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above my head break even call it a day gave her my


in the long term keeping it under off the record pull a few
wraps strings

slipped my start from stood a fair

mind scratch chance to the point

1. ________________________ the virus will go away, but it will still be

with us for some time.
2. The politician's email is short and ________________________. He
just tells us he won't be a candidate for the next election.
3. I'm sorry I didn't return your book. It must have
4. I'm afraid I don't know very much about that kind of software, so what
you're telling me is ________________________.
5. I ________________________ that I would look into the matter.
6. She asked the manager if she ________________________ of getting
the job.
7. It's late and we've been working for three hours. Let's
________________________ and go home.
8. The outline you compiled doesn't help us. We'll have
9. I told the journalist that what I was telling her was strictly
10. Nobody has heard about the new health plans. The government is
________________________ for the time being.
11.We have been struggling with our firm for the past two years. There
have been a lot of extra costs, but we're expecting to
________________________ soon.
12. Can you help me ? - I'll ________________________ and see what
I can do for you.

at the end of brings home dead end drenched to

the day the bacon the skin

get to the have a word have it both in high spirits

point ways

in one minute off the beaten to play second take it easy

flat track fiddle

1. Harry has been smiling all day long in the office. He must be
___________________ .
2. When she travels abroad she never visits typical tourist destinations.
She likes to go ___________________ .
3. You should ___________________ with Jimmy. He seem's to be
having trouble in school at the moment.
4. Herbert has been unemployed for almost year. His wife is the one who
___________________ .
5. Don't waste so much time talking about unimportant things.
___________________ so that we can finish and go home.
6. He has a lot of flaws and makes a few mistakes, but
___________________ , he's still the best choice.
7. Dorothy refuses ___________________ to the headmaster. She wants
to be the one making all the necessary decisions.
8. My sister's so fast at eating. She can eat a piece of cake
___________________ .
9. It was raining heavily the whole day, so when I picked him up he was
10. You should listen to the doctor's advice and ___________________
for a few days.
11.I lost my way and turned left at the crossing . Then I hit a
12. You can't ___________________. Either you decide to come with
us or do something else.

as quiet as a break the ice calls the shots dead right


for short hot spot into thin air keep her posted

matter of time out of stock turn a blind eye what’s the point

1. I'm sorry, we don't have the dress in your size. It's

2. I can't see her anywhere. She's vanished __________________.
3. My name is Nicholas, but everybody calls me Nick
4. I'll promise not to disturb you. I'll be __________________.
5. An area of war and conflict in the world is called a
6. I could ask the boss for a pay rise. But, __________________? I'll be
gone in a few months anyway.
7. The new manager hasn't won a game in three months. The board will
fire him eventually. It__________________.
8. You told me I shouldn't take the job and I didn't listen. You were
9. Janet was very interested in any new developments so I promised I
would __________________.
10. You'll have to ask Jim about the problem. He's the one who
11.It took half an hour for the participants to __________________. Then
there was a lively discussion.
12. You know that the students are smoking in the back yard. As a
teacher, you simply can't __________________ to that.

along the line behind bars bit by bit come clean

do you good in a big way make yourself on his mind

at home

open secret too good to be red tape take a hard line


1. Come, sit down and _________________________.

2. If you can't do it at once, you'll have to write the report
3. Everyone knows about his affair with his secretary. It's been an
________________________ for ages.
4. Jerry has got a lot ________________________ at the moment. That's
why he always puts off meeting you.
5. The man is a professional criminal. He's been
________________________ five times for a total of three years.
6. It's not that easy to emigrate to Australia. There is a difficult test and a
lot of ________________________ to go through.
7. Your calculations are inaccurate. Somewhere
________________________ you must have made a mistake.
8. I still can't believe that I have won the lottery. It's
9. It's no use hiding things. You should ________________________and
tell them everything.
10. The management of the firm decided to
________________________with the workers and refuse to give them
a pay rise.
11.Martha is opening up a chain of shops in the city. She wants to go into
business ________________________.
12. You should exercise more . It will ________________________.

a long shot are having a at random for keeps

field day

in the nick of keeps her word make ends meet passed away

sleep on it the bottom line to lose face to the core

1. It's probably ________________________, but you should look

examine his financial transactions and see if you can find anything
2. He has been been to all the home games this season. He's a Liverpool
fan ________________________.
3. I didn't want ________________________in front of all the members of
the board, so I didn't tell them about the new developments.
4. Mrs Flannigan doesn't live here any more. She
________________________ two years ago and her son sold the
5. The teacher picked six students ________________________ and told
them to hand in their assignments.
6. I hurried and ran as fast as I could . I managed to jump on the train
7. Do you want the book? - Then it's yours ________________________.
8. I don't need your decision today. ________________________and tell
me next week.
9. She always promises to do things , but she never
________________________and finds an excuse to do something
10. With what both of us earn we can barely
11.Did you here about the divorce ? - Of course, take a look at the media.
The press ________________________ with it.
12. I've told you all the details. ________________________is that we
are in deep trouble.

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