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Quick Questions!

What are the things from 20 to 30 years ago you

wish you had experienced?

What are the things that make you thankful for

not having to experience them?

Social, Political, and Cultural Behavior and


Social, Political, and Cultural Change

The Study of Culture, Society, and Politics

Learning Targets!

At the end of this unit, you should be able to do the following:

 Demonstrate curiosity and an openness to explore the origins and dynamics

of culture, society, and political identities.
 Analyze social, political, and cultural change.
 Recognize the common concerns or intersections of anthropology, sociology,
and political science with respect to the phenomenon of change.
 Identify the subjects of inquiry and goals of anthropology, political science,
and sociology.
Social, Political,
and Cultural
Behavior and
Central Question!

How does the interrelation

among culture, society, and
politics influence a person’s
identity and vice versa?
In our culture, what have you notice in terms of the following?
Social, Political,
and Cultural
Group Activity!
Answer the following questions:

a. Identify three cultural changes you notice in society.

b.What may cause cultural changes?
c. Which institutions or sectors in society have paved the way for
adapting to cultural changes?
d.How are individuals and society affected by cultural changes?
e.How is politics affected by cultural changes?
The Study of
Society, and

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