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National Highways Authority of India

(Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport & Highways)

Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR

for development of Expressways, Economic
Corridors and Inter Corridors under
Bharatmala Pariyojana Phase-II (Lot-9, Pkg-3),
Varanasi to Kolkata Via. Ranchi with spur to
Kharagpur from CH. 358+500 to CH. 387+200
(Pkg-13, Total Length =28.700 Km)


SA Infrastructure Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
In Association with
Upham International Corporation
1101A, XIth Floor, Tower A/2, Corporate Park, Plot No. 7A/1,
Sector-142, Noida-201301 (Uttar Pradesh)
Tel. No. 0120-6148000, 6148031, Fax No. 0120-6148092
Table of Details of Submission 

S.  No.  Prepared By  Revision  Date of Submission 

1  Himani Sharma  R0  February, 2023 




1.  INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 3 
1.1.  Introduction ............................................................................................................. 3 
1.2.  General description of the site ................................................................................ 3 
1.3.  Data Used for the Hydrological Studies ................................................................... 4 
1.3.1.  Catchment Area Calculations ............................................................................... 4 
1.3.2.  Rainfall Data ......................................................................................................... 4 
1.3.3.  Survey Data .......................................................................................................... 6 
1.3.4.  Silt factor from Bore Hole Data ............................................................................ 6 
2.  METHODOLOGY FOR HYDROLOGICAL ANALYSIS........................................................ 7 
2.1.  Methodology Adopted For Discharge Computation ............................................... 7 
2.1.1.  Dicken’s method................................................................................................... 7 
2.1.2.  Ryve’s method ...................................................................................................... 7 
2.1.3.  Rational Formula .................................................................................................. 7 
2.1.4.  Synthetic unit hydrograph method ...................................................................... 8 
2.1.5.  Design Discharge for Bridges................................................................................ 9 
2.1.6.  Design HFL ............................................................................................................ 9 
2.1.7.  Recommended Waterway for Bridges ................................................................. 9 
2.2.  Scour Depth ........................................................................................................... 10 
2.3.  Afflux ...................................................................................................................... 10 
2.3.1.  AASHTO Formula ................................................................................................ 10 
2.3.2.  Molesworth equation......................................................................................... 10 
3.  PROPOSAL FOR BRIDGE ............................................................................................ 11 
3.1.  Proposal for Bridge ................................................................................................ 11 

Annexure A: Catchment area for bridges 
Annexure B: Detailed hydrological calculations for bridges 


1.1. Introduction  
Hydrological  analysis  of  bridges  is  utmost  important  task  in  highway  projects.  Estimation  of 
design  flood/discharge  for  the  design  of  different  types  of  hydraulic  structures  is  a  very 
significant  component  of  hydrological  studies.  Proper  estimation  of  design  flood  value  is  of 
great importance. While a higher value of design flood results in increase in the cost of the cross 
drainage structures, an under estimated value is likely to place the structure at great risk. The 
main  objective  of  the  hydrological  and  hydraulic  study  is  to  determine  the  required  size  of 
drainage  structures  to  allow  the  estimated  design  flow  of  the  streams  to  cross  the  alignment 
safely and to check whether waterways of existing structures are sufficient to transmit the flow 
without  risk  so  that  appropriate  decisions  could  be  taken  concerning  their  rehabilitation.  The 
hydrological and hydraulic study for the project has been based on: 
 Topographic survey data of cross drainage structures   
 Topographic data of streams, Upstream and downstream 
 Rainfall pattern of the project site 
 Site study of the characteristics of the catchment areas, HFL from local enquiries and marks,  
 Hydraulic conditions at the existing drainage structures. 
The hydrological studies usually cover the following aspects: 
 Assessment of the catchment of streams crossing the project stretch and 
 Determination of discharge by various methods. 
 Safety of the proposed cross drainage structures/ Existing Structures in the event of extreme 
flood i.e. estimation of design flood. 
 Determination of waterway required to pass the design flood safely. 
 Determination of Design HFL corresponding to the design flood. 

1.2.  General description of the site 
The  project  road  is  located  in  Purulia  district  in  the  state  of  West  Bengal.  The  Key  Map  of 
project location is shown in Figure: 1.1. 

Fig. 1.1: Key Plan of the Project Road 
Most of the  alignment is proposed as green alignment. The project stretch is passing through 
the agricultural land and Barren land.  

1.3. Data Used for the Hydrological Studies 

1.3.1. Catchment Area Calculations 
The maps through Bhuvan mapping and catchment area through google earth remote sensing 
images  and  toposheets  of  scale  1:50,000  have  been  used  to  calculate  catchment  area  for  the 
streams. These maps are studied to find out catchment area, contours, terrain slope, land use 
and  cover  conditions,  stream  flow,  etc.  The  catchment  for  all  the  river  crossings  on  the 
proposed  road  has  been  demarcated  and  analysed  to  calculate  the  runoff  from  different 
methods. The catchment area of bridges is enclosed as Annexure A. 

1.3.2.  Rainfall Data 
India  is  divided  into  26  hydro  meteorologically  homogenous  sub  zones.  The  corridor  of  the 
proposed  project  –  package‐13  is  in  Lower  Ganga  Plains  Subzone  1(g).  For  assessing  design 
discharge of any given return period (100yrs. for bridges), input rainfalls for the design return 
period  are  found.  These  data  are  taken  from  the  isopluvial  maps  published  in  the  flood 
estimation report of Central Water Condition (CWC) for subzone 1(g), published jointly by CWC, 
IMD, RDSO, and MoRT&H. The rainfall depth values used for the project are given in the table 

Table 1.3.2‐1: Rainfall Depth along Project Road 
Location  24  Hours  Rainfall  24 Hours Rainfall (mm) 
(mm)  for  the  for  the  Return  Period 
Return Period of 50  of 100 Years 
Ramgarh  280  320 
Bokaro  240  300 
Source  :  Central  Water  Commission  Flood  Estimation  Report  for  Lower  Ganga  Plains 
subzone  1(g) 
The 100 year discharge data has been taken from Lower Ganga Plains subzone  1(g) as shown in 
Figure 1 which is Plate 10 of the report. 

Figure 1: 100 year 24 hour rainfall for subzone 1(g) 

1.3.3.  Survey Data 
The longitudinal section of the river extending to about 100m to 500m both on the U/S D/S side 
is  drawn  on  the  basis  of  actual  survey  data  received  from  site.  Longitudinal  section  of  the 
stream along deep channel is plotted for the stream to determine the longitudinal bed slope. 
Cross‐sections of the streams are also plotted across the stream up to 100 to 500m on u/s and 
d/s side.  Manning’s roughness coefficient (n), cross‐section area of flow (A), wetted perimeter 
(P) and conveyance (K) etc. are found for the stream. Design High Flood Level is assessed on the 
basis of the design flood.  

1.3.4. Silt factor from Bore Hole Data 
For  the  calculation  of  normal  scour  depth,  Lacey  has  introduced  one  formula  which  is  based 
upon the silt factor (Ksf). The value of Ksf depends upon the size and looseness of the grains of 
the alluvium. Ksf is assumed to be 1.0 for hydrological calculation purposes. 


2.1. Methodology Adopted For Discharge Computation  
Discharge  is  generally  computed  by  using  various  methods  (i.e.  Empirical  Formula,  modified 
Rational  method,  CWC  method,  Slope  Area  method),  as  recommended  in  IRC:SP:13‐2004  and 
IRC:5‐2014 are briefed below. Methods adopted in any particular case may vary depending on 
availability of data and site conditions.    

2.1.1.  Dicken’s method 
Dicken’s formula is commonly used for computation of flood discharge based on catchment area 
of the stream. 
Q = CA0.75                  
A = Catchment area in Sq. km. 
C  =  Run‐off  coefficient  which  depends  on  the  topography,  annual  rainfall,  type  of  soil, 
vegetation, ground slope, climate of the region, etc. 

2.1.2. Ryve’s method 
Ryve’s formula is commonly used for computation of flood discharge based on catchment area 
of the stream. 
Q = CM 2/3                  
M = Catchment area in Sq. km. 
C = 6.8 for areas within 25 km of the coast 
= 8.5 for areas between 25 km and 160 km of the coast 
= 1 0.0 for limited areas near the hills 

2.1.3.  Rational Formula  
Q= 0.028 PfAIC                        
Q = Maximum runoff in cumecs 
A = Catchment area in hectares 
Ic = Critical intensity of rainfall in cm/ hr. 
P = Coefficient of run‐off for the given catchment characteristics. 
F = Spread factor for converting point rainfall into area mean rainfall. 
Ic = (F/T)*(T+1) / (Tc+1)       
F =  Total Rainfall of T hours duration (24 hrs.)  in cm corresponding to  100 yrs return 

T = Duration of total rainfall (F) in hours= 24 hrs.  
Tc= Time of concentration in hour.     
Ic values found from Inglis formula (as per IRC: SP‐13) gives extremely high intensity of rainfall 
when  24  hrs  rainfall  is  considered.  Design  rainfall  intensity  Ic  is  therefore        computed  from 
rainfall  distribution  given  in  CWC’s  flood  estimation  report  corresponding  to  100  years  return 
period for bridges for storms of duration equal to time of concentration. Concentration time Tc 
is found for every catchment for the given stream from respective toposheets assuming some 
tortuosity  and  also  from  Dicken’s  and  Time  of  Travel  formulas  as  given  below.  Average  of  the 
two  values  is  taken  for  finding  Tc  and  corresponding  Ic.  Total  rainfall  in  24  hrs  is  adjusted 
corresponding  to  Tc  for  finding  critical  rainfall  intensity  Ic  from  the  rainfall  distribution  curve 
(Duration vs conversion ratio) of CWC report. 
Time of concentration 

Times of concentrations (Tc) are to be determined on the basis of stream lengths (Lc) and shape 
of catchment as well as from terrain slope and cover conditions from the toposheets as well as 
hydrological  survey  data  of  stream.  The  values  are  to  be  found  both  by  Dicken’s  (empirical) 
formulae as well as from time of travel from farthest point of catchment as follows: 
Dicken’s formula 
Tc = [0.87(L3/H)] 0.385                                                                                            
Where L is the length of catchment in km and H is the elevation difference in meter in length L.  
Time of Travel 
Lc is the main channel length and B is the average width of catchment contributing flow to the 
main channel. Vc is the mean velocity of flow along the main channel and the VB is the mean 
velocity of the flow from areas contributing flow to the main channel. Average value of Tc is to 
be taken as the concentration time. Point rainfall values are to be adjusted for areal mean value 
using spread factors as per IRC: SP‐13 and CWC report. 

2.1.4. Synthetic unit hydrograph method 
Synthetic unit hydrograph method is based on generation of flood hydrograph through certain 
equations certified by CWC department through CWC flood estimation report based on subzone 
of Lower Ganga Plains ‐ subzone 1(g).  
The following steps shall be taken for calculations of discharge: 
1. Preparation of catchment area plan. 
2. Determination  of  physiographic  parameters:  The  physiographic  parameters  determined 
from  the  catchment  area  plan  are  :  Catchment  Area,  length  of  the  longest  stream  and 
equivalent  stream  slope.  The  stream  slope  can  be  calculated  by  graphical  method  and  by 
mathematical method. 
3. Determination  of  1hr  unitgraph  parameters  with  the  known  values  of  A,  L  and  s.  The 
equations are as follows: 

qp = 2.0972/[tp]^(0.927) 
tp = 1.1808*[L*Lc/ √S]^(0.285) 
W50 = 1.2622*[tp]^(0.828) 
W75 = 0.7896*[tp]^(0.711) 
WR50 = 0.5357*[tp]^(0.745) 
WR75 = 0.3825*[tp]^(‐0.647) 
TB = 5.583*[(tp)^(0.824)] 
Tm = tp + tr/2 
Qp = qp x A 
4. Drawing of a synthetic unit graph 
5. Estimation of design storm duration 
6. Estimation of point rainfall and areal rainfall 
7. Time distribution of areal rainfall 
8. Estimation of effective rainfall unit 
9. Estimation of 100 year flood 
10. Computation of design flood hydrograph 
The  flood  hydrograph  is  generated  and  design  loss  rate  and  base  flow  are  added  to  the  main 
flow.  A  design  loss  rate  of  0.27cm/h  is  considered  and  base  flow  of  0.04cumec/  sq  km  of 
catchment area have been used as per CWC flood estimation report. 

2.1.5. Design Discharge for Bridges 
The  discharge  is  computed  by  various  methods  (discussed  above)  and  then  finally  the  design 
discharge is fixed based on provision given in IRC: SP‐13 and IRC 5. 
When  the  variation  between  the  highest  two  values  of  discharges  computed  by  different 
methods is less than 50%, the highest discharge has been taken as design discharge.  

2.1.6. Design HFL 
The project alignment is a green alignment. To accommodate the design discharge or in other 
words to facilitate design flood to pass through the proposed waterway, the normal flood level 
has  been  built  up  corresponding  to  design  discharge  using  stage  discharge  curve  and  then 
design HFL is computed by adding afflux to the normal flood level. The afflux is calculated for 
the constricted waterway or in other words for the proposed waterway of the bridge. 

2.1.7.  Recommended Waterway for Bridges  
Although IRC 5 ‐ 2014 recommends Lacey’s regime waterway as clear waterway under bridges. 
Based on the width of the banks for the confined streams and water spread at HFL and Lacey’s 
waterway, waterway for the bridges shall be recommended.  Lower of the two (Lacey’s regime 
waterway  and  normal  waterway)  shall  be  considered  to  estimate  clear  waterway  keeping  a 
maximum restriction up to 40 per cent (i.e. a fluming ratio of 60%) as recommended by IRC.  

2.2. Scour Depth    
Lacey’s equation is   used  for estimating normal scour depth as per IRC: 5  
R = 1.34 (q2/Ksf) 1/3           
Where  R  is  the  Lacey’s  regime  scour  depth,  measured  below  HFL,  q  is  the  design  discharge 
intensity under bridge in cumecs per meter and Ksf is silt factor given by the equation  
Ksf= 1.0 (assumed for worst condition) 
Normal  scour  depth  based  on  Lacey’s  equation  and  the  actual  observed  depth.  Higher  of  the 
two values is adopted for design.  Maximum scour level for pier and abutment will be calculated 
using  a  factor  of  safety  of  2  and  1.27,  respectively  as  per  IRC:  Code‐5.  For  computing  scour 
depth, design discharge is to be enhanced by 30% to provide for adequate margin of safety as 
per provision of IRC: 78 ‐ 2000.   

2.3. Afflux 
Afflux is the difference in water surface elevation at any point u/s of the bridge before and after 
the  construction  of  bridge  for  a  given  flow.    Afflux  occurs  just  upstream  of  the  bridge  and  it 
reduces to zero at a point where normal HFL meets new HFL due to constriction of waterway. 
Afflux  can  be  estimated  by  using  several  empirical  equations.  IRC:SP‐13  recommends  use  of 
weir/orifice  formula  for  computing  flow  with  known  afflux  or  vice  versa.  This  method  has 
already  been  discussed  above.  Other  methods  which  are  used  to  calculate  afflux  are  given 

2.3.1. AASHTO Formula 
For  shallow  channels  with  wide  flood  planes,  afflux  can  be  obtained    from  the  following 
expression. (Bradley 1970) 
H1* = 3(1‐M) Vn22 /2g  
M = Qb/Q, Qb is that portion of the total discharge Q in the approach channel within a width 
equal to the projected length of the bridge  
Vn2   = Q/An2 
An2  is  the  gross  area  of  waterway  under  the  bridge  opening  below  normal  stream  depth 
corresponding to design discharge.  

2.3.2.  Molesworth equation 
IRC 5 and IRC 89 recommend use of Molesworth equation  
H1*  = [V2/17.88 +0.015] [(A/A1)+2‐1] 
Where V = Mean velocity of flow prior to bridge construction.  
A and A1 are areas of flow section at normal HFL in approach river section and under the bridge 


3.1. Proposal for Bridge 
As discussed above the hydrological analysis has been done for all the rivers crossings and pond 
locations  along  the  proposed  road.  The  water  way of  the  cross‐drainage  structures  have  been 
worked out based upon the design flood and survey data. The details of proposals for bridges 
are as mentioned in Annexure B. 

Proposal of Bridges 

Discharge  Proposed 
Name of 
Bridge  Design  for  Linear 
S. No.  stream or  Design HFL  Velocity  LBL  Soffit Level  
Ch.  Discharge  foundation  Waterway/ 
design  total span 

   km     m3/s  m3/s  m  m/s  m   m   m 

1  358+980  Local nala  126.453  164.389  352.548  1.742  349.040  40.0  353.448 
2  359+800  Local nala  51.657  67.154  359.629  1.609  358.564  25.0  360.529 
3  360+240  Local nala  79.284  103.069  361.292  2.176  360.030  35.0  362.192 
4  363+465  Local nala  20.218  26.283  390.083  0.915  388.350  15.0  390.683 
5  364+620  Local nala  15.060  19.578  389.589  1.818  388.160  15.0  390.189 
6  366+120  Local nala  7.580  9.854  384.545  0.859  383.751  10.0  385.145 
7  369+020  Khanjo River  458.220  595.687  366.762  3.074  363.490  70.0  367.962 
8  370+920  Local nala  20.012  26.016  380.507  1.962  379.770  15.0  381.107 
9  374+250  Local nala  7.894  10.263  375.092  0.779  374.492  10.0  375.692 
10  376+415  Local nala  3.429  4.458  355.900  0.947  355.259  6.0  356.500 
11  377+240  Local nala  66.648  86.643  326.075  1.368  324.521  27.0  326.975 
12  378+200  Ijri nadi  156.172  203.024  313.526  2.864  311.360  50.0  314.426 
13  380+610  Local Nala  13.904  18.076  331.218  0.564  330.015  12.0  331.818 
14  381+700  Local Nala  8.200  10.660  337.733  0.518  337.012  10.0  338.333 

15  383+650  Local Nala  8.188  10.644  328.662  0.446  327.941  10.0  329.262 
Discharge  Proposed 
Name of 
Bridge  Design  for  Linear 
S. No.  stream or  Design HFL  Velocity  LBL  Soffit Level  
Ch.  Discharge  foundation  Waterway/ 
design  total span 

   km     m3/s  m3/s  m  m/s  m   m   m 

16  384+550  Gobai river  294.360  382.669  321.387  2.084  319.236  60.0  322.287 
17  385+780  Local Nala  8.323  10.819  322.078  0.582  321.164  10.0  322.678 
18  387+060  Local Nala  155.133  201.673  312.518  1.316  310.198  40.0  313.418 

Annexure A: Catchment area for bridges
Annexure B: Detailed hydrological
calculations for bridges
Proposed Chainage = 358+980
Catchment Area = 18.03 Km2
River Name = Local nala

Peak Discharge Computation by Various Methods

1 Discharge by Dicken's Method 120.31 cumec
2 Discharge by Ryve's Method 58.45 cumec
3 Discharge by Rational Method 126.45 cumec
4 Discharge by SUH Method - cumec

Adopted design discharge 126.45 cumec

for fixing clear warerway= 5.25 cumec
For fixing HFL = 139.11 cumec
For estimation of scour = 164.3888 cumec

Clear waterway provided = 40 m
Lacey's waterway = 53.97661 m

HFL, afflux and Velocity

Afflux (h) (m) = 0.01 m
Velocity under bridge = 1.741724 m/s
HFL with afflux for Q100 = 352.5476 m
Vertical Clearance = 0.9 m
Minimum Soffit Level = 353.4476 m

Scour Calculation
Q for scour = 164.3888 cumec
Silt Factor (Assumed) = 1
Clear waterway = 40 m
Normal scour (m below HFL) = 3.438 m
LBL (m) = 349.040 m
Depth from (HFL-LBL) = 3.508 m
R (Adopted) = 3.438 m
Maximum scour under pier = 6.876 m
Maximum scour under abutment = 4.366 m
HFL (m) = 352.548 m
MSL for pier (m) = 345.671 m
MSL for abutment (m) = 348.181 m

Froude's no = 0.300
Waterway considered = 44.00 m
Fluming ratio = 0.909
Proposed Chainage 358+980

1) By Empirical Method (Dicken's Formula)

= 0.75
Q CA Cumecs
Area of catchment, A = 18.03 Km2
Coefficent, C = 13.75 Annual Rainfall is 112.7mm

Design Flood Discharge,

Q = 120.31 Cumecs

2) By Ryve's Method
Q = CM Cumecs
Area of catchment, M = 18.03 Km2
Coefficent, C = 8.5

Design Flood Discharge,

Q = 58.45 Cumecs

3) By Rational Method

Catchment Area, A = 18.03 Km2 = 1803 Hectares

Length, Lc = 7.30 Km (torquisity being taken as 1.25)
Width, B = 3.00 Km
Length, L = 6.00 Km
Height, H = 180.0 m
tc1 = ((Lc/1.5) + 2.19 Hours

as per IRC SP 13 , tc2 =

(0.87 x L3/H)^0.385 1.3 Hours
Average time of concentration, tc = 1.7 Hours

100 years return period rainfall for 24 hours as = 320 mm

per CWC Flood Estimation Report for Sub -zone

Conversion ratio for tc hours as per CWC Sub = 0.443

zone-1(g) report

tc hr rainfall = 141.80 mm

Intensity of rainfall, Ic = 8.19 cm/hr

Spread factor as per CWC Subzone-1(g) report, f = 0.77

Permeability Co-efficient as per terrain condition, P = 0.4

Design discharge, Q100 = 0.0278PfAIc Cumecs

= 126.5 Cumecs

Appendix - 2.1 (Page 1)

Calculation of Longitudinal Slope for :-

Chainage (m) RL (m)

0.000 349.020
14.813 349.210
28.919 348.960
56.203 348.890
67.029 348.520
78.938 348.700
91.622 348.540
117.731 348.370 From RL along the long section,
131.556 348.350 RL at Ch. 0 = 349.020
146.823 348.280 RL at Ch. 171 = 348.650
164.610 348.520 Slope = 1 in 462
171.119 348.650 Slope through chart = 0.0041

ADOPTED SLOPE = 1 in 462

Longitudinal Slope of Stream for Bridge at Ch. 358+980km


y = -0.0041x + 349.03
R² = 0.6431


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Chainage (m)
Determination of Flow Depth at Bridge Site

AR2/3 = K*n = Q*n/S1/2

Q = 126.45
n = 0.040
S = 0.0022
AR2/3 = 108.78 139.113

Chainage(m) HFL (m) HFL Distance h Avg h Diff in h Area Perimeter

3.500 352.540
0.000 355.000 352.540 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
8.000 355.000 352.540 352.540 8.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
10.136 351.760 352.540 2.136 0.780 0.390 0.780 0.833 2.274
19.787 349.940 352.540 9.651 2.600 1.690 1.820 16.310 9.821
24.597 349.210 352.540 4.810 3.330 2.965 0.730 14.261 4.865
29.216 349.040 352.540 4.619 3.500 3.415 0.170 15.776 4.623
38.124 351.050 352.540 8.908 1.490 2.495 2.010 22.225 9.132
49.667 352.250 352.540 11.543 0.290 0.890 1.200 10.273 11.605
51.000 355.000 352.540 1.333 0.000 0.145 0.290 0.193 1.365
SUM 79.871 43.684
conveyance 2985.67

Cross Sectional Area, A = 79.87 m Q design 139.113
Wetted Perimeter, P = 43.7 m
Hydraulic radius, R = 1.828 m v= 1.741723539 m/s
AR2/3 = 119.67

Crossection at Bridge site


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
Calculation of Afflux by different methods
Design Discharge = 126.45 cumecs
Effective Span = 40.00 m
Actual Waterway = 44.00 m
W / L Ratio = 1.10 Average Afflux = 0.01 m
Regime depth = 3.50 m
vn1 = 0.24 m/s Normal Flood Level = 352.54 m
vn2 = 0.90 m/s
Design HFL = 352.548 m
1) Molesworth Eqn : (vn /17.88 + 0.015)*((A/A1)2 - 1)

h1* = 0.00 m

2) ASTHO Formula : 3*(1 - M)*(vn22/(2*g))

h1* = 0.01
Normal Crossection at Bridge Site

Chainage Bed Level HFL

0.000 352.260 352.548 Normal Crossection at Bridge Site
5.075 351.990 352.548
10.136 351.760 352.548 353.0
HFL = 352.548m
19.787 349.940 352.548
24.597 349.210 352.548 352.0

R.L. (m)
29.216 349.040 352.548
38.124 351.050 352.548
49.667 352.250 352.548 350.0
63.462 352.410 352.548

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Chainage (m)
Proposed Chainage = 359+800
Catchment Area = 4.441 Km2
River Name = Local nala

Peak Discharge Computation by Various Methods

1 Discharge by Dicken's Method 42.06 cumec
2 Discharge by Ryve's Method 22.97 cumec
3 Discharge by Rational Method 51.66 cumec
4 Discharge by SUH Method - cumec

Adopted design discharge 51.66 cumec

for fixing clear warerway= 5.25 cumec
For fixing HFL = 57.47 cumec
For estimation of scour = 67.15389 cumec

Clear waterway provided = 25 m
Lacey's waterway = 34.49889 m

HFL, afflux and Velocity

Afflux (h) (m) = 0.16 m
Velocity under bridge = 1.608766 m/s
HFL with afflux for Q100 = 359.6286 m
Vertical Clearance = 0.9 m
Minimum Soffit Level = 360.5286 m

Scour Calculation
Q for scour = 67.15389 cumec
Silt Factor (Assumed) = 1
Clear waterway = 25 m
Normal scour (m below HFL) = 2.589 m
LBL (m) = 358.564 m
Depth from (HFL-LBL) = 1.065 m
R (Adopted) = 2.589 m
Maximum scour under pier = 5.179 m
Maximum scour under abutment = 3.288 m
HFL (m) = 359.629 m
MSL for pier (m) = 354.450 m
MSL for abutment (m) = 356.340 m

Froude's no = 0.319
Waterway considered = 39.42 m
Fluming ratio = 0.634
Proposed Chainage 359+800

1) By Empirical Method (Dicken's Formula)

= 0.75
Q CA Cumecs
Area of catchment, A = 4.44 Km2
Coefficent, C = 13.75 Annual Rainfall is 112.7mm

Design Flood Discharge,

Q = 42.06 Cumecs

2) By Ryve's Method
Q = CM Cumecs
Area of catchment, M = 4.44 Km2
Coefficent, C = 8.5

Design Flood Discharge,

Q = 22.97 Cumecs

3) By Rational Method

Catchment Area, A = 4.44 Km2 = 444.1 Hectares

Length, Lc = 4.88 Km (torquisity being taken as 1.25)
Width, B = 1.49 Km
Length, L = 2.98 Km
Height, H = 182.0 m
tc1 = ((Lc/1.5) + 1.32 Hours

as per IRC SP 13 , tc2 =

(0.87 x L3/H)^0.385 0.8 Hours
Average time of concentration, tc = 1.1 Hours

100 years return period rainfall for 24 hours as = 320 mm

per CWC Flood Estimation Report for Sub -zone

Conversion ratio for tc hours as per CWC Sub = 0.376

zone-1(g) report

tc hr rainfall = 120.24 mm

Intensity of rainfall, Ic = 11.37 cm/hr

Spread factor as per CWC Subzone-1(g) report, f = 0.92

Permeability Co-efficient as per terrain condition, P = 0.4

Design discharge, Q100 = 0.0278PfAIc Cumecs

= 51.7 Cumecs

Appendix - 2.1 (Page 1)

Calculation of Longitudinal Slope for :-

Chainage (m) RL (m)

0.000 358.560
10.153 358.500
15.414 358.650
26.684 358.570
36.734 358.810
50.412 359.140
60.464 359.410
70.444 359.910 From RL along the long section,
84.523 360.530 RL at Ch. 0 = 358.560
95.816 360.380 RL at Ch. 101 = 360.400
100.905 360.400 Slope = 1 in 55
Slope through chart = 0.0223


Longitudinal Slope of Stream for Bridge at Ch. 359+800km



y = 0.0223x + 358.23
R² = 0.9243


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Chainage (m)
Determination of Flow Depth at Bridge Site

AR2/3 = K*n = Q*n/S1/2

Q = 51.66
n = 0.034
S = 0.0060
AR2/3 = 22.67 57.465

Chainage(m) HFL (m) HFL Distance h Avg h Diff in h Area Perimeter

0.900 359.464
359740 361.000 359.464 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
359760 361.000 359.464 359.464 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
359780 358.564 359.464 20.000 0.900 0.450 0.900 9.000 20.020
359800 358.578 359.464 20.000 0.886 0.893 0.014 17.860 20.000
359820 361.000 359.464 20.000 0.000 0.443 0.886 8.860 20.020
359840 361.000 359.464 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
359860 361.000 359.464 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
SUM 35.720 60.040
conveyance 743.16

Cross Sectional Area, A = 35.72 m Q design 57.465
Wetted Perimeter, P = 60.0 m
Hydraulic radius, R = 0.595 m v= 1.608765709 m/s
AR2/3 = 25.22

Crossection at Bridge site






359740 359760 359780 359800 359820 359840 359860
Calculation of Afflux by different methods
Design Discharge = 51.66 cumecs
Effective Span = 25.00 m
Actual Waterway = 39.42 m
W / L Ratio = 1.58 Average Afflux = 0.16 m
Regime depth = 0.90 m
vn1 = 0.38 m/s Normal Flood Level = 359.464 m
vn2 = 2.30 m/s
Design HFL = 359.629 m
1) Molesworth Eqn : (vn /17.88 + 0.015)*((A/A1)2 - 1)

h1* = 0.03 m

2) ASTHO Formula : 3*(1 - M)*(vn22/(2*g))

h1* = 0.29
Normal Crossection at Bridge Site

Chainage Bed Level HFL

359740 357.788 359.629 Normal Crossection at Bridge Site
359760 357.893 359.629
359780 358.564 359.629
359800 358.578 359.629
359820 358.800 359.629 HFL = 359.629m

R.L. (m)
359840 358.939 359.629
359860 359.289 359.629


359740 359760 359780 359800 359820 359840 359860
Chainage (m)
Proposed Chainage = 360+240
Catchment Area = 9.436 Km2
River Name = Local nala

Peak Discharge Computation by Various Methods

1 Discharge by Dicken's Method 74.03 cumec
2 Discharge by Ryve's Method 37.96 cumec
3 Discharge by Rational Method 79.28 cumec
4 Discharge by SUH Method - cumec

Adopted design discharge 79.28 cumec

for fixing clear warerway= 5.25 cumec
For fixing HFL = 82.64 cumec
For estimation of scour = 103.0687 cumec

Clear waterway provided = 35 m
Lacey's waterway = 42.73984 m

HFL, afflux and Velocity

Afflux (h) (m) = 0.16 m
Velocity under bridge = 2.175653 m/s
HFL with afflux for Q100 = 361.2921 m
Vertical Clearance = 0.9 m
Minimum Soffit Level = 362.1921 m

Scour Calculation
Q for scour = 103.0687 cumec
Silt Factor (Assumed) = 1
Clear waterway = 35 m
Normal scour (m below HFL) = 2.753 m
LBL (m) = 360.030 m
Depth from (HFL-LBL) = 1.262 m
R (Adopted) = 2.753 m
Maximum scour under pier = 5.506 m
Maximum scour under abutment = 3.496 m
HFL (m) = 361.292 m
MSL for pier (m) = 355.786 m
MSL for abutment (m) = 357.796 m

Froude's no = 0.419
Waterway considered = 60.00 m
Fluming ratio = 0.583
Proposed Chainage 360+240

1) By Empirical Method (Dicken's Formula)

= 0.75
Q CA Cumecs
Area of catchment, A = 9.44 Km2
Coefficent, C = 13.75 Annual Rainfall is 112.7mm

Design Flood Discharge,

Q = 74.03 Cumecs

2) By Ryve's Method
Q = CM Cumecs
Area of catchment, M = 9.44 Km2
Coefficent, C = 8.5

Design Flood Discharge,

Q = 37.96 Cumecs

3) By Rational Method

Catchment Area, A = 9.44 Km2 = 943.6 Hectares

Length, Lc = 5.63 Km (torquisity being taken as 1.25)
Width, B = 2.17 Km
Length, L = 4.34 Km
Height, H = 169.0 m
tc1 = ((Lc/1.5) + 1.65 Hours

as per IRC SP 13 , tc2 =

(0.87 x L3/H)^0.385 1.0 Hours
Average time of concentration, tc = 1.3 Hours

100 years return period rainfall for 24 hours as = 320 mm

per CWC Flood Estimation Report for Sub -zone

Conversion ratio for tc hours as per CWC Sub = 0.401

zone-1(g) report

tc hr rainfall = 128.21 mm

Intensity of rainfall, Ic = 9.81 cm/hr

Spread factor as per CWC Subzone-1(g) report, f = 0.77

Permeability Co-efficient as per terrain condition, P = 0.4

Design discharge, Q100 = 0.0278PfAIc Cumecs

= 79.3 Cumecs

Appendix - 2.1 (Page 1)

Calculation of Longitudinal Slope for :-

Chainage (m) RL (m)

0.000 358.600
14.218 358.750
29.648 358.940
38.800 359.620
40.370 359.140
47.803 359.130
55.633 359.640
60.380 360.300 From RL along the long section,
64.792 359.490 RL at Ch. 0 = 358.600
68.232 359.510 RL at Ch. 144 = 360.930
78.038 359.650 Slope = 1 in 62
82.765 360.290 Slope through chart = 0.0173
89.351 359.840 57.80347
91.644 359.790
97.565 360.420
108.276 360.770
123.406 360.790 ADOPTED SLOPE = 1 in 62
127.827 360.790
133.689 360.670
143.517 360.930
148.521 361.320

Longitudinal Slope of Stream for Bridge at Ch. 360+240km




y = 0.0173x + 358.57
R² = 0.8827

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Chainage (m)
Determination of Flow Depth at Bridge Site

AR2/3 = K*n = Q*n/S1/2

Q = 79.28
n = 0.034
S = 0.0081
AR2/3 = 29.92 82.636

Chainage(m) HFL (m) HFL Distance h Avg h Diff in h Area Perimeter

1.100 361.130
0.000 363.000 361.130 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
18.000 363.000 361.130 361.130 18.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
20.990 360.790 361.130 2.990 0.340 0.170 0.340 0.508 3.009
31.818 360.130 361.130 10.828 1.000 0.670 0.660 7.255 10.848
34.921 360.398 361.130 3.104 0.732 0.866 0.268 2.688 3.115
45.374 360.700 361.130 13.556 0.430 0.715 0.570 9.692 13.568
53.489 360.030 361.130 18.568 1.100 0.916 0.368 17.008 18.572
55.000 363.000 361.130 1.511 0.000 0.550 1.100 0.831 1.869
77.090 363.000 361.130 22.090 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
SUM 37.982 50.980
conveyance 918.09

Cross Sectional Area, A = 37.98 m Q design 82.636
Wetted Perimeter, P = 51.0 m
Hydraulic radius, R = 0.745 m V= 2.175653024 m/s
AR2/3 = 31.18

Crossection at Bridge site







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Calculation of Afflux by different methods
Design Discharge = 79.28 cumecs
Effective Span = 35.00 m
Actual Waterway = 60.00 m
W / L Ratio = 1.71 Average Afflux = 0.16 m
Regime depth = 1.10 m
vn1 = 0.48 m/s Normal Flood Level = 361.13 m
vn2 = 2.06 m/s
Design HFL = 361.292 m
1) Molesworth Eqn : (vn /17.88 + 0.015)*((A/A1)2 - 1)

h1* = 0.05 m

2) ASTHO Formula : 3*(1 - M)*(vn22/(2*g))

h1* = 0.27
Normal Crossection at Bridge Site

Chainage Bed Level HFL

Normal Crossection at Bridge Site
0.000 360.720 361.292 363.0
9.798 360.580 361.292
20.990 360.790 361.292 362.0
31.818 360.130 361.292 HFL = 361.292m
34.921 360.398 361.292 361.0

R.L. (m)
45.374 360.700 361.292
53.489 360.030 361.292 360.0
65.393 361.320 361.292
77.090 361.010 361.292 359.0

0 20 40 60 80
Chainage (m)
Proposed Chainage = 363+465
Catchment Area = 1.672 Km2
River Name = Local nala

Peak Discharge Computation by Various Methods

1 Discharge by Dicken's Method 20.22 cumec
2 Discharge by Ryve's Method 11.97 cumec
3 Discharge by Rational Method 16.95 cumec
4 Discharge by SUH Method - cumec

Adopted design discharge 20.22 cumec

for fixing clear warerway= 5.25 cumec
For fixing HFL = 27.65 cumec
For estimation of scour = 26.2829 cumec

Clear waterway provided = 15 m
Lacey's waterway = 21.58272 m

HFL, afflux and Velocity

Afflux (h) (m) = 0.03 m
Velocity under bridge = 0.914929 m/s
HFL with afflux for Q100 = 390.0829 m
Vertical Clearance = 0.6 m
Minimum Soffit Level = 390.6829 m

Scour Calculation
Q for scour = 26.2829 cumec
Silt Factor (Assumed) = 1
Clear waterway = 15 m
Normal scour (m below HFL) = 1.948 m
LBL (m) = 388.350 m
Depth from (HFL-LBL) = 1.733 m
R (Adopted) = 1.948 m
Maximum scour under pier = 3.895 m
Maximum scour under abutment = 2.473 m
HFL (m) = 390.083 m
MSL for pier (m) = 386.188 m
MSL for abutment (m) = 387.609 m

Froude's no = 0.209
Waterway considered = 25.00 m
Fluming ratio = 0.600
Proposed Chainage 363+465

1) By Empirical Method (Dicken's Formula)

= 0.75
Q CA Cumecs
Area of catchment, A = 1.67 Km2
Coefficent, C = 13.75 Annual Rainfall is 112.7mm

Design Flood Discharge,

Q = 20.22 Cumecs

2) By Ryve's Method
Q = CM Cumecs
Area of catchment, M = 1.67 Km2
Coefficent, C = 8.5

Design Flood Discharge,

Q = 11.97 Cumecs

3) By Rational Method

Catchment Area, A = 1.67 Km2 = 167.2 Hectares

Length, Lc = 3.93 Km (torquisity being taken as 1.25)
Width, B = 0.91 Km
Length, L = 1.83 Km
Height, H = 112.0 m
tc1 = ((Lc/1.5) + 0.98 Hours

as per IRC SP 13 , tc2 =

(0.87 x L3/H)^0.385 0.7 Hours
Average time of concentration, tc = 0.9 Hours

100 years return period rainfall for 24 hours as = 320 mm

per CWC Flood Estimation Report for Sub -zone

Conversion ratio for tc hours as per CWC Sub = 0.320

zone-1(g) report

tc hr rainfall = 102.32 mm

Intensity of rainfall, Ic = 11.84 cm/hr

Spread factor as per CWC Subzone-1(g) report, f = 0.77

Permeability Co-efficient as per terrain condition, P = 0.4

Design discharge, Q100 = 0.0278PfAIc Cumecs

= 17.0 Cumecs

Appendix - 2.1 (Page 1)

Calculation of Longitudinal Slope for :-

Chainage (m) RL (m)

0.000 388.010
9.855 387.720
19.669 387.490
27.774 387.460
31.895 387.530
42.719 387.500
55.005 387.520
62.502 387.610 From RL along the long section,
95.132 386.130 RL at Ch. 0 = 388.010
102.058 385.960 RL at Ch. 119 = 385.570
113.957 385.680 Slope = 1 in 49
118.804 385.570 Slope through chart = 0.0201


Longitudinal Slope of Stream for Bridge at Ch. 363+465km


y = -0.0201x + 388.15
R² = 0.8812



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Chainage (m)
Determination of Flow Depth at Bridge Site

AR2/3 = K*n = Q*n/S1/2

Q = 20.22
n = 0.055
S = 0.0021
AR2/3 = 24.54 27.652

Chainage(m) HFL (m) HFL Distance h Avg h Diff in h Area Perimeter

1.700 390.050
0.000 392.000 390.050 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
13.000 392.000 390.050 390.050 13.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
15.483 388.350 390.050 2.483 1.700 0.850 1.700 2.111 3.009
25.693 389.070 390.050 10.210 0.980 1.340 0.720 13.681 10.235
30.535 388.490 390.050 4.842 1.560 1.270 0.580 6.150 4.877
32.742 388.490 390.050 2.206 1.560 1.560 0.000 3.442 2.206
36.924 389.450 390.050 4.182 0.600 1.080 0.960 4.517 4.291
38.000 392.000 390.050 1.076 0.000 0.300 0.600 0.323 1.232
62.891 392.000 390.050 24.891 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
SUM 30.223 25.851
conveyance 609.85

Cross Sectional Area, A = 30.22 m Q design 27.652
Wetted Perimeter, P = 25.9 m
Hydraulic radius, R = 1.169 m v= 0.914929219 m/s
AR2/3 = 33.56

Crossection at Bridge site







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Calculation of Afflux by different methods
Design Discharge = 20.22 cumecs
Effective Span = 15.00 m
Actual Waterway = 25.00 m
W / L Ratio = 1.67 Average Afflux = 0.03 m
Regime depth = 1.70 m
vn1 = 0.08 m/s Normal Flood Level = 390.05 m
vn2 = 0.79 m/s
Design HFL = 390.083 m
1) Molesworth Eqn : (vn /17.88 + 0.015)*((A/A1)2 - 1)

h1* = 0.03 m

2) ASTHO Formula : 3*(1 - M)*(vn22/(2*g))

h1* = 0.04
Normal Crossection at Bridge Site

Chainage Bed Level HFL

0.000 388.320 390.083 Normal Crossection at Bridge Site
10.419 388.170 390.083
15.483 388.350 390.083 HFL = 389.083m
25.693 389.070 390.083
30.535 388.490 390.083

R.L. (m)
32.742 388.490 390.083
36.924 389.450 390.083
52.162 390.820 390.083
62.891 390.580 390.083

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Chainage (m)
Proposed Chainage = 364+620
Catchment Area = 1.129 Km2
River Name = Local nala

Peak Discharge Computation by Various Methods

1 Discharge by Dicken's Method 15.06 cumec
2 Discharge by Ryve's Method 9.22 cumec
3 Discharge by Rational Method 11.45 cumec
4 Discharge by SUH Method - cumec

Adopted design discharge 15.06 cumec

for fixing clear warerway= 5.25 cumec
For fixing HFL = 46.10 cumec
For estimation of scour = 19.57792 cumec

Clear waterway provided = 15 m
Lacey's waterway = 18.62742 m

HFL, afflux and Velocity

Afflux (h) (m) = 0.03 m
Velocity under bridge = 1.818323 m/s
HFL with afflux for Q100 = 389.5893 m
Vertical Clearance = 0.6 m
Minimum Soffit Level = 390.1893 m

Scour Calculation
Q for scour = 19.57792 cumec
Silt Factor (Assumed) = 1
Clear waterway = 15 m
Normal scour (m below HFL) = 1.600 m
LBL (m) = 388.160 m
Depth from (HFL-LBL) = 1.429 m
R (Adopted) = 1.600 m
Maximum scour under pier = 3.201 m
Maximum scour under abutment = 2.032 m
HFL (m) = 389.589 m
MSL for pier (m) = 386.389 m
MSL for abutment (m) = 387.557 m

Froude's no = 0.459
Waterway considered = 25.00 m
Fluming ratio = 0.600
Proposed Chainage 364+620

1) By Empirical Method (Dicken's Formula)

= 0.75
Q CA Cumecs
Area of catchment, A = 1.13 Km2
Coefficent, C = 13.75 Annual Rainfall is 112.7mm

Design Flood Discharge,

Q = 15.06 Cumecs

2) By Ryve's Method
Q = CM Cumecs
Area of catchment, M = 1.13 Km2
Coefficent, C = 8.5

Design Flood Discharge,

Q = 9.22 Cumecs

3) By Rational Method

Catchment Area, A = 1.13 Km2 = 112.9 Hectares

Length, Lc = 1.31 Km (torquisity being taken as 1.25)
Width, B = 0.75 Km
Length, L = 1.50 Km
Height, H = 217.0 m
tc1 = ((Lc/1.5) + 0.45 Hours

as per IRC SP 13 , tc2 =

(0.87 x L3/H)^0.385 0.2 Hours
Average time of concentration, tc = 0.3 Hours

100 years return period rainfall for 24 hours as = 320 mm

per CWC Flood Estimation Report for Sub -zone

Conversion ratio for tc hours as per CWC Sub = 0.113

zone-1(g) report

tc hr rainfall = 36.32 mm

Intensity of rainfall, Ic = 11.84 cm/hr

Spread factor as per CWC Subzone-1(g) report, f = 0.77

Permeability Co-efficient as per terrain condition, P = 0.4

Design discharge, Q100 = 0.0278PfAIc Cumecs

= 11.4 Cumecs

Appendix - 2.1 (Page 1)

Calculation of Longitudinal Slope for :-

Chainage (m) RL (m)

0.000 386.580
7.956 386.640
16.222 386.500
20.929 386.400
24.770 386.610
29.112 386.380
36.865 386.390
40.610 386.340 From RL along the long section,
48.943 386.420 RL at Ch. 0 = 386.580
53.508 386.180 RL at Ch. 126 = 385.680
66.966 386.160 Slope = 1 in 140
70.135 386.260 Slope through chart = 0.0078
73.650 386.550 128.2051
79.719 386.210
89.957 385.900
95.642 385.900
100.513 385.780 ADOPTED SLOPE = 1 in 140
105.683 385.720
111.270 385.730
117.187 385.780
125.597 385.680

Longitudinal Slope of Stream for Bridge at Ch. 364+620km



y = -0.0078x + 386.68
R² = 0.8364


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
Chainage (m)
Determination of Flow Depth at Bridge Site

AR2/3 = K*n = Q*n/S1/2

Q = 15.06
n = 0.045
S = 0.0072
AR2/3 = 8.01 46.104

Chainage(m) HFL (m) HFL Distance h Avg h Diff in h Area Perimeter

1.400 389.560
0.000 391.000 389.560 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
20.000 391.000 389.560 389.560 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
22.090 388.490 389.560 2.090 1.070 0.535 1.070 1.118 2.348
32.981 388.760 389.560 10.891 0.800 0.935 0.270 10.183 10.894
36.059 388.160 389.560 3.078 1.400 1.100 0.600 3.386 3.136
37.440 388.350 389.560 1.381 1.210 1.305 0.190 1.802 1.394
44.454 388.480 389.560 7.014 1.080 1.145 0.130 8.031 7.015
46.000 391.000 389.560 1.546 0.000 0.540 1.080 0.835 1.886
66.556 391.000 389.560 20.556 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
SUM 25.355 26.673
conveyance 544.73

Cross Sectional Area, A = 25.36 m Q design 46.104
Wetted Perimeter, P = 26.7 m
Hydraulic radius, R = 0.951 m v= 1.818322983 m/s
AR2/3 = 24.51

Crossection at Bridge site








0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
Calculation of Afflux by different methods
Design Discharge = 15.06 cumecs
Effective Span = 15.00 m
Actual Waterway = 25.00 m
W / L Ratio = 1.67 Average Afflux = 0.03 m
Regime depth = 1.40 m
vn1 = 0.07 m/s Normal Flood Level = 389.56 m
vn2 = 0.72 m/s
Design HFL = 389.589 m
1) Molesworth Eqn : (vn /17.88 + 0.015)*((A/A1)2 - 1)

h1* = 0.03 m

2) ASTHO Formula : 3*(1 - M)*(vn22/(2*g))

h1* = 0.03
Normal Crossection at Bridge Site

Chainage Bed Level HFL Normal Crossection at Bridge Site

0.000 391.000 389.589 393.0
20.000 391.000 389.589 392.0
22.090 388.490 389.589 391.0
32.981 388.760 389.589 HFL = 389.589m
36.059 388.160 389.589

R.L. (m)
37.440 388.350 389.589 389.0
44.454 388.480 389.589 388.0
46.000 391.000 389.589
66.556 391.000 389.589
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Chainage (m)
Proposed Chainage = 366+120
Catchment Area = 0.452 Km2
River Name = Local nala

Peak Discharge Computation by Various Methods

1 Discharge by Dicken's Method 7.58 cumec
2 Discharge by Ryve's Method 5.01 cumec
3 Discharge by Rational Method 5.95 cumec
4 Discharge by SUH Method - cumec

Adopted design discharge 7.58 cumec

for fixing clear warerway= 5.25 cumec
For fixing HFL = 12.03 cumec
For estimation of scour = 9.853712 cumec

Clear waterway provided = 10 m
Lacey's waterway = 13.21507 m

HFL, afflux and Velocity

Afflux (h) (m) = 0.09 m
Velocity under bridge = 0.859375 m/s
HFL with afflux for Q100 = 384.5449 m
Vertical Clearance = 0.6 m
Minimum Soffit Level = 385.1449 m

Scour Calculation
Q for scour = 9.853712 cumec
Silt Factor (Assumed) = 1
Clear waterway = 10 m
Normal scour (m below HFL) = 1.327 m
LBL (m) = 383.751 m
Depth from (HFL-LBL) = 0.794 m
R (Adopted) = 1.327 m
Maximum scour under pier = 2.654 m
Maximum scour under abutment = 1.685 m
HFL (m) = 384.545 m
MSL for pier (m) = 381.891 m
MSL for abutment (m) = 382.860 m

Froude's no = 0.238
Waterway considered = 25.00 m
Fluming ratio = 0.400
Proposed Chainage 366+120

1) By Empirical Method (Dicken's Formula)

= 0.75
Q CA Cumecs
Area of catchment, A = 0.45 Km2
Coefficent, C = 13.75 Annual Rainfall is 112.7mm

Design Flood Discharge,

Q = 7.58 Cumecs

2) By Ryve's Method
Q = CM Cumecs
Area of catchment, M = 0.45 Km2
Coefficent, C = 8.5

Design Flood Discharge,

Q = 5.01 Cumecs

3) By Rational Method

Catchment Area, A = 0.45 Km2 = 45.2 Hectares

Length, Lc = 0.40 Km (torquisity being taken as 1.25)
Width, B = 0.48 Km
Length, L = 0.95 Km
Height, H = 10.0 m
tc1 = ((Lc/1.5) + 0.21 Hours

as per IRC SP 13 , tc2 =

(0.87 x L3/H)^0.385 0.1 Hours
Average time of concentration, tc = 0.2 Hours

100 years return period rainfall for 24 hours as = 320 mm

per CWC Flood Estimation Report for Sub -zone

Conversion ratio for tc hours as per CWC Sub = 0.063

zone-1(g) report

tc hr rainfall = 20.10 mm

Intensity of rainfall, Ic = 11.84 cm/hr

Spread factor as per CWC Subzone-1(g) report, f = 1

Permeability Co-efficient as per terrain condition, P = 0.4

Design discharge, Q100 = 0.0278PfAIc Cumecs

= 6.0 Cumecs

Appendix - 2.1 (Page 1)

Calculation of Longitudinal Slope for :-

Chainage (m) RL (m)

0.000 384.210
9.926 384.180
19.848 384.010
29.709 384.020
39.872 383.880
49.778 383.740
59.839 383.650
69.770 383.640 From RL along the long section,
79.780 383.640 RL at Ch. 0 = 384.210
89.774 383.640 RL at Ch. 95 = 383.630
94.914 383.630 Slope = 1 in 164
Slope through chart = 0.0078

ADOPTED SLOPE = 1 in 164

Longitudinal Slope of Stream for Bridge at Ch. 366+120km




y = -0.0067x + 384.17
0 10 20 30 40 R² = 50
0.8995 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
Chainage (m)
Determination of Flow Depth at Bridge Site

AR2/3 = K*n = Q*n/S1/2

Q = 7.58
n = 0.045
S = 0.0061
AR2/3 = 4.36 12.031

Chainage(m) HFL (m) HFL Distance h Avg h Diff in h Area Perimeter

0.700 384.451
366040 388.000 384.451 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
366060 388.000 384.451 384.451 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
366080 388.000 384.451 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
366100 388.000 384.451 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
366120 383.751 384.451 20.000 0.700 0.350 0.700 7.000 20.012
366140 388.000 384.451 20.000 0.000 0.350 0.700 7.000 20.012
366160 388.000 384.451 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
366180 388.000 384.451 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
366200 388.000 384.451 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
SUM 14.000 40.024
conveyance 154.45

Cross Sectional Area, A = 14.00 m Q design 12.031
Wetted Perimeter, P = 40.0 m
Hydraulic radius, R = 0.350 m v= 0.859375328 m/s
AR2/3 = 6.93

Crossection at Bridge site







366040 366060 366080 366100 366120 366140 366160 366180 366200
Calculation of Afflux by different methods
Design Discharge = 7.58 cumecs
Effective Span = 10.00 m
Actual Waterway = 25.00 m
W / L Ratio = 2.50 Average Afflux = 0.09 m
Regime depth = 0.70 m
vn1 = 0.07 m/s Normal Flood Level = 384.451 m
vn2 = 1.08 m/s
Design HFL = 384.545 m
1) Molesworth Eqn : (vn /17.88 + 0.015)*((A/A1)2 - 1)

h1* = 0.08 m

2) ASTHO Formula : 3*(1 - M)*(vn22/(2*g))

h1* = 0.11
Normal Crossection at Bridge Site

Chainage Bed Level HFL Normal Crossection at Bridge Site

366040 387.384 384.545 389.0
366060 386.728 384.545
366080 386.069 384.545
366100 384.994 384.545 387.0
366120 383.751 384.545

R.L. (m)
366140 383.801 384.545 386.0
366160 384.598 384.545 HFL = 384.545m
366180 386.221 384.545
366200 387.569 384.545 384.0

366040 366060 366080 366100 366120 366140 366160 366180 366200
Chainage (m)
Proposed Chainage = 369+020
Catchment Area = 79.92681 Km2
River Name = Khanjo River

Peak Discharge Computation by Various Methods

1 Discharge by Dicken's Method 364.48 cumec
2 Discharge by Ryve's Method 157.72 cumec
3 Discharge by Rational Method 458.22 cumec
4 Discharge by SUH Method - cumec

Adopted design discharge 458.22 cumec

for fixing clear warerway= 458.22 cumec
For fixing HFL = 484.44 cumec
For estimation of scour = 595.6866 cumec

Clear waterway provided = 70 m
Lacey's waterway = 102.7492 m

HFL, afflux and Velocity

Afflux (h) (m) = 0.07 m
Velocity under bridge = 3.074076 m/s
HFL with afflux for Q100 = 366.7621 m
Vertical Clearance = 1.2 m
Minimum Soffit Level = 367.9621 m

Scour Calculation
Q for scour = 595.6866 cumec
Silt Factor (Assumed) = 1
Clear waterway = 70 m
Normal scour (m below HFL) = 5.585 m
LBL (m) = 363.490 m
Depth from (HFL-LBL) = 3.272 m
R (Adopted) = 5.585 m
Maximum scour under pier = 11.171 m
Maximum scour under abutment = 7.093 m
HFL (m) = 366.762 m
MSL for pier (m) = 355.591 m
MSL for abutment (m) = 359.669 m

Froude's no = 0.415
Waterway considered = 85.00 m
Fluming ratio = 0.824
Proposed Chainage 369+020

1) By Empirical Method (Dicken's Formula)

= 0.75
Q CA Cumecs
Area of catchment, A = 79.93 Km2
Coefficent, C = 13.635 Annual Rainfall is 112.7mm

Design Flood Discharge,

Q = 364.48 Cumecs

2) By Ryve's Method
Q = CM Cumecs
Area of catchment, M = 79.93 Km2
Coefficent, C = 8.5

Design Flood Discharge,

Q = 157.72 Cumecs

3) By Rational Method

Catchment Area, A = 79.93 Km2 = 7992.7 Hectares

Length, Lc = 11.07 Km (torquisity being taken as 1.25)
Width, B = 6.32 Km
Length, L = 12.64 Km
Height, H = 164.0 m
tc1 = ((Lc/1.5) + 3.81 Hours

as per IRC SP 13 , tc2 =

(0.87 x L3/H)^0.385 2.1 Hours
Average time of concentration, tc = 3.0 Hours

100 years return period rainfall for 24 hours as = 320 mm

per CWC Flood Estimation Report for Sub -zone

Conversion ratio for tc hours as per CWC Sub = 0.538

zone-1(g) report

tc hr rainfall = 172.18 mm

Intensity of rainfall, Ic = 5.79 cm/hr

Spread factor as per CWC Subzone-1(g) report, f = 0.89

Permeability Co-efficient as per terrain condition, P = 0.4

Design discharge, Q100 = 0.0278PfAIc Cumecs

= 458.2 Cumecs

Appendix - 2.1 (Page 1)

Calculation of Longitudinal Slope for :-

Chainage (m) RL (m)

0.000 363.230
5.247 363.260
13.927 363.100
23.542 363.140
51.678 363.340
68.764 362.750
89.475 362.910
100.035 362.610 From RL along the long section,
110.265 362.680 RL at Ch. 0 = 363.230
RL at Ch. 110 = 362.680
Slope = 1 in 200
Slope through chart = 0.0053

ADOPTED SLOPE = 1 in 189

Longitudinal Slope of Stream for Bridge at Ch. 369+020km


y = -0.0053x + 363.27
R² = 0.6896


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Chainage (m)
Determination of Flow Depth at Bridge Site

AR2/3 = K*n = Q*n/S1/2

Q = 458.22
n = 0.040
S = 0.0053
AR2/3 = 251.77 484.440

Chainage(m) HFL (m) HFL Distance h Avg h Diff in h Area Perimeter

3.200 366.690
0.000 369.710 366.690 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
14.674 369.350 366.690 366.690 14.674 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
28.058 369.200 366.690 13.385 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
53.497 368.520 366.690 25.439 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
68.041 366.830 366.690 14.544 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
78.629 366.820 366.690 10.588 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
94.001 367.030 366.690 15.372 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
98.238 363.810 366.690 4.237 2.880 1.440 2.880 6.102 5.123
106.915 363.920 366.690 8.677 2.770 2.825 0.110 24.512 8.678
110.449 363.780 366.690 3.535 2.910 2.840 0.140 10.038 3.537
121.926 363.490 366.690 11.476 3.200 3.055 0.290 35.060 11.480
149.653 364.950 366.690 27.727 1.740 2.470 1.460 68.487 27.766
165.043 366.970 366.690 15.390 0.000 0.870 1.740 13.389 15.488
SUM 157.589 72.072
conveyance 6636.96

Cross Sectional Area, A = 157.59 m Q design 484.440
Wetted Perimeter, P = 72.1 m
Hydraulic radius, R = 2.187 m v= 3.074076005 m/s
AR2/3 = 266.17

Crossection at Bridge site


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170
Calculation of Afflux by different methods
Design Discharge = 458.22 cumecs
Effective Span = 70.00 m
Actual Waterway = 85.00 m
W / L Ratio = 1.21 Average Afflux = 0.07 m
Regime depth = 3.20 m
vn1 = 0.95 m/s Normal Flood Level = 366.69 m
vn2 = 2.05 m/s
Design HFL = 366.762 m
1) Molesworth Eqn : (vn /17.88 + 0.015)*((A/A1)2 - 1)

h1* = 0.03 m

2) ASTHO Formula : 3*(1 - M)*(vn22/(2*g))

h1* = 0.11
Normal Crossection at Bridge Site

Chainage Bed Level HFL

0.000 369.710 366.762
14.674 369.350 366.762
Normal Crossection at Bridge Site
28.058 369.200 366.762 369.0
53.497 368.520 366.762
68.041 366.830 366.762 HFL = 366.762m
78.629 366.820 366.762

R.L. (m)
94.001 367.030 366.762 366.0

98.238 363.810 366.762 365.0

106.915 363.920 366.762 364.0
110.449 363.780 366.762 363.0
121.926 363.490 366.762 362.0
149.653 364.950 366.762 361.0
165.043 366.970 366.762 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Chainage (m)
Proposed Chainage = 370+920
Catchment Area = 1.551 Km2
River Name = Local nala

Peak Discharge Computation by Various Methods

1 Discharge by Dicken's Method 19.11 cumec
2 Discharge by Ryve's Method 11.39 cumec
3 Discharge by Rational Method 20.01 cumec
4 Discharge by SUH Method - cumec

Adopted design discharge 20.01 cumec

for fixing clear warerway= 5.25 cumec
For fixing HFL = 22.47 cumec
For estimation of scour = 26.01583 cumec

Clear waterway provided = 15 m
Lacey's waterway = 21.47279 m

HFL, afflux and Velocity

Afflux (h) (m) = 0.09 m
Velocity under bridge = 1.962207 m/s
HFL with afflux for Q100 = 380.5073 m
Vertical Clearance = 0.6 m
Minimum Soffit Level = 381.1073 m

Scour Calculation
Q for scour = 26.01583 cumec
Silt Factor (Assumed) = 1
Clear waterway = 15 m
Normal scour (m below HFL) = 1.934 m
LBL (m) = 379.770 m
Depth from (HFL-LBL) = 0.737 m
R (Adopted) = 1.934 m
Maximum scour under pier = 3.869 m
Maximum scour under abutment = 2.457 m
HFL (m) = 380.507 m
MSL for pier (m) = 376.639 m
MSL for abutment (m) = 378.051 m

Froude's no = 0.450
Waterway considered = 20.00 m
Fluming ratio = 0.750
Proposed Chainage 370+920

1) By Empirical Method (Dicken's Formula)

= 0.75
Q CA Cumecs
Area of catchment, A = 1.55 Km2
Coefficent, C = 13.75 Annual Rainfall is 112.7mm

Design Flood Discharge,

Q = 19.11 Cumecs

2) By Ryve's Method
Q = CM Cumecs
Area of catchment, M = 1.55 Km2
Coefficent, C = 8.5

Design Flood Discharge,

Q = 11.39 Cumecs

3) By Rational Method

Catchment Area, A = 1.55 Km2 = 155.1 Hectares

Length, Lc = 1.77 Km (torquisity being taken as 1.25)
Width, B = 0.88 Km
Length, L = 1.76 Km
Height, H = 12.0 m
tc1 = ((Lc/1.5) + 0.57 Hours

as per IRC SP 13 , tc2 =

(0.87 x L3/H)^0.385 0.7 Hours
Average time of concentration, tc = 0.6 Hours

100 years return period rainfall for 24 hours as = 320 mm

per CWC Flood Estimation Report for Sub -zone

Conversion ratio for tc hours as per CWC Sub = 0.236

zone-1(g) report

tc hr rainfall = 75.38 mm

Intensity of rainfall, Ic = 11.84 cm/hr

Spread factor as per CWC Subzone-1(g) report, f = 0.98

Permeability Co-efficient as per terrain condition, P = 0.4

Design discharge, Q100 = 0.0278PfAIc Cumecs

= 20.0 Cumecs

Appendix - 2.1 (Page 1)

Calculation of Longitudinal Slope for :-

Chainage (m) RL (m)

0.000 378.880
3.483 378.740
14.569 377.880
23.620 378.770
34.790 377.770
38.481 377.750
43.022 378.020
52.534 377.500 From RL along the long section,
55.917 378.220 RL at Ch. 0 = 378.880
63.436 378.280 RL at Ch. 105 = 377.310
69.546 377.490 Slope = 1 in 67
77.917 377.610 Slope through chart = 0.0097
82.896 378.020 103.0928
89.703 377.800
98.030 377.830
105.275 377.310

Longitudinal Slope of Stream for Bridge at Ch. 370+920km



y = -0.0097x + 378.51
R² = 0.4572

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Chainage (m)
Determination of Flow Depth at Bridge Site

AR2/3 = K*n = Q*n/S1/2

Q = 20.01
n = 0.040
S = 0.0149
AR2/3 = 6.56 22.472

Chainage(m) HFL (m) HFL Distance h Avg h Diff in h Area Perimeter

0.650 380.420
0.000 382.000 380.420 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
47.000 382.000 380.420 380.420 47.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
49.632 379.770 380.420 2.632 0.650 0.325 0.650 0.855 2.711
53.892 379.771 380.420 4.260 0.649 0.649 0.001 2.767 4.260
56.671 379.810 380.420 2.779 0.610 0.629 0.039 1.750 2.780
67.128 379.951 380.420 10.456 0.469 0.539 0.141 5.641 10.457
69.000 382.000 380.420 1.872 0.000 0.234 0.469 0.439 1.930
SUM 11.452 22.138
conveyance 184.50

Cross Sectional Area, A = 11.45 m Q design 22.472
Wetted Perimeter, P = 22.1 m
Hydraulic radius, R = 0.517 m v= 1.96220692 m/s
AR2/3 = 7.36

Crossection at Bridge site






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Calculation of Afflux by different methods
Design Discharge = 20.01 cumecs
Effective Span = 15.00 m
Actual Waterway = 20.00 m
W / L Ratio = 1.33 Average Afflux = 0.09 m
Regime depth = 0.65 m
vn1 = 0.21 m/s Normal Flood Level = 380.42 m
vn2 = 2.05 m/s
Design HFL = 380.507 m
1) Molesworth Eqn : (vn /17.88 + 0.015)*((A/A1)2 - 1)

h1* = 0.01 m

2) ASTHO Formula : 3*(1 - M)*(vn22/(2*g))

h1* = 0.16
Normal Crossection at Bridge Site

Chainage Bed Level HFL

0.000 380.110 380.507
Normal Crossection at Bridge Site
25.311 380.180 380.507
49.632 379.770 380.507 382.0
53.892 379.771 380.507 HFL = 380.507m
56.671 379.810 380.507

R.L. (m)
67.128 381.200 380.507 380.0
82.134 382.710 380.507


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Chainage (m)
Proposed Chainage = 374+250
Catchment Area = 0.477177 Km2
River Name = Local nala

Peak Discharge Computation by Various Methods

1 Discharge by Dicken's Method 7.89 cumec
2 Discharge by Ryve's Method 5.19 cumec
3 Discharge by Rational Method 6.28 cumec
4 Discharge by SUH Method - cumec

Adopted design discharge 7.89 cumec

for fixing clear warerway= 5.25 cumec
For fixing HFL = 9.65 cumec
For estimation of scour = 10.26256 cumec

Clear waterway provided = 10 m
Lacey's waterway = 13.48644 m

HFL, afflux and Velocity

Afflux (h) (m) = 0.00 m
Velocity under bridge = 0.779381 m/s
HFL with afflux for Q100 = 375.092 m
Vertical Clearance = 0.6 m
Minimum Soffit Level = 375.692 m

Scour Calculation
Q for scour = 10.26256 cumec
Silt Factor (Assumed) = 1
Clear waterway = 10 m
Normal scour (m below HFL) = 1.363 m
LBL (m) = 374.492 m
Depth from (HFL-LBL) = 0.600 m
R (Adopted) = 1.363 m
Maximum scour under pier = 2.727 m
Maximum scour under abutment = 1.731 m
HFL (m) = 375.092 m
MSL for pier (m) = 372.365 m
MSL for abutment (m) = 373.361 m

Froude's no = 0.213
Waterway considered = 10.00 m
Fluming ratio = 1.000
Proposed Chainage 374+250

1) By Empirical Method (Dicken's Formula)

= 0.75
Q CA Cumecs
Area of catchment, A = 0.48 Km2
Coefficent, C = 13.75 Annual Rainfall is 112.7mm

Design Flood Discharge,

Q = 7.89 Cumecs

2) By Ryve's Method
Q = CM Cumecs
Area of catchment, M = 0.48 Km2
Coefficent, C = 8.5

Design Flood Discharge,

Q = 5.19 Cumecs

3) By Rational Method

Catchment Area, A = 0.48 Km2 = 47.718 Hectares

Length, Lc = 0.89 Km (torquisity being taken as 1.25)
Width, B = 0.49 Km
Length, L = 0.98 Km
Height, H = 20.0 m
tc1 = ((Lc/1.5) + 0.30 Hours

as per IRC SP 13 , tc2 =

(0.87 x L3/H)^0.385 0.3 Hours
Average time of concentration, tc = 0.3 Hours

100 years return period rainfall for 24 hours as = 320 mm

per CWC Flood Estimation Report for Sub -zone

Conversion ratio for tc hours as per CWC Sub = 0.104

zone-1(g) report

tc hr rainfall = 33.35 mm

Intensity of rainfall, Ic = 11.84 cm/hr

Spread factor as per CWC Subzone-1(g) report, f = 1

Permeability Co-efficient as per terrain condition, P = 0.4

Design discharge, Q100 = 0.0278PfAIc Cumecs

= 6.3 Cumecs

Appendix - 2.1 (Page 1)

Calculation of Longitudinal Slope for :-

Chainage (m) RL (m)

0.000 375.340
14.101 375.310
23.415 375.220
37.132 375.090
46.039 375.140
59.763 374.520
69.959 375.100
82.707 375.010 From RL along the long section,
92.814 374.450 RL at Ch. 0 = 375.340
98.046 374.340 RL at Ch. 98 = 374.340
Slope = 1 in 98
Slope through chart = 0.0089


Longitudinal Slope of Stream for Bridge at Ch. 374+250km


y = -0.0089x + 375.42
R² = 0.6617


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Chainage (m)
Determination of Flow Depth at Bridge Site

AR2/3 = K*n = Q*n/S1/2

Q = 7.89
n = 0.045
S = 0.0102
AR2/3 = 3.52 9.649

Chainage(m) HFL (m) HFL Distance h Avg h Diff in h Area Perimeter

0.600 375.092
374180 379.261 375.092 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
374200 378.691 375.092 375.092 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
374220 376.541 375.092 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
374240 375.073 375.092 20.000 0.019 0.010 0.019 0.190 20.000
374260 374.492 375.092 20.000 0.600 0.310 0.581 6.190 20.008
374280 378.000 375.092 20.000 0.000 0.300 0.600 6.000 20.009
374300 378.000 375.092 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
374320 378.000 375.092 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
374340 378.000 375.092 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
SUM 12.380 60.017
conveyance 96.04

Cross Sectional Area, A = 12.38 m Q design 9.649
Wetted Perimeter, P = 60.0 m
Hydraulic radius, R = 0.206 m v= 0.779380843 m/s
AR2/3 = 4.30

Crossection at Bridge site








374180 374200 374220 374240 374260 374280 374300 374320 374340
Calculation of Afflux by different methods
Design Discharge = 7.89 cumecs
Effective Span = 10.00 m
Actual Waterway = 10.00 m
W / L Ratio = 1.00 Average Afflux = 0.00 m
Regime depth = 0.60 m
vn1 = 0.09 m/s Normal Flood Level = 375.092 m
vn2 = 1.32 m/s
Design HFL = 375.092 m
1) Molesworth Eqn : (vn /17.88 + 0.015)*((A/A1)2 - 1)

h1* = 0.00 m

2) ASTHO Formula : 3*(1 - M)*(vn22/(2*g))

h1* = 0.00
Normal Crossection at Bridge Site

Chainage Bed Level HFL

374180 379.261 375.092 Normal Crossection at Bridge Site
374200 378.691 375.092
374220 376.541 375.092 379.0
374240 375.073 375.092
374260 374.492 375.092

R.L. (m)
374280 374.247 375.092 377.0
374300 373.619 375.092
HFL = 375.110m
374320 373.927 375.092
374340 374.727 375.092 375.0

374180 374200 374220 374240 374260 374280 374300 374320 374340
Chainage (m)
Proposed Chainage = 376+415
Catchment Area = 0.157 Km2
River Name = Local nala

Peak Discharge Computation by Various Methods

1 Discharge by Dicken's Method 3.43 cumec
2 Discharge by Ryve's Method 2.47 cumec
3 Discharge by Rational Method 2.07 cumec
4 Discharge by SUH Method - cumec

Adopted design discharge 3.43 cumec

for fixing clear warerway= 5.25 cumec
For fixing HFL = 11.37 cumec
For estimation of scour = 4.458315 cumec

Clear waterway provided = 6m
Lacey's waterway = 8.889042 m

HFL, afflux and Velocity

Afflux (h) (m) = 0.04 m
Velocity under bridge = 0.947216 m/s
HFL with afflux for Q100 = 355.9002 m
Vertical Clearance = 0.6 m
Minimum Soffit Level = 356.5002 m

Scour Calculation
Q for scour = 4.458315 cumec
Silt Factor (Assumed) = 1
Clear waterway = 6 m
Normal scour (m below HFL) = 1.099 m
LBL (m) = 355.259 m
Depth from (HFL-LBL) = 0.641 m
R (Adopted) = 1.099 m
Maximum scour under pier = 2.199 m
Maximum scour under abutment = 1.396 m
HFL (m) = 355.900 m
MSL for pier (m) = 353.702 m
MSL for abutment (m) = 354.504 m

Froude's no = 0.288
Waterway considered = 10.00 m
Fluming ratio = 0.600
Proposed Chainage 376+415

1) By Empirical Method (Dicken's Formula)

= 0.75
Q CA Cumecs
Area of catchment, A = 0.16 Km2
Coefficent, C = 13.75 Annual Rainfall is 112.7mm

Design Flood Discharge,

Q = 3.43 Cumecs

2) By Ryve's Method
Q = CM Cumecs
Area of catchment, M = 0.16 Km2
Coefficent, C = 8.5

Design Flood Discharge,

Q = 2.47 Cumecs

3) By Rational Method

Catchment Area, A = 0.16 Km2 = 15.7 Hectares

Length, Lc = 0.34 Km (torquisity being taken as 1.25)
Width, B = 0.28 Km
Length, L = 0.56 Km
Height, H = 13.2 m
tc1 = ((Lc/1.5) + 0.14 Hours

as per IRC SP 13 , tc2 =

(0.87 x L3/H)^0.385 0.1 Hours
Average time of concentration, tc = 0.1 Hours

100 years return period rainfall for 24 hours as = 320 mm

per CWC Flood Estimation Report for Sub -zone

Conversion ratio for tc hours as per CWC Sub = 0.045

zone-1(g) report

tc hr rainfall = 14.37 mm

Intensity of rainfall, Ic = 11.84 cm/hr

Spread factor as per CWC Subzone-1(g) report, f = 1

Permeability Co-efficient as per terrain condition, P = 0.4

Design discharge, Q100 = 0.0278PfAIc Cumecs

= 2.1 Cumecs

Appendix - 2.1 (Page 1)

Calculation of Longitudinal Slope for :-

Chainage (m) RL (m)

0.000 354.960
18.040 355.240
29.350 356.000
43.764 354.680
62.001 354.420
81.145 354.400
95.325 354.460
113.093 353.500 From RL along the long section,
131.914 352.870 RL at Ch. 0 = 354.960
135.696 352.830 RL at Ch. 153 = 352.880
152.588 352.880 Slope = 1 in 73
Slope through chart = 0.0186


Longitudinal Slope of Stream for Bridge at Ch. 376+415km


y = -0.0186x + 355.66
R² = 0.8279



0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Chainage (m)
Determination of Flow Depth at Bridge Site

AR2/3 = K*n = Q*n/S1/2

Q = 3.43
n = 0.055
S = 0.0136
AR2/3 = 1.62 11.367

Chainage(m) HFL (m) HFL Distance h Avg h Diff in h Area Perimeter

0.600 355.859
376360 358.000 355.859 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
376380 358.000 355.859 355.859 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
376400 355.259 355.859 20.000 0.600 0.300 0.600 6.000 20.009
376420 358.000 355.859 20.000 0.000 0.300 0.600 6.000 20.009
376440 358.000 355.859 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
376460 358.000 355.859 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
376480 358.000 355.859 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
SUM 12.000 40.018
conveyance 97.75

Cross Sectional Area, A = 12.00 m Q design 11.367
Wetted Perimeter, P = 40.0 m
Hydraulic radius, R = 0.300 m v= 0.947215842 m/s
AR2/3 = 5.35

Crossection at Bridge site







376360 376380 376400 376420 376440 376460 376480
Calculation of Afflux by different methods
Design Discharge = 3.43 cumecs
Effective Span = 6.00 m
Actual Waterway = 10.00 m
W / L Ratio = 1.67 Average Afflux = 0.04 m
Regime depth = 0.60 m
vn1 = 0.04 m/s Normal Flood Level = 355.859 m
vn2 = 0.95 m/s
Design HFL = 355.900 m
1) Molesworth Eqn : (vn /17.88 + 0.015)*((A/A1)2 - 1)

h1* = 0.03 m

2) ASTHO Formula : 3*(1 - M)*(vn22/(2*g))

h1* = 0.06
Normal Crossection at Bridge Site

Chainage Bed Level HFL

376360 357.000 355.900 Normal Crossection at Bridge Site
376380 356.070 355.900
376400 355.711 355.900
376420 355.306 355.900
376440 356.477 355.900 HFL = 355.900m

R.L. (m)
376460 357.000 355.900
376480 357.000 355.900


376360 376380 376400 376420 376440 376460 376480
Chainage (m)
Proposed Chainage = 377+240
Catchment Area = 7.194 Km2
River Name = Local nala

Peak Discharge Computation by Various Methods

1 Discharge by Dicken's Method 60.40 cumec
2 Discharge by Ryve's Method 31.68 cumec
3 Discharge by Rational Method 66.65 cumec
4 Discharge by SUH Method - cumec

Adopted design discharge 66.65 cumec

for fixing clear warerway= 5.25 cumec
For fixing HFL = 83.41 cumec
For estimation of scour = 86.6425 cumec

Clear waterway provided = 27 m
Lacey's waterway = 39.18637 m

HFL, afflux and Velocity

Afflux (h) (m) = 0.05 m
Velocity under bridge = 1.368038 m/s
HFL with afflux for Q100 = 326.0751 m
Vertical Clearance = 0.9 m
Minimum Soffit Level = 326.9751 m

Scour Calculation
Q for scour = 86.6425 cumec
Silt Factor (Assumed) = 1
Clear waterway = 27 m
Normal scour (m below HFL) = 2.915 m
LBL (m) = 324.521 m
Depth from (HFL-LBL) = 1.554 m
R (Adopted) = 2.915 m
Maximum scour under pier = 5.831 m
Maximum scour under abutment = 3.702 m
HFL (m) = 326.075 m
MSL for pier (m) = 320.245 m
MSL for abutment (m) = 322.373 m

Froude's no = 0.256
Waterway considered = 35.00 m
Fluming ratio = 0.771
Proposed Chainage 377+240

1) By Empirical Method (Dicken's Formula)

= 0.75
Q CA Cumecs
Area of catchment, A = 7.19 Km2
Coefficent, C = 13.75 Annual Rainfall is 112.7mm

Design Flood Discharge,

Q = 60.40 Cumecs

2) By Ryve's Method
Q = CM Cumecs
Area of catchment, M = 7.19 Km2
Coefficent, C = 8.5

Design Flood Discharge,

Q = 31.68 Cumecs

3) By Rational Method

Catchment Area, A = 7.19 Km2 = 719.4 Hectares

Length, Lc = 5.25 Km (torquisity being taken as 1.25)
Width, B = 1.90 Km
Length, L = 3.79 Km
Height, H = 249.0 m
tc1 = ((Lc/1.5) + 1.50 Hours

as per IRC SP 13 , tc2 =

(0.87 x L3/H)^0.385 0.8 Hours
Average time of concentration, tc = 1.1 Hours

100 years return period rainfall for 24 hours as = 320 mm

per CWC Flood Estimation Report for Sub -zone

Conversion ratio for tc hours as per CWC Sub = 0.383

zone-1(g) report

tc hr rainfall = 122.68 mm

Intensity of rainfall, Ic = 10.82 cm/hr

Spread factor as per CWC Subzone-1(g) report, f = 0.77

Permeability Co-efficient as per terrain condition, P = 0.4

Design discharge, Q100 = 0.0278PfAIc Cumecs

= 66.6 Cumecs

Appendix - 2.1 (Page 1)

Calculation of Longitudinal Slope for :-

Chainage (m) RL (m)

29.402 322.990
43.641 322.580
62.545 321.990
69.249 322.050
101.498 323.930
120.914 322.350
131.381 322.350
142.781 321.490 From RL along the long section,
RL at Ch. 29 = 322.990
RL at Ch. 143 = 321.490
Slope = 1 in 76
Slope through chart = 0.0047

ADOPTED SLOPE = 1 in 213

Longitudinal Slope of Stream for Bridge at Ch. 377+240km



y = -0.0047x + 322.87

R² = 0.0713

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
Chainage (m)
Determination of Flow Depth at Bridge Site

AR2/3 = K*n = Q*n/S1/2

Q = 66.65
n = 0.050
S = 0.0047
AR2/3 = 48.61 83.412

Chainage(m) HFL (m) HFL Distance h Avg h Diff in h Area Perimeter

1.500 326.021
0.000 327.000 326.021 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
14.277 327.000 326.021 326.021 14.277 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
29.634 327.000 326.021 15.358 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
39.705 327.000 326.021 10.071 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
54.552 324.690 326.021 14.847 1.331 0.666 1.331 9.881 14.906
59.042 324.857 326.021 4.491 1.164 1.248 0.167 5.602 4.494
65.034 324.662 326.021 5.991 1.359 1.262 0.195 7.558 5.995
75.562 324.521 326.021 10.528 1.500 1.430 0.141 15.049 10.529
87.069 324.890 326.021 11.507 1.131 1.316 0.369 15.138 11.513
100.764 326.620 326.021 13.695 0.000 0.566 1.131 7.745 13.742
SUM 60.972 61.178
conveyance 1216.71

Cross Sectional Area, A = 60.97 m2 Q design 83.412

Wetted Perimeter, P = 61.2 m
Hydraulic radius, R = 0.997 m v= 1.368037779 m/s
AR2/3 = 60.83

Crossection at Bridge site








0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Calculation of Afflux by different methods
Design Discharge = 66.65 cumecs
Effective Span = 27.00 m
Actual Waterway = 35.00 m
W / L Ratio = 1.30 Average Afflux = 0.05 m
Regime depth = 1.50 m
vn1 = 0.30 m/s Normal Flood Level = 326.021 m
vn2 = 1.65 m/s
Design HFL = 326.075 m
1) Molesworth Eqn : (vn /17.88 + 0.015)*((A/A1)2 - 1)

h1* = 0.01 m

2) ASTHO Formula : 3*(1 - M)*(vn22/(2*g))

h1* = 0.09
Normal Crossection at Bridge Site

Chainage Bed Level HFL

0.000 325.310 326.075
Normal Crossection at Bridge Site
14.277 324.670 326.075
29.634 324.640 327.0
326.075 HFL = 326.075m
39.705 323.880 326.075 326.0
54.552 324.690 326.075

R.L. (m)
59.042 324.857 326.075
65.034 324.662 326.075 324.0
75.562 324.521 326.075
87.069 324.890 326.075
100.764 326.620 326.075 322.0

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Chainage (m)
Proposed Chainage = 378+200
Catchment Area = 25.531 Km2
River Name = Ijri nadi

Peak Discharge Computation by Various Methods

1 Discharge by Dicken's Method 156.17 cumec
2 Discharge by Ryve's Method 73.70 cumec
3 Discharge by Rational Method 143.99 cumec
4 Discharge by SUH Method - cumec

Adopted design discharge 156.17 cumec

for fixing clear warerway= 5.25 cumec
For fixing HFL = 179.78 cumec
For estimation of scour = 203.0238 cumec

Clear waterway provided = 50 m
Lacey's waterway = 59.98505 m

HFL, afflux and Velocity

Afflux (h) (m) = 0.07 m
Velocity under bridge = 2.863512 m/s
HFL with afflux for Q100 = 313.5259 m
Vertical Clearance = 0.9 m
Minimum Soffit Level = 314.4259 m

Scour Calculation
Q for scour = 203.0238 cumec
Silt Factor (Assumed) = 1
Clear waterway = 50 m
Normal scour (m below HFL) = 3.411 m
LBL (m) = 311.360 m
Depth from (HFL-LBL) = 2.166 m
R (Adopted) = 3.411 m
Maximum scour under pier = 6.821 m
Maximum scour under abutment = 4.331 m
HFL (m) = 313.526 m
MSL for pier (m) = 306.705 m
MSL for abutment (m) = 309.194 m

Froude's no = 0.495
Waterway considered = 71.50 m
Fluming ratio = 0.699
Proposed Chainage 378+200

1) By Empirical Method (Dicken's Formula)

= 0.75
Q CA Cumecs
Area of catchment, A = 25.53 Km2
Coefficent, C = 13.75 Annual Rainfall is 112.7mm

Design Flood Discharge,

Q = 156.17 Cumecs

2) By Ryve's Method
Q = CM Cumecs
Area of catchment, M = 25.53 Km2
Coefficent, C = 8.5

Design Flood Discharge,

Q = 73.70 Cumecs

3) By Rational Method

Catchment Area, A = 25.53 Km2 = 2553.1 Hectares

Length, Lc = 11.32 Km (torquisity being taken as 1.25)
Width, B = 3.57 Km
Length, L = 7.15 Km
Height, H = 286.0 m
tc1 = ((Lc/1.5) + 3.09 Hours

as per IRC SP 13 , tc2 =

(0.87 x L3/H)^0.385 1.8 Hours
Average time of concentration, tc = 2.4 Hours

100 years return period rainfall for 24 hours as = 320 mm

per CWC Flood Estimation Report for Sub -zone

Conversion ratio for tc hours as per CWC Sub = 0.500

zone-1(g) report

tc hr rainfall = 160.02 mm

Intensity of rainfall, Ic = 6.59 cm/hr

Spread factor as per CWC Subzone-1(g) report, f = 0.77

Permeability Co-efficient as per terrain condition, P = 0.4

Design discharge, Q100 = 0.0278PfAIc Cumecs

= 144.0 Cumecs

Appendix - 2.1 (Page 1)

Calculation of Longitudinal Slope for :-

Chainage (m) RL (m)

0.000 311.280
7.816 310.770
16.312 310.970
27.347 310.770
44.773 310.670
64.769 310.310
79.299 310.140
93.990 309.740 From RL along the long section,
100.976 309.550 RL at Ch. 0 = 311.280
110.682 309.610 RL at Ch. 111 = 309.610
Slope = 1 in 66
Slope through chart = 0.0144


Longitudinal Slope of Stream for Bridge at Ch. 378+200km


y = -0.0144x + 311.17
R² = 0.9487



0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Chainage (m)
Determination of Flow Depth at Bridge Site

AR2/3 = K*n = Q*n/S1/2

Q = 156.17
n = 0.045
S = 0.0144
AR2/3 = 58.56 179.779

Chainage(m) HFL (m) HFL Distance h Avg h Diff in h Area Perimeter

2.100 313.460
0.000 318.440 313.460 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
13.522 317.550 313.460 313.460 13.522 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
28.490 316.270 313.460 14.967 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
41.553 315.190 313.460 13.063 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
56.524 311.420 313.460 14.972 2.040 1.020 2.040 15.271 15.110
58.164 311.820 313.460 1.640 1.640 1.840 0.400 3.018 1.688
61.556 311.360 313.460 3.392 2.100 1.870 0.460 6.342 3.423
72.185 311.450 313.460 10.629 2.010 2.055 0.090 21.843 10.630
84.483 313.150 313.460 12.297 0.310 1.160 1.700 14.265 12.414
97.666 316.380 313.460 13.183 0.000 0.155 0.310 2.043 13.187
112.042 315.630 313.460 14.376 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
SUM 62.783 56.452
conveyance 1497.63

Cross Sectional Area, A = 62.78 m Q design 179.779
Wetted Perimeter, P = 56.5 m
Hydraulic radius, R = 1.112 m v= 2.863512209 m/s
AR = 67.42

Crossection at Bridge site






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Calculation of Afflux by different methods
Design Discharge = 156.17 cumecs
Effective Span = 50.00 m
Actual Waterway = 71.50 m
W / L Ratio = 1.43 Average Afflux = 0.07 m
Regime depth = 2.10 m
vn1 = 0.50 m/s Normal Flood Level = 313.46 m
vn2 = 1.49 m/s
Design HFL = 313.526 m
1) Molesworth Eqn : (vn /17.88 + 0.015)*((A/A1)2 - 1)

h1* = 0.03 m

2) ASTHO Formula : 3*(1 - M)*(vn22/(2*g))

h1* = 0.10
Normal Crossection at Bridge Site

Chainage Bed Level HFL

0.000 318.440 313.526 Normal Crossection at Bridge Site
13.522 317.550 313.526
28.490 316.270 313.526 318.0
41.553 315.190 313.526
56.524 311.420 313.526 316.0

R.L. (m)
58.164 311.820 313.526
61.556 311.360 313.526 HFL = 313.526m
72.185 311.450 313.526
84.483 313.150 313.526 312.0
97.666 316.380 313.526
112.042 315.630 313.526 310.0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Chainage (m)
Proposed Chainage = 380+610
Catchment Area = 1.015 Km2
River Name = Local Nala

Peak Discharge Computation by Various Methods

1 Discharge by Dicken's Method 13.90 cumec
2 Discharge by Ryve's Method 8.58 cumec
3 Discharge by Rational Method 13.36 cumec
4 Discharge by SUH Method - cumec

Adopted design discharge 13.90 cumec

for fixing clear warerway= 5.25 cumec
For fixing HFL = 14.56 cumec
For estimation of scour = 18.07572 cumec

Clear waterway provided = 12 m
Lacey's waterway = 17.89853 m

HFL, afflux and Velocity

Afflux (h) (m) = 0.35 m
Velocity under bridge = 0.56441 m/s
HFL with afflux for Q100 = 331.218 m
Vertical Clearance = 0.6 m
Minimum Soffit Level = 331.818 m

Scour Calculation
Q for scour = 18.07572 cumec
Silt Factor (Assumed) = 1
Clear waterway = 12 m
Normal scour (m below HFL) = 1.761 m
LBL (m) = 330.015 m
Depth from (HFL-LBL) = 1.203 m
R (Adopted) = 1.761 m
Maximum scour under pier = 3.522 m
Maximum scour under abutment = 2.236 m
HFL (m) = 331.218 m
MSL for pier (m) = 327.696 m
MSL for abutment (m) = 328.982 m

Froude's no = 0.136
Waterway considered = 67.00 m
Fluming ratio = 0.179
Proposed Chainage 380+610

1) By Empirical Method (Dicken's Formula)

= 0.75
Q CA Cumecs
Area of catchment, A = 1.02 Km2
Coefficent, C = 13.75 Annual Rainfall is 112.7mm

Design Flood Discharge,

Q = 13.90 Cumecs

2) By Ryve's Method
Q = CM Cumecs
Area of catchment, M = 1.02 Km2
Coefficent, C = 8.5

Design Flood Discharge,

Q = 8.58 Cumecs

3) By Rational Method

Catchment Area, A = 1.02 Km2 = 101.5 Hectares

Length, Lc = 1.63 Km (torquisity being taken as 1.25)
Width, B = 0.71 Km
Length, L = 1.42 Km
Height, H = 36.0 m
tc1 = ((Lc/1.5) + 0.50 Hours

as per IRC SP 13 , tc2 =

(0.87 x L3/H)^0.385 0.4 Hours
Average time of concentration, tc = 0.5 Hours

100 years return period rainfall for 24 hours as = 320 mm

per CWC Flood Estimation Report for Sub -zone

Conversion ratio for tc hours as per CWC Sub = 0.170

zone-1(g) report

tc hr rainfall = 54.41 mm

Intensity of rainfall, Ic = 11.84 cm/hr

Spread factor as per CWC Subzone-1(g) report, f = 1

Permeability Co-efficient as per terrain condition, P = 0.4

Design discharge, Q100 = 0.0278PfAIc Cumecs

= 13.4 Cumecs

Appendix - 2.1 (Page 1)

Determination of Flow Depth at Bridge Site

AR2/3 = K*n = Q*n/S1/2

Q = 13.90
n = 0.045
S = 0.0020
AR2/3 = 13.99 14.562

Chainage(m) HFL (m) HFL Distance h Avg h Diff in h Area Perimeter

0.850 330.865
380560 334.000 330.865 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
380580 334.000 330.865 330.865 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
380600 330.425 330.865 20.000 0.440 0.220 0.440 4.400 20.005
380620 330.015 330.865 20.000 0.850 0.645 0.410 12.900 20.004
380640 334.000 330.865 20.000 0.000 0.425 0.850 8.500 20.018
380660 334.000 330.865 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
SUM 25.800 60.027
conveyance 326.53

Cross Sectional Area, A = 25.80 m2 Q design 14.562

Wetted Perimeter, P = 60.0 m
Hydraulic radius, R = 0.430 m v= 0.564410357 m/s
AR2/3 = 14.65

Crossection at Bridge site








380560 380570 380580 380590 380600 380610 380620 380630 380640 380650 380660
Calculation of Afflux by different methods
Design Discharge = 13.90 cumecs
Effective Span = 12.00 m
Actual Waterway = 67.00 m
W / L Ratio = 5.58 Average Afflux = 0.35 m
Regime depth = 0.85 m
vn1 = 0.11 m/s Normal Flood Level = 330.865 m
vn2 = 1.36 m/s
Design HFL = 331.218 m
1) Molesworth Eqn : (vn /17.88 + 0.015)*((A/A1)2 - 1)

h1* = 0.47 m

2) ASTHO Formula : 3*(1 - M)*(vn22/(2*g))

h1* = 0.23
Normal Crossection at Bridge Site

Chainage Bed Level HFL

380560 334.000 331.218 Normal Crossection at Bridge Site
380580 334.000 331.218
380600 330.425 331.218
380620 330.015 331.218
380640 334.000 331.218

R.L. (m)
380660 334.000 331.218
HFL = 331.218m

380560 380580 380600 380620 380640 380660
Chainage (m)
Proposed Chainage = 381+700
Catchment Area = 0.502 Km2
River Name = Local Nala

Peak Discharge Computation by Various Methods

1 Discharge by Dicken's Method 8.20 cumec
2 Discharge by Ryve's Method 5.37 cumec
3 Discharge by Rational Method 6.61 cumec
4 Discharge by SUH Method - cumec

Adopted design discharge 8.20 cumec

for fixing clear warerway= 5.25 cumec
For fixing HFL = 19.56 cumec
For estimation of scour = 10.66041 cumec

Clear waterway provided = 10 m
Lacey's waterway = 13.74537 m

HFL, afflux and Velocity

Afflux (h) (m) = 0.02 m
Velocity under bridge = 0.517634 m/s
HFL with afflux for Q100 = 337.7329 m
Vertical Clearance = 0.6 m
Minimum Soffit Level = 338.3329 m

Scour Calculation
Q for scour = 10.66041 cumec
Silt Factor (Assumed) = 1
Clear waterway = 10 m
Normal scour (m below HFL) = 1.398 m
LBL (m) = 337.012 m
Depth from (HFL-LBL) = 0.721 m
R (Adopted) = 1.398 m
Maximum scour under pier = 2.797 m
Maximum scour under abutment = 1.776 m
HFL (m) = 337.733 m
MSL for pier (m) = 334.936 m
MSL for abutment (m) = 335.957 m

Froude's no = 0.140
Waterway considered = 12.00 m
Fluming ratio = 0.833
Proposed Chainage 381+700

1) By Empirical Method (Dicken's Formula)

= 0.75
Q CA Cumecs
Area of catchment, A = 0.50 Km2
Coefficent, C = 13.75 Annual Rainfall is 112.7mm

Design Flood Discharge,

Q = 8.20 Cumecs

2) By Ryve's Method
Q = CM Cumecs
Area of catchment, M = 0.50 Km2
Coefficent, C = 8.5

Design Flood Discharge,

Q = 5.37 Cumecs

3) By Rational Method

Catchment Area, A = 0.50 Km2 = 50.2 Hectares

Length, Lc = 0.41 Km (torquisity being taken as 1.25)
Width, B = 0.50 Km
Length, L = 1.00 Km
Height, H = 4.0 m
tc1 = ((Lc/1.5) + 0.22 Hours

as per IRC SP 13 , tc2 =

(0.87 x L3/H)^0.385 0.2 Hours
Average time of concentration, tc = 0.2 Hours

100 years return period rainfall for 24 hours as = 320 mm

per CWC Flood Estimation Report for Sub -zone

Conversion ratio for tc hours as per CWC Sub = 0.077

zone-1(g) report

tc hr rainfall = 24.48 mm

Intensity of rainfall, Ic = 11.84 cm/hr

Spread factor as per CWC Subzone-1(g) report, f = 1

Permeability Co-efficient as per terrain condition, P = 0.4

Design discharge, Q100 = 0.0278PfAIc Cumecs

= 6.6 Cumecs

Appendix - 2.1 (Page 1)

Determination of Flow Depth at Bridge Site

AR2/3 = K*n = Q*n/S1/2

Q = 8.20
n = 0.045
S = 0.0020
AR2/3 = 8.25 19.556

Chainage(m) HFL (m) HFL Distance h Avg h Diff in h Area Perimeter

0.700 337.712
381640 338.608 337.712 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
381660 337.672 337.712 337.712 20.000 0.040 0.020 0.040 0.400 20.000
381680 337.012 337.712 20.000 0.700 0.370 0.660 7.400 20.011
381700 337.043 337.712 20.000 0.669 0.684 0.031 13.690 20.000
381720 337.273 337.712 20.000 0.439 0.554 0.230 11.080 20.001
381740 337.630 337.712 20.000 0.082 0.260 0.357 5.210 20.003
SUM 37.780 100.015
conveyance 438.71

Cross Sectional Area, A = 37.78 m2 Q design 19.556

Wetted Perimeter, P = 100.0 m
Hydraulic radius, R = 0.378 m v= 0.51763426 m/s
AR2/3 = 19.68

Crossection at Bridge site







381640 381650 381660 381670 381680 381690 381700 381710 381720 381730 381740

Calculation of Afflux by different methods
Design Discharge = 8.20 cumecs
Effective Span = 10.00 m
Actual Waterway = 12.00 m
W / L Ratio = 1.20 Average Afflux = 0.02 m
Regime depth = 0.70 m
vn1 = 0.08 m/s Normal Flood Level = 337.712 m
vn2 = 1.17 m/s
Design HFL = 337.733 m
1) Molesworth Eqn : (vn /17.88 + 0.015)*((A/A1)2 - 1)

h1* = 0.01 m

2) ASTHO Formula : 3*(1 - M)*(vn22/(2*g))

h1* = 0.03
Normal Crossection at Bridge Site

Chainage Bed Level HFL

381640 338.608 337.733 Normal Crossection at Bridge Site
381660 337.672 337.733
381680 337.000 337.733
381700 337.000 337.733 HFL = 337.733m
381720 337.273 337.733

R.L. (m)
381740 337.630 337.733


381640 381660 381680 381700 381720 381740
Chainage (m)
Proposed Chainage = 383+650
Catchment Area = 0.501 Km2
River Name = Local Nala

Peak Discharge Computation by Various Methods

1 Discharge by Dicken's Method 8.19 cumec
2 Discharge by Ryve's Method 5.36 cumec
3 Discharge by Rational Method 6.60 cumec
4 Discharge by SUH Method - cumec

Adopted design discharge 8.19 cumec

for fixing clear warerway= 5.25 cumec
For fixing HFL = 8.10 cumec
For estimation of scour = 10.64448 cumec

Clear waterway provided = 10 m
Lacey's waterway = 13.7351 m

HFL, afflux and Velocity

Afflux (h) (m) = 0.02 m
Velocity under bridge = 0.446123 m/s
HFL with afflux for Q100 = 328.6618 m
Vertical Clearance = 0.6 m
Minimum Soffit Level = 329.2618 m

Scour Calculation
Q for scour = 10.64448 cumec
Silt Factor (Assumed) = 1
Clear waterway = 10 m
Normal scour (m below HFL) = 1.397 m
LBL (m) = 327.941 m
Depth from (HFL-LBL) = 0.721 m
R (Adopted) = 1.397 m
Maximum scour under pier = 2.794 m
Maximum scour under abutment = 1.774 m
HFL (m) = 328.662 m
MSL for pier (m) = 325.868 m
MSL for abutment (m) = 326.888 m

Froude's no = 0.121
Waterway considered = 12.00 m
Fluming ratio = 0.833
Proposed Chainage 383+650

1) By Empirical Method (Dicken's Formula)

= 0.75
Q CA Cumecs
Area of catchment, A = 0.50 Km2
Coefficent, C = 13.75 Annual Rainfall is 112.7mm

Design Flood Discharge,

Q = 8.19 Cumecs

2) By Ryve's Method
Q = CM Cumecs
Area of catchment, M = 0.50 Km2
Coefficent, C = 8.5

Design Flood Discharge,

Q = 5.36 Cumecs

3) By Rational Method

Catchment Area, A = 0.50 Km2 = 50.1 Hectares

Length, Lc = 0.39 Km (torquisity being taken as 1.25)
Width, B = 0.50 Km
Length, L = 1.00 Km
Height, H = 3.5 m
tc1 = ((Lc/1.5) + 0.21 Hours

as per IRC SP 13 , tc2 =

(0.87 x L3/H)^0.385 0.2 Hours
Average time of concentration, tc = 0.2 Hours

100 years return period rainfall for 24 hours as = 320 mm

per CWC Flood Estimation Report for Sub -zone

Conversion ratio for tc hours as per CWC Sub = 0.075

zone-1(g) report

tc hr rainfall = 24.04 mm

Intensity of rainfall, Ic = 11.84 cm/hr

Spread factor as per CWC Subzone-1(g) report, f = 1

Permeability Co-efficient as per terrain condition, P = 0.4

Design discharge, Q100 = 0.0278PfAIc Cumecs

= 6.6 Cumecs

Appendix - 2.1 (Page 1)

Determination of Flow Depth at Bridge Site

AR2/3 = K*n = Q*n/S1/2

Q = 8.19
n = 0.045
S = 0.0020
AR2/3 = 8.24 8.102

Chainage(m) HFL (m) HFL Distance h Avg h Diff in h Area Perimeter

0.700 328.641
383600 330.000 328.641 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
383620 330.000 328.641 328.641 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
383640 327.941 328.641 20.000 0.700 0.350 0.700 7.000 20.012
383660 328.433 328.641 20.000 0.208 0.454 0.492 9.080 20.006
383680 330.000 328.641 20.000 0.000 0.104 0.208 2.080 20.001
383700 330.310 328.641 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
SUM 18.160 60.019
conveyance 181.88

Cross Sectional Area, A = 18.16 m2 Q design 8.102

Wetted Perimeter, P = 60.0 m
Hydraulic radius, R = 0.303 m v= 0.44612319 m/s
AR2/3 = 8.15

Crossection at Bridge site







383600 383610 383620 383630 383640 383650 383660 383670 383680 383690 383700

Calculation of Afflux by different methods
Design Discharge = 8.19 cumecs
Effective Span = 10.00 m
Actual Waterway = 12.00 m
W / L Ratio = 1.20 Average Afflux = 0.02 m
Regime depth = 0.70 m
vn1 = 0.08 m/s Normal Flood Level = 328.641 m
vn2 = 1.17 m/s
Design HFL = 328.662 m
1) Molesworth Eqn : (vn /17.88 + 0.015)*((A/A1)2 - 1)

h1* = 0.01 m

2) ASTHO Formula : 3*(1 - M)*(vn22/(2*g))

h1* = 0.03
Normal Crossection at Bridge Site

Chainage Bed Level HFL

383600 330.000 328.662 Normal Crossection at Bridge Site
383620 330.000 328.662
383640 327.941 328.662 330.0
383660 328.433 328.662
383680 330.000 328.662 HFL = 328.662m

R.L. (m)
383700 330.310 328.662


383600 383620 383640 383660 383680 383700
Chainage (m)
Proposed Chainage = 384+550
Catchment Area = 60.526 Km2
River Name = Gobai river

Peak Discharge Computation by Various Methods

1 Discharge by Dicken's Method 298.37 cumec
2 Discharge by Ryve's Method 131.03 cumec
3 Discharge by Rational Method 196.24 cumec
4 Discharge by SUH Method - cumec

Adopted design discharge 294.36 cumec

for fixing clear warerway= 5.25 cumec
For fixing HFL = 318.03 cumec
For estimation of scour = 382.6686 cumec

Clear waterway provided = 60 m
Lacey's waterway = 82.3533 m

HFL, afflux and Velocity

Afflux (h) (m) = 0.05 m
Velocity under bridge = 2.083552 m/s
HFL with afflux for Q100 = 321.3875 m
Vertical Clearance = 0.9 m
Minimum Soffit Level = 322.2875 m

Scour Calculation
Q for scour = 382.6686 cumec
Silt Factor (Assumed) = 1
Clear waterway = 60 m
Normal scour (m below HFL) = 4.608 m
LBL (m) = 319.236 m
Depth from (HFL-LBL) = 2.151 m
R (Adopted) = 4.608 m
Maximum scour under pier = 9.217 m
Maximum scour under abutment = 5.853 m
HFL (m) = 321.387 m
MSL for pier (m) = 312.171 m
MSL for abutment (m) = 315.535 m

Froude's no = 0.310
Waterway considered = 67.00 m
Fluming ratio = 0.896
Proposed Chainage 384+550

1) By Empirical Method (Dicken's Formula)

= 0.75
Q CA Cumecs
Area of catchment, A = 60.53 Km2
Coefficent, C = 13.75 Annual Rainfall is 112.7mm

Design Flood Discharge,

Q = 298.37 Cumecs

2) By Ryve's Method
Q = CM Cumecs
Area of catchment, M = 60.53 Km2
Coefficent, C = 8.5

Design Flood Discharge,

Q = 131.03 Cumecs

3) By Rational Method

Catchment Area, A = 60.53 Km2 = 6052.6 Hectares

Length, Lc = 32.03 Km (torquisity being taken as 1.25)
Width, B = 5.50 Km
Length, L = 11.00 Km
Height, H = 124.0 m
tc1 = ((Lc/1.5) + 7.46 Hours

as per IRC SP 13 , tc2 =

(0.87 x L3/H)^0.385 8.1 Hours
Average time of concentration, tc = 7.8 Hours

100 years return period rainfall for 24 hours as = 320 mm

per CWC Flood Estimation Report for Sub -zone

Conversion ratio for tc hours as per CWC Sub = 0.772

zone-1(g) report

tc hr rainfall = 246.93 mm

Intensity of rainfall, Ic = 3.17 cm/hr

Spread factor as per CWC Subzone-1(g) report, f = 0.92

Permeability Co-efficient as per terrain condition, P = 0.4

Design discharge, Q100 = 0.0278PfAIc Cumecs

= 196.2 Cumecs

Appendix - 2.1 (Page 1)

Determination of Flow Depth at Bridge Site

AR2/3 = K*n = Q*n/S1/2

Q = 294.36
n = 0.045
S = 0.0050
AR2/3 = 187.33 318.033

Chainage(m) HFL (m) HFL Distance h Avg h Diff in h Area Perimeter

2.100 321.336
384460 325.000 321.336 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
384480 325.000 321.336 321.336 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
384500 319.457 321.336 20.000 1.879 0.940 1.879 18.790 20.088
384520 319.568 321.336 20.000 1.768 1.824 0.111 36.470 20.000
384540 319.236 321.336 20.000 2.100 1.934 0.332 38.680 20.003
384560 319.451 321.336 20.000 1.885 1.993 0.215 39.850 20.001
384580 325.000 321.336 20.000 0.000 0.942 1.885 18.850 20.089
384600 325.000 321.336 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
384620 325.000 321.336 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
SUM 152.640 100.181
conveyance 4491.36

Cross Sectional Area, A = 152.64 m Q design 318.033
Wetted Perimeter, P = 100.2 m
Hydraulic radius, R = 1.524 m v= 2.083551846 m/s
AR2/3 = 202.40

Crossection at Bridge site





384460 384470 384480 384490 384500 384510 384520 384530 384540 384550 384560 384570 384580 384590 384600 384610 384620
Calculation of Afflux by different methods
Design Discharge = 294.36 cumecs
Effective Span = 60.00 m
Actual Waterway = 67.00 m
W / L Ratio = 1.12 Average Afflux = 0.05 m
Regime depth = 2.10 m
vn1 = 0.93 m/s Normal Flood Level = 321.336 m
vn2 = 2.34 m/s
Design HFL = 321.387 m
1) Molesworth Eqn : (vn /17.88 + 0.015)*((A/A1)2 - 1)

h1* = 0.02 m

2) ASTHO Formula : 3*(1 - M)*(vn22/(2*g))

h1* = 0.09
Normal Crossection at Bridge Site

Chainage Bed Level HFL

384460 317.244 321.387 Normal Crossection at Bridge Site
384480 317.473 321.387
384500 317.702 321.387 323.0
384520 318.257 321.387 HFL = 321.387m
384540 319.236 321.387

R.L. (m)
384560 320.245 321.387
384580 320.290 321.387 320.0
384600 320.646 321.387
384620 320.379 321.387

384460 384480 384500 384520 384540 384560 384580 384600 384620
Chainage (m)
Proposed Chainage = 385+780
Catchment Area = 0.512 Km2
River Name = Local Nala

Peak Discharge Computation by Various Methods

1 Discharge by Dicken's Method 8.32 cumec
2 Discharge by Ryve's Method 5.44 cumec
3 Discharge by Rational Method 6.74 cumec
4 Discharge by SUH Method - cumec

Adopted design discharge 8.32 cumec

for fixing clear warerway= 5.25 cumec
For fixing HFL = 10.47 cumec
For estimation of scour = 10.81928 cumec

Clear waterway provided = 10 m
Lacey's waterway = 13.84742 m

HFL, afflux and Velocity

Afflux (h) (m) = 0.01 m
Velocity under bridge = 0.581648 m/s
HFL with afflux for Q100 = 322.0782 m
Vertical Clearance = 0.6 m
Minimum Soffit Level = 322.6782 m

Scour Calculation
Q for scour = 10.81928 cumec
Silt Factor (Assumed) = 1
Clear waterway = 10 m
Normal scour (m below HFL) = 1.412 m
LBL (m) = 321.164 m
Depth from (HFL-LBL) = 0.914 m
R (Adopted) = 1.412 m
Maximum scour under pier = 2.824 m
Maximum scour under abutment = 1.794 m
HFL (m) = 322.078 m
MSL for pier (m) = 319.254 m
MSL for abutment (m) = 320.285 m

Froude's no = 0.156
Waterway considered = 12.00 m
Fluming ratio = 0.833
Proposed Chainage 385+780

1) By Empirical Method (Dicken's Formula)

= 0.75
Q CA Cumecs
Area of catchment, A = 0.51 Km2
Coefficent, C = 13.75 Annual Rainfall is 112.7mm

Design Flood Discharge,

Q = 8.32 Cumecs

2) By Ryve's Method
Q = CM Cumecs
Area of catchment, M = 0.51 Km2
Coefficent, C = 8.5

Design Flood Discharge,

Q = 5.44 Cumecs

3) By Rational Method

Catchment Area, A = 0.51 Km2 = 51.2 Hectares

Length, Lc = 0.42 Km (torquisity being taken as 1.25)
Width, B = 0.51 Km
Length, L = 1.01 Km
Height, H = 2.0 m
tc1 = ((Lc/1.5) + 0.22 Hours

as per IRC SP 13 , tc2 =

(0.87 x L3/H)^0.385 0.3 Hours
Average time of concentration, tc = 0.2 Hours

100 years return period rainfall for 24 hours as = 320 mm

per CWC Flood Estimation Report for Sub -zone

Conversion ratio for tc hours as per CWC Sub = 0.090

zone-1(g) report

tc hr rainfall = 28.70 mm

Intensity of rainfall, Ic = 11.84 cm/hr

Spread factor as per CWC Subzone-1(g) report, f = 1

Permeability Co-efficient as per terrain condition, P = 0.4

Design discharge, Q100 = 0.0278PfAIc Cumecs

= 6.7 Cumecs

Appendix - 2.1 (Page 1)

Determination of Flow Depth at Bridge Site

AR2/3 = K*n = Q*n/S1/2

Q = 8.32
n = 0.045
S = 0.0020
AR2/3 = 8.37 10.470

Chainage(m) HFL (m) HFL Distance h Avg h Diff in h Area Perimeter

0.900 322.064
385720 324.000 322.064 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
385740 324.000 322.064 322.064 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
385760 324.000 322.064 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
385780 321.164 322.064 20.000 0.900 0.450 0.900 9.000 20.020
385800 324.000 322.064 20.000 0.000 0.450 0.900 9.000 20.020
385820 324.000 322.064 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
SUM 18.000 40.040
conveyance 234.73

Cross Sectional Area, A = 18.00 m2 Q design 10.470

Wetted Perimeter, P = 40.0 m
Hydraulic radius, R = 0.450 m v= 0.581648419 m/s
AR2/3 = 10.53

Crossection at Bridge site







385720 385730 385740 385750 385760 385770 385780 385790 385800 385810 385820

Calculation of Afflux by different methods
Design Discharge = 8.32 cumecs
Effective Span = 10.00 m
Actual Waterway = 12.00 m
W / L Ratio = 1.20 Average Afflux = 0.01 m
Regime depth = 0.90 m
vn1 = 0.06 m/s Normal Flood Level = 322.064 m
vn2 = 0.92 m/s
Design HFL = 322.078 m
1) Molesworth Eqn : (vn /17.88 + 0.015)*((A/A1)2 - 1)

h1* = 0.01 m

2) ASTHO Formula : 3*(1 - M)*(vn22/(2*g))

h1* = 0.02
Normal Crossection at Bridge Site

Chainage Bed Level HFL

385720 324.000 322.078 Normal Crossection at Bridge Site
385740 324.000 322.078
385760 324.000 322.078 324.0
385780 321.164 322.078
385800 324.000 322.078 HFL = 322.078m

R.L. (m)
385820 324.000 322.078

385720 385740 385760 385780 385800 385820
Chainage (m)
Proposed Chainage = 387+060
Catchment Area = 25.30472 Km2
River Name = Local Nala

Peak Discharge Computation by Various Methods

1 Discharge by Dicken's Method 155.13 cumec
2 Discharge by Ryve's Method 73.26 cumec
3 Discharge by Rational Method 120.24 cumec
4 Discharge by SUH Method - cumec

Adopted design discharge 155.13 cumec

for fixing clear warerway= 5.25 cumec
For fixing HFL = 160.50 cumec
For estimation of scour = 201.6727 cumec

Clear waterway provided = 40 m
Lacey's waterway = 59.78513 m

HFL, afflux and Velocity

Afflux (h) (m) = 0.12 m
Velocity under bridge = 1.316044 m/s
HFL with afflux for Q100 = 312.5184 m
Vertical Clearance = 0.9 m
Minimum Soffit Level = 313.4184 m

Scour Calculation
Q for scour = 201.6727 cumec
Silt Factor (Assumed) = 1
Clear waterway = 40 m
Normal scour (m below HFL) = 3.940 m
LBL (m) = 310.198 m
Depth from (HFL-LBL) = 2.320 m
R (Adopted) = 3.940 m
Maximum scour under pier = 7.880 m
Maximum scour under abutment = 5.004 m
HFL (m) = 312.518 m
MSL for pier (m) = 304.638 m
MSL for abutment (m) = 307.515 m

Froude's no = 0.212
Waterway considered = 67.00 m
Fluming ratio = 0.597
Proposed Chainage 387+060

1) By Empirical Method (Dicken's Formula)

= 0.75
Q CA Cumecs
Area of catchment, A = 25.30 Km2
Coefficent, C = 13.75 Annual Rainfall is 112.7mm

Design Flood Discharge,

Q = 155.13 Cumecs

2) By Ryve's Method
Q = CM Cumecs
Area of catchment, M = 25.30 Km2
Coefficent, C = 8.5

Design Flood Discharge,

Q = 73.26 Cumecs

3) By Rational Method

Catchment Area, A = 25.30 Km2 = 2530.5 Hectares

Length, Lc = 18.56 Km (torquisity being taken as 1.25)
Width, B = 3.56 Km
Length, L = 7.11 Km
Height, H = 124.0 m
tc1 = ((Lc/1.5) + 4.43 Hours

as per IRC SP 13 , tc2 =

(0.87 x L3/H)^0.385 4.3 Hours
Average time of concentration, tc = 4.4 Hours

100 years return period rainfall for 24 hours as = 320 mm

per CWC Flood Estimation Report for Sub -zone

Conversion ratio for tc hours as per CWC Sub = 0.635

zone-1(g) report

tc hr rainfall = 203.20 mm

Intensity of rainfall, Ic = 4.64 cm/hr

Spread factor as per CWC Subzone-1(g) report, f = 0.92

Permeability Co-efficient as per terrain condition, P = 0.4

Design discharge, Q100 = 0.0278PfAIc Cumecs

= 120.2 Cumecs

Appendix - 2.1 (Page 1)

Determination of Flow Depth at Bridge Site

AR2/3 = K*n = Q*n/S1/2

Q = 155.13
n = 0.045
S = 0.0020
AR2/3 = 156.10 160.505

Chainage(m) HFL (m) HFL Distance h Avg h Diff in h Area Perimeter

2.200 312.398
386980 315.000 312.398 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
387000 315.000 312.398 312.398 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
387020 315.000 312.398 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
387040 310.665 312.398 20.000 1.733 0.866 1.733 17.330 20.075
387060 310.233 312.398 20.000 2.165 1.949 0.432 38.980 20.005
387080 310.198 312.398 20.000 2.200 2.182 0.035 43.650 20.000
387100 315.000 312.398 20.000 0.000 1.100 2.200 22.000 20.121
387120 315.000 312.398 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
387140 315.000 312.398 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
387160 315.000 312.398 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
387180 315.000 312.398 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
SUM 121.960 80.200
conveyance 3583.98

Cross Sectional Area, A = 121.96 m Q design 160.505
Wetted Perimeter, P = 80.2 m
Hydraulic radius, R = 1.521 m v= 1.316043768 m/s
AR = 161.50

Crossection at Bridge site






386980 387000 387020 387040 387060 387080 387100 387120 387140 387160 387180
Calculation of Afflux by different methods
Design Discharge = 155.13 cumecs
Effective Span = 40.00 m
Actual Waterway = 67.00 m
W / L Ratio = 1.68 Average Afflux = 0.12 m
Regime depth = 2.20 m
vn1 = 0.47 m/s Normal Flood Level = 312.398 m
vn2 = 1.76 m/s
Design HFL = 312.518 m
1) Molesworth Eqn : (vn /17.88 + 0.015)*((A/A1)2 - 1)

h1* = 0.05 m

2) ASTHO Formula : 3*(1 - M)*(vn22/(2*g))

h1* = 0.19
Normal Crossection at Bridge Site

Chainage Bed Level HFL

386980 314.873 312.518 Normal Crossection at Bridge Site
387000 313.203 312.518
387020 311.532 312.518 315.0
387040 310.665 312.518
387060 310.233 312.518

R.L. (m)
387080 310.198 312.518 HFL = 312.518m
387100 311.148 312.518
387120 312.331 312.518 312.0
387140 313.493 312.518
387160 313.925 312.518
387180 314.000 312.518 310.0
386980 387020 387060 387100 387140 387180
Chainage (m)

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