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One day, while Ana and her family were sleeping in the middle of the night, she was awakened by a
sound on their roof. At first, she thought it might be just a cat, but as time went on she felt it was
something else. It was rattling so loudly that makes her wonder. Based on what she heard, it seemed
like a huge animal walking on the surface. She asked herself what it was.

She began to panic, but she did not give in to the fear. She woke up one of her colleagues and told her
to listen to the strange sound. She's also wondering what it is. They decided, to try to make it go, but
they failed. So they thought to pray.

In the middle of praying, they heard how it fell with such force that it caused the plants to fall. The
plants were in a vase resting on the side of the house, which was also where the animal was knocked
over. Even though they were scared, they just put it aside and decided to go back to sleep because it
was still the middle of the night. The next morning they told their colleagues about it. At first, they didn't
be active, but when they saw the plants that were torn apart and the vases that were broken, they

After that day she was thankful that it never came back. A month after, in the middle of the night again,
she heard dogs barking. She thought that maybe someone was just passing by. She scolded the dogs
because of their noise. The dogs didn't stop, and they were still continuously barking.

She started to wonder de beca e if it was a person passing by, the dogs would stop barking, especially
since a few minutes had passed, and then the dog was barking differently now. To clarify, she slowly
opened their window a little. Then she peeked, and she was very surprised to see what it was. It seemed
to be a very large dog, which was in their yard, but it was different from the ordinary dog.

She watched it silently, and she started to have goosebumps. She was filled with fear at what she saw.
She thought that the dogs were so noisy because of this. After a few minutes of her observation, it
suddenly ran away. She followed her gaze to where it was going, but suddenly it disappeared.

The fear she felt is slowly disappearing. She slowly closed the window and went back to bed. She tried to
sleep but she couldn't forget what she saw. Even when she closed her eyes, it was as if its appearance
was already imprinted in her mind. Until it was dawn, she didn't sleep anymore.
The next day she told his colleague again about what she had seen.

Ana: Do you know that last night I saw a big animal, actually it was liked a dog but something was
different. I didn't wake you up because you were sound asleep.

Companion: As what your description is, it was a "sigben". I sometimes see it also in the middle of the
night. My grandmother used to say that in this place many of it was always passing by.

From what she heard, she was clarified, but she still couldn't avoid the fear she felt. Especially when
after a few weeks, she experienced the same thing again. In the middle of the night, the dogs are
barking again. When she peeked, she saw two sigben" but it was not as big as the first time. She was
scared, but not as much as before.

As time went on, she just ignored it. Although she still experiences different supernatural experiences
sometimes, she doesn't think about it anymore. He can't help but be afraid but he just fights it. All she
did was pray every day. She thought that all of these are experiences and that they are part of our lives,
also prayer is the only weapon so that we can fight it.

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