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Grammar Grade 8
1st Semi - Quarterly Examination
Lovely Jazmin L. Lajola

Name: ________________________________________ Date of Exam: ___________________

Section: ______________________ Score: ___________________


Part A. Directions: For items 1 - 20, choose the BEST answer for the following questions.
Write the letter of your answer on the space provided before each number.

_______1. It refers to the usage of similar pattern of words to show that two or more ideas have
the same level of importance.
a. Parallelogram c. Parallel structure
b. Cohesion d. Conjunctions
_______2. It refers to the grammatical and lexical linking within a text or sentence that holds a
text together and gives it meaning.
a. Cohesive device c. Parallelism
b. Conjunctions d. Cohesion
_______3. The following statements are tips in checking for parallelism EXCEPT:
a. Make sure that all items in a list follow the same form.
b. Begin the clause with active voice and change it to passive voice.
c. Use Words of similar forms consistently. Do not mix them.
d. Do not mix the infinitive and the gerund.
_______4. It refers to the result of mixing up tactics when composing a sentence.
a. Fault line c. Faculty
b. Foul d. Faullty parallelism
_______5. _____ like bridges to show the relationship between paragraphs or section of text or
a. Cohesive device c. Parallel device
b. Conjunctions d. Coherence
_______6. Students must conduct their laboratory experiments accurately and ______.
a. in a safe manner c. with safety
b. safely d. safeguard
_______7. For the blood test to be accurate, you must not eat or ______ after midnight.
a. be drinking c. drink
b. to drink d. drunk
_______8. The production manager was asked to write his report quickly, accurately, and _____.
a. thoroughly c. in a detailed manner
b. safely d. detailedly
_______9. While visiting New York we –
a. roamed around, eating at restaurants and enjoyed our stay there.
b. roaming around, ate at restaurants and enjoyed our stay there.
c. roamed around, ate at restaurants and enjoyed our stay there.
d. roamed around, ate at restaurants and enjoying our stay there.
_______10. His actions were –
a. bold, with lots of courage and laudable
b. bold, with lots of courage and can be praised
c. bold, courageous and can be praised
d. bold, courageous and laudable
Part B. Directions: Identify the nature of the underlined cohesive device in each of the
following sentences.Write the letter of your answer on the space provided before each number.

_______11. Larry will probably be a late bloomer socially, just like his older brothers.
a. time b. contrast c. comparison d. cause and effect
_______12. Some people in New Jersey built their houses very close to the shoreline.
Consequently, they have had to spend a lot of money trying to protect their property
from the sea.
a. addition b. contrast c. example d. cause and effect
_______13. A water main downtown broke this morning, so several businesses had no water for
a. addition b. time c. comparison d. cause and effect
_______14. Before the invention of television, people probably spent more of their leisure time
a. addition b. time c. comparison d. cause and effect
_______15. Even though I’m very allergic to flowers, my boyfriend bought a bouquet of roses.
a. addition b. time c. contradiction d. cause and effect
_______16. The doctor’s prescription was really effective. Finally, the pain in my knee had
a. addition b. time c. comparison d. cause and effect
_______17. I think guavas taste good. Likewise, mangoes taste the same.
a. addition b. comparison c. similarity d. cause and effect
_______18. It was drizzling outside. Nonetheless, he still pursued his evening run.
a. opposition b. limitation c. cause and effect d. conclusion
_______19. On the whole, I would like to thank you for your patience.
a. opposition b. limitation c. cause and effect d. conclusion
_______20. When I entered the room, the teacher asked for my notice of admission. Then, she
instructed me to introduce myself and lastly, she told me where I need to sit.
a. contradiction b. time c. cause and effect d. place


Directions: Read the sentences below and write P if the sentence is parallel and write NP if not
parallel. Write your answer on the space provided before each number.
______21. These mangoes are ripe, juicy and sweet.
______22. He started the engine, released the hand break, and checked the mirror.
______23. A lot of tourists are expected to visit the beach and the museum.
______24. Voters should not only be wise but also vigilant.
______25. I would describe her as intelligent, caring, and thoughtful.
______26. Some people think that being successful is the same thing as to have money.
______27. The beach is famous for its fine and white sand.
______28. She was disappointed by not only his clothes but also his mannerisms.
______29. Spain is a place where you can eat cheap food and soak up the sun.
______30. Organic vegetables are being sold in the market like eggplant, potato, carrots and a
lot of cabbage.


Directions: For items 31 - 40, Select the most appropriate words inside the box, and put them in
the proper places. There can be more than one word that fits in some places. Select the one that
you think fits best.
next meanwhile under through
once as a result while
beside Then first

(31) __________, there lived a family of bears in a safe and restricted forest near downtown.
Their home was located (32) __________ the tall redwood trees (33) __________
a small and clean brook. One day, (34) __________ the bears went out to look for food, a cute
and naive little girl came to their house. (35) __________, she knocked on the door but no one
answered. (36) __________, she entered into the house and immediately walked off to the
kitchen. (37) __________, she ate the porridge placed on top of the table and took a nap on one
of their beds. (38) __________, the bears went home and were surprised to see their door open.
Their deafening roars woke up the little girl, and she ghastly ran from the house, (39)
__________the woods, and back to her own home. (40) __________, she never went back into
the forest alone again.


Directions: For ten (10) points, write an essay of not less than fifty (50) words answering the
question, “What are the qualities of a greenflag student?”. Observe parallelism and cohesion in

Be greener than your uniform, peeps!

You are a Montessorian.

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