Islamic Learning Insights

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Patience - A beautiful struggle

Patience is a part of Iman, and is like a head to the body, the one who ha no patience has no iman-
Hazrat Ali R.A

Think of times when life required extreme patience from you, did it ever brought about harm? Did the
patience done for the sake of Allah SWT with a true tawakkul ever lead you down a wrong path?
Certainly it is a no. Because patience is something which is integrated in every art of our life. From very
trivial matters to huge matters of life, one has to have a degree of forbearence and patience in order for
the things to work smoothly in his physical and spiritual world. A believer always relies on Allah SWT for
support and seek His guidance in every matter through patience and prayer. And both of them go hand
in hand. One cannot acquire a true pleasure of being patient without seeking help from Allah SWT in
that particular matter. And that is why Allah SWT connected this feeling with His love. One loves His
creator, they rely on Him for help and guidance, and they know that a beautiful time is to come and is
still with them even if things are apparently not right, because, He SWT has said " And with hardship is
ease" . So, ease is still with us in times of struggles, and the patience is still beautiful as it bring about His
love and flourishes our faith. The need is to just open up the closed eyes and broaden our prespectives
about our creator and the world around us.

َ‫ِّت َأ ْقدَا َمنَا َوانصُرْ نَا َعلَى ْالقَوْ ِم ْٱل َك ٰـفِ ِرين‬ َ ‫َربَّنَا َأ ْف ِر ْغ َعلَ ْينَا‬
ْ ‫ص ْبرًا َوثَب‬

” Our Lord, pour upon us patience, and make our steps firm and Help us against the disbelieving people.”

َ ‫َربَّنَا َأ ْف ِر ْغ َعلَ ْينَا‬

َ‫ص ْبرًا َوت ََوفَّنَا ُم ْسلِ ِمين‬

“Our Lord, pour upon us patience and let us die as Muslims [in submission to You].”

Let the book of light enlighten your spirits, with a kindeled heart, let the divine words fill your world with
hope, joy, positivity and contentment. Quran calls for it. A true submission, a sincere struggle and a a
pure heart. Move towards it and it will allow you in its world. The only hope and motivation we as
believers have in tis world is the book of Allah SWT, through which we get to taste the pleasure of real
survival in thi world. Oh people of Allah SWT! do not leave these mighty words on an abandoned
bookshelve, recite them, ponder over them, inculcate your lives with them and let the light of wisdom
from the knowledgable ones penetrate your soul. And see how Allah SWT opens up the doors of success
for you in this world and the hereafter.

Let not the hearts get weary. Keep them sprinkled with the remberance of Allah SWT and enlightened
with knowledge. The hearts are the foundation upon which our self is formed and hence it is immensly
important that they are kept intact.
Let the love of Quran be engraved in your soul and the yearning to know it be pleasure of heart. Let not
yourself be deluded by the world so much so that you forget what the divine words are calling you
towards. Make sure to keep a "Quran time" intact in your routines so the world around does not
completely submerges us in it. May Allah SWT make us among the people of Quran. Ameen

At times things can go totally against what we were expecting, and despite the hard struggle nothing
seems to make sense. Such moments are there either to test us or to prepare us for the new beginning
on that same course of life. What we as a believer are required to do is to excersice a higher level of
struggle, dua, hope and patience. Because the matters have already been penned down 50,000 years
ago. What we are wanting may not reach us the way we are requiring it, and Allah SWT always know
what what are the best suited requirements of His slaves. So, Ya IbadAllah! never despair His mercy, no
matter how much twists and turns the swing of life takes. The firmness of heart on the faith and a strong
tawakkul powered by a heartfelt dua is a weapon whose power is utterly unmatchable. So, make sure to
keep the strong connection with your SWTcreator refreshed and working. May Allah SWT help us all and
ease our matters for us. Ameen

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