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Interview Guide for the Consultations on RAP YPS

Notes to the Interviewer

1. Please always note down the location, date, name, gender, organization, the position of the interviewee(s),
and length of service in the organization. It is essential for the report.
2. If people do not know or do not want to respond to a question, please note down "the person does not
know/does not want to answer." It is a piece of information.
3. Please try to note down quotations of people (in quotation marks) and put down the name of the person who
said it. This is also useful for the report.
4. Try to aim for quantified information (We had many meetings – how many? how regularly?) When you are
given a piece of quantitative data: note down the number. ("We had four meetings," "I give three as a grade",
5. The questions listed are for all stakeholders; the interviewer will decide which questions will be asked to a
particular respondent. The questions with an asterisk (*) are considered as priority and should be asked as
many times as possible.

Interviewee(s) (total number, names, organization,
positions, length of service in the organization, and

Thank you very much for your availability to have this interview. We are going to follow an interview guide that
comprises questions related to the formulation of BARMM Regional Action Plan on Youth Peace and Security. We
want to assure you that we will treat your information confidently and anonymize all data received in the report,
adhering to the Philippines data protection law requirements. To begin with, we would like to introduce ourselves
and ask you to introduce yourself briefly as well.

*1. To start with, could you tell us about your

organization's /agency’s/LGU’s role in Youth,
Peace and Security (YPS)?
Problem Mapping (Issues and Concerns)
*2. Can you identify/ enumerate issues and
concerns in relation to Youth, Peace and Security?
*3. What do you think causes or contributes to
these issues in YPS?
*4. Were there issues in the past that were
resolved or partially addressed thru initiatives and

If yes, can you cite an example?

Awareness of legislation, policies, issuances
5. Are you familiar with any legislation, policies,
issuances in relation to youth concerns especially
on YPS (both local and international)?

Are you familiar with United Nations Security

Council Resolution 2250 policy framework and the
five pillars on YPS namely: Participation,
Prevention, Protection, Partnership, and
Disengagement & Reintegration?
6. Are you familiar with the status of
implementation of existing YPS-related legislation,
policies, issuances?

What are your thoughts on the implementation of

YPS programs, projects and activities?

Specifically, what are your thoughts on the

Programs, Projects and Activities related to the
five pillars on YPS namely: Participation,
Prevention, Protection, Partnership, and
Disengagement & Reintegration?
7. What policy (if any) supports the YPS
program/initiatives of your organization/ LGU?

Is there a policy that would support the creation of

a specific unit/ division/ office? If yes, please
discuss further.
Organizational Structures with YPS Functions
*8. Please describe the existing youth programs
and initiatives in your organization. Is there a
unit/division/office in your organization
specifically responsible for YPS? What was the
rationale for the establishment of the said unit?

If no, what unit/ division/ office in your

organization should be responsible for YPS? Why?
9. Does your unit/ division/ office have Programs,
Projects, Activities in relation to YPS?

Can you describe how your unit/division/office

formulates/ comes up with its YPS-related
Programs/ Projects and Activities?

Is there any consultation or interface with other

stakeholders being done in the identification of
YPS Activities?
10. Describe the existing structure of the YPS

If there is no existing unit/ division/ office, what is

your proposed structure? What are the functions
of the personnel?

11. Can you describe how your unit/division/office

reports its YPS accomplishments and captures
results (e.g., process, format, timeframe) to the
unit/division responsible for M&E?

Considering that there is no dedicated unit/

division for YPS M&E, how does your office
monitor/ report its YPS accomplishments (e.g.,
process, format, timeframe)?
12. Can you describe how your agency reports its
YPS accomplishments and capture results (e.g.,
process, format, timeframe) to the higher bodies/
13. Can you describe how your agency reports its
YPS accomplishments and capture results (e.g.,
process, format, timeframe) to the non-state
actors/ private sector?
Human Capacity for YPS
14. In implementing YPS initiatives and programs,
what are the needed knowledge, skills, attitude
and values that are critical, important and
contributory to the success of the

What additional YPS-related knowledge, skills

attitude and values are needed by your personnel
and stakeholders contributory to the success of
program implementation?

What are YPS-related knowledge skills needed by

your organization to perform YPS M&E work?
15. Does your organization have a human resource
capacity building plan for YPS? If yes, describe the
process of developing the said plan?

16. How often are the YPS-related skills and

competencies of the staff updated and assessed?

(if not applicable) Despite the absence of a

dedicated YPS division/ unit/ office, are the YPS-
related skills and competencies of your staff
assessed? If yes, how often?
17. From your perspective, how are the capacity
gaps on YPS addressed in the N/LYPS Action Plans
(e.g., reporting, data management)?
18. Are you aware of any nationally endorsed
curriculum to address the YPS capacity gaps? If
yes, can you discuss this further?

If no, what do you think should be the key

elements/contents of the curriculum? What are
the agencies/ organizations that could provide
capacity building trainings on YPS?
Partnerships to plan, coordinate and manage the YPS M&E system
19. Does your organization have an inventory of
stakeholders on YPS? Is it periodically updated?
20. Do you have suggestions for improving your
organization’s coordination with other
stakeholders in relation to YPS planning,
implementation and M&E?
21. What M&E-related support does your
organization receive from other groups/partners
(e.g., government, CSOs, development partners,
and private sector) involved in YPS?

If none, what M&E-related support does your

organization need from external stakeholders?
22. How can this support be improved and
YPS Action Plan and M&E
23. Does your organization have a YPS Action
Plan? Does it have a separate M&E Plan?
(Request for a copy) If none, why?
24. For respondents with an M&E plan, what are
the facilitating factors that help ensure the
implementation of the said plan? What are the
challenges that affect the implementation of the
M&E plan?
YPS Programming (Planning and Budget Allocation)
25. Are your organization’s YPS-related programs,
projects and activities allotted with a budget? If
yes, could you cite some of these activities?

If no, why? From your perspective, what YPS

activities do you think should be allotted with a

Who will be responsible for implementing the

activities? Who can be tapped as partners to
support you in the implementation?
26. Did you identify a specific timeframe of
implementation for the activities in your YPS M&E
plan? If yes, provide examples of activities under
short-, medium- and long-term.

27. Did you identify persons responsible /partners

for the implementation of each activity? If yes,
who are these persons/partners?
YPS Evaluation and Research Agenda
28. Is there a YPS Evaluation and Research Agenda
in your organization?

If yes, how was it formulated? Who was involved

in the formulation?

If no, what particular specific issues/ concerns

must be focused in this research agenda?
29. How does your organization use it? How and
how often do you update it?
*30. Does your organization have an inventory of
YPS-related research and evaluation? (Request for
link/ softcopies)
YPS Database
31. Are you aware of any YPS database that
stakeholders can use to report accomplishments
and capture results? If yes, can you provide further
information about the said database?
32. What are the challenges in accessing and using
the any known database (may not necessarily be
YPS)? What are your recommendations to address
these challenges?
Data dissemination and use
33. How does your organization make use of the
data generated from M&E?
34. How does your organization disseminate YPS-
related knowledge products (e.g., reports,
statistics, and charts)?

Thank you so much for your availability.

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