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Grade 3 – 2021




Name ……………………………………………………………………………….
Learner’s Number

Gender: Boy Girl

County Name ……………………………… County Code

Sub- County Name ………………………… Sub- County Code

School Name………………………………. School Code

The grid below is to be filled by the teacher after marking the learner’s work
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Task 1 Part I

Part II

Task 2

© The Kenya National Examinations Council

Task 1: Listening and Speaking


1. The teacher assembles all Grade 3 learners and informs them that the task will be a
face-to-face assessment; therefore, learners will be called into the assessment room when
their time comes (one after the other).
2. The learner should be given or guided to a seat facing the teacher.
3. The teacher talks/sign slowly and clearly.
4. As each learner commences Task 1, the teacher explains the expectations of the Task i.e.
“I will be asking you questions in English and then you answer in English”.
5. The teacher asks the questions provided in Task 1 (Part I and Part II).
6. The teacher assesses the competency of the learner based on the provided assessment
rubric and records the learner’s performance level.
7. The teacher indicates the end of Task 1 and moves on to Task 2.

Part I

The teacher greets the learner. The learner responds. The teacher asks the learner to sit. The
teacher says, “I am Teacher ___________________. I would like you to tell me about games in
your school.”

A. Which games do children play in your school?

(Learner responds)

B. Tell me, which game do you like? Why do you like it?
(Learner responds)

C. Who do you like playing the game with? Why do you like playing with him/her/them?
(Learner responds)

D. Tell me how you play the game.

(Learner responds)

E. What will you say to a friend who is hurt during the game?
(Learner responds)

Part II

The teacher says, “listen to what I am going to tell you then answer the questions I am going to
ask you”.

The head teacher’s office is across the field. It is near the library and next to the kitchen.
(The teacher repeats)

From what I have just told you, where is the head teacher’s office?
(Learner responds)

Task 2: Reading Aloud


1. The teacher gives the learner the passage and explains to the learner the expectations of
Task 2 i.e. “Now I want you to kindly read aloud this passage”.
2. As the learner reads, the teacher listens to the learner and times him/her for one minute.
3. The teacher will indicate with a stroke (/) the point where the learner reaches in the
passage at the end of one minute.
4. The teacher allows the learner to continue reading to the end of the passage.
5. The teacher underlines all the words the learner could NOT read correctly or had
difficulty pronouncing.
6. The teacher indicates on the scoring guide the number of words the learner read correctly
(total number of words read in one minute minus the words read with errors)
7. Teacher assesses the competency of the learner based on the provided assessment rubric
and the teacher records the learner’s performance level.
8. The teacher must have an assessment sheet for each learner for Task 2

The teacher asks the learner to read the following story aloud.

Mariamu was always happy to visit her grandparents during the10

school holidays. She knew her grandmother would cook a delicious20

meal that she loved. However, this time Mariamu was sad30 because

she could not visit her grandparents. There was a40 pandemic and the

country was on a lockdown. This meant50 that there was no movement

of people in and out60 of all affected counties. Anyway, Mariamu was

happy to speak70 to her grandparents over the phone.

“Do not worry, Mariamu”80, said the grandmother, “When the

lockdown is over, I will90// make sure you visit us”.

“Thank you, grandmother,” Mariamu said, “how is my hen?”

“Oh! Your hen has many chicks now”, grandmother replied.

Mariamu was happy to learn that her hen had many chicks. She

knew her grandfather would feed them. She was glad to wait until that

day when she would visit her grandparents again.

(146 words)

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