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Fair Use

-refers to the copying of copyrighted material, with the purpose of using it for reviewing, documentary,
and other purposes with the need to ask permission from the copyright owner.

-referencing is needed.


-refers to a work which ridicules another in a non-derogatory manner.

-eg. Screenshot photo from a famous movie and turning it into a meme

Intellectual Property

-pertains to the output of a person’s intellectual pursuit whether in literature, artistic works, logos,
researches, and invention.

-If you want to use a copyrighted material, you need to secure a permission from the owner first.


-a copyrighted material is protected by the law and cannot just be used and reproduced without


- A patent is the granting of a property right by a sovereign authority to an inventor.

- it protects the owner from people who deliberately copy his/her work


-refers to the specific sign associated with a particular brand of goods or services.

-it is used to distinguish products from other similar products, but from different producers, in the


- refers to the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.
-it is a form of intellectual theft or fraud.



-denotes to the proper attitude that one should observe when communicating online.

-netizens or the internet users should remain polite at all times

Guidelines to Remember as a Netizen with Netiquette

-Observe politeness when responding or sending messages

-When you receive a message, especially if it’s from a superior or any professional related matters, it
would be polite to reply urgently

-Review first the message before sending it so that you can be sure that it is the exact message you want
to convey.

-As a sign of respect, do not send spam or chain messages to your list of contacts

-Ask permission first before sharing someone’s personal post on social media, as this could violate the
person’s right to privacy

-Do not ask for personal info from public forums

-Before sending an instant message to someone not on your list of contacts, introduce yourself first.

Digital Divide

-refers to the economic, educational, and social inequalities experienced by those who cannot afford to
have computer or internet access.

Virtual Self

-pertains to one’s representation in the virtual world which exists online and is only available once a
person is connected to the internet.


Republic Act No. 10175

-known as the Cybercrime Act of 2012

-it aims to address legal issues concerning the Cyberspace like Cybercrimes, Cyberbullying, Cybersex, and


-refers to the virtual computer world or the place where online communication is facilitated.
Computer Addiction

-refers to a form of behavioral condition where a person seems to lost his control over his own actions due to
excessive or compulsive use of the computer.


-use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically sending messages of an intimidating or

threatening nature.


-refers to the practice of modifying or altering computer software or hardware to accomplish a goal that is
considered to be outside of the creator’s original objective.


-an attempt to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details for
malicious reasons by disguising as trustworthy entity.

Illegal Downloading

-refers to obtaining files in the Internet that you have no right to use

Digital Piracy

-refers to the practice illegally copying and selling digital music, movies, softwares, etc.

Identity Theft

-refers to the deliberate use of someone’s identity usually to obtain benefits from the person’s name

Cyber Defamation

-is an unprivileged false statement of fact which tends to harm the reputation of a person.


-is registering, trafficking in, or using Internet domain name with bad faith intent to profit from a goodwill of
a trademark belonging to someone else.

Cyber Sex

-is a virtual encounter in which two or more people send each other sexually explicit contents or acts.

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