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Review 3

Vocabulary Grammar
1 Match the pairs of synonyms below. Choose the correct answers.
waccumulate a amass
~ a belongings ~ a clutter
~ a bin ~
•get fid
~ofis heaps Textiles graduate Katy Bell is 'afni/the/ -
~ ~(n) possessions
junk ~ StaCks
- 0
stacks heaps
entreprencur She runs a company called Lost Property
of London which makes a(n)/ the/ - quality handbags
out of recycled material "A(n) / The / - bags are made
using traditional techniques and *a(n)0 the / -
finest accessories They are ideal for ain) / the
people who want product that is friendly to "a(n)/
the -environment Prices range from
ain) the/- bag
£150 to £250

2 Complete the phrasal verbs in the text with the

words below. Marks

-- ~
spill a spread *throw 6 Complete the text with the words below.
~ a a little
few - a almost
- all ofin a--
lot of x far too many
Dear Agony Anne, few
- ~
a little
wonder it you can help me My mother can't scom to
Cornwall in the south-west of England is a popular
anything out, so our house is full of junk
tourist destination because it has a lot of
whenever she starts to out of space in one beaches - over 200 to be exact. Some of them are only
room, she just moves to The nest in the kitchen there are accessible by sea, s0 gene people go there.
objects ous all over the table and things also But most of them are easy tO reach, and on days when
there is little sunshine, they are occupied
out of all the drawers. I have offered to help
by 4. far too
out the cupboands, but she refuses to many
people, S0 it's hard to find a space.
However, for few days last year the beach at
let me 1 don't know how to reach a
Bude was popular because of two strange objects
not so
should I de? that were washed ashore. The first was a large white
thing that Almost all of the residents thought was

Marks /6
polar bear. The second Was an enormous object, which
people had a little doubt was a monster. On
further investigation, however the polar bear turned out
3 Put the adjectives in brackets in the correct position.
to be a dead coW and the monster was in fact a tree!
These's a rust old statve in the square bronze)
I ↑ Marks
2 Heya young french artist (contemporar)
Complete sentence b so that it has a similar
They drink fea in tim chna teacups (delicate) meaning to sentence a.
1 a You should book a guided tout of the exhibition
booking guided
She was wennng a stunning silk putfis (colourful b They recommended
2 a Applying sunscreen regularly is fundamental
5 There &A lirge wooden table in the room frectanqulan
v b Remember to regularly apply

3 a They weren't alowed to take photos

b The guide didn't let take photos
a didn't collect stamps after I was sixteen.
Marks 16 b When I was sixteen, I stopped collecting
5 a Buying new furnitureis too expensive
4 Complete the sentences with compound adjectives. b I can't afford to buy
new furnitur
Use the correct forms of the words in brackets. 6 a She became a sculptor after she went to art school.
After art school, she went on becoming
There iS view from the tower (take) b

2 Those bag, don't come out of a factory, they're 7 a After watching the travel programme, we decided
to visit Greece
thanks (feel) b The travel programme inspired us to visit
3 We gave him our
4 The nugue was (end)
Marks /7
exhibition (provoke)
6 Hess artist from Spain, frespect) Total /45
They had a break (earn)

Review 3 41

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