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Text 1

The UN has made improvements concerning child labor, poverty, world hunger and
human rights since its start in 1945 and has become a magnificent tool in fighting for human
rights. With its founding the UN developed the UN Charta, for Example stating that all
humans are equal no matter where they come from or what they believe in (UN Charta 1945,
Paragraph 1). Therefore, the UN has to follow certain rules, which should develop peace and
security for mankind. With these rules, the UN applied help in crisis areas and made
improvements for the people living there. For Example, the peacekeeping missions of the UN
have been carried out in various conflict regions, and as a result the number of Civil Wars has
declined (Thakur, 2006). This reason confirms the work of the UN as effective work. Even
though the number of human beings living in fear or hunger is still high, the UN is trying their
best to help them. According to statistics the general standard of living conditions all over the
world, improved within the last 70 years in areas in which the UN operates (Thakur, 2006).
We can of course name other factors, like development in science and a globalized world, but
an international organization, which applies real aid and fights for human rights, is a huge

Text 2
Literature is directly related with language development as it makes children aware of
all their linguistic possibilities. The American Academy of Paediatrics discovered that reading
to children of any age wakens a number of regions in the left part of the brain, which support
semantic processing. These areas are critical for oral language and later for reading (American
Academy of Paediatrics, 2015, para.6). Literary texts can stimulate syntactic knowledge and
vocabulary enrichment on account of their profound range of vocabulary, from casual
dialogues to really formal prose, and the possibility of encountering complex grammatical
structure such as inversions or subjunctives. For example a research conducted by Rezaei,
Khatib and Derakhshan (2011) shows that reading novels like Joseph Conrad’s ​Heart of
Darkness,​ ​which is replete with a variety of unconventional words, could be very
beneficial for intermediate and upper-intermediate language learners (p.202-203).
Furthermore, developing children’s language via literary texts accelerates their
communication skills in real life situations. Not only do children learn to use words in correct
grammatical contexts, but they also learn to express thoughts and feelings in the precise time
and place for them. Consequently, reinforcing childrens to read plays a fundamental role in
the development of their language skills, both in the academic and in the social environment.
Text 3
The use of social media has increased the last years considerably keeping in mind the
use that we give to it. Schools are important places and focal points nowadays where children
and teenagers spend most part of their time, so they have become places where young people
take advantage of the situation and create and starting point of social media in schools, but
many times they do not give the proper use to it. Nowadays schools are used to deal with this
issue due to this problem has been increasing the last years between young people who use
these kind of platforms just to despise their mates. Cyberbulling is, sadly, very common in our
society and specially in schools and high schools where people are more vulnerable.
According to Hinduja and Patchin cyberbullyng is described as the “willful and repeated harm
inflicted through the use of computers, cell phones and other electronic devices” ​Schools
confront cyberbullyng day by day, although it is a difficult problem due to the anonymity, as
Reid and Weigle explain “​Bullies are able to maintain a degree of anonymity on the Internet.
They can disguise their identity by using pseudonyms or pseudonymous e-mail or user
accounts, or impersonate someone else”.​ In an effort to prevent this kind of problems,
teachers teach their students how to use social media in a positive and proper way. They teach
them how tu use it to promote new activities and to colaborate in schools projects…but
always knowing the other side of the coin.

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