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The azotemic cat

• A systolic heart murmur loudest over the sternum
on the left side (grade 2/6)
• Small and slightly irregular kidneys on palpation
• A moderately full bladder was detected on
abdominal palpation.

Blood was taken for a chemistry screen and a

Jonathan Elliott, MA, Vet MB, PhD, complete blood count. Urine was collected by cysto-
Cert SAC, Dipl. ECVPT, MRCVS centesis and an in-house urinalysis performed.
Royal Veterinary College, London, UK
The results of the chemistry screen were as shown
Dr. Elliott is a graduate of the department of veterinary
medicine at Cambridge University. After completing in Table 1.
a year's internship in Medicine and Surgery in Small
Animals at the Veterinary Clinic of the University of The hematology profile was all within the reference
Pennsylvania, he returned to Cambridge and submitted range – the hematocrit was 33% (27-48%).
his PhD thesis. Since 1990 he has been on the staff at
the Royal Veterinary College in London, where he is The urinalysis results undertaken in your labora-
currently Professor of Veterinary Clinical Pharmacology. tory were as follows: Urine specific gravity:
His research work is dedicated to chronic kidney 1.014, Protein: +2, Blood: +2, pH: 5.0.
disease and hypertension in cats and laminitis in horses.
In 2004 he was appointed Vice-Principal for research.
All other stick test results were negative.
Dr. Elliott is a Diplomate of the European College of
Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology (ECVPT) and
a member of the Veterinary Products Committee.
Ask yourself
• How would you classify the azotemia identified
in this case and on what basis would you make
this classification?
A case study • What further routine diagnostic tests would
A 15 year old neutered female domestic short you undertake in this case, and what is the
haired cat presents to your practice with a three justification for these tests?
month history of polydipsia. The owners had also
noted some weight loss over the same period but Azotemia
were primarily concerned that over the last week Azotemia indicates a ‘failure’ of the kidney to
the cat’s appetite had decreased and she seemed excrete nitrogenous waste products from the
weak and lethargic. body and can be categorized as:

On physical examination your findings include: • Pre-renal: reduced glomerular filtration rate
(GFR) due to reduced blood flow to the
• Condition score 2/5 – under weight (3.0 kg) glomeruli; often secondary to hemodynamic
• Dull hair coat disturbances resulting from circulatory shock
• Hydration status – slightly dehydrated (mucous and/or severe dehydration leading to systemic
membranes a little tacky) hypotension.

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Table 1.
Initial chemistry screen and after 7 days from a 15 year-old cat

Initial values Values after 7 days Normal values

Total protein g/L (g/dL) 82 (8.2) 75 (7.5 mg/dL) 55 - 80 (5.5 - 8)

Albumin g/L (g/dL) 33 (3.3) 30 (3.0 mg/dL) 24 - 43 (2.4 - 4.3)
Sodium mmol/L 152 150 140 - 156
Potassium mmol/L 2.8 3.3 3.5 - 5.5
Chloride mmol/L 112 115 110 - 130
Calcium mmol/L (mg/dL) 2.67 (10.68) 2.62 (10.48 mg/dL) 2.25 - 2.75 (9 - 11)
Phosphate mmol/L (mg/dL) 3.77 (11.67) 2.56 (7.93 mg/dL) 0.7 - 1.86 (2.17 - 5.76)
Total CO2 mmol/L (mg/dL) 13.0 17.0 14.0 - 23.0
Urea mmol/L (mg/dL) 33.0 (92.44) 24.0 (67.23 mg/dL) 4.0 - 15.0 (11.2 - 42.02)
Creatinine μmol/L (mg/dL) 386.0 (4.37) 283.0 (3.71 mg/dL) 40 - 177 (0.45 - 2.0)
Glucose mmol/L (mg/dL) 7.8 (140.54) 6.5 (117.12 mg/dL) 3.5 - 5.8 (63.06 - 104.5)
Cholesterol mmol/L (mg/dL) 5.75 (222.01) 5.52 (213.13 mg/dL) 1.8 - 5.0 (69.5 - 193.05)
ALT U/L 84 76 20 - 100
ALK-P U/L 56 52 10 - 60
Total T4 nmol/L 21 _ 19 - 55

• Primary intrinsic renal: primary disease of diagnostic tests). The cat does not have clinical
the kidneys leading to loss of functioning signs of severe circulatory compromise leading
nephrons and, as a result, a reduced GFR. The to reduced GFR although it is clinically mildly
kidney disease could be affecting the vascular dehydrated. Despite this, however, the cat is
supply, the glomeruli, the tubules or the inter- producing dilute urine (based on its urine specific
stitial compartment and might be acute or gravity) and so is not able to respond to the
chronic (see below). dehydration by conserving water and concentrating
• Post-renal: (i) obstructive problem in the its urine. In the face of dehydration, cats should
urinary drainage/storage systems leading to concentrate to a urine specific gravity of ≥1.040.
back pressure in the urinary system that is
transmitted to Bowman’s space in the glomeruli Having decided this case is most likely to have
and reduces or prevents filtration; (ii) leakage azotemia due to a primary intrinsic kidney disease,
of urine from the collection/storage system into one should then ask whether this is an acute
the peritoneal cavity preventing elimination of or chronic problem. It is important to recognize
waste products from the body. that none of the laboratory tests in this case can
distinguish between a decompensated chronic
In this case, the azotemia should be tentatively kidney disease (CKD) case and an acute renal
classified as due to primary intrinsic renal disease failure case. The cat has become inappetant,
leading to failure to excrete waste products al- weak and lethargic over the last few days prior to
though we do not have all the necessary inform- presentation but there are several features that
ation that would be desirable. There are no clinical suggest it has a CKD including:
signs suggestive of obstructive urinary tract
disease leading to azotemia nor is there a history of • Chronic history of weight loss and polydipsia
blunt abdominal trauma that often accompanies that has existed for three months or more
cases where there is leakage of urine into the • The finding of small shrunken and irregular
abdomen. Further investigation would help to rule kidneys on physical examination
out bilateral ureteral obstruction as a cause of the • The finding of a dull hair coat and low body
azotemia in this case (see below under further condition score on physical examination

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acidosis as complications of the uremic syndrome

which may be influencing the quality of life of
the cat and certainly could be addressed in the
therapy of this case. There is reasonable evidence
to suggest that hyperphosphatemia contributes to
progressive renal injury and equivocal evidence
to suggest hypokalemia and metabolic acidosis
could contribute. As a routine in these cases, the
following additional diagnostic tests should be

• Urine sediment examination (+/- urine

Quite often we find the presence of significant
bactiuria, particularly in female cats presenting
to us for the first time. Bacteria are often visible
on sediment examination as they are usually
Figure 1. Photomicrograph of a urine smear from the cat rod-shaped bacteria (Figure 1). It is difficult to
reported in this clinical case, at the time of presentation. say whether bacterial infection of the urinary
tract caused the decompensation in these cases
All these features suggest this cat has a CKD but it is a treatable problem and infected cats
leading to azotemia and has recently suffered often improve clinically on antibacterial drug
an exacerbation of the problem leading to therapy. This cat had evidence of a bacterial
decompensation (loss of appetite, mild dehy- urinary tract infection despite the fact it was not
dration, weakness and lethargy). Whether this showing clinical signs of lower urinary tract
decompensation is due to a further extrinsic insult disease. This is typical and is why this problem
to the kidneys (another episode of the primary is often missed unless urine sediments are
disease that damages the kidney) or intrinsic routinely examined in these cases or urine
progressive renal injury caused by the adaptive collected by cystocentesis is routinely cultured.
mechanisms of the remaining functioning nephrons
is not possible to determine in many cases although • Assessment of urine protein excretion
attempts to identify an active extrinsic disease If the urine sediment examination is inactive
process should be made (see below). and/or the culture results are negative, we
would usually measure the urine protein to
What further routine diagnostic tests would creatinine ratio, regardless of the results on
you undertake in this case? the dipstick analysis. Most cat urine samples
Having identified this case as a case of decompens- screened by standard dipstick analysis show
ated CKD, further diagnostic tests should be 1+ protein in the urine. This can be associ-
aimed at: ated with normal levels of protein (urine
• Identifying a primary (hopefully treatable) protein to creatinine ratio <0.2), borderline
extrinsic disease that may be responsible for proteinuria (UPC >0.2 but <0.4) or signifi-
this episode of decompensation cant proteinuria (UPC >0.4) (1). Urine protein
• Identifying complications of the uremic syn- to creatinine ratio is an important parameter
drome that lead to: to determine when assessing or staging a case
- Reduced quality of life of the cat of CKD since it has been shown to be predict-
- May contribute to the process of progressive ive of all cause mortality (2). The implications
renal injury and so intrinsic progression of of this finding is that proteinuric animals
the renal failure towards end stage. (provided this is renal proteinuria) might benefit
from anti-proteinuric therapy (e.g. ACE inhibitor
The tests undertaken so far have identified treatment). In this case, because the urine
hypokalemia, hyperphosphatemia and metabolic sediment was active and evidence of a bacterial

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© Pr. Valérie Chetboul, Unité de Cardiologie

a b

Figure 2a and 2b. A cat undergoing Doppler assessment of systemic arterial blood pressure, with gentle restraint.

urinary tract infection was present, we de- Blood pressure was measured initially in this
layed assessing proteinuria until this had case and was 146 mmHg. It is important to
been successfully treated and the infection monitor blood pressure in these cases over
had resolved. time particularly in those cats which have de-
compensated and present in a dehydrated state.
• Measurement of arterial blood pressure Assessment of their blood pressure after they
All cats with a diagnosis of CKD are at risk of have been rehydrated and are back in a more
being hypertensive and should have their compensated state would be very important.
blood pressure measured by one of the available
indirect methods. We use the Doppler technique • Diagnostic imaging of the kidneys and urinary
and measure systolic arterial blood pressure tract +/- renal biopsy
(SABP) only (Figure 2). Blood pressure measure- When looking for a primary disease process, the
ment is undertaken in conjunction with a retinal use of diagnostic imaging of the kidneys and
examination to determine whether there is ureters can sometimes yield useful diagnostic
evidence of target organ damage. SABP below information (Figure 3). The likelihood of finding
150 mmHg is considered normotensive in our abnormalities on such investigations increases in
clinic (minimal risk of target organ damage). If younger cats and in cats with palpably enlarged
the SABP is between 150 and 159 mmHg the cat kidneys on physical examination. For example,
would be considered to be at mild risk of target ureteral obstruction by calcium oxalate uretero-
organ damage; SABP between 160 and 179 liths can occur - bilateral obstruction can lead to
mmHg is associated with moderate risk of target azotemia and this tends to occur in younger cats
organ damage and pressures >180 mmHg are (<10 years of age), possibly with a history of
associated with high risk of target organ damage recurrent lower urinary tract signs. Renal biopsy
(3). This particular cat has a heart murmur would be the ultimate diagnostic test to identify
which is not uncommon in normotensive cats the pathological processes going on in the
with CKD (30% prevalence in our clinic (4)) kidney. However, aged cats presenting as this
but is more common in cats with hypertension one did often only have evidence of chronic
(70% prevalence). In addition, hypokalemia is a interstitial fibrosis with glomerular sclerosis and
significant risk factor associated with feline renal biopsy does not inform the management
hypertension (4). or prognosis of these cases.

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• Dehydration which will be exacerbating the

© Gagemont Animal Hospital, Hamilton, Ontario (Canada)

• Hypokalemia probably resulting from the
anorexia and continued polyuria
• Urinary tract infection which, if untreated may
extend to the kidneys (it could already have
done so)

Fluid therapy to rehydrate the cat and correct the

metabolic acidosis and hypokalemia is important
in this case. It should be remembered that cats
with CKD are susceptible to over-hydration as
well as to dehydration since their kidneys can
not excrete a large fluid over-load. Great care is
necessary to make sure fluid therapy is accurately
administered (e.g. use of an infusion pump). This
cat is not vomiting and so the oral route can be
used to replace potassium and it may be possible
to follow-up initial intravenous treatment in
hospital with subcutaneous fluid on an out-patient
basis. Most cats are happier in their own environ-
ment and are far more likely to eat when at home
than when in the hospital environment.
One approach would be to provide sufficient
fluids to rehydrate the cat over 48 hours. In this
case assuming the cat is 10% dehydrated this
would be 300 mL (0.1 x 3 = 0.3 mEq) plus 75 x 3
x 2 (maintenance requirements – 75 mL/kg/24 h)*.
The total fluid requirements over the first 48 hr
would be 750 mL. Lactated ringers solution would
be appropriate to rehydrate the cat although its
sodium concentration is high and for prolonged
maintenance a lower sodium containing fluid
1.5 mm (with added potassium chloride) would be ideal.
Depending on the cat’s response to treatment,
subcutaneous fluids could be continued to provide
Figure 3. A lateral radiograph of a cat with ureteral blockage part of the maintenance requirements each day
and nephrolithiasis, subsequently shown to be calcium on an outpatient basis.
oxalate (a).
Note the post mortem pictures demonstrating the urolith within
the renal medulla (b) and the size of the urolith within the To correct the hypokalemia an oral potassium
ureter (c).
supplement was used. Potassium gluconate is the
one most commonly used in clinical practice in
How would you manage this case? the UK. A dose rate of 3 mEq of potassium twice a
There are several problems that have been day would be appropriate initially in this cat with a
identified in this case that require immediate follow-up blood test being advisable after 5 to 7
attention. These are the things that may be days. The owner of this cat felt unable to admin-
related to the acute decompensation of CKD. ister the potassium gluconate tablets and the gel
They consist of: form was not available at the time. As the cat was
* Usually the maintenance requirements are set at 50 mL/kg/24 h. With a cat with CKD that is polyuric, urinary losses will be high
and 75 mL/kg takes this into account.

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not eating much at all initially the powdered form important treatment targets are to get the cat
added to the food was not an option. We used over the acute exacerbation of its CKD, correcting
potassium citrate (available from pharmacies) the dehydration, managing the hypokalemia and
since tablets can be dissolved to make a liquid treating the urinary tract infection. Once the cat is
formulation to syringe-dose the cat by mouth. back in a more stable state, management of the
Both citrate and gluconate are bicarbonate pre- more chronic problems associated with chronic
cursors so act to provide bicarbonate replacement kidney disease is then appropriate.
therapy, addressing the problem of metabolic
acidosis demonstrated by the low total CO2 in Progression of this case with the above
this cat. management
After a week of the treatment described above,
Antibiotic treatment was essential in this case. The this cat was much improved and was eating more
choice of antibiotic should be made on the basis of of her normal diet. The urine sediment was non-
culture and sensitivity testing in this case since a active. Systolic arterial blood pressure measured
long course of treatment is usually recommended at this point was 192 mmHg, placing her in the
(at least 4 week) on the assumption that the high risk group for target organ damage. A retinal
infection has extended to the kidneys and we are examination (not performed when the cat first
dealing with pyleonephritis. The organisms presented) revealed evidence of hypertensive
cultured in our clinic are usually E coli and the choroidoretinopathy with patchy areas of edema
majority are sensitive to amoxicillin potentiated and small retinal hemorrhages around the retinal
with clavulanate. Palatable tablets are available blood vessels in both eyes.
containing this drug combination and the owner
was able to administer these in this case. We A repeat plasma biochemistry profile showed
would routinely follow-up with an examination of the values presented in Table 1.
the urine sediment after a week on treatment.
Assuming there is no evidence of inflammation in The urine sediment examination at this visit was
the urine sediment at that stage we would treat for unremarkable with very few red cells or white
4 weeks and culture the urine again after the cat cells seen and no bacteria identified. Thus the
had been off treatment for 7 days to determine response to treatment has been good and the
whether there had been a bacteriological cure. acute problems are under control in this case
allowing us to turn our attention to the more
Potentiated amoxicillin is well concentrated chronic problems associated with CKD. Antibiotic
in urine and even in cats with CKD reaches urine therapy should continue for a further 3 weeks
concentrations which are 100 times higher than before assessment of whether a bacteriological
its plasma concentration. It also has a time cure has been achieved and at that point, an
dependent bactericidal action. Prolonged treat- assessment of the urine protein to creatinine
ment is required to clear any pockets of infection ratio would be appropriate also. Potassium
within the renal parenchymal tissue. It is not supplementation was reduced from 3 mEq twice
uncommon for urinary tract infections to recur a day to 3 mEq once a day at this point.
in cats with CKD and routine monitoring of the
urine sediment on a regular basis (+/- routine Management of more chronic problems
cultures) are to be recommended. If potentiated associated with chronic kidney disease
amoxicillin is not effective in managing these At this point there are two longer term problems
infections our second line treatment would be a identified namely hyperphosphatemia and
fluoroquinolone. We have most experience of hypertension. This cat has been stabilized with a
using marbofloxacin for this purpose and most plasma creatinine concentration of 283 μmol/L
uropathogenic E coli seem to be sensitive to this (3.71 mg/dL). This would place it in the early Stage
group of antibiotics. 3 of CKD according to the IRIS classification (5).
Its blood pressure gives it a high risk of suffering
No attempt was made to change the cat’s diet at this target organ damage and ocular complications
stage to address the hyperphosphatemia. The most associated with this are evident. Sub-staging based

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on proteinuria should be postponed until treatment binding agents to achieve this post-treatment
for the urinary tract infection has been completed. target. There are a number of intestinal phosphate
binding agents available (calcium carbonate,
Anti-hypertensive treatment aluminium hydroxide, lanthanum carbonate).
Our preference is to institute treatments one at a These need to be mixed with the ration that is
time and assess response to these treatments, fed so they can interact with the phosphate in
getting the owner used to each new treatment. This the food and reduce its bio-availability.
also means that not too many changes are made
too suddenly so the response of the cat to these When we have changed the diet we measure
treatments can be adequately assessed. In this case plasma phosphate concentration after 4 to 6 weeks
we prescribed amlodipine besylate to treat the to assess response to treatment. This is a chronic
hypertension. The starting dose was 0.625 mg once therapy that reverses the whole body phosphate
daily and the response to this treatment was overload that occurs in chronic kidney disease
assessed after 14 days of therapy. Empirically, our and leads to hyperparathyroidism and soft tissue
post-treatment target blood pressure is 160 mmHg. mineralization (including nephrocalcinosis). It
If the SABP is above this value we would increase has been shown to be associated with increased
the dose to 1.25 mg once a day and reassess. interstitial fibrosis and mineralization in experi-
Usually this is sufficient to achieve the target, if mental cats (6) and phosphate restriction through
not we would consider adding benazepril as an diet and phosphate binders is associated with
additional treatment to aid in achieving the target. improved survival in cats with naturally occurring
Hypotension is a theoretical possibility with anti- chronic kidney disease (7). In addition to monitor-
hypertensive treatment but one we rarely see ing plasma phosphate concentration against
provided these drugs are not started in cats that the post-treatment targets, it is also important to
are dehydrated and decompensated. Hypotension monitor plasma calcium concentration as some
would be a SABP of <110 mmHg measured under cats (5% of those treated) develop hypercalcemia
clinic conditions. (total calcium >3 mmol/L) (12 mg/dL) when
dietary phosphate is restricted. Theoretically it
Management of hyperphosphatemia might also be possible to induce hypophospha-
In this case when we measured the SABP after temia, which would be undesirable although that is
14 days on amlodipine it was 142 mmHg. At this much less likely to occur particularly in a cat in
point it was appropriate to address the hyper- Stage 3 chronic kidney disease.
phosphatemia problem. This was done initially
by reducing phosphate intake in the diet and Response to dietary treatment
prescribing a renal clinical diet. The owner was In this cat after 4 weeks of feeding a renal clinical
advised to introduce this gradually by mixing a diet, the plasma phosphate concentration had
small quantity of the clinical diet with the cat’s reduced to 1.85 mmol/L (5.73 mg/dL) (from
normal food and gradually increasing the 2.56 mmol/L) (7.93 mg/dL). This was considered
proportion of the clinical diet and reducing the to be a good response to treatment and the cat
proportion of the cat’s normal food over a period was eating the diet to the exclusion of everything
of 7 to 14 days. We recognize that palatability else. We decided to continue to feed the diet and
can be an issue with these clinical diets and monitor the plasma phosphate concentration
suggest owners find the maximum proportion rather than trying to introduce phosphate binding
of clinical diet that is acceptable and feed this agents at this point in time. The plasma creatinine
if it is not possible to transfer the cat onto the concentration was 275 μmol/L (3.11 mg/dL) and
clinical diet as the sole source of food. The plasma potassium concentration was 4.2 mmol/L.
post-treatment target in this case is to achieve a SABP remained below the target at 150 mmHg.
plasma phosphate concentration of <1.6 mmol/L Urinalysis post-antibiotic treatment yielded an
(4.95 mg/dL) (for Stage 3 cats) and ideally less inactive urine sediment and bacterial culture was
than 1.45 mmol/L (4.49 mg/dL) (for Stage 2 negative. At this point a urine protein to creatinine
cats). In Stage 3 cats it may be necessary to use ratio was measured and found to be 0.56. The cat’s
both clinical diets and intestinal phosphate body weight had stabilized at 3.2 kg.

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At this point the potassium supplementation the best option rather than a further period of
therapy was stopped. After another 6 weeks hospitalization and fluid therapy.
of dietary and antihypertensive treatment a
reassessment of this cat was undertaken. The Take home messages
plasma phosphate concentration was 1.55 mmol/L • The finding of azotemia (raised creatinine and
(4.8 mg/dL) (below the 1.6 mmol/L (4.95 mg/dL) urea) on a chemistry screen requires careful
target)), plasma creatinine remained stable at consideration of the history and physical
290 μmol/L (3.28 mg/dL), the blood pressure was examination findings to classify the case
still within the target at 138 mmHg, the urine appropriately.
sample had benign (inactive) sediment and the • A full urinalysis is required in all azotemic
urine protein to creatinine ratio was 0.68. At this patients and this must include microscopic
point we discussed with the owners about instituting examination of the urine sediment.
further treatment to manage the persistent protein- • In cats with CKD, which is a heterogeneous
uria. This would involve administering another syndrome, measurement of urine protein to
oral medication (benazepril; 2.5 mg once daily) to creatinine ratio (if the urine sediment is benign)
manage the proteinuria. The post-treatment target and of systemic arterial blood pressure is
would be to reduce the UPC to below 0.4. We would important to identify therapeutic targets in the
also need to monitor blood pressure carefully to management of these cases.
make sure the combination of amlodipine and • Re-assessment and monitoring of laboratory test
benazepril did not induce systemic hypotension. results (including urine protein to creatinine
Benazepril does consistently reduce proteinuria in ratio) and blood pressure is important as part of
cats with CKD (8) and in our experience does not the monitoring process. In animals that have
lead to systemic hypotension when combined recently deteriorated, reassessment once they
with amplodipine. have stabilized again is very important as blood
pressure and plasma creatinine may change
Outcome in this case substantially once the cat is feeling better and
This cat remained stable on dietary treatment, more stable.
amlodipine and benzepril for a further six months. • Tailoring treatment to the individual case is
Post-treatment UPCs following initiation of important. Dealing with acute problems first
benazepril therapy were 0.36 and 0.42. After six and then, once the cat is stable again assessing
months this cat suffered from another uremic what chronic therapeutic targets there are and
crisis presenting severely dehydrated and suffering dealing with these sequentially so that responses
from a recurrence of its urinary tract infection. The to treatment can be adequately assessed is
owners at this point decided euthanasia was important.

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2. Syme HM, Markwell PJ, Pfeiffer DU, et al. Survival of cats with 6. Ross LA, Finco DR, Crowell WA, et al. Effect of dietary phosphorus
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