E Journal

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Day One!

 What is your insight about this global pandemic?

My insights or reactions about this global pandemic is that it is getting worse
due to people not practicing staying 6 meters or one foot away from others
which causes the passing of the virus. Others do not practice proper oral
hygiene such as touching the eyes, nose and mouth especially not wearing
masks which is making me worried for the physical and mental health of

mine and my family members. 😢

 What significant changes happened to you for the past 5 months that
we were placed under quarantine?
The significant changes that happened to me during the past 5 months that we
were placed under quarantine is that I have been practicing way on how we
are able to avoid getting sick at a time like this such as proper oral hygiene,
social distancing, exercising, eating such nutritious food along with my
family members which is an simple yet helpful way in order to be able not to
decrease the population here in the Philippines and to help our dear front
liners who are protecting and serving our country.

 How are your emotions affected by this pandemic?

This pandemic has affected my emotions a lot. During this pandemic, it has
made me stressed, worried, and sad due to the loss of many lives but I do
manage to have hope and happiness from my family and friends for they are
able to support and help me in this like this. 🥰
Day Two!
 What are your insights about the common reactions experienced by
adolescence during this time of pandemic?
My insights or reactions to this is that it is mostly part of the new normal so I
would say that it is okay for us adolescents to feel stressed, sad or worried
during this time of pandemic but it is best if we are able to remain positive at
this time of pandemic. As long as we practice social distancing, proper oral
hygiene and other more ways we are able to avoid COVID-19. There are also
other ways to remain positive such as practicing self-care, meditation and
learning new things (getting to know yourself more: learning a hobby or
discovering your talents) in order for us to apply something to our daily lives
or might as well be able to reduce our stress and worries.

 At this time of great challenges in your life, to whom do you get

support? Why?
At this time, I get support from my parents for they are able to help me such
as giving advice, providing my needs and supporting me in order to become a
better version of myself. Because of this, I tend to have a grew a stronger
bond among me and my parents and is the reason why I often tend to spend

much more time with them. 😄

Day Three!
 What is resiliency?
Resiliency is the ability to recover or adjust easily, Therefore, I think we must
practice resiliency during the new normal in order for us to be able to cope up
with this global pandemic affecting many lives. If we are able to practice this,
we might be able to get used to the new normal and be able to practice social
distancing, proper oral hygiene, wearing face masks, avoid touching our faces
and more which is very beneficial especially for those who go out in order for
their needs such as food, water and electricity.

 How do you secure that you are in an excellent state of mind during
this time of pandemic?
I secure myself that I am in an excellent state of mind during this time of
pandemic by trying my best to remain positive. For me, remaining positive
has helped me to encourage others not too worry or get stressed at times like
this which is efficient for people like me that easily get stressed, sad, etc. In
order for me to remain positive, I practice self-care. Self-care is actually a
great exercise you could get used to. I often meditate which has helped reach
deeper awareness of my mental health! I also never forget about taking care
of my physical health as well, I exercise and eat food that are able to make us
healthier and stronger in order for us to avoid having diseases. Last but not
the least, I try to learn new things! Such as cooking, planting, sewing,
learning a new language, learning how to play an instrument and be able to
spend some more time with your family! It is very fun, it could also help you
be able to grow a strong connection with you and your family members. ☺

Day Four!
“What I Learnt/Tried During This Pandemic and My
 Self-Care.
-Honestly, self-care is very healthy for our mental health. It gave a very
beneficial effect to my mental state which helped me maintain my positivity.
During our orientation, we had learnt about the basics of meditation which
was very relaxing and also helped me reduce my stress. It might seem
difficult at first but it is very helpful for us if often meditate.

 Exercise.
-Exercise is very beneficial for our life as well, it has helped me stay healthy
and fit. But since it’s not good for me too strict about exercising, I still eat
fruits and vegetables in order not to have diseases which was a good thing.

 Trying new hobbies.

-Since we have a lot of time with ourselves at home, we can discover things
we haven’t discovered before while we were busy. I took the time in order to
get to know myself better! I spent my time learning a new language and read
some novels which was a way to improve my reading and communication
skills. I was also able to apply the things I learned at my past grade level by
teaching it to my younger family members if they find a topic, they are trying
to learn difficult.

 Helping my family members.

-I wouldn’t specifically call this something I haven’t learnt or tried before but
this is very beneficial way for me in order to be able to get closer to my other
family members in order for us to get to know each other better. We would
be able to communicate in a proper way and because of that, I am able to
share my thoughts and problems to them which is good for me in order for
me to feel much better or might even as well receive some helpful advice.

Day Five!
 From these psychosocial sessions that we had, how did it help you in
this time of pandemic?
It helped me a lot! I am able to learn more things and were able to apply it in
my everyday life. Due to this e-journal that we are passing to our high school
guidance counselor, I am able to share my thoughts that might be a good way
to let out my emotions that I am currently feelings at this pandemic. ☺

 What is your overall evaluation of the 5 psychosocial sessions that we

had this week?
The five psychosocial sessions that we had helped me a lot. During our
sessions, I was able to learn something new which was able to enhance my
own knowledge. I didn’t experience any trouble during the sessions so far
except for poor connection but overall, the class was very efficient for me in
order for me to apply the topics that we talked about in my everyday life.

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