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Submitted by: Pidal, Mark Jayson K.

Submitted to: Ms. Kate Bigol
“What if she’ll get hurt if I said those lines” “Will he react the same if I said
that?” My mind repetitively replaying those lines as I overthinking my thoughts one
summer night. It was my junior years when I learned a lesson that altered my life
decision makings up to this day. I was in a friend group composing of 4 members. Ayen,
a 6-footer girl who has the face of a beauty. Madelene, a short girl that has intellectual
skills surpassing other students in our campus, and finally Ash, a funny outgoing person
who likes cycling. This story will focus about Ayen and her boyfriend, Xander. For some
reason I got involved as well.

The day has ended as the school bell rung indicating that the school hours had
passed, Ayen asked me to accompany her to a fast-food restaurant, McDonalds to be
precise. She told me that she already asked our other classmates but all of them seems to
be busy. I was loaded with works too but I thought it wont hurt to help her. As we walk to
the designated place, I was curious why she did not ask her boyfriend to accompany her,
or did she even ask him? My tongue got ahead of me and asked.

“Is Xander not available?” I was contemplating to ask forgiveness because I asked
something I shouldn’t be but to my surprise, she answered in an instant.
“He said he got works to be done” she said with a quick sigh at the end.

I didn’t pursue the topic since we arrived to the place. We decided to stay for a
little longer while we discussed about school works and soon became real life situations.
“Want to take a picture?” She pulled out her phone as she asked. I nodded and she
took the picture of us two. We soon came home after we bid goodbyes.

The sun was scorching hot as I ran towards the classroom almost late to our first
period but gladly made it. I gasped for air when I stopped Infront of our room door. As I
entered the room, I felt like the abyss was staring at me. I wondered my eyes around the
room and confirmed several sets of eyes are piercing through me. Madelene came near
me with a concerned look in her face.
“Mark, have you heard the news?” I gave her confused look. She pulled up her
phone and showed me a picture of Ayen and I. It was the picture of us she took yesterday.

“What’s about it?”

“Oh God, you look so clueless!” I didn’t have a phone not until grade 10 so I am
not updated in social media. She pointed at Xander’s seat as my sight follows. He was
pissed. His eyes look murderous glaring straight at me. I returned my look to Madelene,
still puzzled.
“That doesn’t really explain anything does it?” I whispered enough for Madelene
to hear me.

She explained that the picture Ayen took became a big deal and Xander and the
whole class misunderstood us. That is when the problem hit me, Ayen posted it in social
media creating a fuss around us. I tried to explain to Xander but his mind is closed, no
room for reasoning at this point. Our teacher found out about the issue and sent us to the
Guidance Advocate, Ma’am Mel. Knowing it is such a childish reason, our teacher said
fighting is not allowed and sending us both to the office will help us to make up.

If I declined that request, will I experience a different outcome?

The room was cold as the air conditioners are set to its lowest temperature setting
the ambiance so tense. Palms are sweating, legs are slightly shaking. She asked what
happened and Xander was shouting, more like raging while answering Ma’am Mel’s
inquiries. I have never felt so nervous and my anxiety was on the top. I thought I’ll get an
offense. Soon, it was my turn to answer Ma’am Mel. She was calm that ease my tensed
“It was all a misunderstanding, she simply asked me to accompany her!” I
defended myself with a slightly shaky voice.” Why don’t you talk things out first before
assuming something that can lead to bigger problems?” I said as I transferred my look to
Ayen was soon called and explained what really happened. Nervousness is
painted all over her face as she details the happenings. She said she didn’t mean to post to
create a misunderstanding and just wanted to share the moments we had that day. To my
surprise, Xander asked for forgiveness, openly accepting his mistakes.

“I’m sorry, my emotions got ahead of me” He mumbles but enough for me to hear
his sincerity. I accepted the apology. It took us days to weeks to move on from the issue
but we managed to do it within a month which made me at ease.

Thinking this happened back then never failed to amuse me every time I
remembered it. It was indeed an unpleasant event of my life but I did learn a lesson that I
still apply until today.

Rethink your words before committing or saying something you are not sure
about. If I declined that request, then I might have a different ending and also not
learning this lesson. If I declined Ayen to take a picture then perhaps it will also give us
another scenario. Words are strong that it can change how others think of you, that it can
also alter your life decisions and hue.

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