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Afifah Azzahra (02)
Fenomananjanahary Diamondra Vola (11)
Kayralla Kidna (13)


This report of results of observation activities discusses “Business
Correspondence at PT Takumi Gemilang Seisakusho”. The purpose of the
author’s research is The results of this study are expected to add conceptual
insight and theoretical foundation about problem in good correspondence
activities, especially those that further examine the problems in this study. The
results of this study can be used as a guideline or information material in decision
making about correspondence in business activities in the corporate environment
or other objected.
This report focus on the solve problem formulation that we made Based on
the background description above, the problems raised are: How Good
Correspondence in Organizations to Support Business Activities in PT Takumi
Gemilang Seisakusho?
In this report, PT Takumi Gemilang Seisasukho. Their employees have
followed the correspondence flow to support the work in the company. www So
as said above, that in a company can is not separated from correspondence in
accordance with existing correspondence.


COVER ...................................................................................................................1
ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................2
TABLE of CONTENTS .........................................................................................3
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION...........................................................................5
1.1 Issues Background ............................................................................................. 5
1.2 Formulation of the Problem ............................................................................... 7
1.3 Purpose............................................................................................................... 7
1.4 Usefulness of Research Results ......................................................................... 7
CHAPTER II THEORETICAL BASIS ...............................................................9
2.1 The Meaning of Correspondence ....................................................................... 9
2.2 The Meaning of Letter ....................................................................................... 9
2.3 The Role of Correspondence in Business ........................................................ 13
2.4 Mail Function ................................................................................................... 13
2.5 Incoming Mail Management ............................................................................ 14
2.6 Outgoing Mail Managements........................................................................... 15
CHAPTER III OBSERVATION RESULTS .......................................................4
3.1 Company Profile of PT Takumi Gemilang Seisakusho ................................... 17
3.2 The State of the company’s employees ...................................................... 17
3.3 Business Transaction to the Correspondent in the Company ................. 18
3.4 Document in Business Transactions ........................................................... 19

3.5 Mail Handling Procedures ............................................................................ 19

3.6 The Ways of Sending Letters in the Company .......................................... 19

3.7 Office Equipment in Writing ....................................................................... 20

CHAPTER IV ANAYLYSIS...............................................................................21
4.1 Correspondence in PT Takumi Gemilang Seisakusho ............................. 21
4.2 Business Letter Function in PT Takumi Gemilang Seisakusho .............. 21

4.3 Terms of Good Business Letter ................................................................... 21

4.4 Business Letter Language ........................................................................... 21
4.5 Business Transactions .................................................................................. 22

4.6 Outcoming Mail Management ..................................................................... 22

CHAPTER V CLOSING .....................................................................................23
5.1 Conclusion ....................................................................................................... 23
5.2 Suggestion ........................................................................................................ 23
BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................24


1.1 Issues Background

In today’s era of globalization, transactions between sellers and buyers,
such as goods supply, demand for good, orders of goods until delivery and
settlement of payments, all of it can be done easily even though the distance
between the seller and the buyer is far apart, and it could be that the two do
not come face to face, because most of the communication done is through the
correspondence. Therefore, without correspondence business will run slowly
or may even become stuck.
One of the office communications is written communication, especially in
the form of correspondence or other warrants. The letter of warrant must be
created by an officer known as factual writing. According to Jhon Riebel in
his book The Liang Gie (2007:43), faktawi involves 6 elements, namely:
factual information, organization, language, time constraints, presentation,
reader audience.
In internal organizational relationships, the role of correspondence is also
increasingly important, because interparty relationships can not always be
done face-to face or only by phone. Letters and memos can be used as a means
of communication with each other.
According to L.E Fraily in his book The Liang Gie (2007:42) states that
the letter as a public relation (letter as part of public relations). Letters in each
organization is important because it can be used as a tool by the public to
assess the organization in question. A bad letter will not only harm the good
name of the organization, but will also scatter in the field of administration.
In a large organization the role of correspondence to communicate either
between centers, branches or branch spread across various cities, can not be
underestimated anymore, for multinational companies whose subsidiaries are
scattered in various parts of the world, correspondence is a vital means.
Thus, correspondence is a high-value asset in the internal and external
relationships of the organization, but the potential asset can turn into liability
(expense) if managed incorrectly. A well-planned transaction can be canceled
simply because of the wrong letter writing so as to offend one of the
transacting parties. The good relationships between the seller and the buyer
can turn into a stretch just because of the wrong letter writing.
In the system of office activities there is a process of organizational
uniqueness commission, one of which is communication through writing that
is manifested through correspondence. This activity is very important in an
office organization because correspondence or letters is a series of activities

related to the delivery of information in writing ranging from the preparation,

writing to the delivery of information to the parties.
In addition, the correspondence process is a means to send or provide
written information to superiors or other parties, whether as a report,
notification, request or question. In the preparation of correspondence must
pay attention to various elements in the making, namely in terms of writing
and the use of correct and correct language.
Nowadays, along with the emergence of various companies, the
relationship between one company and another is very important and expand
the company’s network so as to gain grater profit. Therefore, correspondence
is needed as a medium to establish cooperation between parties with each
other. If you want to cooperate can be as an authentic written proof.
Correspondence is included in an important part of the business.
Correspondence is another term of correspondence. The letter is interpreted as
one of the written communication tools to send message to another party.
Other parties here in may be interpreted as individuals or organizations.
As a cultural product, correspondence ordinances evolve with the times
and technology. The style of language, form, and way of delivering letters
tend to be dynamic, nowadays when speed becomes the deciding factor in
business, the contents of a concise letter are more appreciated than beautiful
letters, by socializing the traditional from of letter computers that we often
refer to as the standard form of letters began to be illegal, the principle is easy
to read and pleasant to see. The creation of facsimile machines and e-mail,
making the delivery of letters physically began to be widely extinct, the reason
is because it is less fat when compared to the fax machine that in a matter of
minutes can send wide-sheets of mail to the rest of the world. Also, with e-
mail in just a matter of seconds we can spread the message to computer
networks around the world, this kind of change is what we need to learn in the
world of correspondence.
An organization or company must be established relationships with other
organization or companies for its business activities to run well and smoothly.
In the effort to establish and build such relationships letters still play an
important role in addition to the use of other communication facilities such as
telephone, facsimile internet and others. What is meant by business
correspondence is basically a variety of information and data exchange
activities through the medium of correspondence in support of business
activities between one company and another company.
Letter is a written communication tool that is useful to convey information
from one party to another party. Such information may be in the form of
notices, announcements, statements, requests, reports, and so on. By mailing,
everyone can directly communicate with each other without having to come
face to face first.

Letters are usually also often used as authentic evidence written in black
on white. Therefore, the words and sentence in the letter must be prepared
effectively and efficiently and arranged properly and thoroughly.
Thoroughness and thoroughness are needed to ensure the accuracy of the
content of the letter as desired by the sender.
The letter may reflect the self-image of the person, realizing that the
company needs to be selective in choosing the secretary who will handle the
correspondence or correspondence activities. The company’s image can be
tainted and tarnished if correspondence in its business activities is handled by
secretaries who do not master the techniques and ethics of correspondence.
The letter as a written message will sometimes be read repeatedly by the
recipient, therefore the sender must try to give a good impression in the mind
of the recipient of the letter.
Writing a good letter does not demand special skills such as an author of a
novel, poem, short story or other literary work, because it is basically a literary
work. However, writing a good letter is not as simple as people often image,
as there are certain rules and habits that generally apply and must be met by
every letter writer.
From the background above then this research takes the title “BUSINESS

1.2 Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background description above, the problems raised are: How
Good Correspondence in Organizations to Support Business Activities in PT
Takumi Gemilang Seisakusho?

1.3 Purpose
1.3.1 Theoretical benefit
The results of this study are expected to add conceptual insight
and theoretical foundation about problem in good correspondence
activities, especially those that further examine the problems in this
1.3.2 Practical benefits
The results of this study can be used as a guideline or
information material in decision making about correspondence in
business activities in the corporate environment or other objected.

1.4 Usefulness of Research Results

1.4.1 For student
1. Apply the disciplines that have been obtained from
2. Increase skills in carrying out observations through interview
guides and presenting in the form of scientific reports.

3. As a comparison between the theory that has been received

during the lecture with the actual one in the field.
4. Increase insight in the field of science and technology.
5. It helps to identify sources of conflict, come up with alternative
solutions and put a remedy into action.
6. It is important to understand the customer’s problem and
always show willingness to help the customers.
1.4.2 For Malang State Polytechnic majors
1. Introducing the company to the community.
2. Fostering relationships between the company and the Malang
State Polytechnic.
3. It is important because it allows the company to be able to
effectively handle customer complaints and problems. Not only
providing outstanding service throughout the selling process is
beneficial but also, customers who do complain and get their
problem effectively solved often develop a strong emotional
loyalty to a business.


2.1 The Meaning of Correspondence

The definition of correspondence is communication between an employee
and another person, between an employee and an agency or vice versa,
between an employee and an organization or vice versa, between an agency
and an agency, between an organization and an organization and so on by
using a letter as a medium (Priansa and Garnida 2013:56). Meanwhile,
according to Sugiarto in his book Jimmy L. Goal described the definition of
correspondence as an activity of sending letters to each other by individuals or
by organization (2008:23).
While the understanding of correspondence according to Sedamayanti in
Jimmy L. Goal is a form of communication by using letter as a tool (2008:23)
2.2 The Meaning of Letter
According to Ramelan (2005:5), a letter is a written means of conveying a
message, although not all written message can be called letters, but verbally
delivered messages clearly can not be called as letters. Because of the
development of technology, we can get to know voice mail. Voice mail is a
message delivered over the phone and received with a recording device.
Meanwhile, according to Jhon A. Carey in Jimmy L’s book. Goal (2008:11)
the meaning of the letter is letters are long-lasting, tangible evidence of
information you communicate to others, letters are tangible eternal evidence
of the information you communicate with others.
2.2.1 Business letter
According to Djoko Purwanto (2006:2) business letter is a
letter used by a person, organizational institutions, or institutions to
deliver business messages in writing to other parties using certain
2.2.2 Characteristics of business letter
Ramelan (2005:5) reveals several characteristics letter namely:
a) Letter is a written message
b) Message content in letter in the form of information or
c) Letter has standard parts
d) Letter has standard form
e) Letter has one core message
f) Letter language style can be formal or informal
According t Professor Jhon W. Neuner and Benjamin R.
Haynes in his book The Liang Gie (2000:26) mentions there are 7
things as characteristics of a good letter as follows:
a) The letter has a meaning and its is necessary.

b) The letter was written in interesting and well-composed

c) The language used is in accordance with the purpose of the
letter and can be understood by the reader.
d) The letter shows the language, good judgement and
e) The letter is not too long, a short letter is an advantage.
f) The letter must be sincere and reflect the understanding of
the problems faced by the intended person.
g) The letter does not contain unnecessary or useless words or
sentence. The author must write like he is talking face to
face with the intended person.
2.2.3 Business letter function
The function of the letter plays a role as a barometer of the
progress of the company’s institutions, meaning that a letter that
looks and contains good will radiate a good image for the
institution or company that issued the letter.
As Ramelan (2005:11-12) has said, some of the functions of
the letter are as follows:
a) Mail as a messenger,
b) Letter as a representative,
c) Letter as written evidence, and
d) Letter as a guideline or basis action.
While according to Sedarmayanti (2001:163) the function
of the letter as follows:
1) Representative of the sender/ author.
2) The fertilization material.
3) Guidelines for taking further action.
4) Organizational activity gauge.
5) Means of shortening distances (abstract functions)
From the explanation above, the author draws the
conclusion that letters in the activities of the organization daily is a
vital tool that is very influential in the pace of development of an
organization or company.
The letter also has a variety of functions as described by the
above experts can be a very important document. Therefore, in the
management of the letter should be done as best as possible and
controlled, such as the advantages of the letter can convey
information at length but still practical and economical.

It is said to remain practical because the written evidence

that is delivered originally from the source in accordance with the
procedure of writing a good letter or can be a reminder because can
keep secrets well, it is said economical because it does not require
the cost of making a fairly expensive, but the cost required is very
efficient or affordable as well as the delivery.
2.2.4 Terms of good business letter
Many requirements must be met in making a god letter, in
addition to having to apply the principle of efficiency and
effectiveness, to be able to compose a good and interesting letter,
the author must master the terms of a good letter.
Thomas Wiyasa Bratawidjaja said (1995:52-53) the terms
of a good letter as follows:
a) Letters are written in an interesting form and arranged in
accordance with the rules.
b) Sentences are simple, straight forward and easy for the
reader to understand.
c) The words used must be clear, precise and not duplicate
frugal and correct in accordance with good grammar.
d) The language of the letter must be respectful, polite, and
sympathetic in order for the letter reader in correspondence.
e) Use commonly used abbreviations in correspondence.
f) Organized systematically, in detail, consistently and
g) Use punctuation and capital letters in place.
h) Use standard business terms
According to Sedarmayanti (2001:163) the terms of a good
letter are as follows:
a) Objective and not subjective
b) Systematic in the composition of the contents of the letter
c) Short, not rambling
d) Its ‘clear (to whom, from where, about what)
e) The contents are complete
f) Polite, interesting physical form (paper quality, letter form,
fisting and so on)
To produce a qualified letter as described above, the author
also needs to be qualified master the problem, master the written
language, have knowledge of correspondence.
The conditions off a good letter is the most important role
in the creation of letters, because the resulting letter is a mirror of

the author of the letter and can facilitate the achievement of an

organizational or corporate objective.
2.2.5 Business letter language
Language has a wide variety, according to the communication
situation as well as communicator relationships and communion.
The language in the financial statements is different from the
instructions for food recipes and is also in the language of the
newspapers. The language of business letters, has certain
characteristics that differ from other field languages.
The language Characteristics of business letters are
complementary, which means complementary or traits that one
cannot be released from the other. As revealed by Bratawidjaja
(1995:56) the characteristics of the language of the business letter
a) Clear
In order for the information conveyed to be understood
correctly, the language used must be clear. Clearly not only
is it easy to understand, but it is also free from possible
b) Business like
Straight forward has the meaning of matching the English
word business like, which is practical, deft and fast. The
world straight forward if applied in a sentence means
directly to indicate the problem, the principal- the point only,
not rambling and does not give rise to a double interpretation.
c) Interesting and polite
Interesting language is not always as beautiful as the
language used in poetry. An interesting language here is a
living language that is able to arouse the interest of the
reader. Interesting language also avoids repetition of
compound words.
2.2.6 Letter section and its functions
According to Sedarmayanti (2001:167-168) the letter and its
functions are:
a. Letterhead
Serves as an identifier tool, an information tool, advertising
in certain offices.
b. Date of letter
Serves as a reference, a tool as a provision of information,
advertising in a particular office.
c. Mail number

Serves as a tool of instruction for filing officers, gauges of

office activities related to letters in a certain period,
instructions of the unit of origin of the letter, instructions on
the documents that should be included with the letter in
d. Subject
Serves as a reference, the digest instructions of the letter as
a whole, instructions for filling officers.
e. Address
Serves as a guide for filing officer, instructions on where
the letter should be delivered, an outside address if using a
windowed envelope.
f. Greetings
Serves as a sign the talks are about to begin, not used in
official letters.
g. The contents of the letter
Serves to provide a description of the subject matter and
other subjects.
h. Closing greetings
Serves as assign that the conversation is over.
i. Job title name
Serves as the identity of the responsible, the clue for the
filing officer.
j. Initials
Serves as a code name (abbreviation name) drafting and
typing, to facilitate re-examination in case of mistakes.
k. Copy
Used if there are other parties who are considered to know
the contents of the letter.

2.3 The Role of Correspondence in Business

In the business world certainly requires correspondence to cooperate to
other companies, therefore correspondence has a role in the business world as
1. Creating a good and true letter.
2. Creating a good cooperation.
3. Spreading the activity.

2.4 Mail Function

According to Djuharie (2001:12), of the various type of letters commonly
used can be grouped into several functions of letters as one of the means in
writing activities, as follows:
1. As a means of communication

In this case the letter can serve to convey the information in

question can be based on notices, statements, request, offers,
reports of proposals, and the like.
2. As a co-author
In this function, the letter can represent the wishes of the author, so
that the author does not have to struggle to meet the recipient letter,
which may be quite a long way to stay. The expectation and wishes
of the author are quite expressed and represented by the letter.
3. As a tool of historical evidence
Letter is a from of written pride activities, so it can be enshrined as
historical evidence, for example are letters on the old archives that
used as research materials or studies to know the activities or
circumstances of an institutions or something in the past.
4. As a guideline for the implementation of work
As a written form, the letter can be provision or guideline for the
implementation of something. The letter referred to in this function,
such as decrees, instructions, circulars, and so on.
5. As a reminder tool
Letters can be stored a secured, so it can be used as a reminder if
there is a loss of mail messages. Examples of letters in this
function are letters that are archived and can be opened at any time
to facilitate the complement of a problem or work.
6. As a written proof tool
Letter can be used as written evidence of a matter, so that if there is
a mistake or misunderstanding of the letter is written evidence. For
example, agreements, leases, trade papers, wills, and so on.
7. As a tool to shorten distance and save energy
Letters can be used as a medium of information that is not hampered
by distance, with distance barriers letters are not a reason for waste of
energy and time.

2.5 Incoming Mail Management

According to Wursanto (2003:18) the incoming letter is a means of written
communication received form other agencies and from individuals, both
received (post office) and received by courier (mail) using shipping book
The management and control of incoming letters in an agency can be
classified according to the classification of types of letters, namely important
letters, regular letters, confidential letters, and personal letters.
According to Wursanto (2003:110) the process of handling incoming mail:
a. Letter receipt
b. Letter sorting

Sorting incoming mail is the difficulty of separating the letters received

from company or other agencies into a predetermined group or group:
a. Opening letter
b. Incoming mail logging
c. Incoming mail briefing
d. Mail check
e. Duplicate
f. Storage
g. Implementation of the processor after receiving a letter
from the chairman with the original disposition sheet,
carrying out processing in accordance with the content of
the disposition.

2.6 Outgoing Mail Management

According to Wursanto (2003:144) the outgoing letter is a complete letter
(dated, numbered, stamped, and signed by an authorized official) made by an
agency, office, or institutions to be addresses/ sent to other agencies, offices,
or institutions. The process of mail management includes:
a. Letter concept creation
b. Typing the draft letter
c. Mail Delivery
d. Mail Control
Facilities in the management of correspondence in the handling of
correspondence is required facilities to support the smoothness in the
management of letter. According to Amsyah (2005:57) the facilities used
include: map, filling cabinet, and agenda book.
1. Control card
The control card is 10x15 cm wide paper containing data of a letter
such as index, summary content, attachments, from, to, letter date,
letter number, processor, signature, date of receipt, sequence
number, M/K code, and notes.
2. Disposition sheet
Disposition sheet is a sheet of paper in a certain size that is used by
the leader as a means of communication between the leader and
3. Folder
Folder i.e., folds of thick paper or manila cardboard in the form of
rectangular lengths to insert achieves or to place archives inside
4. Filling cabinet

Filling cabinet is a long rectangular office furniture that is placed

vertically (stand) used to store archives.
5. Guide
Guide is a thick sheet of paper or manila cardboard that is used as a
partition or separator in the storage of archives.
6. Agenda book
Agenda book is a type of book (notebook) that is used to record or
to register all letters (letters received or incoming mail), and letters
to be sent (outgoing mail) by an office or organization


3.1 Company Profile of PT Takumi Gemilang Seisakusho

engineering service company in Indonesia. The company formerly
established to support any kind business of engineering operation
in to fulfill companies demand on and engineering service. PT
TAKUMI GEMILANG SEISAKUSHO supported by professional
fulfill requirement of customers with core production for industrial
component manufacturing and automotive. PT TAKUMI
GEMILANG SEISAKUSHO work with high quality test with the
application of ISO 9001 :2015 for coverage Provision of
Manufacture ASSEMBLY OF Mold, Die and Jig Fixture and of
other special parts.
To contribute in the Development of Industrial Mechanical
1) Speed (quickly process)
High quality process without lessening in course.
2) Precisely
Accuracy in yield up the timely delivery.
3) Strength (Good Ability)
Processing human resources and responsible.
Job partner which could the rusted for the satisfaction customer.
3.1.4 Services
1) Design and manufacturing equipment
2) Dies, jig and fixture
3) Machining specialist part
4) Mechanical installation and service
5) Design assistance service

3.2 The State of the company’s employees

A company in the process of its operational activities is always dependent
on employees. Although the company uses modern machines that follow the
development of the times, but still need employees to run the company.
The success of a company in conducting business activities depends on the
ability and seriousness of employees who carry out the process of production
activities and business.

3.3 Business Transaction to the Correspondent in the Company

In conducting transactions, business papers are needed to regulate the
recording in and out of the company, and cooperation with external parties.
Here is the flow of business transactions at PT TAKUMI GEMILANG
1) Customer sends pictures to PT TAKUMI GEMILANG
SEISAKUSHO for request and supply.
2) After getting a picture from the customer, the marketing
team creates an offer, then sends the offer to the customer
3) If the customer agrees, directly sent PO. If the customer
does not agree to negotiate to ask for a discount and then
the marketing party revises the offer and then PO.
4) After PT Takumi receives the PO, the marketing admin
enters the entry order in the PPC (Production Planning
Control) form
5) Then engineering, detailing the images to be produced and
listing the material purchase requisitions for the order to
the shopping section.
6) Then, purchasing asks for a quote to the supplier on the
list of spending from engineering to several suppliers for
price comparison.
7) After purchasing a price quote from several suppliers and
then a price comparison, PT Takumi chooses the cheapest
price and with the terms of delivery on schedule. Once
approved, purchasing makes a purchase PO to the supplier
with the boss's signature.
8) After the PO is received by the supplier, then the supplier
delivers the goods according to the PO and carries the road
letter with the original duplicate and copy, then the head
of production signature on the purchase road letter, copy
of the letter PT Takumi received as proof of receipt of the
goods according to the PO and the original road letter
brought back by the supplier for attachment at the time of
invoice exchange.
9) Every Friday (Supplier invoice exchange schedule in
Takumi) suppliers exchange invoices by bringing a copy
of Po Takumi, the original Road letter, 2-sheet Tax
Invoice, invoice, and invoice exchange receipt form.
10) After production is finished making goods according to
the customer's PO, then the driver delivers the goods by
bringing the original road letter document and copy. Copy

of letter for customer while original letter for PT Takumi

Gemilang Seisakusho save to be attached at the time of
invoice exchange to customer.
11) After the goods are delivered accordingly, PT Takumi
Gemilang Seisakusho can determine the day of exchange
invoice customer schedule. if the goods are not
appropriate, the goods are brought back by carrying a road
repair letter and PT Takumi sends back the goods with a
new road letter according to the date of delivery of the
12) Arriving the schedule of invoice exchange to the customer,
PT Takumi Gemilang Seisakusho asked takumi courier to
exchange invoices and bring documents, copy of Takumi
PO, original delivery Letter, 2-sheet tax invoice, Invoice,
and Invoice Exchange Receipt Form.

3.4 Document in Business Transactions

Below are some of the letters in PT Takumi Gemilang Seisakusho:
a) Request for offering letter
b) Offering letter
c) Order letter
d) Order acceptance letter
e) Confirmation letter
f) Letters of reference
g) Letters of complaint
h) Complain reply letter
i) Bill
j) Invoice
k) Tax invoice
l) Delivery letter

3.5 Mail Handling Procedures

Transactions made in email are only for offers and sending pictures from
customers with marketing PT Takumi Gemilang Seisakusho.

3.6 The Ways of Sending Letters in the Company

The way of sending a letter by PT Takumi Gemilang Seisakusho is to hand
over the responsibility to the party of the complaining department. The
following procedures are performed at PT Takumi Gemilang Seisakusho:
1) After PT Takumi receives the PO, the marketing admin
enters the entry order in the PPC (Production Planning
Control) form

2) Then engineering, detailing the images to be produced and

listing the material purchase requisitions for the order to the
shopping section.
3) Then, purchasing asks for a quote to the supplier on the list
of spending from engineering to several suppliers for price
4) After purchasing a price quote from several suppliers and
then a price comparison, PT Takumi chooses the cheapest
price and with the terms of delivery on schedule. Once
approved, purchasing makes a purchase PO to the supplier
with the boss's signature.
5) After the PO is received by the supplier, then the supplier
delivers the goods according to the PO and carries the road
letter with the original duplicate and copy, then the head of
production signature on the purchase road letter, copy of
the letter PT Takumi received as proof of receipt of the
goods according to the PO and the original road letter
brought back by the supplier for attachment at the time of
invoice exchange.
6) Every Friday (Supplier invoice exchange schedule in
Takumi) suppliers exchange invoices by bringing a copy of
Po Takumi, the original Road letter, 2-sheet Tax Invoice,
invoice, and invoice exchange receipt form.
7) After production is finished making goods according to the
customer's PO, then the driver delivers the goods by
bringing the original road letter document and copy. Copy
of letter for customer while original letter for PT Takumi
Gemilang Seisakusho save to be attached at the time of
invoice exchange to customer.

3.7 Office Equipment in Writing

In making mail archiving easier, the company uses its own web site to
archive incoming and outgoing mail. Archiving is done every transaction that
goes to PT Takumi Gemilang Seisakusho. The company uses the tax invoice
web site to report taxes monthly.

4.1 Correspondence in PT Takumi Gemilang Seisakusho
Based on the theory put forward by some experts PT Takumi Gemilang
Seisakusho applies several theories, including: Correspondence is
communication between an employee and another person, between an
employee and an agency or vice versa, between an employee and an
organization or vice versa, between an agency and an agency, between an
organizational and an organization and so on by using a letter as a medium
(Priansa Garnida 2013:56) In conducting business correspondence PT Takumi
Gemilang conduct transactions with various companies, suppliers, etc. so that
documents are formed that are needed for both parties.

4.2 Business Letter Function in PT Takumi Gemilang Seisakusho

In conducting business transactions it takes a clear purpose so that the
documents provided are accurate and in accordance with the facts, therefore
PT Takumi Gemilang Seisakuho applies the theory of Sedarmayanti
(2002:163). The functions of the letter base on her theory are representative of
the sender, the fertilization material, guidelines for taking further action,
Organizational activity gauge, and means of shortening distances (abstract
functions). From the explanation, The authors draws the conclusion that letters
in the activities of the organization daily is a vital tool that is very influential
in the pace of development of an organization or company.

4.3 Terms of Good Business Letter

PT Takumi Gemilang Seisakusho applies Wiyasa Bratawidjaja theory
(1995:52-53), namely Letters are written in an interesting form and arranged
in accordance with the rules, sentence are simple, sentence are simple, straight
forward and easy for the reader to understand, and the words used must be
clear, price and not duplicate frugal and correct in accordance with good
grammar , the language of the letter must be respectful, polite, and
sympathetic in order for the letter reader in correspondence, use commonly
used abbreviations in correspondence, organized systematically, in detail,
consistently, and chronologically, use punctuation and capital letters in place,
and use standard business terms. Because in the preparation of correspondence
it can have an impact on business continuity and archived every transaction so
that customer data is processed immediately.

4.4 Business Letter Language

PT Takumi Gemilang Seisakusho uses good and correct language in making
business correspondence letters. PT Takumi Gemilang applies the theory put
forward by Bratawidjadja (1995:56) the characteristics of the language of the

business letter are: clear, business like, and interesting and polite. From good
business correspondence can create a good service quality to customers.

4.5 Business Transactions

PT Takumi Gemilang Seisakusho applies wursanto theory (2003: 18) which is
a written communication received to form other agencies and from individuals,
either received (post office) or received by courier using shipping book. PT
Takumi Gemilang Seisasukho classifies letters according to the type of letters,
such as important letters, regular letter, secret letters, and private letters.
Loyally there is an entry letter PT Takumi Gemilang Seisasukho always
archived and archived on the web company Takumi Gemilang Seisasukho. PT
Takumi Gemilang Seisasukho sorts incoming mail into a predetermined group
or group.
1. Opening letter
2. Incoming mail logging
3. Incoming email briefings
4. Email check
5. duplicate
6. storage
7. The implementation of processing after receiving a letter from
the chairman with the original disposition sheet, conducting
processing in accordance with the disposition.

4.6 Outcoming Mail Management

PT Takumi Gemilang Seisasukho applies Amsyah theory (2005:57) facilities
used among others: maps, filling cabinets, and agenda books. In managing the
outgoing letter, PT Takumi Gemilang Seisasukho handed over to the courier
to be sent to the customer, and asked for the boss's signature.

Correspondence is one form of communication by using letters as a tool, therefore
correspondence is one of the most important communication tools and is carried
out every time in daily tasks in the office. Letters are one of the written
communication tools that originate from one party and are intended from another
party to convey news such as confirmations or others. Thus, letters are very
important in helping to facilitate the achievement of company goals. Efforts need
to be made to be able to write a letter well, because a negative assessment of the
letter will also be able to affect a negative assessment in the company. Just like at
PT Takumi Gemilang Seisasukho. Their employees have followed the
correspondence flow to support the work in the company. www So as said above,
that in a company can is not separated from correspondence in accordance with
existing correspondence.
Based on the conclusions above, correspondence is very important in a company
such as PT Takumi Gemilang Seisasukho, because correspondence is one part of
the communication process within the company in the form of writing, this
correspondence process is prioritized for the external environment of the
organization which is very influential in creating organizational links. Sometimes
internally, correspondence, such as correspondence, is still used for small matters,
such as order confirmation in a place that is still within the scope of PT Takumi
Gemilang Seisasukho. With good and neat correspondence, it can support the
achievement of the company's goals, namely survival and growth.



Pic 1.1 Consumers order Pic 1.2 Interview with

secretary of PT Takumi

Pic 1.3 Tax Invoice Pic 1.4 Offering Letter

Pic 1.6 Delivery Letter

Pic 1.5 Order Letter

Pic 1.7 Form PPC Pic 1.8 Receipt Form

Pic 1.9 Web E-Faktur Pic 1.10 Offering Email

Pic 1.10 Complain Letter Pic 1.11 Confirmation Letter


Pic 1.12 Offering Letter Pic 1.13 Complain Reply Letter

Pic 1.14 Reference Letter Pic 1.15 Invoice Archive


Interview Question
1. Apa saja istilah bisnis yang digunakan dalam adminstrasi?
2. Bagaimana prosedur penanganan surat?
3. Bagaimana prosedur mengatur surat-surat sesuai transaksi bisnis?
4. Bagaimana cara pengiriman surat yang dilakukan perusahaan?
6. Apa saja alat yang digunakan dalam mengurus administrasi bisnis?
7. Bagaimana cara kerja alat tersebut?

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