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Name: Raianne Keith V.

Tabing Date: February 24, 2022

SR Code: 18-04653


Direction: Answer the following questions.

Question 1: What reality of life is shown in the story?

Answer: The reality of life shown in the story is that at the end of the day, we are all still human. Even as
students, professionals, parents and children alike, there are hardships in life that we have to face; big or
small, they matter. One thing I would go by that was written in the story is that as humans, we are not
required to act as emotionless robots, we all need an outlet for our emotions, whether it be negative or
positive. It is also important to take note that the first sign of human progress and civilization is through
helping one another. We need each other to survive.

Question 2: If you were Mabuti, how will you react to people’s negative comments to you?
Answer: As a human, it of course would bother me that they think of me that way, that they have judged
me in that form through a fraction of what I have shown them. If I were Mabuti, I would rather not react
to their comments for it would only possibly feed their assumptions and egos. I’d rather not give these
kinds of people the satisfaction of being bothered by their shallow comments. I’d rather live my life as I
have been living it before but not without adding caution to my actions and surroundings.

Question 3: If you knew your teacher’s secret, will you react the same as the student who said “Gaya ng
kanyang ama”?
Answer: I would not react the same as the student who said that. Because I would not want my
experiences, especially the taboo ones, to be treated that lightly and derisively. Only an insensitive person
would do what the student did while knowing the truth about the person.

Question 4: Is Matute’s creation of Mabuti normal?

Answer: In my opinion, yes, Mabuti in the story is normal if I were to compare her to real people. There
are actual people who act like her, seemingly unbothered and strong on the outside but occasionally have
their downfalls and breakdowns.

Question 5: Does Matute elevate or not women’s role in society through Mabuti?
Answer: Matute definitely elevates Mabuti and women’s role in society for in the story, it is shown how
strong of a woman and mother Mabuti is despite the words thrown at her. She keeps on fighting for a
better purpose, her daughter, instead of letting the words get to her. It is shown how a lot of things and
issues are sadly and naturally tolerated by women. And I think that is the strength us women have. We
have fought for our places in this society to get the respect and freedom that we deserve and we will
continue to if it gets threatened in any way. This is my interpretation of Matute’s elevation of women’s
role and Mabuti in the story.

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