfhkau , pd¾hdj yev .eiaùug we;'
Wm ixialD;ska oeä fufyhla bgq
, pd¾hdjka iudcfhka iudchg
lrkq ,nhs'
fjkaijkq ,nkafka tu iudcfhka iudchg
, yeisÍu .ek fndfyda lreKq bosßm;a idrO¾uj, mj;skq ,nk fjkialï ksidh'
l< is.auka fm%dhsâf.a woyia wmg fuysoS ldka;djka /lshdjla fkdlrk" ldka;djka
fkdi<ld isáh fkdyel' wmf.a újD; jeäÿr wOHdmkhla fkd,nk" mjqf,a ish¨
wdYdjka lrd f.k hk Yla;sh fm%dhsâ úiska fokdu tlg cSj;a jk"
y`ÿkajd we;af;a bä ixialdrlh jYfhks' mqreIhdf.a ;SrKhka u; mjqf,a ish¨
kuq;a bâ u.ska fufyhjk l%shdldrlï lghq;= isÿjk" ikakf
s õok m%d:ñl wjêfha
fj; wmg idcqj .uka l< fkdyelsh' Bg mj;sk" f;dr;=re ixirKh wju fõ.fhka
ndOdldÍj ke.S iákafka wm cSj;a jk isÿjk iudchlg jvd j¾;udk
iudcfha mj;sk idodpdrh h' fuh iqm¾ iudcfha , p¾hdj fjkiaùu
Bf.da f,i fm%dhsâ y`ÿkajhs' kuq;a ñksid wksjd¾hh'
cSj;aùfïoS bâ u.ska wfmalaIs; p¾hdjka
j¾;udk iudcfha ldka;d iajdëk;ajh
lrd fkdmeñKsh fkdyels w;ru iqm¾
flfrys jfYaI ie<ls,a,la olajkq ,nhs'
Bf.da u.ska b,a¨ï lrkq ,nk p¾hdjka o
ldka;djka o /lshd lsÍfuka wehf.a wd¾Ól
bgq lsÍug fkdyelsh' wmf.a p¾hdjka bgq
jy,aNdjh wfydais ù ;sfí' tfukau ldka;d
jkafka fï folgu w;rueos Bf.daf.a
woHdmkfha m%.;sh ksid wjfndaoh mq`M,a
wfmlaIdj wkqjh' wmf.a , p¾hdj o
fjhs' mqreihka fukau ldka;djka o /lshd
fm%dhsâg wkqj iqm¾ Bf.da u.ska md,kh
fyda woHdmk ld¾hhka i`oyd mjqf,ka msg;
fldg Bf.dag wjYH mßos m%ldYs; fjhs'
cSj;a fjhs' túg jeäysá wKil hgf;a
iudc úoHdjg wkqj hñlsis iduchla iïm%dohkql+, wpdrO¾u u.ska
yiqrejkq ,nkafka tu idudcfha mj;sk fufyhjk ,o cSjk rgdj ,sys,a fjhs'
m%;sudk we.hqï yd idrO¾u u.skh
a ' tu újdy jk jhi oS¾> fjhs' fmï in`o;d
idrO¾u iodld,sl fkdjqj;a hï ld, i`oyd fukau , in`o;d i`oyd
iSudjla ;=< n,mj;aajhs' tneúka tu mej;s ;yxÑ wju fõ' úoHd;aul oekqu
idrO¾uj,ska msg mekakfyd;a wksjd¾hfhka"a , p¾hdj"a isÿjk wk;=re
u iudchSh o`vqjulg ,la fjhs' wju lr.; yels fjhs' mjq,a ie<iqï
újdyh , p¾hdjka meje;aùfï ñkqï WmlrK u.ska ,nd.; yels fiajdjkaf.a

fiajh ,nd .ekSug yels fjhs' tfukau i<lkq ,nhs' iudchl id¾O¾u iy
fndfydaúg ;uka cSj;a jk Wm m%;sudk f.dvkef.kafka tu iudch ;=<
a .a idrO¾u ;ud w;S;fha cSj;a csj;a jk ckhdf.a mßirhg wkql+,jh' tu
jQ iudcfha idrO¾uj,g jvd fjkila mßirh ;=<ska f.dvkxjd .kq ,nk
q lrhs' idrO¾u o mßirfha fjkia ùu;a iu`.
fjkia fjhs' tf,i isÿjk ixialD;suh
fujeks iudchSh fjkilg iudch
fjki u.ska ñksia p¾hdjka o fjkia fjhs'
n`ÿkaùfïoS wksjd¾hfhkau , p¾hdfõ
tf,i ú.%y lsÍfïoS , pd¾hdj
iajNdjh o fjkia fjhs' th we;eï úg
iudcfhkaiudchg fjkiajk w;r
iudc wmpdrhka f,i fjk;a iudchla
tluiudch ;=< o mßKduhla kef;fyd;a
ÿgqj;a tuiudch th ixialD;sh f,i
fjkiaùfï iajNdjhlg o kElï lshhs'

10 | P a g e
Somaratne Herath

Beyond four decades, Lunawa lake (or more

suitably, Lunawa lagoon) was much larger in
extent and teeming with fish. Area people were
seen fishing there for family consumption or for
sales was not a rare sight. The lagoon which
was once a flourishing ecosystem was
known to provide a livelihood for more than
150 fishermen at one time (CCD, 2005;
Quoted by Perera, 2009). Over the years, the
physical area of the lagoon continued to shrink in
size due to human activities, silting etc., until it
reduced to an extent around 20-hectares with its various discarded materials which were thrown
catchment spreading over an area close to 7 into those. A reasonable number of
km2. By early 2000s it became almost a unauthorized constructions that existed were
biologically dead lake (UNHabitat). Also, toxic also was obstructing the flow of storm water
wastes and untreated wastewater discharged delaying the drainage.
into the drains from factories (over 300 in
number) got drained throughout the year into The situation is compounded particularly around
the lagoon. Many of those factories are textile the Lunawa lagoon. Also, with the increased
dyeing units which used to dump their industrial land fractionalization over time to accommodate
effluent unhindered into the canals leading to the increasing number of families contributed to
the Lunawa lake, which spreads within the this problem to a certain extent. Illegal
municipalities of Mt. Lavinia and Moratuwa. encroachments and slum-like housing conditions
Illegal encroachments and slum-like housing were common. Lunawa Environment
conditions were common. Development Project was launched to address
this issue because of the damages and
The pristine Lunawa lagoon in Moratuwa -the inconveniences due to floods in the municipal
only lagoon in the Colombo district- is in danger areas increased in intensity. Assessments had
of turning into polluted eyesore with private revealed that floods affected around 18,000
sector factories as well as railway and bus depots households, that existed within the catchment
discharging effluents into it. The biggest culprits area. Many of them were squatters.
are two government institutions –the railway
workshop and the SLTB depot at Ratmalana The objective of the project was to mitigate flood
which channel oil waste into the lagoon (Sunday damage by improving urban drainage and canal
Times 22.05.2017) systems, and at the same time improve the living
conditions of project affected households. UN-
Habitat was responsible for implementing the
Many areas of Moratuwa Municipality were
Community Development Component, through
getting inundated during rains causing
advisory services to the Urban Settlements
difficulties. Since early days a network of canals
Improvement Project Unit of the Ministry of
carrying storm water were emptying into it.
Urban Development and Water Supplies and the
These canals carried polluted water and debris of
Urban Local Authorities (ULAs).

11 | P a g e
Under the Project, the plan was to improve 6,200 drains for waste water drainage and sewage
metres of main storm water drains and 4,580 disposal (UNHabitat)
metres of secondary drains and 76 km of tertiary
Achievements prepared by the project complete with all basic
The Lunawa Environmental Improvement & infrastructures such as access roads, water
Community Development Project (2003-10), has supply, electricity and sewerage facilities were
been the first ‘test’ of Sri Lanka’s National
provided. Likewise, 196 households chose to
Involuntary Resettlement Policy that in
cooperated an innovative, pro-poor model for settle elsewhere, using the resettlement
infrastructure projects in the developing world, package offered by the project; and 566
especially relevant for the involuntary households chose to remain at the original site
resettlement of people from densely populated after their plots were ‘regularized’. However,
urban areas. there had been three households objected to the
The technical part of the project focused on terms of the resettlement package.
mitigating frequent floods in the area by The resettlement options gave project-affected
improving drainage and the canal systems of the families, many for the first time, security of
Lunawa lake catchment area. One aspect of the tenure. They now live in their own homes in the
project was the improvements made in the living resettlement sites, with women as joint owners
conditions of the 18,000 households in the of property.
catchment area. This was a multi-modal Project authorities acquired 25 acres of private
partnership among relevant government lands (2000 land parcels) for catchment
agencies, NGOs, international donors (JAICA was protection and canal and road works. New storm
a major donor), municipalities and technical staff water drains and canals were rehabilitated and
from the UN Habitat. new ones built. Housing, amenities and solid
Obtaining the agreement of this diverse waste disposal management systems were
population of low-income slum and shanty constructed as part of the urban renewal
dwellers as well as lower and upper middle class project.
households for the urban renewal project had The project was also designed to create and
posed challenges. Only after numerous strengthen abilities of community members to
community awareness programmes, these build drains, service roads and community
people agreed to vacate the area and accept the centres within the resettlement sites and other
proposed packages for resettling and upgrading parts of the project area. Affected people were
packages proposed by the project in order to also involved in working out their entitlement
revive the Lunawa lake’s eco system. Community package, while a layered grievance redress
Development Committees were created and mechanism increased transparency in all project
were closely involved in planning the project. transactions.
Of the 18,000 families affected, 883 were Area developed under the project today
entitled for resettlement facilities. Most
It should be appreciated that the problems that
voluntarily agreed to either be relocated to other the residents had to undergo due to flooding
areas, or took a cash payment in lieu of their during heavy rains are no more now. However,
surrendered lands, or agreed to move into irresponsible human activity has generated a
project-sponsored housing at the same site. number of problems.
Of the 880 willing participants, 88 households
chose to re-settle in four resettlement sites

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More than 10 years have passed after the sizeable potholes caused due to erosion and
completion of the project (2003 – 2010) it is settling of the soil underneath.
observable that a thick layer of silt has formed in
most of the canals with sand bedded bottoms Gabion walls constructed under the project to
that feed Lunawa lagoon. In effect, a deposit of keep the banks in place have collapsed in some
silt occurs in the lagoon also reducing its capacity places, upsetting the purpose for which they
to hold water. As such, desilting is a must before were built.
the matter worsens further.
Random discarding of household waste and
Floating plastic and polythene waste that end up sometimes industrial waste as well, both dry and
in canal and drains enters the lagoon. Depending wet by people from elsewhere causes a lot of
on the direction of wind these get collected in difficulties to the householders on either side of
some areas. Also a scum gets formed and these roads. Empty glass bottles from houses
emanates an unbearable obnoxious smell during and discarded pieces of glass sheets from picture
the drought season inconveniencing people who framing shops, construction or renovation sites
live at very close proximity to the banks. etc, poses a danger to the pedestrians. Wet
Sometimes municipal workers are seen waste that includes rotting bones, offal etc,
removing this floating stuff but the frequency of make room for fly breeding. Water collected in
such removal remain a question. discarded bottles and earthenware offer
breeding grounds for mosquitos.
Many of the roads laid round the lagoon to be
used as walking paths are overgrown with rank Before the project, this hassle was not there but
vegetation to an extent that these rods are no after acquiring their lands for laying the roads
more useable. In some places growth is so thick and widening the canals, an unwanted problem
making the roads impassable or reducing some as arrived at the doorsteps. The attention paid
areas to foot paths. In some places, there are for garbage collection on these roads is seem to
be scant and not regular enough.

Waste floating in a canal Invasive aquatic plants

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Pathway blocked due to rank Scum and debris floating in a canal

Waste collecting on the road

Any solutions? spread of pathogenic organisms, spread of

This is a project that had been implemented aquatic plants, unsuitability for recreational
in good faith but it is doubtful whether all water sports, damaging the tourism
the objectives are achieved. industry, pollution of groundwater, and
weaknesses in maintenance are other
In their study Piyadasa, Jayathunge and problems spotted in the above study. As
Kumari (2017) have noted that only 04 such, it is apparent the objective of
species of fish are found at present out of 24 renovating this body of water and bringing
species that existed. Emanating stench, back to life has not achieved at least to a
extinction of mangrove populations, certain degree even after 12 years of its
decrease in the populations of migrant birds, completion in 2010
It is obvious that attention of the local body On the other hand, holding local bodies and
is inadequate. At least once in a quarter all health authorities alone responsible for
pathways need be cleaned thoroughly and maintaining the system is inadequate
invasive aquatic plants that grow in the because there is a role for people as well.
canals removed. Herein, there has to be programmes to raise

14 | P a g e
awareness of the people to enhance their Otherwise, there will have to be another
commitment for proper disposal of refuse. project to clean the lagoon and waterways.
These awareness programmes can be held in
public places such as schools, clinics etc. It
should be appreciated that Moratuwa  Perera, P.V. Ishastha Prasith: The Effect of
Municipal Council distributed a pamphlet Dredging on the Water Quality and Fish
seeking support of the people for waste and Crustacean Composition of the
Lunawa Lagoon by Thesis submitted to
disposal activities. This is a positive step that
the University of Sri Jayewardenepura
should have furthered into a poster
for the award of the Degree of Master of
campaign or a similar media campaign. Science in Fisheries and Aquatic
Some householders seem to be mindful Resource Management on May 2009.
about their role but the majority are 
careless. Some of the latter group are projects/lunawa-lake-environment-
emptying their waste bins directly into the community-development/
canal. Trade establishments such as (02.03.2023)
restaurants, tea kiosks shops etc., hand over 
their refuse to individuals to dump their /news/lunawa-lagoon-an-
refuse at proper places and charge those environmental-nightmare-
places for their services. These collectors 240832.htm l(02.03.2023
have push carts used for transporting  Jayathunga, J.N.D., Kumari, G., &
various items like fish, fruits or vegetables Piyadasa, R. (2017). Analyze the
for roadside sellers and on their return, they
spatial and temporal water quality
collect refuse from various places. However,
they empty the loads collected in push carts variation in Lunawa Lagoon. 3rd
carelessly in places inconveniencing International Conference of the
householders in the surrounds. These Faculty of Humanities and Social
individuals deserve punishment for the harm Science, University of Ruhuna.
they cause. Also, local bodies may consider Analyze the Spatial and Temporal
registration of these carters. Water quality variation in Lunawa
The local bodies can identify clusters of Lagoon
households and demarcate places to dump  Piyadasa, Ranjana U K; Jayatgunge,
their refuse which enables convenient J N D; and Kumari G R A G:
removal of refuse. Moreover, the attention Environmental issues around the
of the members of local bodies also should
Lunawa Lagoon and Its Impacts to
be there to seek participation of their voters
the people, 10th Annual
to achieve the objectives of the project.
 Research Conference in THE ROYAL
Colombo; 2017

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People's Health Movement in Sri Lanka have organized a protest demanding right to health
with regards to International Women's Day Celebration 2023.

16 | P a g e
This protest mainly focused under the theme of 'women victimised by prevailing
economic crisis'. Voices raised about the pressing issues such as unbearable utility
expenditures, shortage of medicines and all sort of difficulties affect women while the
gender based inequalities in wages, opportunities and violence still exist.

Interview of Mr. Sirimal Pieris regarding Health Crisis in Sri Lanka in Peoples Dispatch

Link here -

17 | P a g e
Regional Assembly and a South Asian PHM meeting in Kathmandu

A global network of health activists, organised to combat inequities in health via revitalisation
of the Alma Ata declaration.

PHA5 is build around 05 themes

1. Towards transformation of Health Systems
2. Gender Justice & Health

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3. Ecosystem Health: Food, Energy, Climate
4. Strengthening resistance against forced migration, occupation & war
5. Knowledge, practices and ancestral and popular struggles

Thematic discussions : to strategies and plan actions within the regions

1. Health systems, against privatalization, defence of public systems, etc

2. Food and nutrition and food sovereignty
3. Trade and Health + Access to medicines
4. Gender and Health
5. Environment, Extractive industries and Development

People’s Health Tribunal (PHT) was launched during the PHA5. The PHT aims to expose the
role that giant corporations play in creating ill-health by erecting barriers to decent health

Members of PHM Sri Lanka joined virtually through zoom.

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