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Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery

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Models for erectile dysfunction and their

importance to novel drug discovery

Christopher Wu & Jason R. Kovac

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Models for erectile dysfunction and their importance to novel drug discovery
Christopher Wua and Jason R. Kovacb
McMaster Institute of Urology, Hamilton, ON, Canada; bMen’s Health Center, Indianapolis, IN, USA


Introduction: Erectile dysfunction (ED) affects quality of life and is a barometer for vascular Received 22 September 2015
health. The pathophysiology is complex and multifactorial. Animal models have been critical in Accepted 26 November 2015
elucidating an improved comprehension of erectile function. They provide experimental plat- Published Online 23
forms where desired physiologic, and non-physiologic perturbations can be performed. Results December 2015
have led to the development of novel therapeutic targets. KEYWORDS
Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 01:51 30 December 2015

Areas covered: The current article provides an overview of history of animal models in ED Animal models; erectile
research as well as a review of the current roles in the study of ED. The authors highlight the dysfunction;
advantages and disadvantages of each model while illustrating the similarities to the human phosphodiesterase type 5
condition and summarizing the major preclinical studies investigating novel therapeutic targets inhibitors; stem cells
in the treatment of ED.
Expert opinion: Animal models have been instrumental in the discovery of the current thera-
peutic agents. Advances in molecular biology and proteomics have uncovered many novel
potential targets including tissue regeneration and stem cell applications. Rodent models are
the current animal model of choice for ED research due to lower cost, well-established modeling
protocol, and the ability to manipulate genetically. Future clinical trials should directly assess the
translatability of these animal models to humans as well as the safety risks and long-term efficacy
that the results generate.

1. Introduction been presented as cures to ED. Da Vinci also challenged

contemporary beliefs that moving air led to stiffness in
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is defined as the consistent or
the penis after noting the abundance of blood in the
recurrent inability to achieve penile erection sufficient for
erect penis.[5]
sexual activity.[1] The condition is widespread, with a
These early observations led to further investigations
combined prevalence of 52% in men aged 40–70 years.
on erectile physiology. In this article, we highlight some
[2] ED has profound effects on quality of life and can
of these initial studies while describing the subsequent
cause significant distress to patients and their partners.
evolution to newer techniques and more novel experi-
There are well-established risk factor categories asso-
mentation using animal models. Regnier De Graaf, the
ciated with ED including diabetes mellitus (DM), athero-
inventor of the syringe, described the induction of an
sclerotic heart/cardiovascular disease, hypertension,
erection after injecting saline into the penile blood
psychiatric/psychological disorders, smoking, medica-
vessels of cadavers in 1668, providing early insight
tions and hormonal factors.
into the fluid dynamics and vascular basis of erections.
The historical basis for our current understanding of
[6] In 1863, the role of the nervous system in erectile
ED is rich and storied; with literary accounts of impo-
physiology was first discovered after Eckhard elicited
tence described in multiple ancient texts.[3,4] Indeed,
penile erections through the galvanic stimulation of
the erect penis symbolized power in ancient cultures,
pelvic nerves in dogs (nervi erigentes).[7] He further
with a loss of potency representing defeat and failure.
discovered arterial inflow as one of the principal
The extensive volumes of ancient materials dedicated
mechanisms of erection after observing the change
to remedying declining sexual ability have highlighted
from sluggish bleeding from a cut flaccid penis, to
the cultural importance of male potency. Suggestions
significant and rapid bleeding from the erectile bodies
ranging from reading tales of love and using erotic
after pelvic nerve stimulation.[8] Since this time, many
images to consuming herbal remedies and foods that
basic principles underlying erectile physiology have
resembled a phallus (i.e. leeks and asparagus) have
been substantiated by the use of animal models.

CONTACT Jason R. Kovac Men’s Health Center, 8240 Naab Road, Suite 220, Indianapolis, IN 46260, USA.
© 2015 Taylor & Francis

scintigraphy, bloodflow measurements by Doppler

Article highlights flowmetry or a combination of these multiple
● Animal models have played a key role in understanding erectile techniques.
physiology. Over time, models have scaled from large animals Since the aforementioned early experiments in large
to the current gold standard of rodent models.
● Large animal models, such as non-human primates, are able to animals like dogs, animal models of ED have been
translate findings to humans given similarities in both anatomy scaled down to primarily, sophisticated rodent models.
and physiology. They provide easy tissue availability and larger
size but are hampered by increased husbandry costs and ethical [15] These rodent models have now largely replaced
considerations. large animal models due to purchasing and mainte-
● Initial studies involving the administration of intracavernosal
agents such as prostaglandin and sodium nitroprusside utilized
nance costs that were prohibitive. Moreover, the chan-
large animal models. ging landscape of research ethics has also made the
● Cat model, an example of a smaller animal model, was used to availability of these large animals very difficult to justify.
study numerous vasoactive agents such as adrenomedullin and
potassium channel agonists; however, fundamental differences We will discuss the major animal models that had
in penile anatomy limit the translatability of this model. been used, or are currently being used, to study ED
● An intermediate-sized rabbit model provided valuable informa-
tion about erectile function in type 1 diabetes, hypercholester- such as large animals, rabbits and rodents. This review
Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 01:51 30 December 2015

olemia and metabolic syndrome (MetS). will also discuss major preclinical studies investigating
● Currently, rodent models are the most commonly used animal
model in erectile dysfunction research. They are economical, novel therapeutic targets in the treatment of ED.
allow for transgenic manipulation and have well-established
protocols for many conditions associated with ED (i.e. type 1
and 2 diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, MetS) with excellent 2. Large-size animal models
● Potential novel therapeutic targets investigated in the rodent Initial studies on ED were conducted in large animal
model includes the RhoA/Rho-kinase and Ninjurin-1 pathways
in diabetes, soluble guanylate cyclase enzyme activators in the models such as dogs and non-human primates (NHPs).
setting of cavernous nerve injury, and stem cell therapies. Although rare, several landmark seminal simian studies
have explored the neuro-pharmacological mechanisms
involved in erections. In early studies, changes in the
ICP and penile diameter were measured in monkeys
after the intracavernosal injection of substances such
Animal models were further utilized to study the as prostaglandin (PG) E1. Nitric oxide donors such as
neurophysiological basis of erections, with the applica- sodium nitroprusside and s-nitrocysteine illustrated the
tion of selective lesioning of spinal tracts to understand roles of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) and
the role of the autonomic nerves and somatic nerves by cyclic adenosine monophosphate pathways in caver-
researchers. In one study, selective destruction at the T8 nous smooth muscle relaxation.[16,17] Lue and cow-
level of the spinal cord was performed in anesthetized orkers further contributed to the understanding of
rats (via oscillating vibrotome). Dorsal to ventral trans- penile erection through electrophysiological and hemo-
verse cuts of varying depths were made thus lesioning dynamic studies on dogs and monkeys.[18,19] These
specific tracts within the spinal cord. Another study large animal models had very higher costs including
using a rat model involved placing an intra-thecal can- purchase price, animal husbandry and facilities charges
nula at different levels of the spinal cord and injecting that limited their use. Initially, these models also had
tetracaine resulting in a functional separation of the limited research-specific methods and protocols.
brain.[9–13] Electrophysiological models similar to Nonetheless, canine models contributed significantly
those employed by early scientists are still used to this to the understanding of the signal transduction path-
day in modern research studies. Further models of ways of ATP, adenosine, vasoactive intestinal peptide
erectile stimulation include nerve stimulation, central and acetylcholine (ACh) in erectile physiology.[20–22]
and peripheral pharmacologic stimulation, and stimula- There are many similarities in the anatomy and phy-
tion of the central brain nuclei postulated to be siology of erection between humans and canines. For
involved with erectile pathways. example, the size of the penis allows for easy evaluation
Animal models were also developed to objectively of erectile function with canines having a similar vascular
monitor erectile physiology. Intra-cavernosal pressure and neural anatomy as well as a close approximation of
(ICP) measurement is one of the most prevalent and the collagen to smooth muscle ratio.[23] Dogs also have
reproducible methods to measure erectile response. well-studied mating anatomy, which allows for easy
Lewis et al. first performed this type of experiment in observation of sexuality and arousal – factors that, like
the bull in 1968.[14] Other methods include observation humans, are based on sight, touch and smell.[24]
and monitoring for erectile phenomena, penile Limitations to the use of canine models in the study
plethysmography, penile measurements, radionuclide of erectile physiology do exist. Canines, as well as some

NHPs, have an os penis (also known as a baculum): a baculum and the paired corpora cavernosa are located
bony structure within the penis that aids in intromis- ventral to the corpus spongiosum.[32] In addition to this,
sion. The os penis provides structural reinforcement to there remains considerable expense in the facilities
the penis, whereas in humans, penile rigidity is solely a required for feline models as well.
hemodynamic process that is maintained by ICP alone. Due to these considerations, the rabbit then
Canines also have an intra-cavernosal septum that is emerged as a prime candidate for the study of erectile
well developed. Its presence prevents communication physiology. Indeed, studies using the rabbit have had a
between the two corpora cavernosa, a situation not significant impact in improving our understanding of
fully observed in humans.[23] These important ana- erectile physiology and uncovering therapeutic targets.
tomic differences may limit the applicability of canine Rabbits are currently the most commonly used non-
models to human studies. Canines are also not prone to rodent animal models with well-established models
atherosclerotic disease, and, experimentally they existing for both atherosclerosis and diabetes.
demonstrate an atypical pattern of cardiovascular dis- Although more expensive than rodents, many institu-
ease. As such, extensive medial accumulation of plaque tions already have established facilities that house rab-
Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 01:51 30 December 2015

is traditionally observed in canines, unlike the severe bits. Moreover, the costs of care and husbandry are
intimal response seen in humans. Thus, canine models many-fold less than that of large animals.
are not optimal to study atherosclerosis-related ED.[25] The erectile physiology of rabbits is well understood
Although NHP studies are uncommon, due to their with the anatomic structure of the rabbit penis being
significant costs and ethical considerations, simian similar to human. Indeed, many studies have shown
models have contributed to our knowledge of erectile similarities in the factors modulating the tone of the
physiology in several landmark studies. These include corpora cavernosa between humans and rabbits.[36–
investigations into the intracavernosal administration of 38] Rabbit models have also been pivotal in identifying
pharmacologic agents [26–28] and atherosclerosis- potential targets for therapy including the ACh and NO
induced ED.[29] There may still be significant utility of pathways, endothelin receptors, prostanoids and the
NHP models in the study of atherosclerotic vascular rho kinase pathways.[39–43] Compared to rodents, the
disease. Macaque monkeys have demonstrated pat- larger penis size of rabbits allows for easier study of the
terns of atherosclerosis (iliac, femoral and pudendal pathophysiological effects of ischemia, atherosclerosis
artery plaques) and lesion characteristics (development and oxidative stress.
into complicated intimal atheromas with risks of plaque The Watanabe rabbit model has provided an invalu-
rupture) that can lead to vascular complications such as able model of human familial hypercholesterolemia,
myocardial infarction and impaired vascular function with a mutant low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor
mirroring conditions seen in humans.[30,31] resulting in very little functional receptor reaching the
Finally, large animal models provide easily observed cell surface.[44] This results in the accumulation of lipo-
mating behaviors allowing for the measurement of proteins including LDL and very low-density lipopro-
such parameters as erection quality and intromission. teins (VLDL) that contribute to fatty streak and
[23] Lastly, these large animals provide significantly atheroma formation, similar to rabbits being fed high
more numerous and better quality tissues. This allows cholesterol diets.[44] This model has led to insight into
researchers to employ more rigorous instrumentation both the pathophysiology of hypercholesterolemia and
while improving the supply of tissues needed for to the development of ED.[45] The endothelium-depen-
experiments consisting of multiple endpoints with vari- dent, NO-mediated relaxation in response to ACh was
able interventions. impaired in hyper-cholesterolemic rabbits with concur-
rently decreased expression of vascular endothelial
growth factor (VEGF) found in the cavernosal tissues.
3. Intermediate-size animal models
[46] This has led to the identification of potential ther-
Over time, the expenses associated with the aforemen- apeutic targets including basic fibroblast growth factor
tioned large animals drove researchers into searching for and VEGF.[47,48]
more scalable and affordable animal models. Cat models Although well established, there are important dif-
were used in several landmark studies in the 1990s. Novel ferences between hyperlipidemic rabbits and humans.
vasoactive agents such as adrenomedullin, nociceptin There is a higher component of VLDL in rabbits than
and potassium channel agonists were studied in these humans, and the atheromas tend to be more macro-
models.[32–35] The limitations of the feline model phage rich and less sclerotic.[46] The atheromas are
include several fundamental differences in anatomy com- also more centrally distributed in the major conduit
pared to humans. Similar to canines, feline penises have a arteries such as the aorta than in humans, which may

affect generalizability.[45] The atheromas are also not Examination Survey in 2010 of 22.9%.[56] Studies sug-
occlusive in the purely hyperlipidemic model, thus a gest that MetS is associated with ED that is unrespon-
model of chronic cavernosal ischemia (CCI) was created sive to PDE5i.[57] A rabbit model of MetS was created
involving both a hyper-cholesterolemic diet and bal- through feeding adult male rabbits a high fat diet for 12
loon de-endothelization of the iliac arteries.[49] This weeks. In the rabbit MetS model, NO-mediated relaxa-
model had markedly decreased iliac artery blood flow tion of cavernosal tissue is blunted to both ACh and
secondary to significant atherosclerotic occlusive dis- non-adrenergic non-cholinergic (NANC) nerve stimula-
ease. Both endothelium-dependent and neurogenic tion. Through this model, the roles of the farnesoid X
NO-mediated relaxation to ACh was encountered in receptor (FXR) and TNFα in modulating ED were dis-
the CCI model, suggesting that ischemic insult affects covered. FXR is a nuclear receptor that functions as a
both endothelium-dependent and neurogenic isoforms sensor for bile acids. It has also been implicated in
of NO synthase (NOS), thus leading to reduced synth- numerous metabolic pathways by exerting an anti-
esis of downstream cGMP. These studies further con- inflammatory effect, suppressing hepatic fatty acid
tributed to the hypothesis that cGMP-specific and triglyceride synthesis, and also affecting vascular
Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 01:51 30 December 2015

phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (PDE5i) may be homeostasis via eNOS production.[58] Administration of
able to restore intracellular levels of cGMP, leading to the potent and selective FXR agonist obeticholic acid in
improved cavernosal smooth muscle relaxation. the rabbit MetS model restored responsiveness to both
The alloxan-induced diabetic rabbit model has been ACh and NANC stimulation.[59] Further study sug-
used to model DM-induced ED. This model has pro- gested that FXR activation increased not only NO-
vided insight into the neurological and vascular path- mediated relaxation but also interfered with pro-con-
ways that contribute to the multifactorial tractile RhoA/RhoKinase (ROCK) signaling, thus normal-
pathophysiology of DM-associated ED. Endothelial dys- izing erectile function.[59] FXR activation also
function was discovered to be a major contributor to normalized visceral adiposity and glucose intolerance
ED in DM, with decreased formation of NO and prosta- [59] making it a promising new therapeutic target.
cyclin (PGI2) in cavernosal tissues isolated from rabbits The MetS rabbit model was also found to demonstrate
with DM.[50] Diminished NO-dependent vasodilatation histological findings of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis
was found to be associated with the up-regulation of (NASH), brought on by liver injury and the generation of
reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS are known to inter- a pro-inflammatory state through generation of TNFα.
act with NO, thus inhibiting its biological activity to Treatment by infliximab, an anti-TNFα monoclonal anti-
produce peroxynitrite.[51] Peroxynitrite in turn has body, fully restored cavernosal tissue responsiveness to
been found to damage nucleic acids and mitochondria Ach via increased eNOS while concurrently reducing visc-
and has been implicated in apoptotic and necrotic cell eral fat accumulation.[60] Further research into the mod-
death.[51] The application of superoxide dismutase, an ulation of TNFα levels may be another promising direction
enzyme that catalyzes the breakdown of the superoxise for therapeutic discovery in the treatment of ED.
anion to water, to diabetic rabbit caverosal tissue sig- In summary, the rabbit as an animal model repre-
nificantly reversed impaired relaxation.[52] The interac- sents an intermediate-sized animal model with a cost
tion of NO with guanylate cyclase to convert guanosine and applicability lying somewhere between the large
triphosphate into cGMP then led to confirmatory stu- animal models and the smaller rodent model.
dies in diabetic rabbits that the use of PDE inhibitors
enhanced NO-induced relaxation in cavernosal tissue.
4. Small-animal models
[53] Although the alloxan-induced DM rabbit model has
significantly contributed to our knowledge in the Rodents, the most common example of a small-animal
mechanisms of endothelial dysfunction found in DM- model, are currently the most common animal models
associated ED, there are limitations to this model. for the investigation of ED. This will likely remain the
Alloxan-induced disease causes severe dehydration, case in the near future given their multiple advantages
which results in significant morbidity and mortality in and availability. These models have contributed signifi-
a large percentage of rabbits.[54] cantly to the current fund of knowledge and have been
Metabolic syndrome (MetS) has also been linked to critical to the discovery of many of the mechanisms
both hypogonadism and ED and is a constellation of modulating erectile function. We will describe only a
clinical risk factors comprising cardiovascular disease, small portion of the findings in this article.
stroke, T2DM and kidney disease.[55] MetS is a signifi- One of the pioneering studies using the rat as a
cant threat to public health, with prevalence estimates model for the study of penile erection was by Quinlan
in adults from the National Health and Nutrition et al. in 1989.[61] In this work, the authors

demonstrated that electrical stimulation of the caver- revealed the role of the sonic hedgehog (SHH) protein as
nous nerve resulted in a reproducible repetitive tumes- a critical regulator in both endothelial and cavernosal
cence of the corporal bodies in 40 Sprague-Dawley rats. SMCs. When SHH protein was inhibited, a 12-fold
Furthermore, following surgical ablation of the caver- increase in the apoptosis of cavernosal SMCs occurred
nous nerves, no erections were obtained.[61] This study leading to a fourfold decrease in ICP and resultant ED.
firmly established rats as a viable model for understand- [71] This is another promising potential therapeutic
ing penile physiology. Martinez-Pineiro et al. further direction, with studies showing that exogenous admin-
optimized the electro-stimulatory parameters to obtain istration of SHH is neuroprotective, and can induce VEGF
maximal ICP in the rat model, as well as an understand- and NOS, stimulating CN regeneration and improved
ing of physiologic responses of intracavernosal admin- erectile function after CN injury.[72]
istration of agents such as phenylephrine, papaverine The molecular mechanisms underlying use of
and phentolamine.[62] vacuum erectile devices (VED) were also investigated
There are numerous advantages to using rat models. in the rat model. The use of VED after bilateral CNI
They are economical to work with and their small size increased the oxygenation of the penile tissue, prevent-
Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 01:51 30 December 2015

allows for convenience in terms of handling and hous- ing apoptosis and collagen deposition compared to a
ing. There are also various well-defined methods for control group.[73]
evaluating erectile function, including peripheral elec- Rat models have also been used to simulate the
trical field stimulation of pelvic nerves or cavernous condition of penile vascular insufficiency resulting
nerves, apomorphine-induced central nervous system from either traumatic or atherosclerotic occlusive
stimulation or the introduction of vasoactive agents vascular disease; a common cause of ED. Alterations of
by local, or systemic means. Techniques for the surgical the inflow from occlusion of the iliac, pudendal or
preparation and dissection of the cavernous nerves in cavernosal arteries decrease perfusion pressures in the
the rodent model are also well established. Moreover, penis, leading to ED.[15] Traumatic arterial insufficiency
the rodent model has durability with research out- models have also been created through bilateral liga-
comes from therapeutic trials being consistently repro- tion of either the iliac arteries or pudendal arteries,
duced. Rats also have a short lifespan, between 1 and resulting in the immediate decline in ICP following
3 years, which permits longitudinal studies to be easily electrostimulation. Histologic findings from these trau-
performed, and allows for the study of the effects of matic, arteriogenic ED models included degeneration of
aging on erectile function.[63] dorsal nerve fibers, decreased NOS-containing nerve
Since these initial studies, many well-established pro- fibers, and collapse of sinusoids, loss of fibroblasts,
tocols for known risk factors for ED have been intracellular fat deposition and fatty degeneration.[74]
described. These models include cavernous nerve injury Unilateral ligation models showed inconsistent out-
(CNI), diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension and comes as there was a compensatory increase in arterial
arterial insufficiency models (among others). flow in the contralateral artery.[75] Chronic occlusion of
CNI models in the rat have been described using the penile vessels in other models has shown minimal
various methods, including using crush injury,[64] dis- effect on erections by neurostimulation due to the
section,[65] transection,[66] and excision.[67] These stu- extensive collaterals to the penis.[76]
dies identified numerous findings including lower ICP ED is commonly associated with DM, with preva-
and decreased neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) in lence rates of up to 51% in patients with type 1 DM
both cavernous nerves and pelvic ganglia following CN and 37% with type 2 DM in one large Italian cohort
injury. The results of these works have been the com- study of 10,000 patients.[77] The pathophysiology of ED
mon outcome measures used in a majority of CN in DM is multimodal, with decreased NO synthesis,
studies. decreased cavernosal smooth muscle relaxation,
Further investigations in unilateral versus bilateral CNI increased free radical formation, upregulation of the
models found increased nNOS and ICP expression in rats ROCK pathway, hyperglycemia, cGMP pathway dysfunc-
with unilateral injury compared to bilateral injury in tion and hormonal imbalances.[78] The streptozocin
cases where a complete loss of erectile function per- (STZ)-induced rat is a well-established animal model of
sisted at 6 months.[68] These findings were consistent type-1 DM. Based on multiple studies, the STZ-induced
with human patients who developed ED following non- rat model has impaired parasympathetic relaxation of
nerve sparing radical prostatectomy.[69] Histological sec- the cavernosal smooth muscle as well as decreased
tioning of the bilateral CNI rat specimens identified smooth muscle and endothelial cell density.[79]
apoptosis of the cavernous smooth muscle cells (SMCs) Furthermore, there was degeneration of the nitrinergic
and endothelial cells.[70] Further study of these models nerves, leading to decreased nNOS expression.[80]

There were also higher levels of oxidative stress, with injury post-RP. As such, ED is frequently resistant to on-
higher levels of ROS measured.[81] A promising study in demand oral PDE5 inhibitor therapy.[90] Studies on
the STZ rat provided molecular and functional evidence pharmacologic therapies using long-term continuous
that the upregulation of the ROCK pathway played a daily administration of PDE5i have shown promise of
major role in the pathogenesis of ED in DM-induced ED. potentially exploiting an anti-fibrotic mechanisms,
Smooth muscle contraction is mediated by calcium/ resulting in an improvement over on-demand PDE5i
calmodulin-dependent activation of myosin light chain interventions.[91–93] Unfortunately, these studies have
(MLC) kinase and subsequent phosphorylation of MLC, shown little translatable relevance to humans, with
leading to myosin/actin complex formation.[82] Smooth inconclusive results being documented.[94,95] Due to
muscle relaxation is facilitated by the dephosphoryla- the cellular damage that occurs in CNI, alternative
tion of MLC by MLC phosphatase.[83] RhoA activation approaches to post-RP ED such as stem cell (SC) therapy
of Rho-Kinase results in the attenuation of MLC phos- are now being examined and show promising results in
phatase activity, and is thought to play an important preclinical animal models.
role in the regulation of penile smooth muscle tone and SCs can be isolated from numerous tissues includ-
Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 01:51 30 December 2015

detumescence.[84] The ROCK pathway was found to be ing adipose tissue, skeletal muscle, umbilical cord
significantly higher in STZ rats than controls, and STZ blood, bone marrow and embryonic stem cells (ESCs).
rats had significantly lower constitutive NOS activity [96] They have the capacity to develop into various
and cGMP concentrations.[85] Treatment of the STZ- cell types based on signals they receive. They also
rats with either in vivo gene delivery of an inhibitor of have the capacity and ability to self-renew. Currently,
RhoA through an adeno-associated virus or through two major sources of SCs are ESC and mesenchymal
direct intra-cavernosal injection of an experimental stem cells (MSC), or adult SCs.[97] ESCs are derived
Rho-kinase inhibitor led to enhancement of penile from the blastocyst of the embryo and are pleuripo-
NOS expression, NOS activity and cGMP levels, thus tent meaning that they are able to differentiate into
restoring erectile function.[85] This established the almost any tissue. In contrast, MSCs are derived from
ROCK pathway as an alternative potential therapeutic various tissues of a developed adult, and are multi-
target for the treatment of DM-related ED. potent with the ability to differentiate into most types
Type 2 DM was investigated in rodents using models of its tissue origin.[97] ESCs are superior to MSCs in
such as the obese zucker rat and the leptin receptor terms of differentiation potential, but unfortunately,
mutated db/db mouse. These models exhibit hyperin- research on ESCs has largely been hampered by ethi-
sulinemia, hyperglycemia, and obesity. Studies have cal and governmental restrictions, thus, SC research
shown decreased eNOS production, corporal fibrosis has primarily involved MSCs. SC therapy for ED was
and corporal veno-occlusive dysfunction (CVOD).[86– founded on the hypothesis that these cells could
88] Cavernosal smooth muscle tone was also found to replenish endothelial cells and cavernosal SMCs that
be elevated in T2 DM rodents, leading to CVOD. This were lost or damaged in the disease processes asso-
suggests that a greater vasodilatory stimulus is required ciated with ED. These transplanted SCs could also
to achieve erection. provide paracrine actions as well as promote cellular
Another novel class of therapeutics targeting the differentiation and maturation in the host’s own
soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) enzyme has shown pro- endothelial and cavernosal SMCs. Multiple preclinical
mising results in pre-clinical rat model studies. In patho- studies in rodent models have shown promise with
physiologic conditions such as DM and CNI, resistance bone marrow derived SCs, muscle-derived SCs and
to PDE5i can arise from impaired NO formation and adipose tissue-derived SCs.[98–103]
increased ROS production, leading to inhibition of In the context of SCs, CNI and DM-associated ED are
sGC. BAY 60-2770 is a sGC activator that has shown the most commonly tested disease models. The cells
very potent erectile activity after intra-cavernosal can be transplanted via an intra-cavernosal injection,
administration despite CNI or treatment with a NOS though studies have now shown that this technique is
inhibitor.[89] Agents in this emerging class may prove similar to intravenous administration since most of the
to be useful in the treatment of ED from which NO SCs exit the corpora within a day of injection and target
production and availability are diminished – such as in largely to the bone marrow and major pelvic ganglion
DM or in ED resulting from cavernous nerve damage (MPG).[104,105] The cells that then populate in the
post-prostatectomy. bone marrow allowing for sustained reservoirs with
Following fibrosis and/or apoptosis of corporal SMCs, regenerative activity. Thus, cells targeting to the MPG
the subsequent impaired tissue compliance results in may provide the therapeutic efficacy seen in CNI. SCs
veno-occlusive dysfunction following cavernosal nerve may hold great promise through the treatment of

various urologic conditions as the field of regenerative Further studies in the STZ-induced mouse model
medicine continues to develop. have shed light on new therapeutic targets for ED in
However, there are limitations to rat models that the setting of DM. With the severe endothelial dysfunc-
may affect their human relevance. Although rat and tion and peripheral neuropathy that accompanies DM,
human penile anatomy and physiology have been many patients respond poorly to oral PDE5i, as these
well described and show similarities, there are funda- depend on endogenous NO formation. A promising
mental differences in sexual behavior between the spe- potential therapeutic target is the nerve injury-induced
cies.[106] Rats are stimulated by smell as well as protein 1 (Ninjurin 1), a cell surface protein implicated
behavior and touch, whereas humans are stimulated in the initiation and progression of multiple sclerosis,
by visual stimulus as well as behavior and touch.[107] and was noted to be upregulated in nerve transection
There are also differences in the distribution of athero- studies.[118,119] It has also been shown to play an
sclerotic plaques in rat models, where the patterns are important role in vascular homeostasis in general and
more centrally distributed versus in humans where they vascular regression of capillaries in the ocular lens in
are peripherally distributed.[108] There are also funda- particular.[120] Initial studies in diabetic mice revealed
Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 01:51 30 December 2015

mental differences in lipoprotein metabolism between upregulation of Ninjurin 1 protein in the penile tissues,
humans and rats.[109] Also, vascular rat models for ED with markedly increased levels in the dorsal nerve bun-
such as arterial ligation may not be translatable to dle and cavernous endothelial cells.[121] A promising
human vascular ED as peripheral vascular disease rarely study by Yin and colleagues found inhibition of Ninjurin
leads to complete occlusion of the pelvic vessels in 1 using a neutralizing antibody directly injected into
humans.[110] the penis restored erectile function, induced prolifera-
The growing use of genetically modified mice has tion of cavernous endothelial cells, deceased cavernous
greatly enhanced our knowledge of the pathophysiology endothelial cell apoptosis, increased cavernous angio-
of a wide variety of diseases, and because of this, there genesis, decreased cavernous ROS formation and pro-
has been a more recent shift toward mouse models for moted the secretion of neurotrophic factors in both
the study of penile erection.[15] Initial challenges with cavernous tissues and the dorsal nerve bundle of a
mouse models were mainly technical; since the animals STZ-mouse model of DM.[122] The authors further con-
were much smaller, it made the introduction of monitor- firmed the importance of Ninjurin 1 in the pathogenesis
ing equipment (i.e. pressure transduction catheters) into of DM-induced ED using a Ninjurin-1 knockout mouse
vessels quite morbid and challenging. As such, many of model created with siRNA, with preserved erectile func-
the initial mouse studies were in vitro investigations of tion as well as endothelial and neuronal cell contents.
erectile mechanisms.[111,112] With the refinement of [122,123] The targeted depletion of Ninjurin-1 in this
multiple in vitro techniques and improved monitoring preclinical study showed restored erectile function via
protocols, the mouse model has risen to prominence. both angiogenic and neurotrophic effects, suggesting
The anatomy and physiology of penile erection in mice that neural regeneration and therapeutic angiogenesis
has been well established,[113] and interestingly, the may be a promising direction for therapeutic discovery
mechanisms leading to erection are similar between in the treatment of DM-induced ED.
mice and humans. Also, many mouse models have
been created including CNI models, STZ-induced DM
5. Conclusions
models, and diet-induced DM models, thus making the
mouse an attractive model for studying ED. Animal models have played a crucial role in the under-
The use of transgenic mice has provided a powerful standing of the pathophysiology of ED. Initial studies
tool to study the mechanisms involved in erectile phy- began in large animals such as canines and advanced
siology and specific types of ED. One model, the apoli- the field by providing the basis of our understanding of
poprotein E knockout (ApoE KO) mouse, is a model of the nervous systems role in erectile physiology. NHP
murine hyper-cholesterolemia that has been well stu- large animal models have had great value in under-
died.[114] Unlike the rat models, this mouse version has standing the physiology behind the administration of
demonstrated atherosclerotic lesions that have great intracavernosal agents and vascular ED due to simila-
similarity to humans with similar vascular endothelial rities in the patterns of atherosclerosis, penile anatomy
dysfunction.[114–116] Xie and colleagues further and mating behavior. The economic and ethical con-
validated an ApoE KO mouse model of ED, with siderations have led to a decrease in the use of large
abnormalities seen in endothelium-dependent and animal models. Medium-size animal models such as
independent vaso-reactivities as well as in eNOS, rabbits have also had significant impact on the study
nNOS and cGMP expression.[117] of erectile function. Through early models of MetS,

hypercholesterolemia and DM, they have greatly con- The biggest challenge in achieving this reality is the
tributed to identifying promising therapeutic targets identification of specific genes that result in ED.
such as the FXR and TNFα. In the past decade, small Unfortunately, the greatest source of difficulty in this
animal rodent models have become the predominant task will be eliminating confounding data and sorting
model for experimentation. Various rat and mouse through the massive amounts of data derived.
models have been developed to replicate specific per- One area of particular interest is the impact of DM
turbations that are known to commonly lead to ED in and CNI on cavernosal tissues. This review has high-
humans. With increasingly sophisticated experimental lighted several promising new directions for novel ther-
techniques such as knockout models and SC therapy, apeutics based upon the preclinical animal model data.
further insights into the molecular biology of the For example, in cases of CNI, exogenous administration
mechanisms contributing to ED have led to the discov- of SHH can be neuroprotective, while SC therapies
ery and testing of many novel therapeutic agents. might aid in neural regeneration and replacement of
Rodent models appear to be the animal model of endothelial and cavernosal SMCs. In animal models of
choice for ED research in the near future due to low DM, inhibition of Ninjurin-1 has demonstrated
Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 01:51 30 December 2015

costs, well established modeling protocols, and the increased angiogenesis and neural regeneration, lead-
near limitless potential of genetic manipulation. ing to the postulation of a novel pathway by which to
restore of erectile function. Furthermore, inhibition of
the ROCK pathway also resulted in increased NOS
6. Expert opinion
expression and increased cGMP, and as such, novel
Animal models have been critical in establishing the direct sGC activators could be theorized to demonstrate
foundations of ED. They have facilitated the study of potent erectile function despite nerve injury or NO-
molecular pathways and have led to the development inhibition. Such research opens up the potential for
of numerous therapeutic targets. Many of the pioneer- further investigations into alternative NO-independent
ing studies in erectile physiology were conducted in pathways of erection.
large and intermediate-size animal models since their In the current article, we have highlighted emerging
size and anatomic similarities with humans facilitated novel pathways in the pathophysiology of ED. There
evaluation and investigation. With further refinement of remain multiple areas of weakness underscoring our
experimental techniques, the costs and ethical consid- current level of understanding. Indeed, further experi-
erations of using these large and intermediate-size ani- ments are needed to determine whether differences in
mal models drove researchers toward smaller animal rodent strains, age or type have an effect on erectile
models. physiology. Furthermore, many emerging novel thera-
Small animal rodent models are the currently the peutics still empirically utilize oral or intra-cavernosal
most prevalent model used in ED research. Reasons drug delivery. This suggests that there is still ample
include lower costs, ease of husbandry and housing, opportunity for further research into alternative
established protocols, and an improved ability to inves- modes of administration. By moving agents to possible
tigate and manipulate the genome. They provide a topical forms of administration, local effects could be
valid and reproducible experimental platform with emphasized over the systemic. Such a mechanism
which to investigate and test novel hypotheses. would be advantageous to those who are unable to
Rodents allow interventions and multi-step experimen- take the currently available forms of medication.
tal protocols to be conducted coupled with the ability There also exists further opportunity for study into
to perform washout periods and cross-over experi- the molecular mechanisms of targeted therapeutic
ments. The application of increasingly sophisticated delivery. This will become important as further studies
techniques such as transgenic rodent models, SC thera- into treatments with potentially concerning off-target
pies as well as refinements in proteomics, immunohis- effects, such as stem-cell therapies, are further explored.
tochemistry and high-throughput microarray Lastly, although the sexual physiology and anatomy
technologies have greatly broadened our pathophysio- of each animal model has been well established, funda-
logic knowledge of ED. Indeed, the future holds great mental differences still separate all discussed models
promise. Specifically, the rise of genomic experimenta- from the human condition. While this unfortunately
tion has the potential to tailor treatment based on an limits direct translation to the human condition, the
individual genetic profile. Such a treatment could hold principals and experimental protocols established in
the potential for individual cures given the proper the recent past herald exciting new drug discoveries
identification of unique gene expression and profiles. in the near future.

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