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DP Business Management Introduction

1. The integrated relationships of three Cs best describe how the DP Business

Management course is delivered. What are the three Cs and what does each
The three Cs are “Concepts,” “Contexts,” and “Content.” “Concepts” include
change, creativity, ethics, and sustainability. “Contexts” include case studies and
real-world examples. “Content” includes business management tools and

2. Name the five units that make up the DP Business Management syllabus.
Introduction to Business Management, human resource management, finance
and accounts, marketing, and operations management

3. What are the differences between the SL and HL courses?

There are a few additional sub-units for the HL course (2.5, 2.7, 3.5, 3.7, 4.3, 4.6,
5.3, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9). Furthermore, the SL and HL courses differ in terms of the
recommended hours devoted to teaching (150 hours for SL and 240 hours for
HL), extra depth and breadth required for HL, and the difference in nature of the
examination questions in papers 2 and 3.

4. What are the 4 concepts that underpin the DP Business Management course?
change, creativity, ethics, sustainability

5. How is the final DP grade determined, i.e. the assessment structure and
composition? Answer for your course only.
The final DP grade for HL is determined by my performance on 4 main
assessments which are paper 1, paper 2, paper 3, and the business research
6. What are the different assessment objectives?
Paper 1 is based on a pre-released statement that specifies the context and
background for the unseen case study. Paper 2 is based on the unseen stimulus
material with a quantitative focus. Paper 3 is based on unseen stimulus material
about a social enterprise. All of these assessments require knowledge from units
1-5 including the HL extension topics.

7. According to the IB DP Statistical Bulletin (provisional), what percentage of the

candidates received a 7 at SL and HL in Business Management in May 2023?
8.3% of the candidates received a 7 for the HL course, and 12.1% received a 7 for
the SL course.

8. What is your goal for this subject?

My goal for this subject is to learn more about the functions and sectors of
business. I would like to learn more about the different jobs that fall under the
primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary business sectors.

9. What questions do you have?

What is the most popular business sector?

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