Session 2 - Launch The Lifeboats - Taking Our Cue From Jesus and Something Is Missing

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Taking our cue from JESUS

His Strategy His core DNA

His disciplemaking culture

His core DNA

Jesuss core DNA

3 relationships in balance

Luke 6:12
How balanced are we ?

Luke 6:13-16

Luke 6:17-19

His core DNA

We share over 97% of our DNA with Gorillas

His core DNA

Jesuss core DNA

3 relationships in balance

Luke 6:12
How balanced are we ?

Luke 6:13-16

Luke 6:17-19

Taking our cue from JESUS

His Strategy His core DNA

His disciplemaking culture

Our Current Strategy

Before thinking about Jesus strategy lets think clearly about our own. Summary:
Come to us, do our thing, our way


Our Current Strategy

Overwhelmingly attractional and event orientated
Key Components

Sundays (B) Small Groups (S) act of Service (T) (serve the organisation)

Come to us, to do our thing, our way

Our Current Strategy

Overwhelmingly attractional and event orientated
Other Components
Puzzling Questions Other church groupings

Come to us, to do our thing, our way

Our Current Strategy

Overwhelmingly attractional and event orientated
Shafts of light
Tiddlywinks/Toy Library Community Engagement

Come to us, to do our thing, our way

CURRENT context
SUNDAYS - Come to us - Join our thing SMALL GROUPS - Come to us - Join our thing

SERVICE - Help us do our thing

OUTREACH - Attract people to our thing

CURRENT context
SUNDAYS - Come to us - Join our thing Some observations about this strategy: - its not very effective - its very labour intensive SERVICE - puts disproportionate pressure on - Help us do key roles our thing Making disciples SMALL GROUPS - Come to us - Join our thing

OUTREACH - Attract people to our thing

Taking our cue from JESUS

His Strategy His core DNA

His disciplemaking culture

His Strategy

Jesuss Strategy (Principles)

Incarnation not attraction

John 1:14

Relationships not programmes

Mark 3:14

Apprenticeship (learning through doing)

Mark 1:16

Life together not events together

Mark 8:27

Meeting felt needs first

Mark 2:8-10

His Strategy

Jesuss Strategy (Principles)

Incarnation not attraction

John 1:14

Relationships not programmes

Mark 3:14

Apprenticeship (learning through doing)

Mark 1:16

Life together not events together

Mark 8:27

Meeting felt needs first

Mark 2:8-10

Jesuss whole approach

Burlington .

Connecting with people where they are

Connecting with those who come to us

Staying with people where they are

Staying with those who come to us

Meeting their needs where they are

Meeting the needs we tell them they have

Proclaiming the kingdom where they are

Proclaim the kingdom where we are

Incarnational not attractional Going to them; not calling them to us

Engaging with & within community*; not calling people out

*Neighbourhood & networks

Making disciples

Proclaiming in their context not ours

Meeting their needs first not imposing our own

Taking our cue from JESUS

His Strategy His core DNA

His disciplemaking culture

His disciplemaking culture

Jesus modelled: support & challenge

support or challenge?
Matthew 16:13-25 Mark 3:13-15 cf. Mark 1:17

His leadership was

High Support High Challenge

Relational proximity required!

Taking our cue from JESUS

His Strategy His core DNA

His disciplemaking culture

To reach
those NO-ONE ELSE is reaching

we need to do what

no-one else
is doing.

Taking our cue from JESUS

His Strategy His core DNA

His disciplemaking culture

So ......
We need a new balance We need a different strategy We need to create a different environment


Something is missing
Three types of Gathering

Three types of gathering

Cell (up to 12)
discipleship making
Personal space

Community group (up to 50/70)

ministry and mission in community
Social space

Celebration (beyond 70)

unity momentum & celebration
Public space

Community-style group is missing

We have lost community style group
even when our numbers are that size we treat it like a celebration

Community style group is key for Jesus strategy

used 12 to develop the 72

Community style group is what the Bible calls church in the majority of cases 31

Biblical Church
Go to a household oikos Luke 10:5
Oikos = immediate social network

Start and grow church within the oikos

Acts 16:15, Acts 11:11-18, Mark 5:19,

Church grew through oikos networks

Romans 16 (at least 5 oikos) Philippians 4:22 Ephesians 4:25, 1 Corinthians 14:26
No mention of going to church!

So we need ...
to fill the gap with something that
takes seriously Jesuss model for mission takes seriously the predominant Biblical expression of church


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