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Readings in PHILIPPINE HISTORY Nestor M. Asuncion Geoffrey Rhoel C. Cruz Authors Bernardino C. Ofalia Digital Content Editor Module | The Meaning and Relevance mn SN This module emphasizes the relevance of studying Philippine history in the 21st Century. It focuses on analyzing Philippine history from multiple perspectives based on selected primary sources from various disciplines and genres. sacs the basic difference between pri ‘source materials, and their importance) what really transpired in Philippig. he different kinds of primary Hs This section diseu * cource and secorulary etting a better picture o Italso identifies #! po! jtories. Intended Learning Outcomes #manaanmnanoaunennon ‘Atthe end of this section, the students are expected to: 1. differentiate primary and secondary sources «! historical records; and 2. identify possible repositories of primary sources. The Meaning and Relevonce of History Diagnostics swcauccnsenannttttctar Naas ents IIIICA 1, Instructions: The diagram below shows the definition of terms related to sources. Rewrite each of them in your own words on the space provided. What it really means?! Primary — not made or coming Frsthand ~ coming arecty ‘rom something ee; rginal from the ongina sourco ‘Secondary ~ coming fram or Secondhand ~ not orginal, taien ‘created using an original eourco from someone or something ele | " Base.on the worksheets on Teaching Panay and Seconda Saces The George W Bish Fresitenta Ltray ae useun. 2001 Retieved tor htesdinwwgeoroencAalaysnU weet AGNBL Pi EsusstorazDosatienentyP Pinansecoranyseues Web asxe Readings in Philippine History IL. Instructions: Based on your definitions from the previous activity, enumerate examples of primary sources. Write your answers on the web diagram below. IIL Instructions: Write PS if the item is a primary source, SS if it is a secondary source, and N if it is neither of the two sources, 1. Memoirs 2. Annual reports of the governor general ___3. Philippine History textbooks ___4. Newspaper clippings ——5. Online journal article about the role of the collaborators in WWIL 6. Artifacts and relies ——7. Documentary reports 8. Photo exhibit 9. Editorial cartoons —— 10. Paintings The Mecning and Relevance of History In conducting any historical research, different sources of information are required to gain extensive knowledge on a particular topic. Some researchers rely on written sources while others choose to make use of oral sources. No matter what source is being utilized, it is important to know which among the gathered sources can provide accurate details and information about the historical event or subject being researched on. It is important to distinguish primary from secondary sources. The degree to which the author of a piece is removed from the actual event being described illustrates whether the source is reporting impressions firsthand or secondhand. As such, the primacy of primary over secondary sources should be considered by every researcher, Primary sources are considered as contemporary accounts of an event, personally written or narrated by an individual person who directly experienced or participated in the said event. Aside from eyewitness testimonies, primary sources also include materials that capture the event such as photographs, voice and video recordings, and the like. These materials are considered as original sources that directly narrate the details of the event, These sources can be in the form of diary and journal entries, letters, memoirs, journals, speeches, interviews, official records such as government publications, minutes reports, artworks, and artifacts, Primary sources mostly include unpublished works of individuals that were discovered after some time such as during historical excavations and historical researches done in public and private libraries, In some instances, newspaper or magazine articles are also considered primary sources as long as they were written soon after the events and not as historical accounts. On the other hand, secondary sources serve as interpretations or readings of primary sources. Usually, the author of a piece incorporates his or her personal insights Readings in Philippine History and interpretations, thus detaching the original value of the component of the subject being discussed. These sources usually contain analyses of primary sources by experts, academicians, and professionals These are usually in the form of published works such as journals, articles, reviews, books, conference papers, and documentaries. They can also be based on interpretations of other secondary sources, or a combination of primary and secondary sources. Many historical researches also bank on secondary sources to get different perspectives on a particular topic. However, relying too much on secondary sources may blur out the actual details of particular historical events, The Mecning and Relevance of History Therefore, primary and secondary sources should be evaluated. Most scholars use the following questions in evaluating the validity and credibility of sources of historical accounts: 1. How did the author know about the given details? Was the author present at the event? How soon was the author able to gather the details of the event? 2. Where did the information come from? Is it a personal experience, an eyewitness account, or a report made by another person? 3. Did the author conclude based on a single source, or on many sources of evidence? If the evaluation of an available source shows any indication thal it is an interpretative work rather than a factual firsthand account, it is considered as a secondary source. Thus, in conducting historical research, it is important to identify first whether the available sources are primary or secondary sources. This is to determine how reliable and helpful these sources are. The Meching and Relevance of Histery Exercise |.) -ssmensaansscinnasni tients hts Sina NMOL Primary Sources vs. Secondary Sources Name: Section: Instructions: 1, Using the Venn diagram below, compare and contrast the characteristics of primary and secondary source materials. Give an explanation for the overlapping characteristics on the space provided. Primary ‘Secondery Explanation for overlapping concepts: Readings In Philippine History 2, List down eight (8) examples of primary sources 2 = 1 Boo Poe List down eight (8) examples of secondary sources. a =P mp Fog List down five (6) examples of sources which can either be primary or secondary depending on the context and use. a eRe ae ee ee ee woe ee i i) ps The Mecning and Relevance of History Exercise 1.1.2 Classification of Sources: Primary or Secondary Name: ‘Section: Instructions: Using any social media site, ask your friends to share their opinions on whether President Rodrigo Duterte is an elite president or a populist president. Afterwards, screenshot, print, cut, and stick five responses that can either be a primary or secondary source on the spaces provided. Indicate whether the response is a primary or secondary source of information. Justify why each response is a primary or secondary source. Response 1 I Readings in Philippine History Response 3 ‘The Meaning and Relevance of History Response 5 The Meaning and Relevance of History Exercise |.|.3 smmencnncenvanciivinntt cine niiisiMtiit nwa Nae Niven Evaluating Primary and Secondary Sources Name: Section: Instructions: Choose among the following historical events a. Marcos’ Declaration of Martial Law b. EDSA People Power I c. President Joseph Estrada’s Impeachment Using library and online resources, search for primary and secondary sources that show or explain the significance of your chosen historical event. Write down the selected sources and identify the possible biases that they might contain. Example: diary of Juan de la Cruz - one-sided version of the story Historical Event: 1. Primary Sources: e he ee 2. Secondary Sources: a. 5 b « d. e 15 Readings In Philippine History 3, Enumerate five (5) sources that you do not have access to but could have been useful in understanding your chosen historical event, Explain. a. bh. pe I Kos Ee Se ea Sa OC. et ee ee ee eel ree ea 16 x ‘The Meaning and Relevance of History Exerclse 1.4 semantics nies eMwe ewe DONQ OAM Doing Field Work Name: Section: Instructions: Form groups of four (4) to five (5) members each and proceed to the nearest public library /museum or archives collection in your area. List down ten (10) specific historical sources. Take a photograph of each historical source and classify whether it is a primary or secondary source. Attach the photos to this activity sheet. 7 ‘Tho Meaning and Relevance of History ASSIQNment | -cwmccunuumnininonmenrassanonsnaiaainarascsounastetin Metacognitive Reading Report no. | Name: Section: — Instructions: Read the referenced readings and accomplish the reading report: Readings: * Gottschalk, L. (1969). Understanding history: A primer of historical method (pp. 41-61, 117-170). New York, NY: A. A. Knopf. ° Howell, M. & Prevenier, W. (2001). From reliable sources: Aun introduction to historical methods (pp. 17-68). Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. The three (3) things that I significantly learned from the readings are... Readings in Philippine History 2. The three (3) things that are still unclear to me are... = ee ee » Tused to think that. eee nee ee ee » The three (3) questions that I want to ask about the readings are. 20 ‘The Meaning and Relevance of History References asamnmmanmnsararsn isn RTO QM MMA Anonymous. (n.d.). Historical method. Retrieved from https:// edwardseducationblog, files. historical-method.paf Farrell, K. (2014). Primary and secondary sources in the study of history. Encased in Steel. Retrieved from www. primary-and-secondary- sources-in-the-study-of-history Redmon, R. (2013, December 2). Primary vs. secondary sources [Video file]. Retrieved from your wite, daughter, and sister, do not do to the wife, daughter, ond sister of ancther XI The nobility of c man does not consist In being a king. nor in the highness of the nose and the whiteness of the skh, nor in being a priest representing God, nor in the exalted positon on this earth, but pure and truy noble Is who, though bor tn the woods. Is possessed of an upright character who Ip tue to ne word; wmo nas dlgnty and hone. who dows not opprese and does not help those who oppress; who knows ow to Jo0k ofter ond lave the land of his bith. XV. When these doctrines spread nd the Sun of beloved liberty shines with bailiont effulgence on these unhappy isles and sheds its soft rays upon, the united peopla and brothers in everlasting happiness, the Ives, iabors, ‘and suterings from those who are gone shall be more than recompersed, 86 “Analyzing the Stanificonce ef Primary Sources tothe History of the Filino People Assessing the Importance of the Primary Sources In Understanding the Grand Narrative of Philippine History Name: ____ —____ Section: Instructions: Give three reasons why the Kartilya ng Katipunan is important to the grand narrative of Philippine history. i Se es a eee 2 a en oe 3. 87 Analyzing the Sianificance of Primary Sources tothe History of the Fitpino People References «ninemanisensenvenscnretnnenmnnantcnmurvemmantsiins De Veyra, L. (2011, April 19). Word of the Lourd: Emil Jacinto. TVS The Evening News. Retrieved from https:// www watch?v=MyaqlUsq0C0 Richardson, J. (2013). Emilio Jacinto, Kartilya ng Katipunan. In Declaration of Principles, pp. 121-137. 89 The Works of Lund Pate nportant points in Philippine history. This a WL their most Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of this section, the students are expected to: J. identify the symbolism used in the works of Luna and Amorsolo; 2. explain the importance of the works of Luna and Amorsolo to the grand narrative of Philippine history; and 3. evaluate the relevance of the works of Luna and Amorsolo to the present time. Juan Luna showcased his artistic skills situation of the Phil administration. Imagin: to illustrate the Ppines under the Spanish colonial @ that you are tasked to describe the Philippine nation to a foreigner who does not have any idea about the Philippines through a visual work. Draw or sketch a representation of the Philippine nation according to your own understanding of its present condition. 91 Readings In Philippine History Juan Luna (1857-1899) Juan Luna was born on October 23, 1857 in Badoc, locos Norte. He was third among the seven children of Joaquin Luna de San Peelro y Posadas (from Zambales) and Laureang Novicio y Ancheta (from La Union). He married Maria de |g Paz Pardo de Tavera and had two children. He was granted the title Licentiate Pilot for High Seas after passing the government examination for sailors. He was also a member of the Hong Kong Revolutionary Committee (Hong Kong Junta) that tried to convince Emilio Aguinaldo during his exile in Hong Kong to return to the Philippines and take part in the armed rebellion against the Spaniards. Many Filipino middle class families had the chance to study not only in the Philippines but in Europe as well, allowing them to be exposed to new ideas and ideologies, It was during this time that Juan Luna became famous for his artistic works, Historical Background of Lunafs Paintings Many of Luna’s paintings illustrate literary and historical Scenes that carried political commentaries, The most important work of Luna is the Spoliarium, the largest painting in the Philippines (4.22 m x7.67 m). Luna spent eight months working on the painting which is now displayed in the main gallery of the National Museum of Fine Arts. It won three gold meals in the 1884 Exposicién Nacional de Bellas Artes in Madrid, Another work of Juan Luna is the La Muerte de Cleopatra (The Death of Cleopatra) which won the silver medal in the 1881 Exposicién Nacional de Bellas Artes in Madrid. When The Battle of Lepante, another work of Luna, won the gold medal in the 1888 Exposicién Nacional de Bellas Artes in Madrid, Jose Rizal delivered a congratulatory speech for the success of Juan Luna, 92 Analyzing the Sloniicance of Primary Sources to the History of the Filipino People 3 Reodings in Philippine History Aside from his award-winning paintings, Juan Lins ig also renowned for the following remarkable works: (1) the EI Pacto de Sangre which shows the blood compact betiveer Datu Sikatuna and Miguel Lopez de Legazpi: Q) the Parisiay Life which shows a lady sitting, uncomfortably in a couch in, public bar while being discretely observed by three men w ho, according to public interpretations, resemble Jose Rizal, Juan, Luna, and Dr. Ariston Lin-Bautista; and (3) the Portraiy of a Lady which was first titled Paz Pardo de Tavera, after the Wife of Luna which shows a woman holding a rosary in a scene that seems to be after a sexual interlude. However, the lady in the painting does not look like Juan Luna’s wife at all, Some critics suppose that it resembles the image of Luna’s favorite model, a Caucasian named Angela Duche while others believe the lady is an image of Luna's idealised vision of his wife. This particular painting is controversial for it contains no foreshadowing to the trogedy of Luna's marriage which ended with him shooting his wife in September of 1892. Fernando Cueto Amorsolo (1892-1972) Fernando Amorsolo was born in Calle Heran (popularly known today as Pedro Gil) in Paco, Manila on May 20, 1892, He studied at the Art School of the Liceo de Manila and at the University of the Philippines’ Schoo! of Fine Arts, He worked as draftsman for the Bureau of Public Works, as a Chief Artist at the Public Commercial Company, and as a Part time instructor in the University of the Philippines, Amorsolo painted and sketched over his lifetime using natural and backlighting techniques, which gave him numerous awards and recognitions. The themes of his paintings are mostly rural Philippine lan Two of Amorsolo’s award-wining works are El Periodico which won second place in the more than 10,000 Pieces scapes, (1) the Leyendo Bazaar Escolta a" the si Analyzing the Significance of Primary Sources to the History of the Filipine Peop® in 1908 and (2) the Afternoon Meal of Rice Workers which won first prize 3 the New York World’s Fair in 1939. Other works of Amorsolo include the Making of the Philippine Flag, The First Baptism in the Philippines which was based on the accounts of Pigafetta, and Under the Mango Tree On April 24, 1972, Amorsolo died from heart failure, In the same year, Amorsolo was declared the first National Artist of the Philippines in painting. He is also considered as the “Grand Old Man of Philippine Art.” Historical Background of Amorsolo's Paintings Amorsolo’s paintings depict life during the late American regime and the Japanese occupation in the Philippines. He was known for his works focusing on rural landscapes that show his mastery in the use of light. ‘Amorsolo’s significant paintings during the Japanese occupation depict wartime —_ atrocities particularly the suffering of the Filipinos under the Japanese authorities, Some of Amorsolo’s works presenting such scenes are the Bombing of The Intendencia, the Bombing of the Legislative Building, the Rape of Manila, anc the Burning of Sto. Domingo, all produced in 1942; Rizal Avenue in Ruins and Defense of a Filipino Woman's Honor in 1945; and the Burning of Manila in 1946. 6 Aanaiaing the Slonifcance of Primary Sources to the Histor of re Fiipino People Exercise 2.4.| «nmcmnnsnenmecmnnuncuinmemenannnamnenmncnsinesie Artists ond their Paintings Name: Section: Luna's painting: Amorsolo’s painting Observations: Readings in Phillppine History OR Analyzing the Significance of Primary Sources to the History of the Filipino People Exercise 2.4,2 emeranaauoute Mysterious Paintings Manis: Section: Instructions: Juan Luna used his skills in painting to expose the state of the Philippines under the Spanish colonial rule Aside from this, some of his paintings became popular because of the personal stories attached to them. His painting Parisian Life caught the attention of the public in 2002 after GSIS bought it for P46 million at an auction in Hong Kong. The Portrait of a Lady also became popular because of rumors that it was cursed. In 300 to 500 words, write your thoughts on these stories of mysterious paintings from insights you may gain from the readings referenced below. Use a separate sheet of paper if necessary. Readings: * Chua, X. (2013, October 24), Interpretasyon ng Parisian life ni Juan Luna. Xiao time. Retrieved from https:// interpretasyon-ng-parisian-life-ni-juan-luna-part-1_ and https:/ / 2013-mga-interpretasyon-ng-parisian-life-ni-juan-luna- part-2 Gomez, J. (2017, January 20). Behind the curse of Juan Luna’s Portrait of a Lady. Esquire. Retrieved from hitps:// crimes-and-punishment-a1549-20170120-lfrm3 = Readings In Philippine History Analyzing the Stanitleance of Primary Sources tothe History of the Filipino People Exercise 2.4.3 snwaanzns Observe. Appreciate. Recreate. Share. Instructions: Visit the National Museum of Fine Arts and proceed to the sections displaying the artworks of Juan Luna and Fernando Amorsolo. Document your trip and write down your observations. Create a virtual or digital output of your experience and share it in any social media platform. Ask your friends to comment and react on your post. After a week, submit the link of your output and a snapshot of the comments and reactions on your social media post to your professor. You may use any of the suggested freeware applications: + Smilebox (littps:// maker) Thinglink (https://www Canva (https:/ / Wix Blog (https:/ / Microsoft PowerPoint Recommended Rubrics Content (50%) * Does the input have sufficient number of pictures (at least 10)? + Are the pictures well-explained? * Was the output able to clearly highlight the artworks? Creativity (30%) « Is it virtually presentable? © Did it manifest creative arts and designs? Uniqueness (10%) * Is the output unique or just a replication of other outputs? Comments and Reactions (10%) © Does it have at least 5 comment lol ts or at least 10 reactions? ‘Analyzing the Significance of Primary Sources to the History of the Filipino People Exercls@ 2.4.4 -memnenuecinsrunneereccnacnnnvomonsnaiancesocniens Assessing the Importance of Primary Sources in Understanding the Grand Narrative of Philippine History Name: ____. Section: Instructions: Give at least three reasons why the paintings of Luna and Amorsolo are important to the grand narrative of Philippine history. 1 Readings: * Driftwood Journeys. (nd.). The historical triumph and social relevance of Juan Luna's Spoliarium. Retrieved from http:// } the-historical-triumph-and-social- i relevance-juan-lunas-spoliarium * Manalo, L (2017, August 26). How Fernando Amorsolo‘s drawings helped shape the Philippines’ Young Movers. Town & country. Retrieved from behind-the-books-that-helped-shape-the-philippines-a1978- 20170826-Ifrm. 103 Analyzing the Significance of Primary Scurces to the History of the Filipino People References «manemmanmannnnantitsiainunnennsinieiitMncciincnnicisirntn A Collection of some of Juan Luna’s masterpieces. (2016, May 3). Retrieved from https:/ / kauswagan/articles/1315/a-collection-of-some-of-juan- Junas-masterpieces A Small Collection of Fernando Amorsolo’s paintings. (2016, May 2). Retrieved from https:/ / kauswagan/articles/1372/a-small-collection-of-fernando- amorsolos-paintings Martinez, E. (n.d.). Biography of Fernando Amorsolo. The Fernando C. Amorsolo Ar! Foundation, Retrieved from http:// www Torres, E. (2004). In Focus: The art of Juan Luna. Retrieved from http:/ / the- art-of-juan-luna 105 Mga Gunita ng Himagsikan, Emilio Aguinaldo This section focuses on the memoir written by General Emilio Aguinaldo which narrates significant events in his life and career from 1928 to 1946. The memoir tells’ the life of Aguinaldo from his early years up to the 1897 Treaty of se Intended Learning Outcomes wecunuamanmtecrorisens At the end of this section, the students are expected to: ~ assess the characteristics of Aguinaldo’s leadership as presented in his memoirs; np explain the importance of Mga Gunita ng Himagsikan to the grand narrative of the Philippine history; and . evaluate the relevance of the document time. wo to the present ine baled analyzing the Staniicarce cf Primary Sources to the History of the Fiipino People Diagnostics *nmnninnmanenannsiteANnastabinesNnMitintntiiians | Instructions: After watching the videos listed below, who do you think should be considered as the first President of the Philippines? State your claim in front of the class and provide evidences to support your stand, Videos: * Clavio, A. & David K. (2008, October 30). Case unclosed: “Lihim ng 1897 (The secret of 1897).” GMA. Retrieved from http:/ / unclosed-lihim-ng-1897-secret-of html + Meily, M. (2012). El Presidente: The story of Emilio Aguinaldo and the first Philippine republic, Retrieved from Ittps:/ / www * Williams, E. (2014). Bonifacio: Ang unang pangulo. Retrieved from https:// www watch? XwOEYgeqM 107 Readings In Philippine History Background of the Author Emilio Famy Aguinaldo $e. was born on March 22, 1869 in Kawit, Cavite. He was the seventh among the eight children of Carlos Jamir Aguinaldo and ‘Trinidad Famy- Aguinaldo. Aguinaldo's family was well off since his father was the community's appointed gobernadorcilla of their pueblo. Emilio attended high school at the Colegio de San Juan de Letran but had to stop on his fourth year because of his father's death, He then took the responsibility of helping his mother run their farm. In 1595, at the age of 25, he became Kawit’s first “gobernadorcillo capitan municipal.” Aguinaldo became a Freemason during this year, joining Pilar Lodge No 203, [mus, Cavite with the codename “Colon.” He also joined the Katipunan and used the nom de guerre “Magdalo” in honor of Mary Magdalene. falda ty Lou CyN ee acumen La ereniw ial Aguinaldo would later become the first and youngest president of the country by being the President of the First Philippine Republic. His presidency was cut short when be was captured by the American soldiers in Palanan, Isabela where he pledged his loyalty to the American government thus dissolving the First Republic. He tried to rejoin politics by challenging Manuel L. Quezon in the 1935. presidential elections but he lost, leading him to retire from public life. Nevertheless, Aguinaldo continued to serve the government Politically under the succeeding administrations. President Elpido Quirino appointed him as le Council of State in 1950, member of the Philipp! 108 Analyzing the Significance of Primary Sources to the History of the Filipino People Emilio Aguinaldo died of coronary thrombosis on February 6, 1964. He was 94 years old, In his lifetime, he was able to witness the administration of succeeding presidents of the Philippines until the term of President Diosdado Macapagal. Historical Background of Mga Gunita ng Himagsikan Aguinaldo produced the first volume of his memoirs between 1928 and 1946. The memoirs include accounts from Aguinaldo’s birth and early years until the signing of the Bink na Bato Treaty in 1897. These were based on various documents such as a diary Aguinaldo kept, documents he preserved, and family lore he personally gathered from his relatives. It was at the end of 1963 that Aguinaldo, after much deliberation, decided to publish his memoirs. It was translated by Luz Colendrino Bucu, the Secretary of the Graduate School of Education and faculty member of the University of the East. Mga Gunita rig Himagsikan was officially released to the public in 1967. Nevertheless, it was presumed by Ambeth Ocampo (2017) that a second volume was also drafted by Aguinaldo, which could have covered the resumption of the Philippine revolution against Spain and the Philippine-American war. Until now, no one knows whether it was actually written but Ocampo hints that it might be hidden in a secret compartment, drawer, or passageway in the Aguinaldo Shrine in Kawit, Cavite 109 Ancyaing the SIanHCone® ot Primary Seurces to History of the Filipino People + exercise 2.5.1 NCR ee rercaneteL et amentteetenmNeNNe ‘The Insider: Reading through the Eyes and Mind of Aquinalde ‘Name: — Section: Instructions: Read Mga Gunita ng Himagsikan and summarize the important events mentioned in the following chapters, 1, Chapter 28: My Bloodiest Fight 2. Chapter 30: Magdiwang Council Reorganized y iW d Readings in Philippine History 3. Chapter 38: My Election to the Presidency 4. Chapter 42: Military Court ss je eS . Chapter 44: Death of the Bonifacio Brothers M2 ‘An Open Letter to the First President Name: ———_ Section: Instructions: If you were to talk t like to tell him? What would addressed to the Pre: Emilio Aguinaldo, fo Aguinaldo, what would you You ask him? Write an open letter sident of the First Philippine Republic, 13 “analyzing the Slanificance cf Primary Sources to the History of the Filipino People Exercise 2.5.5 cennnmasacemncnveaneanonmamnnmancicitenccsnatntnits | ‘assessing the Importance of Primary Sources In Understanding the Grand Narrative of Philippine History Name: Section: Instructions: Give three reasons why Mya Gunita ng Hlimageikan is important to the grand narrative of Philippine history. 5 yong the Significance of Primary Sources to the History of the Filipino People Po Reference mmmmcmcenenmnrmcnnrcntiAiRUlisceLLCNOnitNNNTTE, Aguinaldo E. (1964). Mga gunita ng himagsikau. Manila, Philippines. 7 Declaration eer pe be f2Ye Ut}00) Hace eae) aut Pelee ooh a ed sel This section focuses on the Act of the Declaration of Philippine Independence authored by Ambrosio Rianzares Bautista. 11 0 mentions the different important aspecis of the actual ation such as the national anthem and the waving of the | Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of this section, the students are expected to: 1, identify the symbolisms used in the design of the Philippine flag; 2. assess the implications of the calls for revising the design of the Philippine flag based on present circumstances; 3. explain the importance of the Act of the Declaration of Philippine Independence to the grand narrative of Philippine history; and 4 evaluate the relevance of the document to the present time. bed | ‘Analyzing the Significance of Primary Sourcas to the History ef the Filipino People Diagnostics ewnrentncennnnmnaamannscaniensteweesentenictsin Instructions: The Philippine flag that was unfurled during the proclamation of Philippine independence was designed to symbolize the nationalism and patriotism of the Filipinos who fought for the country’s independence. Considering the present condition of the Philippines where new threats to democracy, sovereignty, human rights, and civil liberties have emerged, sketch your own version of the Philippine flag. Explain the symbolisms that you used. ss 19 Hyeing the Staniicance of Primary Sources tothe History of tne Filpino Pecple Diagnostics smenicmemnucmueanneeuamenimesssansimanmesniien Instructions: The Philippine flag that was unfurled during the proclamation of Philippine independence was designed to symbolize the nationalism and patriotism of the Filipinos who fought for the country’s independence. Considering the present condition of the Philippines where new threats to democracy, sovereignty, human rights, and civil liberties have emerged, sketch your own version of the Philippine flag. Explain the symbolisms that you used. ug Readingn in Pritipgane History Background of the Author Ambrosio Rianzares Bautista (also known as “Don Bosyong”) mber 17, 1830 prio. was born on Di in Binan, Laguna to Gre Enriquez Bautista and Silv Altamira, He studied Law at the University of Sto. Tomas and camed his degree in 1865 (at 35 years old) ra He solicited funds to finance the campaign for reforms in the Philippines and became a member of the La Liga Filipina, Cuerpo de Compromisarios, and La Propaganda. He was arrested and imprisoned at Fort Santiago by the Spaniards as he was suspected of being involved in the Philippine Revolution but managed to defend himself and was eventually released. He became the first adviser of President Emilio Aguinaldo in 1898, and, contrary to popular belief, it was Bautista, and not Aguinaldo, who waved the Philippine flag before the jubilant crowd during the proclamation of Philippine independence in Kawit, Cavite. On July 14, 1899, he was elected as president of the Philippines in the Revolutionary Congress in Tarlac and was later appointed judge of the Court of First Instance of Pangasinan. He died on December 4, 1993 (72 years old) from a fatal fall from a horse-drawn carriage. Historical Background of the Document In April 1898, the Spanish-American War broke out as a result of U Independence. The U.S. attacked Spain's Pacific Possession, which led to its involvement in the Philippine Revolution, Anotng he Sianiicance of Primary Sources tothe History of te Fipine People Commodore George Dewey sailed from Hong Kong to Manila Bay aboard the U.S.S. Olympia and led the Asiatic Squadron of the US. Navy. In May 1898, the Battle of Manila Bay ensued. Emilio Aguinaldo decided to return to the Philippines from Hong Kong, bringing with him the first Philippine flag sewn by Marcela Agoncillo, Lorenza Agoncillo, and Delfina Herbosa. Upon acriving in Manila, Aguinaldo proceeded to his mansion in Kawit, Cavite to rally all Filipinos to unite and fight against the Spaniards in the historic battle cry of the “Hour of Liberation.” Together with the Americans, the Filipinos assaulted the Spaniards in the Battle of Manila Bay However, the said battle was perceived to be a mock battle as arrangements were already made between the Americans and the Spaniards, that the latier would hand over the Philippines including Guam and Puerto Rico to the former. Such arrangements were already finalized in the Treaty of Paris in 1898. After the Battle of Manila Bay, there were still skirmishes between Filipinos and Spaniards in various provinces in the Philippines. The Act of the Declaration of Philippine Independence (Acta de !a Proclamacion de la Independencia del Pueblo Filipino) written by Bautista had the intention to encourage Filipinos to fight against the Spaniards. Aguinaldo formally declared Philippine Independence in Kawit, Cavite on June 12, 1898. It was symbolically accompanied by the playing of the Philippine national anthem composed by Julian Felipe with lyrics by Jose Palma from his poem Filipinas. At the same time, Ambrosio Bautista read the Act of Declaration of Philippine Independence in Spanish. The United States of America, however, never recognized this declaration. The Acta de la Proclamacién de Ia Independencia del Pueblo Fuipino was among the documents lost during the height of the pilferage of historical documents in the 1990s. The centennial 21 Readings in Phippine History anniversary of Philippine independence heighteneg demand for such documents in the black market, The docy, ~ ae finally retuned to the National Library in 1994 ayiy"® profescor from the University of the Philippines, Mi oe Guerrero, negotiated for its return. "oy nang the Slaniticancs ot Primary Sources tothe History of the Filpine Peosle exercise 2.6.1 aaa Fact Check Name: —— Section: | Instructions: The Philippine different symbolisms. The follo; Philippine flag. On the space of each feature or symbol. flag is embedded with wing are the features of the Provided, write the meaning 1. White triangle 3. Bight rays of the sun Oe a , Ee 4. Colors: Blue, Red and White ee payee tne Saiicance of Primary Sources to the History of ne Fipine People Exercise 2.6.1 Saas J a — es 136 > || pana tm Sanieoree ot Primary Sues to te tetra yy Fitzine Peocte Exercise 272 eens, on the Use of Caricatures atte Section: bene, ions: Cartoons made durin, ie were classified acc acer political, and socio-cult or aricatures made by Aled wide an example for each of Ee deneines and explain the m: readers. 6 the time of the American cording to thei purpose: tural. From the compilation McCoy and Alfredo Roces, the following classifications tessage being conveyed to the yarce: ; ‘ McCoy, A. & Races, A. R. (1985), Philippine carioons: Political caricature of the American era 1900-1941. Quezon City, Philippines: Vera Reyes. economic y 137 eodings In Philippine History 2. political 3. socio-cultural anatyang the Significance of '# OF Primary Sources to the History ofthe Filpino People Exercise 2.7.3 omeemsnerensnomeunennssiosnooinnneananmncnnni Time to Sketch ] Name; Seti ion, Instructions: Make you lepicting any ; your own caricature depicting . litical, economic, or socic present political, ic, or socio-cultural ates in the Philippines. Provide a short el explanation for the symbolisms Caricature: y 139 araiyzing the Significance of Primary Sources tothe History of the Filpino People ee Funny Komiks ‘Name: —______ Section: Instructions: Aside from caricatures, comic strips are widely ased to serve as political commentaries. [In 2014, the website Dead Balagtas became popular because of its online comic strip series called Komiks, Kasaysayan at Katatawanan which humorously presented the different valuable points in Philippine History. Create your own comic strip with at least four scenes Gepicting any present political, economical, social, and cultural issue in the Philippines. Make sure that it is humorous, You can access the website on https:/ /deadbalagtas. for more examples. y 141 wicance of rary Source to the History a the Fuga People srg the Si90 exercise 2.7.5 ssi Importance of Primary Sources in Understanding Saree of Philippine History the Section: Name: instru i | cartoons made ¢ Give three reasons why Politica ; ings during the American Era are important to the 2 “d a emativest Philippine history. gran Pipe _naiyang the Stanificance of Primary Sources to the History of the Fuipino People Reference “nmmmcacisntiermaememensnsseiissiemenienenetin McCoy, A. & Roces, A. R. (1985). Philippine cartoons: Political caricature of the American era 1900-1941. ci Philippines: Vera Reyes. Res jevances eyes raed Fer a 2) This section focuses on the grievances of Filipinos agai of Governor Wood. The discontent of > the governance Bs tlirssos under the rule of Governor Wood led to the'Cabj af 1023. This section also highlights how these jciay , American colonial governmed Intended Learning Outcomes ‘At the end of this section, the students are expected to: 1. identify the points that comprised the grievances of Filipinos against Governor Wood; 2 explain the importance of the Grievances against Governor Wood to the grand narrative of Philippine history; and 3. explain the relevance of the Grievances against Governor Wood to the present time. Anaiyzing the Stanmicance of Frimary Scurces to the History ofthe Flipine People Diagnostics -wwinnmsinsnanrimsstsnseicesnesiitsicrcnneoenennennen Instructions: In the form of a manifesto, list down your grievances against the government, either with the current administration or any members of the government (executive, legislative, or judiciary). : 147 Readings in Phiippine History Background of the Author / Gregorio Zaide, born on May 25, 2% Pogssng Laguna, is one of the most famous Filipino historians of ,) time. His works served as basis of many Philippine histo, textbooks. A handful of these works became essen) secondary sources in studying historiography, making hin 1, “Dean of Filipino Historiographers. ‘He obtained his BA ang PRD degrees from the University of Santo Tomas and his 4, degree from the University of the Philippines. Gregorio Zaide taught in various schools including thy University of the Philippines, University of Santo Tomas University of Manila, Far Eastern University, and University of Hawaii, He became professor emeritus of History at the Far Eastern University after his retirement in 1964, Aside from being active in the academe, he was also one of the founders of the International Association of Historians of Asia and served as president of the Philippine Historical Association for three years. He was also active in Philippine politics, He served as mayor of Pagsanjan, Laguna from 1971 ta 1975. Historical Background of the Document General Leonard Wood first arrived in the Philippines in 1903 after rendering his services in Cuba. He was appointed as governor of the Moro Province which comprised the southern islands and Mindanao. At the same time, General Wood was also in charge of five districts and was the commanding general of the American troops in Mindanao and Sulu. In 1921, US President Warren Harding commissioned the Wood-Forbes Mission, headed by former Governor General W. Cameron Forbes and General Wood, The mission’s aim was to assess if the Philippines could already be declared an independent nation, following the Filipinization policy implemented by the ao ‘Analyzing the Significance of Primary Sources to the History of the Flpino Pe administration of Francis Burton Harrison. The policy allowed Filipinos to be actively involved in running the government as part of the American policy of benevolent assimilation. The findings of the mission showed that the Philippines still needed the Americans. As a response, US President Calvin Coolidge appointed Major General Wood to be the Gavernor General of the Philippine Islands in 1923. Wood's appointment was greatly accepted by the Filipinos considering his role in the liberation of Cuba, giving Filipinos high hopes for political emancipation. However, Wood was responsible for reversing the Filipinization policy implemented by Burton, He issued Executive Order no. 37 which nullified laws creating the Board of Control and the assumed functions of the body. The Board of Control, which was dominantly composed of Filipinos, was tasked to oversee the sale and management of stocks in government-owned and controlled corporations. In an unprecedented move, Governor Wood tried to dissolve the Board of Control where he occupied a minority position and could never get the consent from the Senate President and the House Speakers to cnable the government to administer or conduct a business. Such attempt generated tension between Filipino administrators and the Governor General which was further aggravated by the Cabinet Crisis of 1923, stemming from the Ray Conley case, a secret service detective accused of accepting bribery and having mistresses. The case was brought forward and was given the final decision of suspension by Jose P. Laurel as the Secretary of the Interior. However, this was disregarded by Governor Wood, which prompted the Filipino leaders to protest against his actions in relation to his defiance of the Philippine Autonomy Act or the Jones Law that provided Filipinos legislative power. Such led to the resignation of five Filipino cabinet secretaries of the department led by Secretary Laurel. It was followed by the resignation of Senate President 49 readings In Paippine History Manuel L- Quezon and House Speaker Manuel p Marte of the Council of Sate. These resignations c Oras ag Cabinet Crisis of 1923. MSE the ‘the growing exccutivelegisiative tension more persenal as the Governor blatantly exercised ee power in most of the legislations passed by the Phitis®® fegislature. Such developments led to the draftin ore 5 Crcvances Agarist Governor Wood, which was are Ein Commission on Independence on November 17, 1926, ey the ‘Analyzing the Significance of Primary Sources te the History of the Filipino People Exerclse 2.8.| «mmanauesnesantoeceantcaiesnunsansissaniettctte Loyalty Check Name:_______ Section: Instructions: Among the points included i Filipino Grievances Against Governor Wood, which do you think was the most pressing and critical? Explain its impact to the relationship of the United States and the Philippines. | 15} sw Instructions: Read carefully the list of grievances of the Filipinos against Governor Wood which led to the Cabinet Grisis of 1923. The Crisis was characterized by the tension between the American-led executive branch of governor and the Filipino-dominated legislative branch of government. In Philippine politics, there has always been a tension between the executive and the legislative branches of government. In the administration of President Duterte, this tension seems to be evident. Compare and contrast the Cabinet Crisis of 1923 to the conditions and situations that persist during, the term of President Duterte, Explain your observations in at least 300 words, poiyzing the Sianificance of Primary Sources to the History of the Filpino People Exercise 2.83 maanienmmnmnarnMsensnniLisnNiiessenasaae Assessing the Importance of Primary Sources in Understanding the Grand Narrative of Philippine History Name: Section: instructions: Give three reasons why Filipino grievances against Governor Wood is important to the grand narrative of Philippine history.

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