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Schlumberger HSE Plan and 2010 Objectives

The Schlumberger HSE plan defines the key objectives to assist Schlumberger operations perform in a safe and
an environmentally mindful manner. Our success depends on our ability, in accordance with our QHSE Policy,
to support line management in the continuous improvement of our services, while protecting our people and the

The actions within the plan are focused on maintaining Schlumberger‘s recognized leadership in the
E&P service industry for Health, Safety, Security, and Environmental aspects of our work-scope. As a
responsible global citizen we shall continue our efforts to ensure sustainability in our operations. This
will be achieved by:

1. Providing continuity in our programs by maintaining focus on current key initiatives to deepen the
learning and enhance implementation
2. Bringing necessary simplification, common sense and pragmatism in our HSE management and to
elevate our HS&E performance to a new level
3. Support visible and effective commitment and leadership of managers in the field
4. Strengthening our contractor management through better risk assessment of our contractors and the
activities they participate in.
5. Focusing on reduction of fatalities and high severity accidents by improving the usage of existing
methods and tools
6. Structuring and strengthening the development of HSE professionals within the organization
7. Preventing and mitigating our environmental exposures
8. Continuing to evolve our security management
9. Raising awareness about regulatory compliance through better communication and training for field
10. Continuing to focus on the key elements of our global citizenship efforts
11. Structuring and defining our HSE communication efforts internally and externally
Details of the Plan:

1. Providing continuity in our programs by maintaining focus on current key initiatives to deepen
the learning and enhance implementation
o Continue focus on the WORKSMARRT program through the Observation/Intervention
participation, CTA assessments and management involvement in behavior based safety
o Build on our first year Fatigue Management efforts through customized Fatigue Management
o Continue the full deployment of eJourney and enhance utilization of In Vehicle Monitors.
Review journey management process to ensure optimum deployments

2. Bringing necessary simplification, common sense and pragmatism in our HSE management and to
elevate our HS&E performance to a new level

o Implement recommendations for simplification from January 2010 HSE working group
o HSE Certifications review and simplification - Role driven
o HSE Lean - Special project in 2010 (Mechanical Lifting as a possibility)
o Put common sense and pragmatism back into HSE (move beyond clichés) : “guide for HSE

3. Support visible and effective commitment and leadership of managers in the field

o Commitment and leadership at senior level : HSE training for senior managers
o Review existing training : QHSE3/QHSE2 programs revamp
o Rework specific legacy training materials (including videos) – Segment ownership of specific
materials (ex : WS owns pressure)

4. Strengthening our contractor management through better risk assessment of our contractors and
the activities they participate in.

o Structure and formalize our Land Transport Contractors Management

o Inventory and assess Waste Contractors, establish an adequate management process

5. Focusing on reduction of fatalities and high severity accidents by improving the usage of existing
methods and tools
o Learning From Incidents : share the “ Top 10 Learning’s” from 2009 – Cascade through the
o Deploy LFI formally - HSE managers as initiative champions
o Consistent Hi-Po investigation and understanding (Dropped objects - key focus for relevant
segments) - improved ownership of the risk matrix by GM HSE managers
o Segment specific injury prevention plans – Review delivery on wellsite where relevant

6. Structuring and strengthening the development of HSE professionals within the organization
o HSE people competencies review
o Re-introduce the career ladder and communicate the steps – iLearn as the main platform
o Re-engage the community through more targeted communication and engagement

7. Preventing and mitigating our environmental exposures

o Environmental awareness training for managers outside NAM
o Major focus on Waste Contractors management
o Active review of site assessments worldwide (focus on legacy Dowell sites)
o Spill prevention and mitigation in our wellsite operations - segment specific plans ( key focus on

8. Continuing to evolve our security management

o Maintain a high level of compliance in our high and medium risk countries
o Put focus on low risk countries presenting a high risk for criminality

9. Raising awareness about regulatory compliance through better communication and training for
field managers

10. Continuing to focus on the key elements of our global citizenship efforts

11. Structuring and defining our HSE communication efforts internally and externally
o Internal communication
 Communication of “ Top 10 Learning’s” across all layers of the organization
 HSE Global internal communication plan
o External communication
 Two subjects : Land Transport Contractors management + Learning from Incidents
 OGP and SPE focus
2010 Focus

1. Personnel : HSE competency and training

o Supervisors QHSE 2 95% compliance level
2. Driving: JM Compliance, Contractors, Fatalities reduction
o CM/CMS for severity monitoring (areas),
o JM Compliance =100%,
o 90% eJourney deployment by April 2010
o Land Transport Contractors Management implementation and Blitz
o Tracking of driving Hi-PO’s per Million Miles
3. Injury Prevention and reduction of fatalities and high severity accidents : sharing learning’s, tools
o Sharing and communication of 2009 “Top 10 learning”
o 85% of Hi-Po L investigation within 90 days
o Learning from Incidents (LFI) Rollout (% of supervisors AVERT trained)
o DROPS (dropped objects) initiative focus for relevant segments
4. Behavior Change: Tools & Training, WORKSMARRT
o Continuous focus on WORKSMARRT : Commentary Task Assessment (CTA)
o Observation and Intervention objective per employee
5. Environment: Compliance , Progress monitoring, RECORD
o Environmental training for Non NAM managers and supervisors (L1/L2)
o Environmental CAT compliance
o Systematic inventory and assessment of Waste Contractors
o Assessment of “Dowell” sites
o Spill prevention and mitigation –segment specific plans
6. Health: Medtracks, Health campaigns
o MedTRACK compliance = 95%
o Customized Fatigue Management Plans for relevant locations
o Deploy the “ Stop Smoking “ campaign and continue with the fitness campaign
7. Security: Compliance to Standards
o Compliance to Security standards (medium and High Risk )
o Focus on low and medium risk countries with high risk of criminality or political volatility

8. Commitment and Leadership ( management specific)

o Field visits for line managers (6 per year) - tracked automatically through Quest
o Observation and Intervention done by managers (8/year)
o Quarterly review of risk Matrix for GM's with Management teams
9. Communication
o Sustained HSE communication on the Hub - HSE corner
o HSE global internal communication plan
o Visible SLB presence in SPE and OGP – two key themes for 2010 (Land Transport Contractors
management and Learning from Incidents)

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