PCB Design Course

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Course: PCB Design using Cadence Tools

1. Introduction to PCB Design and Cadence Tools:

What is a Printed Circuit Board (PCB)?

Introduction to PCBs as a key component in electronic devices.
Explanation of the PCB structure, layers, and basic components.
Importance of PCB Design in Electronic Systems:
Discussion on how PCB design impacts the performance and
reliability of electronic systems.
Mention of various industries where PCBs are used (consumer
electronics, automotive, aerospace, etc.).
Overview of Cadence PCB Design Tools:
Introduction to Cadence as a leading provider of PCB design tools.
Brief overview of the toolset, its features, and its role in the design
2. PCB Design Process:

Schematic Capture and PCB Layout Stages:

Explanation of the two main stages in PCB design: schematic capture
and layout.
Discussion on the role of schematic in capturing the logical
connections and layout in translating this into a physical
The Role of Design Review and Validation:
Importance of design review for identifying errors and optimizing the
Introduction to design validation techniques, including simulation and
3. Schematic Capture:

Understanding Schematic Symbols and Components:

Detailed explanation of schematic symbols representing different
components (resistors, capacitors, ICs, etc.).
Creating and Editing Schematic Symbols:
Step-by-step guide to creating custom schematic symbols for unique
Drawing and Connecting Components in a Schematic:
Practical demonstration of placing components, wiring connections,
and labeling nets.
4. Component Libraries:

Building and Managing Component Libraries:

Explanation of how to create and organize component libraries for
efficient design.
Adding and Importing Components to Libraries:
Instructions on adding components manually and importing them
from external sources.
Organizing Components for Easy Access:
Best practices for categorizing components and maintaining a well-
organized library.
5. Design Constraints:

Defining Design Rules and Constraints:

Overview of design rules such as trace widths, clearances, and via
Setting Up Trace Widths, Clearances, and Spacing:
Step-by-step instructions for configuring design rules based on the
project's requirements.
Signal Integrity and Manufacturability Constraints:
Explanation of adding constraints to ensure signal integrity and ease
of manufacturability.
6. Routing Techniques:

Manual vs. Automatic Routing Methods:

Comparison of manual and automatic routing approaches,
highlighting their pros and cons.
Multi-Layer Routing Strategies and Stackup Considerations:
Discussing the importance of layer stackup and how to perform multi-
layer routing.
Routing High-Speed and Differential Pair Signals:
Techniques for routing high-speed traces and maintaining signal
integrity for differential pairs.
7. Signal Integrity and EMI/EMC:

Identifying Signal Integrity Issues:

Explanation of common signal integrity problems such as reflections
and overshoot/undershoot.
Mitigating EMI and EMC Issues:
Strategies for reducing electromagnetic interference and ensuring
electromagnetic compatibility.
Crosstalk Analysis and Suppression Techniques:
Steps for analyzing and minimizing crosstalk between traces.
8. Power and Ground Plane Design:

Creating and Managing Power and Ground Planes:

Importance of power and ground planes for noise reduction and
proper signal return paths.
Decoupling Capacitors and PDN Design:
Role of decoupling capacitors in stabilizing power distribution and
reducing voltage fluctuations.
Ensuring Low-Impedance Return Paths:
Techniques for minimizing loop areas and ensuring a low-impedance
return path.
9. High-Speed Design:

Handling High-Speed Signals:

Explanation of high-speed signals, their characteristics, and
Managing Differential Signaling and Skew:
Importance of maintaining balanced differential signal pairs and
techniques for skew control.
Impedance Matching and Controlled Propagation Delay
Understanding impedance matching for transmission lines and
techniques to manage controlled propagation delay.
10. 3D Modeling and Mechanical Integration:
Integrating PCB Design with Mechanical Aspects:
Importance of collaboration between PCB and mechanical designers.
Creating and Importing 3D Component Models:
Steps for creating accurate 3D models of components and importing
them into the design.
Collision Detection and Verifying Mechanical Fit:
Techniques for ensuring components fit within the mechanical
enclosure without interference.
11. Design for Manufacturability (DFM) and Assembly (DFA):

Considering Manufacturing Processes during Design:

Explanation of DFM principles to ensure the design is
Designing for Solderability, Assembly, and Testability:
Strategies to simplify assembly processes and enhance reliability.
Avoiding Common DFM Issues:
Identification and mitigation of common DFM issues that can affect
the fabrication and assembly process.
12. Design Verification and Analysis:

Performing Design Rule Checks (DRC):

Explanation of DRC and its role in identifying design rule violations.
Running Electrical Rule Checks (ERC):
Utilizing ERC to detect logical errors in the schematic.
Simulating Signal Integrity and Thermal Performance:
Introduction to simulation tools for analyzing signal integrity and
thermal behavior.
13. Output Generation and Documentation:

Generating Gerber Files for Manufacturing:

Steps to create Gerber files that manufacturers use to fabricate the
Creating Assembly Drawings and Documentation:
Generating detailed assembly drawings with component placements.
Preparing Bill of Materials (BOM):
Explanation of BOM and how to generate it from the design.
14. Prototyping and Testing:
Preparing for Prototyping and Testing Phases:
Overview of the steps to prepare for building physical prototypes and
conducting tests.
Debugging and Troubleshooting Techniques:
Strategies for identifying and resolving issues during testing and
Iterative Design Improvement:
Emphasizing the importance of iterative design cycles for continuous
15. Advanced Topics (Optional):

Multi-Board Systems Design and Connectivity:

Exploring techniques for designing systems involving multiple
interconnected PCBs.
Flex and Rigid-Flex PCB Design Considerations:
Introduction to designing flexible and rigid-flex PCBs for specialized
Thermal Management Techniques and Simulations:
Strategies for managing heat dissipation and thermal
simulations to ensure proper cooling.

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