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21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World


1. What is the concern of the moon regarding his stars?
The concern of the moon regarding his stars is that they might wither and die
if they play with the star children of the sun. The moon is worried about the well-
being of its stars and wants to protect them from the hot and bright star children
of the sun.

2. Why does the moon angers the sun?

The moon angers the sun by suggesting that they kill their respective star
children to reduce the number of stars crowding the heavens. The sun takes this
suggestion seriously and proceeds to kill its own star children, but the moon only
hides behind the clouds, allowing its stars to reappear in the evening. This
deception angers the sun, leading to the chase between the two celestial bodies.
3. What particular phemomenon is described in the Filipino Folktale?

The particular phenomenon described in the Filipino folktale is the explanation

for solar eclipses, caused by the movement of the sun and the moon in the sky.
When the sun overtakes the moon during their chase, it results in a solar eclipse, as
the sun temporarily covers the moon, making it appear as though the sun is
chasing and "killing" the moon stars every morning. This story offers a
mythological explanation for the occurrence of solar eclipses in the cultural
context of the Philippines.


In the olden days, like the moon, the sun had also star children which were
yellowish in color, very bright and very hot.
The star children of the moon, however, were reddish and cool. That moon was
scared that his stars would wither and die if they play with the star children of the
The moon suggested to the sun that they kill their children who were crowding the
heavens with their number.
When the sun had killed her children, the moon merely hid behind the clouds.
In the evening, when the clouds faded, the moon stars appeared.
This angered the sun so he gave chase to the moon. Thus, when he overtakes the
moon, we have the so-called eclipse.
Every morning, the sun kills the moon stars that he catches.
Until now, this chase continues and because the moon still continues...

In this Filipino folktale the Sun and the Moon have children. The Sun's children are bright
and hot while the Moon's children are cool. The Moon is worried that if their children
play together the Sun's children might harm the Moon's children. So the Moon suggests
killing their children to protect them. The Sun agrees kills her children and the Moon
hides. In the evening the Moon's children reappear. This angers the Sun and he chases
the Moon causing an eclipse when he catches up. Every morning the Sun catches the
Moon's children. This chase continues explaining why we have eclipses.

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