Top 5 Consequences of Brachycephaly

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Top 5 Consequences
of Brachycephaly
Anne Fawcett, BVSc, MVS, MANZCVS
(Animal Welfare), DECAWBM (AWSEL)
The University of Sydney
Sydney, Australia

d FIGURE 1 A French bulldog after removal of

a temporary tracheostomy placed to
bypass the upper airway due to
obstruction triggered by severe heat
stress. Some dogs require a permanent
tracheostomy. Image courtesy of Dr. Ellie
Leister, Veterinary Specialist Services

Brachycephaly (ie, shortening of the facial Following are the top 5 consequences of brachy-
cephaly according to the author.
skeleton) is characteristic of some dog breeds (eg,

French bulldogs, English bulldogs, pugs, Cavalier Brachycephalic Obstructive
King Charles spaniels, Pekingese, Boston terriers). Airway Syndrome
Shortening of the facial skeleton leads to
Brachycephalic conformation is associated
crowding and compression of the upper
with multiple health problems, some of which airway, resulting in upper airway resistance that
can be life-threatening and most of which are increases the work of breathing and leads to air

lifelong. Despite widespread publicity about

these problems, popularity of these breeds as
pets continues to increase.1 Awareness of the TOP 5 CONSEQUENCES
consequences of brachycephaly is important
when advising pet owners about breed selection, 1. Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome

advising breeders, and mitigating consequences 2. Conditions Associated with Skeletal Abnormalities

for affected dogs. It should be noted that some 3. Dental Disease

syndromes are more common and/or severe in 4. GI Disease
some brachycephalic breeds. 5. Ocular & Ophthalmologic Disease

August 2020 17


hunger during exertion; this syndrome is known Early surgical correction is recommended to mini-
as brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome mize progression of airway pathology in BOAS
(BOAS).2 Anatomically, brachycephaly is associ- patients.10,11 Surgery typically addresses stenotic
ated with stenotic nares, hypertrophy of nasal tur- nares, elongated soft palate, everted laryngeal sac-
binates, an elongated and thickened soft palate, a cules, and palatine tonsils. Care must be taken
thickened tongue, everted laryngeal saccules, when anesthetizing brachycephalic dogs with
everted palatine tonsils, and a hypoplastic tra- BOAS because of increased risk for complications
chea; this can lead to partial or complete airway (eg, regurgitation, aspiration pneumonia, respira-
obstruction.3 Clinical signs range from mild stri- tory distress).12,13 Perioperative administration of
dor to severe dyspnea and collapse. Affected dogs a prokinetic and a histamine blocker, minimal use
may experience sleep apnea.4,5 Increased airway of opioids, and recovery in an intensive care unit
resistance can also result in soft tissue swelling reduced the incidence of postoperative regurgita-
and laryngeal collapse, exacerbating BOAS and tion in brachycephalic dogs.13

potentially causing complete obstruction of the
upper airway, necessitating emergency opening of Conditions Associated
the airway (Figure 1, previous page).6,7 with Skeletal Abnormalities
Chiari-like malformation of the skull and
Because owners are often unaware that BOAS indi- craniocervical junction is most commonly
cates underlying pathology, and because upper seen in Cavalier King Charles spaniels, Brussels
airway noises may be considered normal for the Griffons, and affenpinschers. Compression of neu-
breed, there can be delays in seeking veterinary ral tissue and disruption of CSF circulation can
care.8 Clinicians should advise owners on when to result and lead to development of fluid-filled cavi-
seek veterinary care and educate them on the sen- ties in the spinal cord (ie, syringomyelia [ie, neck
sitivity of brachycephalic breeds to heat stress scratcher’s disease]).14 Affected dogs may have
(Figure 2).9 concurrent ventriculomegaly,3 a painful condition
most commonly seen in smaller brachycephalic

Abnormalities of the vertebral column, including

spondylosis deformans and vertebral malformations
(eg, hemivertebrae), predispose brachycephalic
dogs to intervertebral disk disease.15 Brachycephalic
screw-tailed dogs (eg, French bulldogs, pugs,
English bulldogs) are more commonly affected
by spinal malformations, including kyphosis and
scoliosis, which can increase the risk for interver-
tebral disk disease.3

Prognosis for affected dogs varies according to the

severity of the underlying abnormality. Medical
management with analgesic and anti-inflammatory
drugs may relieve signs in mildly affected dogs.
d FIGURE 2 A bulldog with hyperthermia (body temperature, 107°F [41.5°C]) Surgery may be of benefit for some dogs; however,
at an outdoor event. The dog was first cooled in tepid water then trans-
the prognosis is poor for dogs with marked scolio-
ported to a critical care facility. Brachycephalic dogs are prone to heat
stress due to upper airway obstruction (ie, increasing inspiratory workload) sis, intractable spinal pain, and/or neurologic signs
and ineffective evaporative cooling. refractory to medical management.3

18 August 2020

3 Dental Disease
Brachycephaly is associated with dental
malocclusion, overcrowding, and mis-
alignment of teeth. A number of brachy-
hernia and esophageal disease are at greater risk
for esophagitis and aspiration during and after
anesthesia, patients with a history of regurgitation
or reflux require close monitoring, and owners
cephalic breeds have mandibular mesioclusion should be advised of increased risks.

(ie, an undershot jaw), which is specified in breed
standards; for example, French bulldog breed Ocular & Ophthalmologic Disease
standards include an underjaw that is deep, Brachycephalic breeds may have a variety
square, broad, undershot, and well turned up.16 of conformational defects (eg, medial can-
thal entropion, trichiasis, inappropriate
Malocclusion is associated with difficulty chewing tear fluid drainage leading to epiphora, qualitative
food, temporomandibular joint dysfunction, and/or quantitative tear deficiencies, shallow
trauma to soft tissue of the oral cavity, and prema- orbits, proptosis, reduced corneal sensitivity) that
ture tooth loss.17 Brachycephaly may also predis- compromise ocular health.22 These abnormalities
pose dogs to dentigerous cysts, supernumerary increase the risk for ocular disease (including cor-
incisors, and rotated, fused, or unerupted teeth neal ulcerations and erosions, vascular keratitis,
(Figure 3).18 Some brachycephalic breeds (eg, box- pigmentary keratitis, corneal fibrosis, and kerato-
ers, bulldogs) may have prominent palatal rugae, conjunctivitis sicca), leading to pain and vision
in which plaque, hair, and food become trapped, deficits.22 Brachycephalic dogs are 11 to 20 times
leading to inflammation and development of gran- more likely to be affected by corneal ulcers than
ulomas; surgical correction may be required.18 are nonbrachycephalic dogs.23,24 Nasal folds, visi-
Dental radiography is essential in the diagnosis ble sclera, and an increased eyelid aperture have
and management of dentigerous cysts and super- been identified as risk factors.23
numerary teeth. Owners should be advised to
maintain dental hygiene and pursue regular
BOAS = brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome Continues h
dental examinations for their pet.

4 GI Disease
Brachycephalic dogs are at increased risk
for GI disease, including hiatal hernia,
gastroesophageal reflux, esophagitis,
delayed esophageal transit time, and redundant
esophagus.19,20 French bulldogs have a higher
incidence of hiatal hernia as compared with other
dogs.20 Brachycephalic dogs presented with regur-
gitation and/or dysphagia are more likely to have
esophageal motility disorders as compared with
nonbrachycephalic dogs.21 Clinical signs of GI
disease (eg, dysphagia, vomiting, regurgitation)
are common in brachycephalic dogs with clinical
upper respiratory tract disease.19 Of note, GI
lesions were seen endoscopically in brachycephalic
dogs that did not have GI signs.
d FIGURE 3 Oral cavity of a pug undergoing dental treatment. A rotated pre-
Surgical management of respiratory disease may molar and carnassial tooth, marked gingival recession and gingivitis,
reduce GI signs.19,20 Because patients with hiatal marked plaque and calculus, and fur entrapment can be seen.

August 2020 19


In some cases, surgical management (eg, medial can- Conclusion

thoplasty) can reduce the risk for corneal exposure Brachycephalic conformation predisposes dogs to
and irritation. Medical and surgical management respiratory, neurologic, dental, GI, ocular, and
may be required to manage acute and chronic condi- other disorders—including dermatologic abnor-
tions (eg, corneal ulceration). Careful attention malities. Because these conditions affect the
should be paid to the ocular conformation of these health and welfare of dogs, it is important they are
dogs during examination so that owners can be not dismissed as normal for the breed. n
advised accordingly.

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20 August 2020

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